6th Grade Science WEEK OF NOVEMBER 9-13, 2015 READING THIS WEEK: Pages 38-49 of Cells and Heredity Textbook MONDAY NOVEMBER 9: Essential Question 1: How can I write my predictions about a series of events? Essential Question 2: How are living things organized? Writing hypothesis statements (pgs 36-37) The Organization of Cellular levels: from atoms/molecules-organisms Atoms/Molecules)—Cells)—Tissues)—Organs)—Organ Systems)--Organisms TUESDAY NOVEMBER 10: Essential Question: How are living things organized? Small group and classroom discussion on pgs 38-39 (Specialization and origin of words) Review of Unicellular vs Multicellular Organisms (pgs 40) WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 11: VETERAN’S DAY HOLIDAY!! NO SCHOOL! THURSDAY NOVEMBER 12: Essential Question: How are living things organized? Lab: Comparing Cells Using the Motic Image Software to create & send photos Drawing and photographing one plant and one animal cell FRIDAY NOVEMBER 13: Essential Question: How are living things organized? Lab: Comparing Cells (con’t) 6th Grade Science WEEK OF NOVEMBER 16-20, 2015 READING THIS WEEK: Pages 38-49 of Cells and Heredity Textbook MONDAY NOVEMBER 16: Essential Question: What are tissues and organs? Complete reading and fill-in portions on pgs 41-42 Lab: Evaluating Specialization (Pt 1) TUESDAY NOVEMBER 17: Essential Question: What are tissues, organs and organ systems? Complete reading and fill-in portions on pg 43 Lab: Evaluating Specialization (Pt 2) WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 18: Essential Question: Can I observe and describe the root system of a plant and an animal organ system? Lab: Observing Plant Organs -carrot taproot observations -prepared carrot slide THURSDAY NOVEMBER 19: Essential Question: Can I observe and describe the root system of a plant and an animal organ system? Complete reading pgs 43-44 -underline, highlighting and fill-in on pg 44 Crossword Puzzle: Organs and Cell Structure FRIDAY NOVEMBER 20: Essential Question: What is the connection between structure and function? Complete Crossword Puzzle Complete and Collect Lab: Observing Plant Organs 6th Grade Science WEEK OF NOVEMBER 30-DECEMBER 4, 2015 READING THIS WEEK: Pages 38-49 of Cells and Heredity Textbook MONDAY NOVEMBER 30: Essential Question: How do organ systems work together? -Thanksgiving week at a glance -Complete Pgs 46-47: Read, Highlight, fill-in TUESDAY DECEMBER 1: Essential Question: How do cells, tissues, organs and organ systems work together in a multicellular organism? Complete Pgs 48-49: Visual Summary and Lesson Review. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 2: Essential Question: How do organs work with organ systems? Introduce Organ/Organ System Project-Presentations begin on Tuesday Dec 8th -overview of Organ Project and rubric -receive organ assignment -identify organ system group -begin organ research and illustrating THURSDAY DECEMBER 3: Essential Question: How do organs work with organ systems? Work on individual research and illustrations FRIDAY DECEMBER 4: Essential Question: How do organs work with organ systems? Pass back Organelle Trail Projects and go over scoring Continue individual work researching organs and creating sketches 6th Grade Science WEEK OF DECEMBER 7-11, 2015 READING THIS WEEK: None MONDAY DECEMBER 7: Essential Question: How do organs work with organ systems and how well do I work with a team? Teamwork guidelines Begin Presentation preparation on Organ Systems -Select idea, begin storyboards -Full-sized poster layout TUESDAY DECEMBER 8: Essential Question: How do organs work with organ systems and how well do I work with a team? Continue Team work for presentation preparation on Organ Systems -Storyboard work -Full-sized poster layout -creating script WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 9: Essential Question: How do organs work with organ systems and how well do I work with a team? Continue Team work for presentation preparation on Organ Systems -Storyboard work -Full-sized poster layout -creating scrip THURSDAY