AE 457 - HVAC Controls Lab 2 Ashley Bistline Marissa Caldwell Anya Godigamuwe Mike Giuliani Kevin Ricart PART 3. POST LAB EXERCISES Digital I/O - Mike’s Section to be handed in on Monday a. Why are 5V DC TTL digital I/O signals appropriate for use with some mechanical system components but not others? b. What other digital I/O voltages are commonly used in HVAC equipment? What are their threshold values for switching between digital high and low states? c. What standards organizations define digital I/O signals and their threshold values? d. At Step 8 of Part 1 of the lab, what was the voltage input required to transition to a digital high state? At what voltage level did the transition back to a digital low state occur? Look at the digital input specifications in the manual for the cFP-DIO-550 module at Does this make sense? Why or why not? e. At Step 10 of Part 1 of the lab, what voltage did the digital high state occur? At what voltage did the lamp turn off (i.e., a digital low state occur)? Are these transitions consistent with the specification sheet of the Crydom TD1210 solid state relay used? Damper Actuators The fan and damper sections in Figure 1 for the 52.2 rig. include a New York Blower Co. backward inclined single width, single inlet, size 18, PLR wheel, Class 3, counter-clockwise rotation centrifugal fan with a top horizontal discharge in direct drive arrangement 4 with a 4000 cfm capacity (operating at 15 in. H20 static pressure, 3500 rpm and 14.9 brake horse power). A Baldor Electric Co. model EM2394T, 15 HP, 3-phase motor coupled to a Baldor Electric model IHH215-E variable frequency drive is used to drive the fan. Three, Ruskin model CD80AF4, opposed blade, industrial control dampers designed for ultra low leakage performance (~ 6 CFM/sq. ft.) are incorporated into the 12 gage stainless steel damper housing. Belimo Model AF24-MFT proportional damper actuators with spring return failsafe action, are mounted to the ¾ in. damper blade axles. Three actuators are used for each damper section. The actuators are configured to provide a 2-10V DC analog signal to track the actuator position for control purposes. Caldwell, Godigamuwe, Bistline, Giuliani, Ricart 1 | Page AE 457 - HVAC Controls Lab 2 Figure 1 f. Present a plot of analog output voltage against angle of rotation for the Belimo MFC damper actuator you worked with in the lab. Be sure to plot both the ascending and descending voltage vs. angle relationship. Use regression to fit curves to the data and present the regressed curve equations along with statistical measures of best fit. Review the Belimo specifications at their website for this damper actuator: 0079_10075/subchapter/10084_10079_10075.xml. Is your plot what you would expect based on your review of the documentation for the actuator? ***We were never given directions or the time to record the descending values. The desired outcome of the damper is to achieve a proportional relationship between the voltage and the angle of rotation. Our plot is what we would have expected on our review of the actuator as it produced a regression value of .91. Such a regression value is considered to be very strong, meaning that the results were accurate and desirable. In order to achieve this, the actuators must be properly sized and mounted to the damper shaft with a universal clamp. Caldwell, Godigamuwe, Bistline, Giuliani, Ricart 2 | Page AE 457 - HVAC Controls Lab 2 g. Without considering details of duct sections after the fan and damper section shown in the photos above or specific implementation details about the programmable automation controller to which you would connect sensors, etc., how would you devise a laboratory experiment to characterize the damper flow characteristics (i.e., to generate a plot of maximum flow vs damper position as one x-axis and the control signal voltage as the other)? Based on the specifications noted above, what range of differential pressure transducers should be used? Where will pressure drops be measured using differential pressure transducers to make this characterization? What model pressure transducers at would you choose? There is a direct proportionality between the position of the dampers and the voltage of the system. When the voltage reaches 10 V, the damper is completely or almost fully open, whereas the damper is considered to be nearly closed at 2 V. These two parameters could both be plotted as x-axes to be plotted versus the pressure. In order to run this experiment, you would need a depressurized, sealed duct to measure the airflow. A device such as a pitot tube could be used to measure the pressure at different