Roosevelt IB Curriculum Planning with CARE Goal: To develop a 25 hour 6th grade IB unit on Inquiry for each Art/Humanities and Technology /Science using the expertise and resources available through CARE. Note: Day 1 (Tuesday) meeting with Roosevelt 6th grade team on campus to go over agenda below. Science/Technology Day 2 (Wednesday) – Begin together @ MoPA for welcome breakfast and 1st Workshop (an Inquiry experience) Humanities/Art Day 2, cont. - Set goals and clarify outcomes, overview of the planning process, and brainstorming for page 1 of MYP Unit Planner Day 3 (Thursday) Fleet museum exploration of resources/Establish assessment tasks and criteria Day 4 (Friday) - Natural History Museum exploration of resources/Working through IB rubrics alongside task assessments and criteria/ Develop lesson series Day 2, cont. - Set goals and clarify outcomes, overview of the planning process, and brainstorming for page 1 of MYP Unit Planner. Day 3 (Thursday)– LaJolla Playhouse @ MoPA presentation of resources/Establish assessment tasks and criteria Day 4 (Friday) - MoPA museum exploration of resources/Working through IB rubrics alongside task assessments and criteria/ Develop lesson series Day 4, cont. - Come together to share the completed work and planning for Day 5 and 6 (to take place in the fall)