
Name __________________________
Per________ Date___________
Evolution Test Review
Explain the significance of the terms below.
Evolution: ___change of time for a species___________________________________________________
Natural selection: ___the idea that characteristics that are beneficial for a habitiat are passed on within a species__
Artificial selection: __humans selecting the traits to be passed on when breeding animals (ex. –dogs)_________
Geographic isolation: __physical barriers separate members of a species___________________________________
Temporal isolation: __different timing on mating patterns___________________________________________
Gene Flow: organisms moving in and out of a population (hunt for food or resources) and causing a change in traits__
Behavioral Isolation:__different behaviors separate members of a species (new song in birds___________
Answer the questions below.
8)What famous islands did Darwin study? ___Galapagos_____________________________________________
9)List two examples of organisms that Darwin observed on the Galapagos Islands and describe how they
A) Finches – different beaks
differed from one
B)Turtles – different shaped shells/necks
10)During a severe drought a dry lake was explored for
fossils. The diagram represents the fossils uncovered and
the layers they were in. According to this information, this
area was once a —
A* forest that was replaced by a freshwater lake
B freshwater lake that was replaced by a desert
C saltwater sea that was replaced by a forest
D freshwater lake that was replaced by a forest
11)Explain the term “vestigial structure”, list an example. ____Organs that serve no useful function in current organism ex.
12)Fill out the table below by writing “yes” or “no” in each box.
Type of Structure
Common Ancestor?
Same form or structure?
Same function?
13)Fossil record
Forearms in humans
and whales
Bat/Bird Wings
Older fossils are found in ____deeper/lower_________ rock layers and younger fossils are found in
_surface/higher____________ rock layers
14)What does “gene pool” mean? ___The options of available genes in a population___________________________________
15)Define the term, “mutation”.
__A change in DNA that contributes to genetic variation by introducing new genes to the gene
16)We have discussed several pieces of evidence for the theory of evolution in class. Please list five of them on the space below.
__Fossil record, homologous structures, analogous structures, vestigial structures, embryology_______________________
17)Natural selection is influence by environmental pressures, while artificial selection is influence by__humans______________.
18) Individual organisms evolve. True / False - POPULATIONS
19)According to the cladogram to the left, do ferns have seeds?
20)Do conifers have vascular tissue? __Yes________
21. A bison population is separated into two distinct populations by
the formation of a new river. The bison are separated for hundreds of
thousands of years and begin to display slightly different characteristics from one
another. Eventually humans interact with the bison and transport one of them
across the river where he is eventually set free. The bison begin to interact with
the separate population and eventually mates with one of the females. This
interaction is an example of –
A) genetic drift
B) natural selection
C ) gene flow
D) adaptive radiation
22.. Which evidence of Evolution does each picture represent?.
_homologous structures
_vestigial structures
fossil record_________
23. Identify, describe, and give examples of the three types of reproductive isolation that leads to speciation
1.___Behavioral__- different courting dances developed in birds__________________________________________________________
2.___Temporal__- frogs mating at different times______________________________________________________________________
3.____Geographic – split by geographic features______________________________________________________________________
Word Bank:
1. ___Evolution___________________ change over time
natural selection
2. __Artificial Selection____________________ the process of humans choosing a desired trait
artificial selection
3. __Mutation____________________ a mistake in DNA that may support survival
4. __Hom. Struct.____________________ structures that are the same in different species
5. __Nat. Sel.____________________ adaptations of species to their environment
vestigial structure
6. __Embryology____________________ similar looking embryos
7. ___Vestigial Struct.___________________ behaviors or organs that have no functional purpose
8. __Fossils____________________ visual history of the past found in rock layers
9. __Camouflage_____________________May allow organism’s to escape from predators
10. __Gene pool___________________all of the genes of all of the members of a particular
homologous structures
gene pool