307 – Abstarct Paper Nº: 307 Oral 3c. Secuestro de Carbono y Emisión de Gases Causantes de Efecto Invernadero / Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Soil Carbon Sequestration ASSESSMENT OF THE CARBON STORED IN THE TROPICAL SOILS OF SOUTHEASTERN MÉXICO Diana Uresti Durán1 Héctor Daniel Inurreta Aguirre2 Jesús Uresti Gil3 Roberto de Jesús López Escudero4 1Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias. Km. 34.5 Carretera Federal Veracruz-Córdoba, Medellín de Bravo, Veracruz. e-mail: uresti.diana@inifap.gob.mx 2Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias. Km. 34.5 Carretera Federal Veracruz-Córdoba, Medellín de Bravo, Veracruz. e-mail: inurreta.hector@inifap.gob.mx 3Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias. Km. 34.5 Carretera Federal Veracruz-Córdoba, Medellín de Bravo, Veracruz. e-mail: uresti.jesus@inifap.gob.mx 4Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias. Km. 34.5 Carretera Federal Veracruz-Córdoba, Medellín de Bravo, Veracruz. e-mail: lopez.roberto@inifap.gob.mx Abstract: The emission of CO2 into the atmosphere from human activities has caused its concentration to increase from 272 to 396 ppm this century, with the consequent increase of air temperature that will impact negatively on all sectors of society. To mitigate global warming, it is necessary to reduce emissions of CO2 and to reduce its concentration in the atmosphere through carbon sequestration. Globally, in the agricultural sector the emission and sequestration of carbon are in balance, mainly, due to the high potential of soils to store carbon, which accounts for more than 90%. The objective was to assess the amount of carbon stored in the tropical soils of southeastern México. From the soil maps, scale 1:250,000, published by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática (INEGI) covering all southeastern México; and with the support of a Geographical Information System, 94 sub-units of soil (FAO classification) were identified and their surface area was quantified. Each soil was characterized considering the presence of typical horizons, their thickness (and therefore the soil depth), sand, silt, clay and organic matter content. These data were obtained from the analytical data of 1143 soil profiles description reported by INEGI along with the soil maps. Bulk density was estimated from soil texture. With this information, the mass of organic carbon contained in the unit volume of a particular soil was estimated. Then, taking into account the total area or total volume of that particular soil, the total carbon stored was estimate. This operation was repeated for the 94 soils. Results are presented and discussed in terms of total mass of carbon stored by each soil, carbon distribution along the soil profile, implication of land use (from soil and land use maps analysis) to carbon store and total carbon stored in the soils of southeas tern México. Keywords: Climate Change, Green House Gases, Carbon mitigation potential, Land use, soil description INTRODUCTION The Intergovernmental Panel for the Climatic Change in/at its fourth report published in 2007 confirms that the global warming of the earth is a fact due to human causes (Solomon, et al., 2007). The increase in population, the burning of fossil fuels for energy supply and use, agriculture, deforestation and changing land use for food production, forestry and urbanization, are the main