global warming -

My STEM Lesson Plan
To introduce students about greenhouse effect.
To explain the role of engineering in monitoring greenhouse gases in
atmosphere and designing technology that helps clean air
To allow students to collect and record local temperature rise in atmosphere
Students should:
Be familiar with the terms, "global warming," the "greenhouse effect," and
"greenhouse gases." Also, they should be aware that the U.S. is a leading
producer of greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming.
Be able to identify some man-made sources of greenhouse effect.
Have some understanding of the effects of global warming on humans and their
Instructional Objective(s)
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define global warming. Identify some
ways to reduce global warming.
Understand the roles of engineers in the field of global warming.
Describe how engineers create technology to help study global warming and help industry
clean up their greenhouse gases.
Identify the major types of greenhouse gases.
Understand and explain that greenhouse gases are generated by nature and by human
Instructional Resources
Introduction/Motivation: What Is Global Warming?
Global warming is the gradual heating of Earth's surface, oceans and atmosphere. Scientists have
documented the rise in average temperatures worldwide since the late 1800s. Earth's average
temperature has risen by 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius) over the past century, according
to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Temperatures are projected to rise another 2 to 11.5
degrees F (1.133 to 6.42 degrees C) over the next 100 years.
Most of the leading scientific organizations in the world acknowledge the existence of global
warming as fact, according to a NASA report. Furthermore, 97 percent of climate scientists agree that
the rate of global warming trends the planet is now experiencing is not a natural occurrence, but is
primarily the result of human activity. That consensus was made clear in a major climate
report released Sept. 27, 2013, by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In that
report, climate scientists indicated they are more certain than ever of the link between human
activities and global warming.
The greenhouse effect
Global warming begins with the greenhouse effect, which is caused by the interaction between Earth's
atmosphere and incoming radiation from the sun. "The basic physics of the greenhouse effect were
figured out more than a hundred years ago by a smart guy using only pencil and paper (Svante
Arrhenius in 1896)," Josef Werne, an associate professor in the department of geology and planetary
science at the University of Pittsburgh, told Live Science.
Solar radiation passes through the atmosphere to the surface of Earth, where it is absorbed and then
radiated upward as heat. Gases in Earth's atmosphere absorb about 90 percent of this heat and radiate
it back to the surface, which is warmed to a life-supporting average of 59 F (15 C). This very helpful
process is called the greenhouse effect.
Greenhouse gases
Human-caused global warming occurs when human activity introduces too much of certain types of
gas into the atmosphere. More of this gas equals more warming. The atmospheric gases primarily
responsible for the greenhouse effect are known as "greenhouse gases" and include water vapor,
carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). The most prevalent greenhouse gas is
Carbon dioxide (CO2) : Carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels
(coal, natural gas and oil), solid waste, trees and wood products, and also as a result of
certain chemical reactions (e.g., manufacture of cement). Carbon dioxide is removed from
the atmosphere (or "sequestered") when it is absorbed by plants as part of the biological
carbon cycle.
Some atmospheric CO2 is natural. For example, before the Industrial Revolution, there were about
280 parts per million (ppm) of CO2 in the atmosphere, and during most of the past 800,000 years, CO2
fluctuated between about 180 ppm during ice ages and 280 ppm during interglacial warm periods.
Since the Industrial Revolution, though, the amount of CO2 has dramatically increased. Currently, the
increase is 100 times faster than that when the last ice age ended, according to the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
In May 2013, scientists reported measuring atmospheric carbon dioxide levels as high as 400 ppm.
Levels of CO2 haven't been that high since the Pliocene Epoch, which was between 3 million and 5
million years ago, according to the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
In 2012, CO2 accounted for about 82 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, according to the
EPA. "We know through high-accuracy instrumental measurements that there is an unprecedented
increase in CO2 in the atmosphere. We know that CO2 absorbs infrared radiation [heat] and the global
mean temperature is increasing," Keith Peterman, a professor of chemistry at York College of
Pennsylvania, and his research partner, Gregory Foy, an associate professor of chemistry at York
College of Pennsylvania, told Live Science in a joint email message.