damper positions that would correspond with an increasing voltage. The specifications call for the fan to have a pressure drop of 15 in. WC and this would be measured at both before and after the dampers. Based on the pressure transducer specs, we would chose AccuSense Model ASL as the differential pressure transducer because it is used for a range of 0-30 in. WC. h. Based on your plot at a, are any hysteretic effects apparent for this actuator in a no flow situation? How would you further measure and characterize the hysteresis in the actuator and its linkage? How would you expect this to change with changes in the fan’s operation along its curve? How would the controller need to compensate for hysteretic effects? **We did not measure the descending voltages, so I cannot analyze the hysteretic effects in the actuator. In order to compensate for hysteretic effects in the actuator, it would be wise to measure or control another contingency. For example, maintaining the pressure change or measuring another data point could be used to reference the relationship measured between the voltage and angle of rotation. Another possibility would be to hold two trials and averaging the results to give a more accurate reference point. i. What are the typical consequences of poorly-tuned flow control loops employing damper actuators? If dampers actuators do not have properly-tuned flow control loops it can result in inefficient systems that have hysteretic errors/inconsistencies, lateral movement can occur, the system may not be properly programmed for overload protection, and the dampers could be damaged. j. Why is the default control voltage for most Belimo damper actuators 2-10 VDC? Caldwell, Godigamuwe, Bistline, Giuliani, Ricart 3 | Page AE 457 - HVAC Controls Lab 2 Most Belimo damper actuators are between 2-10 VDC because they do not include spring returns. Typically, the returns are not standard or necessary, but the actuators can be customized if the spring returns are needed. Additionally, the dampers are typically considered to be fully closed at 2 V and fully open at 10 V, so any other range of voltages would result in data that is already recorded. Electronic Proportional Regulator 1. Figure 2 is a plot of analog output voltage to the Parker P31PA92AD2VD1A electronic proportional regulator under zero flow conditions. Review the specification sheet for the regulator at 20-%20PDN1000%20Catalog/Air%20Preparation%20Products/PDN1000US_P31P-P32P.pdf. This particular model has an operating range of 0-145 psi for a 0-10 V input signal. However, only ~60 psi system air supplied by the university power plant was supplied to the inlet port of the regulator. The first curve on the plot indicates the output pressure from the regulator through it’s entire 0-10 V range of control signals sent to the actuator. Based on the specifications for this model, what is the control signal expected to deliver 60 psi? How does this compare to what is plotted? If the 7 bar model were used instead, what would be the expected output pressure at this control voltage? What would the output be for the 2 bar model? According to Figure 2, the control signal for 60 psi would be approximately 4.2 V. At this voltage, the seven bar model would read 42 psi. In the 2 bar model, this voltage reading would have an expected output of 12 psi. 2. What type of control scheme is used for the electronic proportional regulator? With reference to Figures 2, 3 and 4 are there hysteretic effects apparent in the regulator? What provisions are made in the electronic pressure regulator to compensate for hysteretic effects? a. Electronic pressure regulators are used for controlling these devices. They take input signals that are either 0-10 V or 4-20 mA. The output signal is given “of 24VDC” with the reference resistance at 1 kOhm. Figure 2 has only small hysteretic effects. Figures 3 & 4 have larger hysteresis when the change in measured value is greater. However, a correction is applied to both at 6V that causes the readings to be adjusted. A provision for compensate for these hysteretic effects can be to use two measuring devices and to take the average output of the measurements as the actual condition. Caldwell, Godigamuwe, Bistline, Giuliani, Ricart 4 | Page AE 457 - HVAC Controls Lab 2 Figure 2 Proportional Valve 3. What’s the best Cv value you think for this test? *At constant 3V Pressure and 8V on the valve Cv=Qf/[k*sqrt(P1-P2/rho)] -Density is expressed as specific gravity. Specific gravity and K are equal to unity -Pressure is in psi - Flow rate is in GPM Cv=62.33/sqrt(.0331) = 342.6 Mass Flowmeter 4. What is the