instigators/drivers of the emission of the main greenhouse gas (GHG): carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N20). Globally, from 1970 to 2004 GHG emissions increased from 28.7 to 49 GtCO2-eq of which/whom 77% were mainly CO2 from burning fossil fuels and deforestation and the remaining 23% corresponded mainly to CH4 and N2O mostly from the agricultural sector. In 2004 26% of GHG emissions originated in the activities for the energy supply, 19% in the industry, 17% in forestry and Iand use, 14% in agriculture, 13% in the sector transports, 8% in the residential, commercial and services and 3% of residuals and garbage (Barker et to the., 2007).In Mexico, according to INE (2002), in that year 24% of GHG emissions originated in the activities for the supply of energy, industry 22%, 18% in transport sector, 14% in forestry and change in land use, agriculture 7%, 5% in residential and commercial and 10% in residuals and garbage. Mexico contributes with 1.45% of total carbon emissions that occur on our planet every year (IPCC, 1995).National GHG emissions by CO2 gas equivalents were as follows: 480,409 Gg (74%) were CO2, 145,586 Gg (23%) to CH4, 12,343 Gg (2%) were of N2O and the remaining 4,845 Gg (1%) corresponded to gases HFC, PFC and SF6. Globally, in 2005 GHG emissions from the agricultural sector were of 6.1 GtCO2-eq, of which 3.3 GtCO2-eq corresponded to CH4 and 2.8 GtCO2-eq to N2O.In agriculture, although the exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere and the biosphere (soil-vegetation-crops) it is of great magnitude/large, an annual balance exists between emission and carbon sequestration, so that in this sector the emissions of CO 2 only corresponded/were 0.04 GtCO2-eq (Smith, 2007). In the terrestrial ecosystem the biggest carbon stock corresponds to soil organic carbon 1.550 Pg C (Batjes, 1996 and Eswaran, 1993).The future development of CO2 emissions in the agricultural sector is uncertain, however, the scientific community (Wright, 2001; Bellarby et al., 2008) consider that agricultural ecosystems have potential, mainly in the soils to almost mitigate 100% of direct CO 2 emissions originated in the agriculture and to contribute significantly to reduce the global warming. To estimate the potential of agriculture to sequester atmospheric carbon, one of the main activities to be performed is the evaluation of carbon sequestration in soils, due to the great capacity to sequestration (Johnson, 1992) because it can accumulate thousands of years (Schlesinger, 1990). The objective of this study/work was to identify and assess the amount of carbon stored in soils of southeast of Mexico. METHODOLOGY Used the INEGI soil map of 1:250,000 scale with a Lambert conical projection, which uses the UNESCO-FAO classification. In this map, the soils were separated presenting lytic phase, due to its characteristics differ from soil without limiting depth. Whereas this is formed a total of 100 subunits, which are shown in Table T1 with the respective soil area. Their distribution is shown in Figure F1. Table T1. – Sub-units of soil present in the watershed for the Humid Tropics of Mexico. Abreviación Suelo Abreviación Suelo Ah Acrisol humico Hh Feozem haplico Ah(L) Acrisol húmico fase litica Hh(L) Feozem haplico fase litica Ao Acrisol ortico Hl Feozem luvico Ao(L) Acrisol ortico fase litica Hl(L) Feozem luvico I Litosol Ap Acrisol plintico Jc Fluvisol calcarico Bc Cambisol