SASED Post Observation Feedback Form SPEECH THERAPIST DOMAIN 1: PLANNING AND PREPARATION Speech Therapist:_________________________________ Program:____________________________ Observation Date:_____________ COMPONENTS 1a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Speech Pathology UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Speech Therapist displays little understanding of the subject, structure of the discipline, or contentrelated psycho-educational principles. Speech Therapist displays knowledge of the practice and principles representing basic understanding of the discipline, but does not extend to connections with other disciplines to address student needs. Speech Therapist demonstrates solid understanding of content, prerequisite relationships, and connections with other disciplines. Practices reflect current knowledge. Speech Therapist’s knowledge of the content and practice in the areas basic to the profession are extensive, showing evidence of a continuing search for improved practice. Speech Therapist actively seeks opportunities to share his/her knowledge with colleagues, teachers, administrators, parents and the community. Speech Therapist displays little ability to effectively and ethically select, use and interpret a variety of standardized assessment tools. Speech Therapist fails to tailor choice of tools to individuals needs. Speech Therapist displays ability to effectively and ethically select, use and interpret a variety of standardized and non-standardized assessment tools. Speech Therapist uses standard test battery, but with little variation to specific student needs. Speech Therapist displays an in-depth ability to effectively and ethically select, use and interpret a variety of standardized and non-standardized assessment tools including exceptionality-specific assessment instruments. Speech Therapist selects and uses a variety of assessment instruments based on individual problems and needs. Speech Therapist teaches and explains how to effectively and ethically select, use and interpret a variety of standardized and nonstandardized assessment tools including exceptionality-specific assessment instruments. Speech Therapist creatively approaches referral questions, using a variety of individually selected assessment tools. Speech Therapist displays little knowledge and understanding of the available resources. Speech Therapist has knowledge and understanding of the available resources within the immediate educational setting. Speech Therapist has detailed knowledge and understanding of the resources available within the immediate educational setting, school district, and community. Speech Therapist has a thorough knowledge of and can access a network of resources and child serving agencies (i.e. regional, state) to provide services to the child, family, and school. Evidence: Comments: 1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Assessment Instruments and Tools Evidence: Comments: 1c. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources SASED Post Observation Feedback Form Evidence: Comments: COMPONENTS 1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Local, State, and Federal Policies and Regulations UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Speech Therapist displays little understanding of local, state and Federal regulations and policies and/or does not utilize the information. Speech Therapist displays basic understanding of local, state, and Federal regulations and policies and can adequately utilize the information. Speech Therapist displays an in-depth understanding of local, state, and Federal regulations and policies. The information is utilized and/or presented in a meaningful and sensitive manner. Speech Therapist consistently implements, and can clearly explain, local, state, and Federal regulations and policies. The information is utilized and/or presented in a meaningful and sensitive manner. Speech Therapist displays little understanding of the characteristics related to specific disability areas. Speech Therapist displays basic understanding of the characteristics related to specific disability areas. Speech Therapist displays an in-depth understanding of the characteristics related to specific disability areas and the effects of cultural and environmental milieu on student and family. Speech Therapist displays an extensive knowledge of the characteristics related to specific disability areas and the effects of cultural and environmental milieu on student and family. Speech Therapist teaches about and/or explains such characteristics to others. Speech Therapist’s goals are inappropriate to needs or are unsuitable for students in an educational setting with no student and/or family collaboration and are not measurable. Speech Therapist’s goals are of moderate value, appropriate to an educational setting with limited student and/or family collaboration. Some goals permit viable methods of assessment. Speech Therapist’s goals are of considerable value, appropriate to an educational setting and represent consistent student and/or family collaboration. They provide opportunities for insight and permit viable methods of assessment. Speech Therapist’s goals maximize student growth, and are