CO2 makes its way into the atmosphere through a variety of routes. Burning fossil fuels, for example,
releases CO2. Deforestation is also a large contributor to excessive CO2 in the atmosphere. In fact,
deforestation is the second largest anthropogenic (human-made) source of carbon dioxide, according
to research published by Duke University. When trees are killed, they release the carbon they have
stored for photosynthesis. According to the 2010 Global Forest Resources Assessment, deforestation
releases nearly a billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere per year.
But fossil fuel combustion is the number one anthropogenic source of carbon dioxide. The EPA lists
this source as the cause of 32 percent of total U.S. CO2 emissions and 27 percent of total
U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2012.
Methane is the second most common greenhouse gas, but it is much more destructive. In
2012, the gas accounted for about 9 percent of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, according
to the EPA. There may be less methane in the atmosphere, but this gas is much more
efficient at trapping radiation. The EPA reports that methane has 20 times more impact on
climate change over a 100-year period.
Methane (CH4) : Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural
gas, and oil. Methane emissions also result from livestock and other agricultural practices
and by the decay of organic waste in municipal solid waste landfills.
Methane can come from many natural sources, but humans cause a large portion of
methane emissions through mining, the use of natural gas, the mass raising of livestock and
the use of landfills, according to the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks
report from 1990 to 2012. In fact, according to the EPA, humans are responsible for more
than 60 percent of methane emissions.
Nitrous oxide (N2O) : Nitrous oxide is emitted during agricultural and industrial activities, as
well as during combustion of fossil fuels and solid waste.
Fluorinated gases — that is, gases to which the element fluorine was added — including
hydro fluorocarbons, per fluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride, are created during
industrial processes and are also considered greenhouse gases. Though they are present in
very small concentrations, they trap heat very effectively, making them high "globalwarming potential" (GWP) gases. Hydro fluorocarbons, per fluorocarbons, and sulfur
hexafluoride are synthetic, powerful greenhouse gases that are emitted from a variety of
industrial processes. Fluorinated gases are sometimes used as substitutes for stratospheric
ozone-depleting substances (e.g., chlorofluorocarbons, hydro chlorofluorocarbons, and
halons). These gases are typically emitted
in smaller quantities, but because they are potent greenhouse gases, they are sometimes
referred to as High Global Warming Potential gases ("High GWP gases").
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), once used as refrigerants and aerosol propellants until they were
phased out by international agreement, are also greenhouse gases.
Current greenhouse gas
tropospheric tropospheric
concentration concentration
since 1750
since 1750
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
280 ppm
395.4 ppm
115.4 ppm
Methane (CH
700 ppb
1893 ppb /
1762 ppb
1193 ppb /
1062 ppb
170.4% /
Nitrous oxide (N
270 ppb
326 ppb /
324 ppb
56 ppb /
54 ppb
20.7% /
ozone (O
237 ppb
337 ppb
100 ppb
How do we know if the temperature increase is caused by anthropogenic emissions?
Computer models strongly suggest that this is the case. The following graphs show that
1) If only natural fluctuations are included in the models (such as the slight increase in
solar output that occurred in the first half of the 20th century), then the large
warming in the 20th century is not reproduced. 2) If only anthropogenic carbon
emissions are included, then the large warming is reproduced, but some of the
variations, such as the cooling period in the 1950s, is not reproduced (this cooling
trend was thought to be caused by sulfur dioxide emissions from dirty power plants).
3) When both natural and anthropogenic emissions of all
Effects of global warming
Global Warming Impacts
Many of the following "harbingers" and "fingerprints" are now well under way:
1. Rising Seas--- inundation of fresh water marshlands (the everglades), low-lying
cities, and islands with seawater.
