IMQ CMA Accreditation Application INSTRUCTIONS May 22, 2014

IMQ/CMA Continuing Medical Education
Accreditation Program
Instructions for Preparing the
Application for CME Accreditation
(Initial and Re-Accreditation)
CME Accreditation Program of the
California Medical Association and the
Institute for Medical Quality
180 Howard Street, Suite 210
San Francisco, CA 94105
IMQ CME Accreditation Application Instructions
Instructions for Preparing and Submitting the IMQ/CMA
Accreditation Application Narrative and Activity Files
We are pleased that you have chosen IMQ/CMA to accredit your continuing medical
education (CME) program. The current IMQ/CMA Accreditation Criteria and Policies for CME
and the IMQ/CMA and ACCME Notes for CME Accreditation, as well as other resources are
located on the IMQ website at and will be helpful to complete the
These instructions apply to organizations seeking two-year Initial (Provisional) accreditation
and for organizations applying to continue their accreditation (Accredited Provider) for four
years or for six years by applying for Accreditation with Commendation.
Introduction to the Accreditation Process
The accreditation process provides an opportunity to showcase your organization’s efforts
and commitment to continuing medical education (CME). Through the accreditation
decision process, IMQ/CMA determines if your CME Program is in compliance with all
accreditation requirements. The accreditation decision takes into consideration the data
and information from your written/narrative application and activity files (performance in
practice) and from your interview with an IMQ/CMA surveyor.
Organizations applying for Initial (Provisional) Accreditation must show 100% compliance
with Criteria 1-3, 7-12 and policies or you will not be granted accreditation. Accredited
Providers may apply for four-year accreditation by demonstrating compliance with Criteria
1-13 plus all policies or for six-years by demonstrating compliance with all requirements,
including the Accreditation with Commendation criteria.
The Application
Your written application consists of two parts: Narrative and Activity Files.
1. Narrative: A written narrative includes descriptions, examples and attachments.
Descriptions are written explanations or responses to questions that relate to specific
criteria or policies. The description provides for an understanding of your CME program
and practices. For most questions, the description can be one to two short paragraphs.
It is important to be thorough but succinct.
Examples demonstrate how you implement the practices described in your narrative.
Examples may be incorporated into the narrative description and/or may be presented
as attachments. You should select examples that represent your best compliance with a
particular criterion or policy. Accredited providers may choose examples from any of
your CME activities, not just the educational activities selected by IMQ/CMA. Initial
applicants may use examples and attachments from the two educational activities
required for submission.
©2014 IMQ
May 2014
IMQ CME Accreditation Application Instructions
Attachments refer to specific documents. When including attachments, you should use
documents from actual activities that are planned and/or implemented and not use
blank forms.
2. Activity Files: All applicants submit activity files to demonstrate compliance with criteria
and policies. For Accredited Providers, IMQ/CMA selects eight (8) activities for review
from your submitted list of activities (SLOA). A sample of representative activities are
selected across all years of your current accreditation term (2, 4, or 6 ye ars) and of the
type of activities offered. Initial applicants must submit a minimum of two completed
educational activities; either activities conducted through joint providership with an
accredited provider or conducted without CME credits.
The Interview/Survey
Both Accredited Providers and Initial Applicants participate in an interview with an
IMQ/CMA Surveyor. The interview is an opportunity to further describe your CME program
and to provide clarification of your application. The surveyor may request additional
materials prior to or during the interview.
The Accreditation Decision
The IMQ/CMA Committee on CME makes the accreditation decisions. Accreditation can be
awarded as follows:
 Provisional Accreditation: A two-year term awarded to new applicants
Accreditation: Four-year term awarded to currently accredited CME providers. An
interim report may be required to address noncompliant criteria and policies.
Accreditation with Commendation: Six-year term awarded to CME Providers who
demonstrate compliance with all criteria and policies plus the Accreditation with
Commendation criteria. If one Commendation criterion is found non compliant, the
Accredited Provider is offered the opportunity to demonstrate compliance through an
Interim Report and be considered for Accreditation with Commendation.
Probation: A maximum two year period in which the Accredited Provider must
demonstrate compliance with all criteria and policies. While on probation the
Accredited Provider cannot serve as a joint provider for CME activities.
Non-Accreditation: The provider is not awarded accreditation and cannot offer AMA
PRA Category 1 creditTM to their physician learners.
©2014 IMQ
May 2014
IMQ CME Accreditation Application Instructions
Instructions for Preparing Your Application
The instructions are offered as guidelines to help organize your application and make it easy
for the surveyor and others to find the relevant information about your CME program and
activities. The application is divided into sections and the questions are numbered
sequentially for easy reference. Please organize your narrative by these sections and
respond to the questions in the order presented. The application is in MSWord to make it
easy for you to format and insert page breaks.
You need three copies of your Narrative and Activity Files. You will send two copies to IMQ
and keep the third copy, or your original documents bound together, for reference during
the survey and, in the unlikely case that your application is lost.
Preparing Your Narrative
1. Prepare tabs and/or cover sheets to separate sections. IMQ suggests using tabs or
colored paper as section dividers and to print on each divider the questions applicable
to that section.
