Mechanics - Summary

Each physical quantity is either a scalar or a vector.
► Vectors – quantity that must be specified by both magnitude (number and unit) and direction.
Displacement, velocity, force,…
Vectors do not obey the rules of ordinary algebra
► Scalars – quantity that is completely specified by a positive or negative number with appropriate units.
Temperature, length, mass, time, speed, …
Scalars obey the rules of ordinary algebra
► Translational motion – motion along a line through space without rotation.
► Average value – Value over a period of time.
► Instantaneous value – Value at one particular instant/time.
► A frame of reference – is a perspective from which a system (or the universe) is observed together
with a coordinate system used to describe motion of that system.
► Displacement – A change of position in particular direction. A distance in a given direction. Vector. Unit: meter (m)
► Average Velocity – Total displacement divided by total elapsed time
average velocity =
total displacement
⃗ avg
total time
☻ slope of the straight line joining the initial and final position on the position/displacement -time graph.
► Velocity (Instantaneous velocity) – 1. Value of velocity at a particular instant/time.
☻slope of the tangent line at particular point on the position – time graph.
► Average Speed – Total distance traveled divided by total time.
average speed =
total distance
vavg =
total time
☻ slope of the straight line joining the initial and final position on the distance - time graph.
Average speed = magnitude of average velocity only if motion is 1-D without changing direction;
► Speed (Instantaneous speed) – 1. Value of speed at a particular time. 2. The magnitude of the instantaneous velocity.
☻slope of the line tangent to the distance – time curve at a given point.
► Acceleration – Change in velocity divided by time in which that change happened. (change in velocity per one second)
acceleration =
change in velocity
Unit: m/s2
☻ acceleration is the slope of the straight line joining initial and final position on the velocity -time graph.
► Acceleration can cause: 1. change in speed (speeding up: v and a in the same direction;
slowing down: v and a in the opposite direction)
2. changing direction
3. both
► Uniform Motion – motion with constant velocity (equal distances in the equal amounts of time)
v avg = v
x = vt
magnitude of velocity = speed
► Uniformly Accelerated Motion – motion with constant acceleration a
► Kinematics Equations for 1-D motion with constant acceleration:
𝑎 2
x = ut +
v = u + vt
x =
vavg =
v2 = u2 + 2ax
► Uniform Circular Motion – motion with constant speed around the circular path.
T- period: time needed to one full circle
2 r
r – radius of the circle
speed: v =
Average velocity is zero, because displacement for a full circle is zero.
velocity: changing direction - tangential to the path and constant magnitude (speed)
acceleration - toward the centre and constant magnitude
► Free Fall – is vertical (up and/or down) motion of a body where gravitational force is the only or dominant force acting upon it
Gravitational force gives all bodies regardless of mass or shape, when air resistance can be ignored, the same acceleration.
► Free Fall acceleration – at Earth’s surface is about g = 9.8 m/s2, downward
The speed would decrease by 9.8 m/s every second on the way up, at the top it would
reach zero, and increase by 9.8 m/s for each successive second on the way down
► Free Fall formulas – Formulas are the ones for uniform accelerated motion with a = g
v = u + vt
vavg =
y =
y = ut +
g 2
v2 = u2 + 2gy
remember that in the coordinate system in which upward is chosen to be positive, g is negative.
► Terminal speed/velocity – is maximum velocity an object can reach in air/any fluid. Velocity reached when force of air resistance
equals gravitational force and acceleration is zero.
Air resistance depends on velocity. The greater velocity, greater air resistance, smaller acceleration.
Acceleration is getting smaller due to air resistance and eventually becomes zero when the force of the air resistance equals gravity, the
downward force of gravity is equal to the upward force of air resistance resulting in a zero net force, hence zero acceleration. The
object will stop accelerating and maintain the same speed.
Terminal velocity/speed is different for different bodies.
► Graphs of the motion of an object dropped in the gravitational field (downward is positive)