principle of operation for the Omega FMA 1745 mass flow sensor used in this lab a. What are typical disturbances that could affect the operation of a mass flow loop? The mass flow meter only works for filtered gases, therefore liquids may not be metered. The flow path may not be interrupted by debris or gas crystallization, therefore, the filter must be cleaned occasionally, and debris must be removed as necessary. Since the meter only works for gases, the main source of disturbances are from solids forming from the gas, or contaminants passing through the filter. b. Based on the specifications of the mass flow meter, what is the fastest practical loop rate that could be used in a mass flow loop using its signal for feedback? Caldwell, Godigamuwe, Bistline, Giuliani, Ricart 5 | Page AE 457 - HVAC Controls Lab 2 The fastest practical loop rate that can be used is 50 L/min. This is because there is a +/- 1.5% accuracy for the entire flow range (0-100%). The faster loop rate of 100 L/min provides an accuracy of +/- 1.5% for a flow range of (20-100%), but only provides an accuracy of +/- 3% for a flow range below 20%. Therefore, 50 L/min provides a more practical accuracy. c. Using the barometric pressure and temperature of the ambient air, how would you correct the flow to standard conditions of 29.92 in. Hg and 69.4 ºF? Is this necessary with the mass flowmeter? Ambient temperature is about 70 ºF, which means the difference between the standard and ambient temperature is 0.6 ºF thus we must subtract this difference from each temperature measurement to meet the condition. The ambient barometric pressure is 29.92 in. Hg also, so the measurements do not have to be adjusted since they already meet the standard condition. d. Comment on the position of the proportional valve and flowmeter used in the lab set up. Why might you switch the position of the valve and flowmeter? What other concerns would you have about the positioning of these devices in the air supply line to the duct? The mass flowmeter was placed after the proportional valve in the lab set up. The valve will create turbulent flow, the flowmeter sensor requires a laminar flow to have accurate readings. If the valve is fully open, the large amount of air passing will create a turbulent flow, however when the valve is partially closed, a laminar flow will form thus allowing the sensor to make an accurate reading. If the valve is placed after the flowmeter, the flowmeter will not measure the change in flow that the valve creates. RTD Sensor - Mike’s Section to be handed in on Monday 5. How did the temperature you looked up in the Omega Engineering RTD Temperature vs. Resistance Table using the resistance output you measured with the ohmmeter setting of the Fluke 289 multimeter compare with the temperature read using the cFP-RTD-122 module of the compact FieldPoint system for the Omega Engineering model RTD-805 RTD in the duct section? List two significant reasons for variations between the two methods. Differential Pressure Sensor 6. Download the data sheet for the Setra Model 264 (p.n. 2641005WD11T1F) differential pressure sensor at Using the data sheet, what is the accuracy, pressure range and output range (voltage or current) of the device? What were the analog output voltages sent to the proportional regulator and the proportional valve and what was the mass flow read when you held the differential pressure output to about 1 in. H20? A cFP-AI-110 module is used to acquire data from the sensor. The data sheet for the module can be found at If the sensor is connected and set up for use with the module as a 4-20 mA signal, what is the expected resolution for acquired readings if only the 16 bit specification for A/D conversions is considered in the calculation? What would be the expected Caldwell, Godigamuwe, Bistline, Giuliani, Ricart 6 | Page AE 457 - HVAC Controls Lab 2 reading in mA from the sensor when sensing a 1 in. H20 differential pressure? How would you recommend calibrating this device and the cFP-AI-110 hardware module used with it to achieve the maximum accuracy in your readings from the system? The accuracy of the Setra Model 264 is +/- 1% F.S., the pressure ranges from 0-100 in. WC, and the output range is 0-5 VDC. The voltages that were sent to the regulator and the valve were: 0, 1.97, 3.95, 8.93, 7.91, 9.89 and the mass flow rate at approximately 1 in was about 500 scfh. The expected resolution for a 16 bit resolution module set to a signal ranging from 4-20 mA would be 5-.66 Hz and 0-10 V with 1 in 65,536. In order to achieve the maximum accuracy in the readings for the system, we would recommend calibrating