2. In each section, respond to the applicable question in numbered order. Where
requested, include examples in your narrative description or as attachments at the end
of each section. Do NOT place all attachments at the end of the application. If using
attachments, reference in your narrative the title and page number of the attachment.
3. Consecutively number each page in the application, including the attachments. Print
your organization’s name (or abbreviation) on each page. You can paginate by hand.
4. Use 1” page margins (top, bottom and sides) and 11 point or larger typeface.
5. Copy oversized or small documents to fit standard 8.5”x11”paper for inclusion in the
6. Do not use plastic sleeves to insert single or multi-page documents, for example,
7. IMQ recommends the narrative be three-hole punched and bound by binder rings or not
hole-punched but bound by large clips and placed in an accordion folder. We no longer
require 3-ring binders.
Preparing Your Activity Files
Note: Do Not submit activity files in three-ring binders.
Initial Applicants: Please select two completed educational activities and submit two
copies of the required documents for each activity
Accredited Providers: For each of the IMQ selected activities, please submit two copies of
the required documents for each activity
©2014 IMQ
May 2014
IMQ CME Accreditation Application Instructions
1. Use a separate, standard file folder for each activity and label with:
Full Name of Organization (no acronyms)
Activity Title (exactly as it appears on the selected activity)
Activity Date and Location
Activity Type (AMA activity format or ACCME activity type)
Direct or Joint Providership
Commercial Support Received or Not Received
2. The following is recommended to help IMQ to easily locate the required information in
each activity file:
a. Create a table of contents (example available on IMQ website) and/or use colored
sheets or tabs
b. Place consecutive page numbers on documents (Paginating by hand is acceptable)
3. For a selected CME activity that is Internet, journal-based and/or enduring material,
please submit the CME product in its entirety in print form on a flash drive or provide a
link to the activity.
4. Activity-related materials must be marked to highlight the applicable policy or criteria.
Label terms should match those on the templates that are available on the IMQ website
for Criteria 2, 3, 5-8, 11 and the CLC, Accreditation Statement and AMA Credit
designation policies. Note: The label templates are preformatted to print on Avery
Standard File Folder Labels #5266.
5. Materials can be marked using electronic labels or white or colored print labels.
6. You may mark documents with neatly handwritten notes or colored highlighters to
make it easy to identify specific information.
7. When multiple criteria and/or policies are addressed on one document, carefully affix
more than one label but avoid obscuring pertinent information. Use more than one
copy of the same page when necessary to clearly show the requested information.
8. If you do not have evidence from an activity to demonstrate that the activity met the
requirement, place the applicable label on a sheet of paper with an explanation of why
there is no evidence. For example, “No commercial support accepted for this activity”
9. Some labels explicitly state “if applicable” because a criterion or policy may not apply to
all CME activities.
10. Accredited Providers: use the accreditation and credit designation statement labels on
the appropriate documentation such as brochure or announcement flyer.
Initial Applicants: Do not use the AMA credit designation statement for activities that
did not offer CME credit
©2014 IMQ
May 2014
IMQ CME Accreditation Application Instructions
11. Include materials that demonstrate compliance with criteria and policies such as activity
planning forms, email communications, committee meeting minutes, physician surveys
etc. If you opt to include an email string or meeting minutes as evidence, highlight or
label the information that is relevant to the specific criterion or policy. Remember: blank
forms and checklists do not verify compliance.
12. Do NOT submit information revealing patient names or identification numbers. Do NOT
submit quality improvement or other confidential information with patient or physician
names or ID numbers.
13. It is important to be succinct and clear in the evidence you select to show compliance.
For example, to show compliance with Criterion 11 it is sufficient to include an example
of the activity evaluation tool plus the data summary. If using an evaluation form, it is
not necessary to include each completed evaluation. As another example, rather than
include the entire power point presentation, just include the pertinent slide, such as a a
slide showing the disclosure to learners and label it accordingly.
14. Each activity file must include disclosure information for everyone in control of
content (e.g., teachers, authors, content reviewers, planners) for the activity. Also
include evidence of resolution of any Conflicts of Interests (COI) and your disclosure to
learners for all persons in control of content.
Submitting Your Application
1. All Accredited Providers must submit their applications 5pm on the date specified by
IMQ. This due date is based on the expiration of your current accreditation term. In
general, the due date for Initial applicants is one year from the pre-application report
and/or once two educational activities have been completed.
2. You will receive an invoice from IMQ covering your application and survey fee in
advance of your due date. Please do not submit payment with your Application. Your
fee must be paid before IMQ will process your application.
3. When your materials are ready to ship, please keep your original documents. Do not
ship original documents. Your materials will not be returned.
4. Send IMQ two copies of the application Narrative and two complete sets of your
Activity Files to:
Institute for Medical Quality
CME Accreditation Program
180 Howard, Suite 210
San Francisco, CA 94105
5. IMQ suggests using a shipping service with tracking (FedEx, UPS, Certified Mail etc).
Please send your delivery confirmation number via email to:
6. You may hand-deliver your application to IMQ offices before 5:00 p.m. on the due date.
Please call first to ensure someone is available to receive your application. IMQ Main
Office Number: 415-882-5151.
©2014 IMQ
May 2014