2. Changes in rainfall patterns --- droughts and fires in some areas, flooding in other
areas. See the section above on the recent droughts, for example!
3. Increased likelihood of extreme events--- such as flooding, hurricanes, etc.
4. Melting of the ice caps --- loss of habitat near the poles. Polar bears are now
thought to be greatly endangered by the shortening of their feeding season due to
dwindling ice packs.
5. Melting glaciers - significant melting of old glaciers is already observed.
6. Widespread vanishing of animal populations --- following widespread habitat loss.
7. Spread of disease --- migration of diseases such as malaria to new, now warmer,
8. Bleaching of Coral Reefs due to warming seas and acidification due to carbonic
acid formation --- One third of coral reefs now appear to have been severely
damaged by warming seas.
9. Loss of Plankton due to warming seas --- The enormous (900 mile long) Aleutian
island ecosystems of orcas (killer whales), sea lions, sea otters, sea urchins, kelp
beds, and fish populations, appears to have collapsed due to loss of plankton,
leading to loss of sea lions, leading orcas to eat too many sea otters, leading to
urchin explosions, leading to loss of kelp beds and their associated fish
Where do we need to reduce emissions?
In reality, we will need to work on all fronts - 10% here, 5% here, etc, and work to phase
in new technologies, such as hydrogen technology, as quickly as possible. To satisfy the
Kyoto protocol, developed countries would be required to cut back their emissions by a
total of 5.2 % between 2008 and 2012 from 1990 levels. Specifically, the US would have to
reduce its presently projected 2010 annual emissions by 400 million tons of CO2 . One
should keep in mind though, that even Kyoto would only go a little ways towards solving
the problem. In reality, much more needs to be done.
To use a statistical analysis technique, the moving average, to search for meaningful trends in regional raw temperature data.
copy of the "Temperature Trends" student handouts
Part I
Part II
Temperature Graph
yellow, blue, green, and red pencils, markers, or crayons
Part 1
1. Divide the class into 10 groups, one for each year of data.
2. Distribute both Part 1 Temperature Trends and "Temperature Graph" student handouts with the other materials. Ask
student to discuss the raw data before graphing.
3. Record their observations on the board.
4. Have each group graph its year of data, using the data Monthly Average Temperatures and chart provided on the Part 1
"Temperature Trends" student handouts. After they have graphed their data year, direct students to cut out their graphs
and lightly tape them together temporarily, spanning 1989 to 1998.
5. Display the taped-together graphs on the wall or floor. Have students observe any trends. Add these observations to the
initial observations on the board.
Part 2
1. Students will now plot a 12-month moving average. Distribute the Part 2 "Temperature Trends" student handout. You
may need to help students with the instructions in this part.
2. Demonstrate the algorithm until students are able to calculate the moving averages on their own. Students will realize
they can plot only their first seven averages, June to December, on their own graph. They must plot the next five
averages on the next year's group's graph, January to May. The previous year's group will fill in averages for January to
May on their graph.
3. The group working on the final year has only enough data to produce one moving average, June.
4. Once students have finished their moving averages, discuss the results with them. What do they see in the data now?
How does that differ from what they inferred from the previous plotting technique? What does each plotting technique
tell them? What is the value of the moving average?
The graph students create will show temperatures above and below the average temperature line of the chosen data set. The
moving average sums for each month are presented below. Plotting for the January sums begins in June. (Note: Strictly speaking,
plotting for a moving average would begin at the exact center point of the data set; however, because 12 months is an even
number and a 12-month average can't have a "center month," June was chosen as the starting point for plotting the averages.)2Month Moving Average for Boston, Jan. 1989 to Dec. 1998*
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
The averages shown in this table were calculated using the common technique of rounding the number 5 by increasing
the next higher place value by 1.
The visual result of plotting the monthly average temperature with the 12-month moving average temperature line is impressive.
