HISPANIC DENTAL ASSOCIATION STUDENT CHAPTER BY-LAWS & GOVERNANCE DOCUMENT Article II. Section 1. Name & Mission The name of this organization shall be the Hispanic Student Dental Association hereinafter referred to as "HSDA". Mission Statement The Hispanic Student Dental Association (HSDA) Chapter at the [school name] aims to create a unified voice for oral health students and faculty and seeks to promote and advance the oral health issues of the Hispanic community in ( CITY). Section 2. Purpose The purpose of HSDA is to: A. Provide a voice for Hispanic oral health students at the [school name]. B. Promote the oral health of the Hispanic community at [SCHOOL and CITY] through improved education, prevention, and treatment. C. Foster research and knowledge concerning Hispanic oral health problems and disseminate this information to both Hispanic dental professionals and to the dental community at large. D. Communicate research findings on Hispanic populations to various agencies and the public. E. Stimulate interest and encourage entry of Hispanics into oral health careers. F. Promote a social environment for oral health students G. Encourage the development and maintenance of the Hispanic culture within the university. H. Provide cultural and educational experiences for non-Hispanic students who wish to learn more about Hispanic/Latino cultures. Section 3. Organization A. National Organization: The Hispanic Dental Association is a nonprofit corporation organized under the 1 laws of the State of Texas, and a charitable organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. If this corporation shall be dissolved at any time, no part of its funds or property shall be distributed to, or among, its members but, after payment of all indebtedness of the corporation, its surplus funds and properties shall be used for dental education and research in such manner as the then governing body and Board of Trustees of National HDA may determine. B. Headquarters office: The registered office of HDA shall be known as the Headquarters Office and shall be located in the District of Columbia, in accordance with HDA’s needs. C. Membership: The membership of HDA shall consist of any oral health professionals and students, whose qualifications and classifications shall be established by National Board of Trustees. Section 4. Government This chapter shall be governed by elected student board. The elected student board shall be comprised of the officer positions as defined under Section 5 Officers. Section 5. Officers A. Elected Officers: The elected officers of HSDA shall be the President, President-elect, Treasurer, and Secretary, each of whom shall be elected by the Active Student members of each HSDA. Section 6. Membership A. Classification. The members of HSDA shall be classified as follows: Student Members; currently enrolled at an accredited institution of higher learning. B. Qualifications. STUDENT MEMBER. A student member of HDA shall be any pre-doctoral or postgraduate student of a dental, dental hygiene, dental assisting or dental technician program. C. Termination of Membership. Any individual STUDENT MEMBER may have its membership terminated by action of vote of the Board, with a quorum of not less than (3/4) of its Board members, with cause, if such member by its actions or associations does not comply with HDA’s mission. A Chapter shall hold HDA “harmless” from the local Chapter’s actions, and such language shall be incorporated into all contracts. D. Privileges. STUDENT MEMBER. A student member in good standing shall be entitled to attend any Regional Conference, National Conference, Local Chapter Event or Scientific Session of HDA after payment of registration fees when applicable. A student member has the right to have his/her name submitted to the nominations committee for the student member of the National Board of Trustees. E. Dues. 1. Annual Member Dues for Student Chapters is $15.00, paid annually to the National Office. 2. Exempt Dues for Members Who Suffer Severe Financial Hardship. Those members who have suffered hardship due to catastrophe or medical illness, upon submission of valid proof to the Treasurer, may be excluded from the payment of the current year's national membership dues after the Treasurer has anonymously forwarded the request to the Executive Committee of the National Board of Trustees for vote. Exempt dues shall be approved by a majority vote of those present at the Executive Committee 2 meeting. 3. Notices of Membership Dues. Notices of membership due shall be sent via electronic mail during the months June and July (August and September) H. Lapsed Membership. Board members, officers, and committee members whose annual membership dues have not been paid as prescribed by the National Office will be deemed inactive in HDA and forgo recognition at any National HDA event or program I. Lapsed Process: 1. Annual Membership Dues will expire on July (August) 31st of the respective year. Although members receive notice that annual membership payments are due and may receive notices pertaining to nonpayment, such notices are considered a courtesy. 2. There will be a grace period until September (October) 30 of each year by which HDA members must pay their membership dues. After the September(October) 30th deadline a member’s membership will lapse and the member will be considered as an inactive member of the HDA. 3. Any member holding any position on any board, committee, or who is an officer will immediately be removed as such and may be reinstated where permitted. Until reinstated, such member will be precluded from participating in any kind of vote; whether it be a general vote, a vote of a particular office, committee vote or vote on any board. 4. Revocation of Chapter Status Student Chapters who fall below the 10 member threshold after September 30 shall be in probation and will have 30 days to regain active status and recognition. 5. Reinstatement. An inactive member may be reinstated upon proof of membership renewal. Any person who has been deemed inactive for non-payment of annual membership dues may have his membership reinstated by paying such annual membership due in full without proration. 6. Board, Officers, and Committee Members. Any person who has been deemed inactive and who participated on a board, held office or served on a committee, may petition to be reinstated as follows: a. HDA Board: Any person who is a member of the Chapter board and has been terminated for nonpayment of annual national membership dues may petition on or before September 30 th to HDA for reinstatement. Only upon HDA’s approval of the petition will the petition be submitted for vote by the chapter board; such vote must be a simple majority of not less than five (5) Board members. b. HSDA Officer: Any person who is an Officer of HSDA and has been deemed inactive for non-payment of annual membership dues may petition on or before September 30th to the HSDA Board for reinstatement. c. Committee Members: Any person who is participating on a committee and has been deemed inactive for non-payment of annual membership dues may petition the President of HSDA for reinstatement if done so on or before September 30th. Only upon the President’s approval of the petition may such a member be reinstated to the particular committee. Section 7. Governance 3 Unless otherwise stated, a majority vote of the Board shall mean 2/3 of the votes of the Board members present at such voting time. A. Chapter Officers Board. 