RFD Format - Section-2 Inter Section Priorities among key objectives Success Indicators and Targets Column1 Column 2 Column3 Objective Weight Action Success Indicator Unit Weight Excellent 5. Exploration and excavation of Archaeological Sites and Remains, Conservation of Monuments and Archaeological sites, Creation of awareness to preserve heritage. 10 5.1 Excavation of Archaeological Sites 5.2 Exploration of Archaeological Sites/Monuments 5.3 Declaration of Structures as Monuments 5.4 Conservation of Monuments 5.1.1 Nos. of Sites excavated 5.2.1 Nos. of Sites/Monuments explored 5.3.1 Nos. of Monuments declared 5.4.1 Conservation of Monuments 5.4.2 Cleaning around the Monument 5.4.3 Maintenance Monuments 5.5.1 Nos. of Monuments conserved through PPP 2 .1 100% 2 30 .1 30 25 20 15 10 20 .1 20 10 08 06 05 40 .2 40 35 30 25 20 20 .1 20 15 12 10 5 2 .1 2 1 - - - 10 .1 10 08 07 05 04 25 .1 25 20 15 10 08 150 .1 150 125 100 80 50 35 .1 35 30 25 20 18 5.5 Conservation of Monuments through Public Private Partnership 5.6 Documentation of Heritage Properties 5.7 Creation of Awareness Program Column4 5.6.1 Number of Heritage properties documented 5.7.1 Nos. of Heritage Clubs 5.7.2 PrachyaPrajne awareness program Column 5 Column6 Target/Criteria Value Very Good Fair Good 90% 80% 70% 1 - Poor 60% - Column1 Column 2 Column3 Objective Weight Action 6. Maintenance of Museums and art gallery, Collection and Preservation of Art and Archaeological specimens in the Museums, 5 6.1 Maintenance of Museums and Art Gallery 6.2 Collection of Art and Archaeological Specimens Column4 Success Indicator 5.7.3 Heritage walk / Cycling 5.7.4 Seminar/ Workshop/Exhibition / Publication 6.1.1 Number of Museums covered Art and Archaeological Specimens collected Column 5 Unit Column6 Target/Criteria Value Very Good Fair Good 90% 80% 70% 20 15 12 Weight Excellent Poor 25 .1 100% 25 13 .1 13 10 8 6 5 14 .1 14 12 10 08 06 100 .1 100 90 80 70 60 60% 9 Table 3 (Section 3) Trend Value for Success Indicators Objective 5. Exploration and excavation of Archaeological Sites and Remains Conservation of monuments and Archaeological sites creation of awareness to preserve heritage Action Success Indicator Unit Actual Value for FY 13-14 5.1 Excavation of 5.1.1 Number of Archaeological Sites Sites excavated Number 5.2 Exploration Archaeological Sites/Monuments 5.3 Declaration Structures Monuments 5.4 Conservation Monuments by Department. of 5.2.1 Number of Sites/Monuments explored of 5.3.1 Number of as Monuments declared. of 5.4.1 Conservation the of Monuments 5.4.2 Cleaning around the Monument 5.4.3 Maintenance Monuments 5.5 Conservation of 5.5.1 Number of Monuments through Monuments Public Private conserved through Partnership PPP 5.6 Documentation of 5.6.1 Number of Heritage Properties. heritage properties documented. Target Value for FY 15-16 3 Actual Value for FY 14-15 1 Projcted Value for FY 17-18 2 Projcted Value for FY 16-17 2 Number 40 25 30 35 40 Number 18 25 10 15 20 Number 50 30 62 75 75 Number - - 20 40 60 Number - - 2 10 20 Number 10 10 10 10 10 Number 10 50 20 20 20 2 Objective 6. Maintenance of museums and art gallery, collection and preservation of Art and Archaeological specimens in the Museums both public and private Action Success Indicator 5.7 Creation of 5.7.1 Number of clubs heritage awareness through Heritage 5.7.2 PrachyaPrajne awareness program Clubs 5.7.3 Heritage walk / Cycling 5.7.4 Seminar/ Workshop/Exhibition / Publication 6.1 Maintenance of 6.1.1 Number of Museums and Art Museums and Art Gallery Gallery covered. 6.2 Collection of Art 6.2.1 Number of art and Archaeological and archaeological specimens. specimens collected. Unit Actual Value for FY 14-15 Target Value for FY 15-16 Projcted Value for FY 16-17 Number Actual Value for FY 13-14 250 100 100 100 Projcted Value for FY 17-18 100 Number - - 35 35 35 Number - - 25 30 35 Number - - 13 15 17 Number 16 8 10 10 10 Number 100 50 50 50 50 SECTION - 4 Definition and Methodology Description and definition of success indicators and proposed measurement methodology for year 2015-16 Sl No 1 1 Success indicator Description 2 3 (5.1.1) Number of The number of sites excavated sites excavated. 2 (5.2.1) Number of sites / monuments explored. 3 (5.3.1) Number of monuments declared . 