the devices by depressurizing the area and isolating the transmitter. The calibrator will then be zeroed and a measurement will be tested to see if the pressure reading is accurate based on the input of the machine. The error can be measured for the current and the pressure, and adjustments can be made using that error or physical adjustments and recalibrations can be attempted to achieve a more accurate reading. Additionally, running the test multiple times, with two sensors can help to find a more precise instrument and measurement that should be achieved. Air Leakage System Control 7. A plot of analog output voltage to the proportional valve versus displayed mass flow in scfh and differential pressure in in. H20 for various proportional regulator voltage settings is given in Figures 3 and 4 for both ascending and descending operation. a. Based on these curves, and the specification sheets referenced above, evaluate the suitability of the combination of proportional regulator, proportional valve, flowmeter, and differential pressure sensor for developing an automatic control system for evaluation of duct air leakage at various levels of differential pressure. What would be the expected controllable range? How would you further characterize the equipment to develop a feedback controller for the system? What type of automatic control mode would you expect to work well for this application, i.e., P, PI or PID? How might you go about tuning the control loop(s) that you would employ for the system? Figure 3 is representative of the Setra Model 264. This sensor is advertised as having “the accuracy necessary for proper building pressurization and air flow control” meaning it will measure pressure [psi] and air flow [scfh] well. It uses changes in capacitance because of pressure changes to a diaphragm as its measurement technique. Pairing this with its curves in Figure 3 lead to the conclusion that this device will be effective for its use. The graph particularly has nearly no hysteretic effects between 0 and 4 V input. The control range for this device is between 0 to 175 F. Figure 4 is representative of the National Instruments cFP-AI-110 model. This device is more accurate than the previous and is advertized for use in “battery-pack monitoring, [and] fuel-cell testing”. These variances are depicted in Figure 4 by the large and constantly occurring hysteretic effects. The acceptable control range of this product is -40 to 70 C. These applications are more advanced than those required for building pressure and airflow measurements. Therefore this device is overqualified and is not recommended for use. Caldwell, Godigamuwe, Bistline, Giuliani, Ricart 7 | Page AE 457 - HVAC Controls Lab 2 Both these systems will require a known temperature measurement, likely from an ice bath, to evaluate its accuracy. b. How well do you think that you could control differential pressure in an open loop manner using any fitted equations you might develop through the plotted data in Figure 3 and or 4 to obtain settings for the proportional valve and proportional regulator needed to maintain a specific differential pressure? How would you deal with hysteretic effects? What would you expect to be the likely result of open loop operation over time for this system? Controlling differential pressure in an open loop manner would be difficult. For more accurate and precise control of differential pressure, it is recommended to use more iterative processes. The fitted equations from Figure 3 would be the most useful in this application because the instrument in question already measures differential pressure. Hysteretic effects within this system can be dealt with by inserting redundancies through the installation of a second or third sensor to verify the values output by the first. If the system is an open loop operation, over time an error will develop in the form of a drift. Figure 3 Caldwell, Godigamuwe, Bistline, Giuliani, Ricart 8 | Page AE 457 - HVAC Controls Lab 2 Figure 4 VAV Terminal Box Simulation 8. Develop a single plot with series of differential pressure data collected at the flow sensor of the Trane Varitrane VCCF-8 VAV box along one y-axis, fan control signal along another y-axis, and the measured air velocity (cfm) along the x-axis for each damper opening. How does your fully open curve compare with that presented by Trane in their specification sheet for the VAV box? Please comment on the relationships among flow rate, fan power, and damper openings. If we want to provide the widest range of flow rates with the terminal box, how should we control the fan and damper opening? In a VAV