DECEMBER 10: Essential Question: How well can we present as a team our organ system? Continue Team work for presentation preparation on Organ Systems -Storyboard work -Full-sized poster layout -creating script FRIDAY DECEMBER 11: Essential Question: How well can we present as a team our organ system? Continue presentations on Organ Systems 6th Grade Science WEEK OF DECEMBER 14-18, 2015 READING THIS WEEK: None MONDAY DECEMBER 14: Essential Question: How well can we present as a team our organ system? Weekend Update Week at-a-glance Continue presentations on Organ Systems TUESDAY DECEMBER 15: Essential Question: How well can we present as a team our organ system? Weekend Update Week at-a-glance Continue presentations on Organ Systems Music and Organ Systems WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 16: Essential Question: What are the essential organs and organ systems in the body? Wrap up Music and Organ Systems Crossword Puzzle-Organs and Organ Systems THURSDAY DECEMBER 17: Group Challenges Make up work Session FRIDAY DECEMBER 18: Group Challenges Make up work Session 6th Grade Science WEEK OF JANUARY 11-15, 2016 READING THIS WEEK: None MONDAY JANUARY 4: SNOW DAY-NO SCHOOL!! TUESDAY JANUARY 5: Essential Question: What are the essential organs and organ systems in the body? Weekly Update for Dec 18-Jan 3rd Organ-Organ Systems Games WEDNESDAY JANUARY 6: Essential Question: What are the essential organs and organ systems in the body? Complete Organ-Organ Systems Games THURSDAY JANUARY 7: Essential Question: How are our reaction rates related to our organ systems? Introduce Reaction Rates -Jump To It/Knee Jerk Reflex -Cornell Paper Layout/Creating Data Tables - Lab: Reaction Rates: (Parts I-III) FRIDAY JANUARY 8: Essential Question: How are our reaction rates related to our organ systems? Lab: Reaction Rates -Part IV 6th Grade Science WEEK OF JANUARY 11-15, 2016 READING THIS WEEK: None MONDAY JANUARY 11: Essential Question: How are our reaction rates related to our organ systems? Weekend Update Wrap up and complete Cornell Notes on Reaction Rates Lab Activities Using Sentence Frames to Help with Summaries and Questions TUESDAY JANUARY 12: Essential Question: How do organisms reproduce? Asexual Reproduction-Pgs 112-115 Examples and flash cards WEDNESDAY JANUARY 13: Essential Question: How do organisms reproduce? Sexual Reproduction-Pgs 115-117 THURSDAY JANUARY 14: Essential Question: How do organisms reproduce? Added Advantages-pg 118-120 Classification Systems FRIDAY JANUARY 15: Essential Question: How do organisms reproduce? Lesson Review-Pgs 121 6th Grade Science WEEK OF JANUARY 18-22, 2016 READING THIS WEEK: None MONDAY JANUARY 18: Essential Question: Martin Luther King Holiday!! Celebrate Diversity!! NO SCHOOL TODAY!! TUESDAY JANUARY 19: Essential Question: How do organisms reproduce? Lesson Review-Pgs 120-121 Complete Review on pg 121. Review for unit test on Reproduction WEDNESDAY JANUARY 20: Essential Question: How well do I understand how organisms reproduce? Review for Assessment Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Assessment THURSDAY JANUARY 21: Essential Question: How are Traits inherited? Complete Crossword Puzzle on Heredity Complete Highlighting and Reading on pgs 124-132 FRIDAY JANUARY 22: LAST DAY FOR LATE/MISSING/RESUBMITTED WORK!! Essential Question: How are traits inherited? Begin Online Heredity Assignment 6th Grade Science WEEK OF JANUARY 25-29, 2016 READING THIS WEEK: Pgs 124-138 MONDAY JANUARY 25: Essential Question: How are traits inherited? Complete Crossword Puzzles and Any test questions needing completion Continue Online Heredity Assignment TUESDAY JANUARY 26: Essential Question: How are traits inherited Complete Online Heredity Assignment What is a Punnett Square? WEDNESDAY JANUARY 27: Essential Question: How are traits displayed in individuals? Punnett Squares Pt II -Using Punnett Squares THURSDAY JANUARY 28: Essential Question: How do individuals adapt to their environment? Adaptations to ensure success FRIDAY JANUARY 29: NO SCHOOL TODAY!! END OF SEMESTER ONE!!