4 (5.4.1) Number of monuments conserved. (5.4.2) Cleaning around monuments Definition 4 Ancient historical places are identified and site excavations are carried out by using scientific methods to know about the habitat and cultural aspects. After excavation the precious findings are preserved and detailed notes are prepared. The findings from the excavations are displayed in museums. The monuments explored, declared and conserved Any type of structures which are more than 100 years old having by the department during the year and number of archaeological features are explored throughout Karnataka. heritage properties documents and heritage clubs organized. Any type of structures which are more than 100 Any type of structures which are more than 100 years old having years old are declared as ancient monuments. archaeological features are declared as protected monuments under the Karnataka ancient and historical monuments and archaeological sites and remains act 1961 and rule 1965. Any type of structures which are more than 100 Any type of structures which are more than 100 years old are declared as years old are declared as ancient monuments. protected monuments. Monuments which are worshipped are categorized Monuments which are worshiped and those as living monuments and which are not worshipped are categorized as non monuments having other esthetical aspects but not living monuments. Monuments which are being worshipped or not being worshiped are also being conserved. worshipped and which are in dilapidated conditions are taken up for conservation as per conservation norms. Any type of structures which are more than 100 Any types of structures which are more than 100 years old are taken up for years old are taken up for preliminary preliminary conservation and cleaning around the monument. conservation and cleaning around the monument. 5 6 7 8 (5.4.3) Maintenance of Monument. (5.5.1) Number of monuments conserved through PPP. Monuments which are declared are taken up for Monuments which are declared are taken up for the maintenance of the maintenance of monuments. monuments. Monuments which are being worshiped are Monuments which are worshipped and are categorized as living conserved through public private partnerships. monuments are considered for conservation by the way of public private partnerships. The Government of Karnataka vide G.O.No. SAM /KAE/ 97/ KMU 2001 Dated : 19.11.2001 has entered into a MOU in collaboration with Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Dharmothana Trust and with local public participation. The Government of Karnataka will provide 40% Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Dharmothana Trust 40% and the remaining 20% to be borne by local public. (5.6.1) Number of Those structures having heritage aspects and are Any structures whether constructed in Gothic or Indo-sarsenic style or any heritage properties declared by competent authority has been other significant structures are considered as heritage structures. These documented. considered as per grading of structures and heritage structures are to be listed according to their grading. accordingly documentations work will be carried Documentation work will be carried out as per requirement on priority out. basis. (5.7.1) Number of Heritage clubs are created in educational Heritage clubs are created in educational Institutions where history or any clubs. institutions where history subject is being taught. other subject is being taught to create awareness among young generations about tangible and intangible heritage and to preserve ancient heritage structures monuments, water bodies, lakes, ponds etc., for future posterity. Awareness programme for High School children Awareness programme for High School children (5.7.2) Prachya prajne awareness programme (5.7.3) Heritage walk Awareness programme through Heritage walk / Awareness programme cycling / cycling (5.7.4) Seminar Research oriented programmes viz., Seminar Research oriented programmes workshop /Exhibition/ publication workshop /Exhibition/ publication (6.1.1) Number of Number of museums and art galleries covered. Museum displays ancient, traditional, art and cultural artifacts, photo museums covered. displays, ancient coins, weapons, ancient rulers dress materials and other 9 precious materials. There are about 15 museums and 1 art gallery which come under the purview of this Department. (6.2.1) Art and The number of museums, art galleries covered and The State of Karnataka is having rich cultural, social aspects. Likewise Archaeological specimens collected and preserved during the there are many unidentified and unsung monuments, heritage structures, specimens covered. year. water bodies, lakes, ponds etc. Even sometimes through news media and T.V media we will come across the availability of ancient monuments and artifacts excavation is a source for the discovery of ancient structures artifacts etc. SECTION - 5 Specific requirements from other Departments/Organizations for year 2015-16. Sl No Location type 1 1 2 State Government 2 3 State Government State 3 Karnataka Karnataka Organization type Organization name 4 Kannada & Culture Department 5 Others Archaeological Survey of India Government of India Kannada & Culture Department Kannada & Culture Department Relevant success indicator 6 (5.1.1) Number of sites excavated / monuments What is your requirement from this organization Justification for this requirement 7 Approval from ASI to take up site excavations from identified ancient historical places like Hampi, Talkad, Kuntidibba and Rajaghatta is necessary. 