cromico Cambisol cromico fase litica Jd Fluvisol districo Bc(L) Je Fluvisol eutrico Bd Cambiso districo Jg Fluvisol gleyico Bd(L) Cambiso districo fase litica Kh Castañozem haplico Be Cambisol eutrico Cambisol eutrico fase litica Kh(L) Be(L) Castañozem haplicom fase litica Bf Cambisol ferralico Bg Abreviación Suelo Rc(L) Regosol calcarico fase litica Rd Regosol districo Rd(L) Regosol districo fase litica Re Regosol eutrico Re(L) Regosol eutrico fase litica Th Andosol humico Th(L) Andosol húmico fase litica Tm Andosol molico Tm(L) Andosol molico fase litica To Andosol ocrico To(L) Andosol ocrico fase litica Andosol vitrico fase litica Kk Castañozem calcico Cambisol gleyico Kk(L) Castañozem cálcico fase litica Tv(L) Bh Cambisol humico Kl Castañozem luvico U Ranker Bh(L) Cambisol húmico fase litica La Luvisol albico Vc Vertisol cromico Bk Cambisol calcico Lc Luvisol cromico Vc(L) Vertisol cromico fase litica Bk(L) Cambisol cálcico fase litica Lc(L) Luvisol cromico fase litica Vp Vertisol pelico Lf Luvisol ferrico Vp(L) Lg Luvisol gleyco Vertisol pelico fase litica Lk Luvisol calcico We Planosol eutrico We(L) Planosol eutrico fase litica Wh Planosol humico Wm Planosol molico Wm(L) Planosol molico fase litica Xg Xerosol gypsico Xh Xerosol haplico Xh(L) Xerosol haplico fase litica Xk Xerosol calcico Xk(L) Xerosol cálcico fase litica Bv Bv(L) Cambisol vertico Cambisol vertico fase litica Lk(L) Luvisol cálcico fase litica Lo Luvisol ortico Gleysol eutrico Lo(L) Ge(L) Gleysol eutrico fase litica Luvisol ortico fase litica Lp Luvisol plintico Gh Gleysol humico Lv Luvisol vertico Gm Gleysol molico Lv(L) Gm(L) Gleysol molico fase litica Luvisol vertico fase litica Nd Nitosol districo Gp Gleysol plintico Ne Nitosol eutrico Gv Gleysol vertico Ne(L) Zg Solonchak gleyico Gv(L) Gleysol vertico fase lítica Nitosol eutrico fase litica Oe Histosol eutrico Zm Solonchak molico Hc Feozem calcarico Oe(L) Zo Solonchak ortico Hc(L) Feozem calcarico fase lítica Histosol eutrico fase litica Qc Arenosol cambico Zo(L) Solonchak ortico fase litica Hg Feozem gleyico Rc Regosol calcarico Zt Solonchak takirico Ck Chernozem calcico E Rendzina Gc Gleysol calcarico Ge Figure F1. - Map pedological watershed for the Humid Tropics of Mexico. Soil Map Sub-units Legend µ of soil Ah Be Bv(L) Gp Hl(L) Kk Lk(L) Oe Th Vc(L) Xh Ah(L) Be(L) Ck Gv I Kk(L) Lo Oe(L) Th(L) Vp Xh(L) Ao Bf E Gv(L) Jc Kl Lo(L) Qc Tm Vp(L) Xk Ao(L) Bg Gc Hc Jd La Lp Rc Tm(L) We Xk(L) Ap Bh Ge Hc(L) Je Lc Lv Rc(L) To We(L) Xl(L) Bc Bh(L) Ge(L) Hg Je(L) Lc(L) Lv(L) Rd To(L) Wh Zg Bc(L) Bk Gh Hh Jg Lf Nd Rd(L) Tv(L) Wm Zm Bd Bk(L) Gm Hh(L) Kh Lg Ne Re U(L) Wm(L) Zo Bd(L) Bv Gm(L) Hl Kh(L) Lk Ne(L) Re(L) Vc Xg Zo(L) Zt To characterize the soils, used a database from INEGI, which consists of 1143 wells agrological with analytical data by soil horizon, between these information include: a) subunit of soil to which it belongs; b) the presence of physical or chemical phases, c) depth d) texture, percentage of silt clay and sand; e) the amount of organic matter (OM).The ubication of the agrological Wells is shown in figure F2. Figure F2. - Location of wells used to characterize soils. Map of wells µ Using this information proceeded to characterize 100 soil subunits according to the information to corresponding agrological wells. First created the typical profile of each subunit complementing the wells information with the description of each subunit. Due to the