The Boston data set provides some tantalizing hints in the monthly plot that some cyclical temperature changes may be
occurring, but they turn out to be inconclusive in the moving average trend. A moving average is a sliding average of whatever is
being studied. In this activity, the continuous average of a cluster of data (a 10-year span of temperature records) yields more
meaningful information about temperature trends than a single data set (a one-year span of monthly temperature records)
provides. A single data set is more likely to contain fluctuations that do not appear in a larger trend analysis.
Most students will conclude that there isn't much of significance when looking at results in the moving average trend. Some may
argue for a three- to four-year cycle of small change. The data on this graph alone, however, are not compelling as it only shows
10 years of information. Students may suggest that by looking farther back and creating a moving average for the past 100 years
they can verify this trend. However, that opens the question about the past being a reliable predictor of the future
Purpose: This activity will introduce you to the Global Warming Wheel Card.
This homework requires that you take your Global Warming Wheel Card home with
you and ask your parents or other adult to share their electricity and home heating
bills with you.
1.Look around your house for items that need electricity to operate.
List the first 10 items that you find.
2 ………………………………………………
3 ………………………………………………
4 ………………………………………………
5 ………………………………………………
6 ………………………………………………
7 ………………………………………………
8 ………………………………………………
9 ………………………………………………
10. ……………………………………………..
2.Of those 10 items, which ones do you use every day?
3.How much did your family spend each month for electricity in the past six months?
Total amount: Now divide that number by 6. This will give you an average monthly bill.
Average monthly bill:
4.Using your Global Warming Wheel Card, pick the amount that is closest to the
“average for six months” that you just calculated. How much carbon dioxide
does your household produce every year?
5.Use your Global Warming Wheel Card to find what your household can do to
reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that you generate.
6.Can you think of other things that you can do to reduce the amount of electricity that you use in
your home?
Electricity Use and Carbon Dioxide
Purpose: This activity will allow you to think about what you can do
to help reduce the release of carbon dioxide into the air and
perhaps limit future climate change.
Time required: 40 minutes
•Pencils and paper
•Materials provided in this packet, including responses to
Activity #2 and Global Warming Wheel Card
1.Find three other students with whom you would like to work. You will need
pencils and paper, and you might want to have these things with you:
2. Take the next 20 minutes to discuss the following:
A)The four of you work for your town’s Department of Environmental
Protection. You have learned a great deal about climate change in the past
several months, and you are becoming concerned about the possible effects
it will have on your local community if it continues to get worse. You are
now aware of some of the causes and effects of climate change, and you
would like to do everything you can to make sure that your community
does not contribute more carbon dioxide than is absolutely necessary.
However, you also realize that people in your community enjoy the way
their lives are now, and you do not want to make too many changes that
will upset their lives. Your department has been asked to come up with
some new programs for reducing the amount of carbon dioxide generated
by your community. What three programs would you propose to encourage
your community’s citizens, businesses, and institutions (such as schools) to
change their behavior so they produce less carbon dioxide?
B) What would your community probably like about these programs?
C)What would your community probably NOT like about these programs?
To compare the thermal properties of carbon dioxide, methane and air.
• 3 identical plastic bottles
• 3 temperature probes
• 3 pre-drilled bungs (optional, helpful)
• Stopwatch
• Carbon dioxide
• Methane
• 3 Clamp stands if you have access to them (not essential)
• Lamp (or other heat source)
• Clean and dry the bottles (they should be dry inside as well)
• Remove any labels
• Insert temp probes through the bungs. If you haven’t got bungs then drill holes in the bottle caps
and insert the temp probes through the hole, seal the edges of the hole with plastecine or similar.
• Fill one bottle with carbon dioxide. If you’ve got a soda stream use that, if not put some indigestion
tablets into a balloon containing some water, hold the neck of the balloon closed and wait for it to
fill with carbon dioxide given off by the tablets. Fill the bottle with the carbon dioxide from the
• Fill one bottle with methane – from the normal domestic gas supply.