8 If approval from ASI is not accorded to take up site excavation in identified ancient historical places like Hampi, Talkad, Kuntidibba and Rajaghatta will be hampered. Sufficient annual budget provision from the Department is a must to take up sites or monuments exploration work. If sufficient annual budget provision from the Department or Govt is not made it is very difficult to take up sites or monuments exploration work. (5.3.1) Any type of Number of structures monuments which are more declared. than 100 years old can be Any type of structures which are more than 100 years old having archaeological features are declared (5.2.1) Number of sites / monuments explored Quantify your requirement from this organization 9 There are 4 identified ancient historical places like Hampi, Talkad, Kuntidibba and Rajaghatta. 2 Sites are proposed for excavation 30 Ancient historical places proposed for Exploration 20 monuments are proposed to be declared as protected monuments. What happens if your requirement is not met 10 If approval is not accorded by ASI the entire site excavation work will be hampered and the budget provision made for this work get lapsed. - If these monuments are not protected as protected monument as per Act 1961 4 declared as as protected ancient monuments under the monuments. Karnataka ancient and historical monuments and archaeological sites and remains act 1961 and rule 1965. State Karnataka Kannada & Kannada & (5.4.1) Any type of Any type of structures Government Culture Culture Number of structures which are more than Department Department monuments which are more 100 years old can be conserved. than 100 years considered as old can be protected monuments declared as after declaration. ancient Monuments which monuments. are worshipped are Monuments categorized as living which are monuments and worshiped and which are not those worshipped are monuments categorized as non having other living monuments. aesthetical These type of aspects but not monuments in worshipped are dilapidated condition also fit for are taken up for conservation. conservation as per conservation norms. State Karnataka Kannada & Kannada & (5.4.2) Any type of Any type of structures Government Culture Culture structures which are more than Cleaning Department Department which are more 100 years old are 40 monuments are proposed for conservation depending upon availability of funds from State or under Centrally sponsored schemes. 20 monuments are proposed & rule 1965, there is every possibility of further damage and encroachment of monument and surrounding areas. If these monuments are not protected as protected monument as per Act 1961 & rule 1965, there is every possibility of further damage and encroachment of monument and surrounding areas. There is every possibility of further around monuments State Government 5 Karnataka Kannada & Culture Department Kannada & Culture Department (5.4.3) Maintenance of Monument. than 100 years old are taken up for preliminary conservation and cleaning around the monument. Monuments which are declared are taken up for the maintenance of monuments. State Karnataka Kannada & Kannada & (5.5.1) Monuments Government Culture Culture Number of which are being Department Department monuments worshiped are conserved conserved through PPP. through public private partnerships. taken up for preliminary conservation and cleaning around the monument. damage for in around of the monument Monuments which 2 monuments are are declared are taken proposed up for the maintenance of monuments. There is every possibility of further damage for in around of the monument About 10 monuments are taken up for conservation under PPP module. The If these 10 to 15 monuments are not taken up for conservation under PPP module, there is every possibility of further damage and encroachment of monuments and surrounding areas. Monuments which are worshipped and categorized as living monuments are considered for conservation by the way of public private partnerships. The Government of Karnataka vide G.O.No. SAM /KAE/ 97/ KMU 2001 Dated : 19.11.2001 has entered into a MOU in collaboration with Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Dharmothana Trust. Government of Karnataka will provide 40% Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Dharmothana Trust 40% and the remaining 20% to be borne by local public. 