Final Exam Study Guide

I can comprehend greetings, farewells, and
I can comprehend some common
vocabulary words such as: colors, parts of
the body, classroom objects, household
objects, etc.
I can comprehend numbers from 0 to 100.
I can comprehend the words for family
members (father, mother, brother, sister,
grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt,
I can comprehend words dealing with the
calendar (for example, months of the year,
days of the week, etc.)
I can understand words for some domestic
I can distinguish the sounds of the letters
of the alphabet.
I can understand whole, half, and quarter
hours on the clock. (cuarto, media, hora,
I can respond and perform simple
commands (e.g., stand up, sit down, raise
your hand, open your book, fly, run, walk,
jump, swim, stop, etc.)
I can react to a short series of directions &
I know the sounds & symbols of the
I can make meaning when reading the
following topics: self, introductions, family
members, pets, calendar, clock time,
classroom objects, household objects.
I can extract discrete information from
simple written material.
I can understand short, predictable texts.
I can read and understand some very
common cognates.
INTERPERSONAL - Person-to-Person
I can greet people with hello & respond to
I can introduce myself & respond to
I can ask someone how he or she is
(health) and respond.
she is
(personality) and respond.
I can say goodbye & respond to farewells.
I can exchange a few pleasantries (thank
you, nice to meet you, etc.)
things, such as clothes, in a store.
I can respond to simple questions about
the following, usually giving one word or
memorized answers: my name, my address,
my telephone number, my age and date of
birth, the complete date, the alphabet, list
members of my immediate family, months
of the year, days of the week, major parts of
the body, some common colors, basic
classroom objects, basic household objects,
some common pets, clothing, foods, and
Jorge el mono.
I can state the time in full, half, and
quarter hours. (Es la una, Son las dos, Es la
una y media, Son las cuatro y cuarto).
day, month, food, etc. with a simple ‘why’.
I can respond to simple “yes/no” or
“either/or” questions
I can express a few reactions such as
“Great! That’s too bad! That’s horrible! OK,
I can produce some common words &
memorized phrases relying on non-verbal
and visual aids.
topics I’ve studied, and talk about that in
small sentences.
I can form & write most common
letters/characters of the alphabet.
I can write some high frequency,
memorized vocabulary words.
I can copy lists of vocabulary words &
short phrases.
How to study for the final exam?
Think about it…all of the statements on the other side of this paper are “I can” statements. YOU
must be able to do these tasks without an I-Pad, or copying from a neighbor. These words and phrases
MUST be in your head.
Strategies? How do you learn best? How do you get math into your head? Or what about all those
songs you sing without looking at a piece of paper or I-Pad? You learn everyday, you need to be aware of
how YOU learn best.
1st – Know lots of words. (Know = I can see it and apply the Spanish word)
2nd – Make Meaning; Put those words into short sentences (Meaning = use it).
Example: el perro BECOMES El perro marrón y amarillo es feroz, ¡Cuidado!
3rd – Exchange information with a classmate or the teacher. Ask him/her questions. S/he does the same
of you.
4th – Role Play – just like we did with the Restaurant Dialogue, when you worked with a partner and
presented to me, you could do for all the topics on the other side of this paper.
5th – Use your resources: The Realidades textbook,, Hello-Hello,,, and hundreds more.
6th – Responsibility – I suspect that those of you not passing on to Spanish II will be those who have spent
time sleeping, daydreaming, doing another class’ work, and generally not paying attention. When you
were 0 – 3 years old, you were a captive audience, you absorbed language because you had to, it meant
7th – Language 1 vs. Language 2 – You can’t translate everything word for word. Other languages, their
words and sentences, are structured differently.
KEY WORDS: At a minimum you should be able to use and understand these words in a variety of
contexts to manipulate your environment. These will complement ALL the other words you kno
Mi nombre es ______
Mi _______ favorito es _________
Mis __________ favoritos son _________
Me llamo ______, Se llama ________
Puedo _____
Quiero _______
Vivo en _____, Vive, Vivimos, Viven
Me gusta ______
Me gustan ______
Me encanta ______ Me encantan ______
Tengo, tiene, tenemos, tiene
Estoy ______
Soy ________, Soy de ______
Me gustaría ________
Hablo, habla, hablamos, hablan
Debo, debe, debemos, deben
Como, come, comemos, comen
Bebo, bebe, bebemos, beben
Tomo, toma, tomamos, toman
Corro, Salto, Camino, Nado, Paro, Vuelo,
Veo, Miro, Escucho, Oigo, Hablo, Como, Bebo,
Escribo, Estudio, Leo, Pongo,
Llevo, Me queda, Me quedan
Cuesta, Cuestan
Que asco, Ni manera, Quizás, Es posible, Por
supuesto, No sé, No me importa, Que horrible
Los animales (de casa, slavaje, mascotas)
Las comidas (saludables, insalubres)
Los Miembros de la familia
alto, bajo, mediano, gordo, delgado, fuerte
débil, feo, hermoso, guapo, inteligente, tonto,
cariñoso, amable, malo, simpático, guay
Los ojos, la nariz, la cabeza, la piel, el pelo, el
cuerpo, las manos, los brazos, las piernas,
La ropa (all we’ve studied)