1. COMPOSITION. The Chapter Officers Board shall be comprised of four positions including President, President-elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. Immediate past president? 2. FUNCTIONS. The primary function of the Board shall be to govern the HSDA Chapter, to define the direction of HSDA and to assure its stability and organizational viability. Such functions of the Board shall be executed by the President, President Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. 3. VOTING. Unless stated otherwise, majority vote of the Board shall consist of a simple majority fiftyone (51%) vote of the Board members present at a voting meeting. B. ELECTION. 1. Notice shall be given not less than thirty days prior to the Election date, the Board shall inform the full membership by mail and/or electronically of its slate of nominees and the number of Board positions to be filled. New Board member election shall be conducting in person, at a regularly scheduled and posted meeting. Election to an available position will require the majority number of votes cast. 2. Election as a Chapter Officer shall be for a one year term. 3. Vacancies resulting in an unexpired term may be filled by appointment by the Board with an individual that fits criteria until the next annual meeting or scheduled election (whichever comes first) when an election for the remainder of the term will be conducted. C. Officers. 1. TERMS OF OFFICE AND SUCCESSION: The term of office for President, President-Elect, Vice President (delete? if no VP position offered, Secretary should be here instead), Treasurer, and Immediate Past-President shall be one year. a. The President shall serve for a nonrenewable term of one year. b. The President-Elect shall serve for a nonrenewable term of one year c. The Secretary shall serve for a nonrenewable term of one year d. The Treasurer shall serve for a nonrenewable term of one year D. Duties of the Officers. 2. President. It shall be the duty of the President: a. b. c. 4 To serve as an official representative of HSDA in its contacts with governmental, civic, business, professional organizations, and to advance the purposes of HSDA. To preside over all meetings of HSDA. To appoint the members of all committees. d. e. f. To delegate the Chair’s position, at an internal HSDA meeting, to the President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, or Board of Trustee. To appoint a representative, at an external HSDA meeting, that will act on the behalf of the best interest of HSDA. To appoint the chairs of all committees. 3. President-Elect. It shall be the duty of the President-elect: a. b. To assist the president as requested. To preside over all meetings of HDA in the absence of the President without proxy vote unless such is vested by the President with approval of the Board. After such meeting the President shall be debriefed by the President-elect. 4 Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Secretary: a. To maintain notes, records and notify members of meetings and events b. 5. To preside over any meeting when the President or President-elect is unavailable. Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer: a. To serve as custodian of all monies, securities, and deeds that are property of HDA. b. To keep and oversee all financial records to ensure they are properly maintained, as his/her fiduciary duty and obligation. c. To immediately report any suspected malfeasance or potential malfeasance to the President and the Board in writing. If uncertain if such is the case, he/she may seek the consultation of an independent accountant or attorney with the approval of either the President or the Board. Such reasonable fees shall be incurred by HDA. d. To preside over any meeting when the President, President-elect, or Secretary is unavailable. The Treasurer shall attend such meetings without proxy unless he/she is vested by the President and majority vote of the Board to act as the President’s proxy for the particular meeting. After any such meeting the Treasurer shall be debriefed by the President or President’s representative. 6. Executive Committee additional guidelines: a. When acting in between member meetings the chapter board shall be limited to not more than $100 in total spending until the next member meeting convenes. b. The chapter board has no authority to amend the chapter governance document, but will make its recommendations at regularly scheduled chapter meeting. 9. Vacancies. 5 Vacancies due to resignations or other reasons shall be filled in the following manner: A. If President resigns/leaves position. The President-elect shall serve as President for the unexpired term. B. If the President-elect resigns/leaves position. The Secretary shall serve as President Elect for the unexpired term. C. If the Secretary resigns/leaves position. The Treasurer shall serve as Secretary for the unexpired term. D. If the Treasurer resigns/leaves position. An election shall be held for the unexpired term. 11. Removal of Officers. An Officer may be removed when a majority of the membership in good faith believes that the officer is not fulfilling their duty of office, acting in bad faith, unbecoming as an HSDA member, or acting illegally. When such becomes the case any HSDA member may notify the Board in writing his/her explanation as to why the officer should be removed. The chapter board shall investigate, and may remove the officer effective immediately when there is a majority of the chapter membership. Such a meeting will be held as an open meeting with notice. The chapter board also has the authority to vest a committee to investigate and present to it its findings. Section 8. Meetings 1 There shall be at least one Annual Meeting no later than October 31 for the election of officers. The time and place of this meeting shall be recommended by the President in consultation with Faculty Advisor Section 9. Parliamentary Authority Robert Rules of Order, most current edition, shall govern HSDA in all cases in which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws or special rules of order of HSDA. Section 10. Finances 1. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the Association shall begin August 1st of each calendar year and end July 30th of the same/following? year. HSDA Board terms will correspond with the fiscal year. 2. General Fund: The General Fund shall consist of all monies received other than those specifically allocated to other required by the National Association. This fund shall be used for defraying all expenses incurred by HSDA not otherwise provided for. 3.. The Board may appropriate funds for other functions other than operating, as it feels necessary to carry out the mission and/or function of HSDA. Section 11. Amendments 6 The Bylaws may be amended at any General Meeting of the membership by a fifty-one percent (51%) majority vote of the active members present and voting, unless otherwise specified, provided the proposed amendment shall have been presented in writing at least 30 days previous to the vote. When this document shall be amended, detailed minutes and/or transcripts or recording shall be kept. Amended and Approved/ DATE: 7 ______________________________________