high variation in types of horizon in different wells belonging to the same subunit, it was necessary to unify them according to their characteristics to match those included in the typical profile of this subunit. Within the same wells were added the equivalent depths of the horizons and averaged values of OM content and percentage of silt, clay and sand. Then calculated the average value of depth,organic matter content and percentage of silt, clay and sand for each horizon of each subunit. The bulk density was calculated using the texture, according to Saxton et al. (1986) and the software available on http://www.pedosphere.com. The content of organic carbon (OC) was calculated using the formula CO = 1.75 MO-1 as reported by Neitsch, (2005). Obtaining information for each soil type, as shown for example in Table C2 Ah, Vp, Bc and I. Table T2. - Typical profile and soil characteristics Ah, Vp, Bc and I. Soil Ah Horizon Actual depth (cm) OM (%) Texture (% of Clay-Silt-Sand) Bulk Density -3 (tm ) Organic Carbon (%) A 160.00 10.39 (27-27-47) 1.38 6.04 B1 30.00 4.27 (38-23-39) 1.31 2.48 B2t 705.00 1.84 (44-22-44) 1.28 1.07 A 164.76 7.43 (24-25-51) 1.40 4.32 B1 63.02 3.32 (27-18-55) 1.39 1.93 B2 295.08 2.13 (28-21-51) 1.38 1.24 I A Ap 73.80 20.36 (22-26-52) 1.42 11.84 645.20 3.18 (44-21-36) 1.26 1.85 Vp A1 245.00 4.71 (49-21-31) 1.28 2.74 C 496.00 1.17 (47-22-31) 1.27 0.68 Bc Using the depth of each horizon and the area occupied by each subunit of soil volume was calculated by horizon in the basins of the humid tropics. Then the mass was calculated using the bulk density, to finally calculate the content of CO with the percentage of this calculated from the percentage of MO. The information was grouped by horizon for each soil subunit. Cartographically soils were grouped into five intervals according to the amount of stored CO, contrasting the resulting map with the map ofcurrent land use (CONABIO scale 1:250,000)which were grouped in different land uses: a) agricultural, b) grassland, c) forests and jungles, d) cities and water bodies. Was calculated for each interaction surface. RESULTS The following table shows the results of stored carbon for soil subunit. Table T3. - The amount of CO storage in soil subunit. Soil Area (ha) Total carbon(Mt) Soil Area (ha) 667.6 Rc(L) 917,147 144.9 2,082,384 327.1 Rd 177,248 34.5 248,894 56.9 Rd(L) 129,776 11.3 Re 2,138,312 280.5 Re(L) 6,156,388 649.8 1,196,469 1476.4 127,899 14.8 45,781 18.4 1,111,680 140.4 Ao(L) 327,410 24.7 Hl(L) Ap 188,140 36.0 I Bc 604,053 100.9 Jc Hl 163,517 32.7 11,206,804 1390.5 45,754 1.1 Th Th(L) 1,073,117 172.3 Jd 8,886 0.8 Bd 255,055 92.2 Je 217,518 19.6 Tm Bd(L) 371,033 49.6 Jg 69,094 12.7 Tm(L) 1,329,679 249.1 Kh 36,712 23.8 To Be(L) 771,259 98.7 Kh(L) Bf 125,980 14.9 Kk Bg 100,562 19.7 Kk(L) Bh 78,226 32.7 Kl 86,316 18.2 La 428,420 89.0 Lc Bc(L) Be Bh(L) Bk Total carbon(Mt) 2,025,720 65.7 Ao Soil Hh(L) 321.9 681,630 Ah(L) Total carbon(Mt) Hh 1,343,127 Ah Area (ha) 4,990 0.8 513,105 167.9 8,417 2.7 To(L) 55,382 0.6 92,584 21.7 Tv(L) 1,063 0.3 2,727 0.3 U 4,320 0.5 43,201 9.6 Vc 493,596 74.6 5,719 1.1 Vc(L) 1,898,317 576.8 Vp Vp(L) 17,294 2.8 4,404,615 1229.6 268,627 33.9 17,454 1.5 7,843 0.6 62,793 7.2 Lc(L) 953,639 179.3 268,760 44.5 Lf 142,792 47.7 Bv(L) 23,547 1.9 Lg 27,051 4.0 We(L) Ck 44,132 11.2 Lk 30,083 7.5 Wh 489 0.0 9,658,941 2759.6 1,227 0.1 Wm 37,150 2.9 Gc 10,029 1.2 Lo 728,218 138.7 Wm(L) 19,745 0.9 Ge 922,196 