6 State Government Karnataka Kannada & Culture Department Kannada & Culture Department (5.6.1) Number of heritage properties documented. Those structures having heritage aspects and are declared by competent authority will be considered for grading of structures and accordingly documentations work will be carried out. The Government of Karnataka will provide the grant of 40% Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Dharmothana Trust 40% and the remaining 20% to be borne by local public. Any structures whether constructed in Gothic or Indosarsenic style or any other significant structures are considered as heritage structures. These heritage structures are to be listed according to their grading. Documentation work will be carried out as per requirement on priority basis. About 25 heritage properties are proposed for documentation. If these 10 heritage properties are not taken up for documentation which are under the control of Government, corporations, Private organizations and Universities, there is a every possibility of further damage and encroachment of heritage properties which has to be protected for future posterity. 7 State Government Karnataka Kannada & Culture Department Kannada & Culture Department (5.7.1) Number clubs. Heritage clubs of are created in educational institutions where history subject is being taught. Heritage clubs are created in educational Institutions where history or any other subject is being taught to create awareness among young generations about tangible and intangible heritage and to preserve ancient heritage structures monuments, water bodies, lakes, ponds etc., for future posterity. About 150 heritage clubs have already been created in various Educational Institutions across the state to create awareness among young generations. About another 50 heritage clubs are proposed to be created. If these heritage clubs are not created in various Educational Institutions across the state, there is every possibility of further damage to the heritage properties due to lack of awareness. State Government Karnataka Kannada & Culture Department Kannada & Culture Department (5.7.2) Prachya prajne awareness programme Awareness programme for High School children Awareness programme for High School children High School children across the state to create awareness among young generations. There is every possibility of further damage to the heritage properties due to lack of awareness. To create an awareness. 34 awareness programme State Government Karnataka Kannada & Culture Department Kannada & Culture Department Awareness Awareness programme (5.7.3) Heritage walk programme through / cycling Heritage walk / cycling State Karnataka Kannada & Kannada & (5.7.4) Research Research oriented Government Culture Culture oriented programmes Seminar Department Department programmes viz., workshop Seminar create awareness 25 Heritage walk / cycling are proposed Research oriented programmes Research oriented programmes /Exhibition/ publication 8 9 State Government State Government Karnataka Karnataka Kannada & Culture Department Kannada & Culture Department Kannada & Culture Department Kannada & Culture Department (6.1.1) Number museums covered. workshop /Exhibition/ publication Number of of museums and art galleries covered. (6.2.1) Art and Archaeological specimens covered. The number of museums, art galleries covered and specimens collected and preserved during the year. Museum displays contain ancient, traditional, art and cultural artifacts, photos ancient coins, weapons, ancient historical rulers dress materials and other precious materials. There are about 15 museums and 1 art gallery which come under the purview of this Department. Every year provisions are made in annual state budget & centrally sponsored schemes for development of museums & art gallery with modern facilities. The State of Karnataka is having rich cultural, social aspects. Likewise there are many unidentified and unsung monuments, heritage structures, water bodies, lakes, ponds etc. Even sometimes through news media and T.V media we will come across the availability Every year collections of art & artifacts of ancient rulers & dynasties precious stone structures, valuable items, copper plates & copper, gold, silver & metal articles found in excavation are collected and displayed in museums across the state. 14 Museums are proposed for development and maintenance of Museums This year 100 No. of If sufficient provisions are not made in the budget for development of museums & art gallery with modern facilities. There is every possibility of decrease in the visit of tourists across the state, country and from outside countries. If excavation is not carried out then many unearthed valuables could not be recovered beneath the ground. of ancient monuments collection of Art & and artifacts. Artifacts is proposed Excavation is a source for the discovery of ancient structures, artifacts etc. SECTION – 6 Outcome / impact of activities of Department / ministry for the year 2015-16 Sl No 1 2 3 Outcome/ impact of department/ministry Ancient historical places are identified and site excavations are carried out by using scientific methods to know about the habitat and cultural aspects. Jointly responsible for influencing this outcome/impact with the following department (s)/ ministry (ies) Central Advisory Board of Archaeology, Archaeological Survey of India, Kannada and Cultural Secretariat, Finance Department, Archaeology, Museums and Heritage. Ancient historical places are identified and Kannada and Cultural Secretariat, site excavations are carried out by using Archaeology, Museums and scientific methods to know about the habitat Heritage. and cultural aspects. After excavation the precious findings are preserved and a detailed notes are prepared. The findings from the excavations are displayed in museums. Any type of structures which are more than 100 years old having Archaeological features are declared as protected Monuments under the Karnataka Ancient and Historical Monuments and Archaeological sites and remains Act 1961 and Rule 1965. Success indicator 2013-14 2014-15 (5.1.1) Number of sites excavated / monuments 7 (5.2.1) Number of sites 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 1 - - 115 141 - - 5 58 - - / monuments explored Kannada and Cultural Secretariat; (5.3.1) Number of Concerned District Commissioner; monuments declared. Archaeology, Museums and Heritage. Sl No 4 5 Outcome/ impact of department/ministry Jointly responsible for influencing this outcome/impact with the following department (s)/ ministry (ies) 2013-14 2014-15 Any type of structures which are more than Kannada and Cultural Secretariat; (5.4.1) Number of 100 years old are declared as protected Archaeology, Museums and monuments conserved. monuments. Monuments which are declared Heritage. and Worshipped are categorized as living monuments and which are not Worshipped are categorized as non-living monuments. Monuments which are being worshipped or not being worshipped and which are in dilapidated conditions are taken up for conservation as per conservation norms. 58 Any type of structures which are more than Kannada and Cultural Secretariat; (5.4.2) Cleaning around 100 years old are taken up for preliminary Archaeology, Museums and the Monument conservation and cleaning around the Heritage. monument. Monuments which are declared are taken up Kannada and Cultural Secretariat; for the maintenance of monuments. Archaeology, Museums and Heritage. Monuments which are worshipped and are Concerned Public Private categorized as living monuments are considered Partnership for conservation by the way of public private partnerships. The Government of Karnataka vide G.O.No.SAM/KAE/97/ KMU 2001 Dated 19.11.2001 has entered into a MOU in collaboration with Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Dharmothana Trust and with local public participation. The Government of Karnataka will provide 40% Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Dharmothana Trust 40% and the remaining 20% to be borne by local public. Success indicator Maintenance monuments of (5.5.1) Number of monuments conserved through PPP. 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 164 - - - - - - - - - - 13 13 - - 6 Any structures constructed in Gothic or Indosarsenic style or any other significant structures are considered as heritage structures. These heritage structures are to be listed according to their grading. Documentation work will be carried out as per requirement priority basis. Heritage clubs are created in educational Institutions where history or any other subject is being taught to create awareness among young generations about tangible, intangible and natural heritage, and to preserve ancient heritage structures, monuments, water bodies, lakes, ponds etc., for future posterity. Awareness programme for High School children Director(Archaeology), Director (Heritage) Deputy (5.6.1) Number of heritage properties documented. - - 175 134 - - - - (5.7.1) clubs. Deputy Director (Heritage) (5.7.2) Prachya Prajne awareness programme - - Heritage walk / cycling Deputy Director (Heritage) (5.7.3) Heritage walk / cycling - - Seminar/ Workshop/Exhibition/Publication Deputy Director (Heritage) (5.7.4) Seminar/ Workshop/ Exhibition / Publication - - - - 8 Museum displays ancient, traditional, art and cultural artifacts, photo displays, ancient coins, weapons, ancient rulers dress materials and other precious materials. There are about 14 museums and 2 art gallery which come under the purview of this Department. Director(Museums), Deputy Director, Curators (6.1.1) Number museums covered. of 17 13 - - 9 The State of Karnataka is having rich cultural, social aspects. Likewise there are many unidentified and unsung monuments, heritage structures, water bodies, lakes, ponds etc. Even sometimes through news media and T.V media we will come across the availability of ancient monuments and artifacts, Excavation is a source for the discovery of ancient structures, artifacts etc Director(Museums), (6.2.1) Art and Archaeological specimens covered. 110 318 - - Concerned Curators, Assistant Curators of 397 Deputy Director (Heritage) 7 Number 12