• Seal all three bottles with the bung or the cap
• Secure a bottle in each of the clamp stands
• Place all three bottles equidistant from an indirect heat source such as a lamp (don’t switch the
lamp on yet)
• Wait until the temp in all three bottles is identical
• Switch on the lamp
• Take temperature readings from all three bottles for the next 30 minutes at one minute intervals
• Plot the results on a graph
This graph shows the results of an experiment we did a few years ago using just carbon dioxide and
air, you should be able to achieve similar results in your experiment
The experiment should demonstrate that carbon dioxide and methane will retain more heat than air.
The experiment does not explain why the greenhouse gases retain more heat than air, this is
explained at the quantum physics level and isn’t something that can be done at home. Here’s an
answer I provided a while back which explains the physics;...
Is there a connection between the recent drought and climate change?
Yes. A recent study by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration gives strong
evidence that global warming was a major factor.
Who studies global warming, and who believes in it?
Most of the scientific community, represented especially by the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC -, now believes that the global warming effect is
real, and many corporations, even including Ford Motor Company, also acknowledge its
Who are the IPCC?
In 1998, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established by the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP), in recognition of the threat that global warming presents to the world.
The IPCC is open to all members of the UNEP and WMO and consists of several thousand of
the most authoritative scientists in the world on climate change. The role of the IPCC is to
assess the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant for the
understanding of the risk of human-induced climate change. It does not carry out new
research nor does it monitor climate related data. It bases its assessment mainly on
published and peer reviewed scientific technical literature.
The IPCC has completed two assessment reports, developed methodology guidelines for
national greenhouse gas inventories, special reports and technical papers. Results of the
first assessment (1990--1994): confirmed scientific basis for global warming but concluded
that ``nothing to be said for certain yet''. The second assessment (1995), concluded that
the balance suggests a discernable human influence on global climate'', and concluded
that, as predicted by climate models, global temperature will likely rise by about 1-3.5
Celsius by the year 2100. The next report, in 2000, suggested, that the climate might
warm by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next 100 years, which would bring us
back to a climate not seen since the age of the dinosaurs. The most recent report, in
2001, concluded that "There is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming
observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities".
Due to these assessments, debate has now shifted away from whether or not global
warming is going to occur to, instead, how much, how soon, and with what impacts.
carbon sequestration method
Carbon sequestration is capturing the carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels and storing it
safely away from the atmosphere.
How do you capture CO2?
Methods already exist for key parts of the sequestration process. A chemical system for capturing
carbon dioxide is already used at some facilities for commercial purposes, such as beverage
carbonation and dry ice manufacture. The same approach could be adapted for coal-burning electric
power plants, where smokestacks could be replaced with absorption towers. One tower would contain
chemicals that isolate carbon dioxide from the other gases (nitrogen and water vapor) that escape into
the air and absorb it. A second tower would separate the carbon dioxide from the absorbing
chemicals, allowing them to be returned to the first tower for reuse.
A variation to this approach would alter the combustion process at the outset, burning coal in pure
oxygen rather than ordinary air. That would make separating the carbon dioxide from the exhaust
much easier, as it would be mixed only with water vapor, and not with nitrogen. It’s relatively simple
to condense the water vapor, leaving pure carbon dioxide gas that can be piped away for storage.
In this case, though, a different separation problem emerges — the initial need for pure oxygen, which
is created by separating it from nitrogen and other trace gases in the air. If that process can be made
economical, it would be feasible to retrofit existing power plants with a pure oxygen combustion
system, simplifying and reducing the cost of carbon dioxide capture.
Advanced methods for generating power from coal might also provide opportunities for capturing
carbon dioxide. In coal-gasification units, an emerging technology, coal is burned to produce a
synthetic gas, typically containing hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Adding steam, along with a
catalyst, to the synthetic gas converts the carbon monoxide into additional hydrogen and carbon
dioxide that can be filtered out of the system. The hydrogen can be used in a gas turbine (similar to a
jet engine) to produce electric power.