226.3 Lo(L) 217,663 78.1 Xg 60,521 4.6 3,067 0.5 Lp 157,814 44.0 Xh 81,426 5.0 Gh 33,593 4.7 Lv 89,130 13.8 Xh(L) 23 0.0 Gm 356,662 89.4 240,659 58.4 Xk 52,375 8.7 9,819 3.0 Nd 75,699 26.9 Xk(L) Gp 122,050 21.0 Ne 568,540 99.7 Zg Gv 2,680,074 648.3 5,003 0.9 Hc 408,558 Hc(L) Bk(L) Bv E Ge(L) Gm(L) Gv(L) Hg Lk(L) Lv(L) We 1,581 0.2 306,493 62.1 2,023 0.4 Zm 50,831 27.1 Oe 63,100 281.0 Zo 201,723 41.4 93.6 Oe(L) 17,840 26.6 Zo(L) 5,629 1.1 154,608 15.0 Qc 179,122 15.0 Zt 719 0.1 Rc 756,991 122.3 Ne(L) TOTAL 12,701 0.6 63,556,071 14,041 Table T4. - Subclasses of soils grouped by depth. Soils Shallow Ao(L), Bc(L), E, Gm(L), Hc(L), I, Jc, Kh(L), Lk(L), Th(L), To(L), Xh(L), Zo(L), Medium Ah(L), Bc, Bd(L), Be(L), Bf, Bh(L), Bk(L), Bv(L), Gv(L), Hh(L), Hl(L), Jg, Kk(L), Lc(L), Lo(L), Lv(L), Ne(L), Oe(L), Rc, Rc(L), Rd(L), Re(L), Tm(L), Tv(L), U, Vc(L), Vp(L), We(L), Wh, Wm(L), Xh, Zg, Zm, Zo, Deep Ah, Ao, Ap, Bd, Be, Bg, Bh, Bk, Bv, Ck, Gc, Ge, Ge(L), Gh, Gm, Gp, Gv, Hc, Hg, Hh, Hl, Jd, Je, Kh, Kk, Kl, La, Lc, Lf, Lg, Lk, Lo, Lp, Lv, Nd, Ne, Oe, Qc, Rd, Re, Th, Tm, To, Vc, Vp, We, Wm, Xg, Xk, Xk(L), Zt Surface (ha) Average depth (cm) 22,675,029.03 19 15,406,305.30 46 25,462,035.72 109 Figure F3. - Classification of the subunits by depth in the Humid Tropics. Sub-units classification by depth Legend Shallow Medium Deep µ The following table shows the amount of carbon stored in soil subunit Table T5. - Area in hectares of the various interactions between CO amount stored and current land use. Agricultural Forests and jungles Grassland Others 3,876,586 16,070,447 3,099,361 1,274,416 Cities and Wáter bodies 109,764 Low-Medium 6,413,197 16,297,666 7,222,487 2,261,848 182,501 Medium 1,724,796 2,477,518 871,081 220,288 61,715 424,629 621,498 154,689 8,479 5,093 3,495 27,780 753 30,003 854 12,442,703 35,494,909 11,348,370 3,795,033 359,928 Clasification by amount of organic carbon stored Low Medium-High High TOTAL The implications of climate change are many but the exact scenarios are still uncertain, negative effects are expected, so it is essential that measures be taken to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and to increase their sequestration in soils and biomass. One option is based on carbon sequestration in soils or terrestrial biomass, particularly on lands used for agriculture or forestry. The amount of carbon stored in soils of southeastern Mexico, tables provide data on forests and jungles that is where the greatest amount of organic carbon stored. Forests have the potential to mitigate greenhouse gases through carbon sequestration, (Masera, 1996 and Ordoñez, 1999) trees assimilate and store large amounts of carbonfor life. The world's forests capture and retain more carbon than any other terrestrial ecosystem and participate with 90% of the annual flow of carbon between the atmosphere and land surface (Apps, 1993, Brown, 1993; Dixon, 1994). Figure F4. - The amount of CO stored in soils of the basins of the humid tropics. Legend Soil carbon storage (t ha-1) 0 - 1393 (Low) 1394 - 2857 (Low-medium) 2858 - 6483 (Medium) 6484 - 14888 (Medium-high) 14889 - 44526 (High) µ CONCLUSIONS Carbon sequestration appears as a proposal that attempts to reduce the rates of releaseof CO2 into the atmosphere, environmental consequences generated impacts to soil resources, water and atmosphere and increase the economic and social problems. 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