system with multiple terminal units, why would it be advantageous to locate the static pressure sensor downstream from the fan at a location that will ensure that the terminal farthest away from the fan maintains a proper static pressure level? If sufficient time were available in the lab, how would you develop a minimum flow and full flow system characteristic curve for the VAV terminal unit along with a system operating curve between these conditions and intersecting various damper openings in the VAV box? The fully open curve developed experimentally is fairly similar to the manufacturers curve given its linear nature; however, the manufacturers curve is less steep. For example, the manufacturers curve reads that at 200 scfh the differential pressure is .05 in w.g, while the experimentally derived graph reads .08 in w.g. As shown on the graph Fan Voltage, Air velocity and Differential Pressure are all proportional. As Fan voltage increases, so does air velocity and differential pressure. Caldwell, Godigamuwe, Bistline, Giuliani, Ricart 9 | Page AE 457 - HVAC Controls Lab 2 For the widest range of flow rates, the damper voltage should be set to 10V, while varying the fan voltage. It would be advantageous to locate the sensor downstream from the fan due to the static pressure drops caused by friction in the ducts and fittings. The static pressure will inevitably be highest closest the the fan. In order to ensure that downstream boxes are receiving adequate static pressure it is best to locate the sensor downstream. There was not sufficient time to develop minimum and maximum characteristic curves. Filter Pressure Drop 9. Develop an x-y plot with the acquired differential pressure (in. w.c.) upstream of the filter in the zone of the simulated VAV terminal box (from the data file saved during your work with the VAV terminal box) along the y-axis and the measured air velocity (cfm) along the x-axis. Go to Aeolus Filter’s website to download the performance data sheet for the MERV 14 Model SMP-9024242 panel filter used in this lab. How well does the data you collected map into the curve presented for this filter? The velocity measurements we made in the lab are lower compared to those used in the performance data sheet for the MERV 14 Aeolus Filter Model. Although they are at a smaller scale, the data values fall on the same slope. The figure below, Differential Pressures in Filters, displays the technical data on the same graph as the measurements when the damper is at 10 V, and when it is at 7 V. The velocity measurements from the damper at 4 V were close to zero. Therefore, the values did not give an accurate estimate to the slope. Measurements at 2 V were found to be at a velocity of 0, so they were not used. Caldwell, Godigamuwe, Bistline, Giuliani, Ricart 10 | Page AE 457 - HVAC Controls Lab 2 Flow Control Valve 10. Was the control valve normally open or normally closed? What is the pressure range through which the valve is responsive to pneumatic signals? Using the links for the Research Control Valve Model No: 1002GCN36SVCSALN36 to aid you, discuss the details, including inherent valve characteristic behavior for this valve. The control valve is normally open, and responds to a pressure range from 3 psi (fully open) to 14 psi (fully closed), as discovered in our laboratory experiment. The valve is a ½” valve with a globe cast body type and NPT end fitting. The body bonnet material is 316 S/S with CV ring packing. The actuator type is ATC standard. The trim size and characteristic is “A” Linear. The trim material is the same as the body material. 11. Plot the recorded data on an x-y graph with air flow rate (scfh) as the y-axis and control signal (psi) as the x-axis. Plot ascending data in one series and descending data in another series. Do the two curves overlay perfectly or can hysteretic effects be observed? Can you discern whether the valve operating characteristic is quick opening, linear, or equal percentage?) How does your “operating” characteristic curve differ from the inherent characteristic curve for the valve developed by the manufacturer? Why do they differ? Caldwell, Godigamuwe, Bistline, Giuliani, Ricart 11 | Page AE 457 - HVAC Controls Lab 2 The two curves overlay nearly perfectly. Very little hysteretic effects can be observed. The curve appears to indicate a linear valve. The experimentally found characteristic curve matches the inherent characteristic curve developed by the manufacturer quite closely. The manufacturer provides their curve with % opening rather than the control signal in psi. Caldwell, Godigamuwe, Bistline, Giuliani, Ricart 12 | Page