How do you store CO2?
Several underground possibilities have been investigated. Logical places include old gas and oil
fields. Storage in depleted oil fields, for example, offers an important economic advantage the carbon
dioxide interacts with the remaining oil to make it easier to remove. Some fields already make use of
carbon dioxide to enhance the recovery of hard-to-get oil. Injecting carbon dioxide dislodges oil
trapped in the pores of underground rock, and carbon dioxide’s presence reduces the friction impeding
the flow of oil through the rock to wells.
Depleted oil and gas fields do not, however, have the capacity to store the amounts of carbon dioxide
that eventually will need to be sequestered. By some estimates, the world will need reservoirs capable
of containing a trillion tons of carbon dioxide by the end of the century. That amount could possibly
be accommodated by sedimentary rock formations with pores containing salty water (brine).
The best sedimentary brine formations would be those more than 800 meters deep far below sources
of drinking water, and at a depth where high pressure will maintain the carbon dioxide in a highdensity state.
Sedimentary rocks that contain brine are abundantly available, but the concern remains whether they
will be secure enough to store carbon dioxide for centuries or millennia. Faults or fissures in overlying
rock might allow carbon dioxide to slowly escape, so it will be an engineering challenge to choose,
design, and monitor such storage sites carefully.
Concerns about leaks suggest to some experts that the best strategy might be literally deep-sixing
carbon dioxide, by injecting it into sediments beneath the ocean floor. High pressure from above
would keep the carbon dioxide in the sediments and out of the ocean itself. It might cost more to
implement than other methods, but it would be free from worries about leaks. And in the case of some
coastal sites of carbon dioxide production, ocean sequestration might be a more attractive strategy
than transporting it to far-off sedimentary basins.
It is also possible that engineers will be able to develop new techniques for sequestering carbon
dioxide that are based upon natural processes. For example, when atmospheric concentrations of
carbon dioxide increased in geologic times to a certain unknown threshold, it went into the ocean and
combined with positively charged calcium ions to form calcium carbonate – limestone. Similarly,
engineers might devise ways of pumping carbon dioxide into the ocean in ways that would lock it
eternally into rock.
It may well be that multiple strategies and storage locations will be needed to solve this problem, but
the prospect for success appears high. “Scientific and economic challenges still exist,” writes Harvard
geoscientist Daniel Schrag, “but none are serious enough to suggest that carbon capture and storage
will not work at the scale required to offset trillions of tons of carbon dioxide emissions over the next
century.” [Schrag, p. 812]
Creating biochar and mixing it with soil to create terra preta
Carbon air capture to remove carbon dioxide from ambient air
Planting trees to offset carbon emissions
Ocean nourishment including iron fertilization of the oceans
Quick facts about global warming
According to NASA:
Carbon dioxide levels are at 399.2 ppm as of November 2014
The global temperature has risen 14 F (7.8 C) since 1880
The global Arctic ice minimum (the extent of sea ice in warm months) is decreasing by 13.3
percent each decade
Land ice is decreasing by 258 billion tons (234 million kilotons) each year
Due to melting ice, the sea level has risen by 0.12 inches (3.17 millimeters) per year
There are many steps humans can take to lessen the effects of global warming. NASA is
committed to a two-pronged approach:
Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and stabilizing the levels of these gases in the
Adapting to the climate change already happening
Decreasing the rate at which fossil fuels are burned is critical to that effort. Development of
clean energy, including solar, wind and geothermal energy, has immense potential to reduce
the amount of coal and oil burned in powering electrical generating plants, NASA said.
More-sustainable transportation options, such as mass transit and alt-fuel vehicles, will also
reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. (The Union of Concerned
Scientists estimates that about 25 percent of energy-related CO2 emissions in the United
States come from passenger vehicles.)
Even individual efforts, such as lowering thermostats in winter and using energyefficient light bulbs, can help to address global warming. But most climate researchers also
stress the immediate need for large-scale, international policies to address the complex causes
and effects of global warming.
In Demo 1, compare the changes in temperature every year due to cause of global warming by
drawing a graph.
Post a chart listing the types of green house gases and what can be done to prevent them.
Leave the chart up so students can add to it whenever they have an idea.
Have students make a bar graph showing the quantity of greenhouse gases (vertical) vs. the jar
locations (horizontal). What conclusions can you draw from the graph?
Find out about factories in your area. What do they make? What types of waste do they
produce? How do they dispose of the waste? In the U.S., you can check them out on the EPA
Invite someone from the EPA (or other local person responsible for monitoring air quality) to
your classroom. Encourage students to ask questions about the types, causes, and levels of air
pollution in your community.
External Resources
1. The Heat Over Global Warming
2. EPA’s Climate Change Web site at:
The site contains detailed information about greenhouse gas emissions, science, effects of
climate change and what you can.
• EPA’s Climate Change Frequent Questions:
• EPA’s Climate Change Glossary:
3. : Try the Summaries for Policy Makers for starters.
These are concise, well written documents that also contain some of the
best and latest data.
US Global Change Research Program:
Weathervane: an online forum designed to provide the news
media, legislators, opinion leaders, and the interested public with
analysis and commentary on U.S. and global policy initiatives related to
climate change.
The global warming primer and discussion at website of the Institute of
Geophysics and Planetary Physics at Los Alamos National Laboratory:
4. MONITORING GLOBAL WARMING :erzog, H., and D. Golomb. 2004. Carbon
Capture and Storage from Fossil Fuel Use. Encyclopedia of Energy, ed. C.J.
Cleveland. Vol. 1. Elsevier Science: .
Lal, R. 2004. Carbon Sequestration, Terrestrial. Encyclopedia of Energy, Vol. 1
(Elsevier Inc.).
Schrag, D.P., et al. 2007. Preparing to Capture Carbon,” Science 315, p. 812. DOI:
Socolow, R.H. 2005. Can We Bury Global Warming? Scientific American (July
2005), pp. 49-55.
Zenz House, K. et al. 2006. Permanent carbon dioxide storage in deep-sea
sediments,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103 (15 August 2006), pp. 12291-12295.
NASA/Goddard Scientific Visualization Studio
This material was adapted from the websites what is global warming?,
, activities, lessons and units aligned to educational STEM standards, funded
primarily through the National Science Foundation
Assessment and Rubrics
Pre-Activity Assessment
Class Discussion Question: What does global warming look like? What are causes and
effects of global warming?
Activity Embedded Assessment
Student Observations: During the activity, students will be assessed for as directed in the
Procedure section. Students deriving better conclusion and observation from the activity
will be awarded with1 point, those with satisfactory observation will be awarded with 2
points, those with good observation will be awarded with 3 points, those with very good
observation will be awarded with4 points, those with excellent observation will be awarded
with 5 points. The total score for each activity will be 5 points.
Post-Activity Assessment
Informing others / Map Making: A school map on large chart paper will be made. For each
test site, a shape from colored construction paper will be cut and writing on it the ranking and
location. Adhering each shape to the correct location on the map. Conclusions will be drawn
from the map? Few of these conclusions will be written neatly on index cards. The map and
index card conclusions will be displayed in a school hallway for others to see.
Email ID:
Syllabus Guidelines
This lesson plan has covered all the contents given in the syllabus for the classes 9th 10th,
11th, and 12th standard.( definition of global warming and greenhouse effect, greenhouse
gases, causes of global warming , effects of global warming , managing global warming)
In this lesson plan the integration of the subjects involved are Environmental science by
learning about the global warming effect on environment and human beings , Geography
by learning about the different places in the world affected with rise in temperature,
Mathematics by drawing graphs for the classroom activities given , chemical sciences by
learning about different greenhouse gases in atmosphere and its sources, Physical science
by learning about the temperature rise and plotting it in graph .