appropriate to the educational setting, which represents highly effective student and/or family collaboration. Goals encourage opportunities for insight and permits viable methods of assessment. Evidence: Comments: 1e. Demonstrating Knowledge of Characteristics of Students with Exceptionalities Evidence: Comments: 1f. Developing Intervention Goals SASED Post Observation Feedback Form Evidence: Comments: COMPONENTS 1g. Designing Coherent Instruction UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Activities are not suitable for students and materials and resources do not support goals. Instructional groups do not support goals and lessons / units do not have defined structure. Some of the activities are suitable for students, and some of the materials support goals. Instructional groups are usually suitable to goals, and most lessons / units are uniformly structured. Most of the activities are suitable to students, and materials support goals. Instructional groups are varied and lessons / units are clearly defined and organized. Learning activities are highly relevant, and materials support instructional goals. Instructional groups are varied and appropriate with evidence of student choice, and lessons / units are structured and allow for student needs. Speech Therapist’s approach to assessing student growth contains no clear criteria and lacks congruence with the intervention goals. Speech Therapist does not use assessment results for future intervention planning. Speech Therapist does assess student growth but it often lacks clear criteria and congruence with the intervention goals. Speech Therapist exhibits the inconsistent use of assessment results for future intervention planning. Speech Therapist’s assessment of student growth involves the use of clear criteria and is congruent with the intervention goals. Speech Therapist exhibits a consistent pattern of the use of assessment results for future intervention planning. Speech Therapist’s assessment of student growth involves the use of clear criteria and is congruent with the intervention goals. Speech Therapist exhibits a consistent pattern of the use of assessment results for future intervention planning. There is a pattern of student involvement in establishing the criteria for assessing their own growth and planning interactively for their future. Evidence: Comments: 1h. Assessing Student Growth Evidence: Comments: SASED Post Observation Feedback Form SPEECH THERAPIST DOMAIN 2: SPEECH THERAPY – COLLABORATIVE CONSULTATION ENVIRONMENT COMPONENTS 2a. Collaborating with Students, Parents, School Personnel and Community Agencies UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Speech Therapist displays little ability to collaborate with students, parents, school personnel and community agencies. Speech Therapist displays basic ability to collaborate with students, parents, school personnel and community agencies. Speech Therapist is skillful in collaborating with students, parents, school personnel and community agencies. Speech Therapist can identify resources for parents and school personnel. Speech Therapist is skillful and reflective in collaborating with students, parents, school personnel and community agencies. Speech Therapist acts as a resource for parents and colleagues. Speech Therapist displays little knowledge of collaborative consultation skills and creative problem solving. Consultations do not address referral question or problem. Speech Therapist displays basic knowledge of collaborative consultation skills and creative problem solving. Consultations address referral question or problem as presented. Speech Therapist displays an in-depth knowledge of collaborative consultation skills and creative problem solving. Speech Therapist comprehensively addresses referral question or problem and identifies related issues. Speech Therapist reviews, evaluates, and reflects on his/her knowledge of collaborative consultation skills and creative problem solving. Speech Therapist thoroughly responds to referral problem and related issues, facilitates problem solving, and provides appropriate resources and intervention techniques. Speech Therapist displays little ability to collaborate with parents, colleagues, and other individuals representing a wide variety of agencies/interests in developing evaluations and IEPs. Speech Therapist displays basic ability to collaborate with parents, colleagues, and other individuals representing a wide variety of agencies/interests in developing evaluations and IEPs. Speech Therapist is skillful in collaborating with parents, colleagues, and other individuals representing a wide variety of agencies/interests in developing evaluations and IEPs. Speech Therapist collaborates effectively with parents, colleagues, and other individuals representing a wide variety of agencies/interests in developing evaluations and IEPs. Speech Therapist is analytical and reflective of the input from these disciplines. Evidence: Comments: 2b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Collaborative Consultation Skills and Creative Problem Solving Evidence: Comments: 2c. Applying an InterDisciplinary Approach to Evaluation and IEP Development Evidence: Comments: SASED Post Observation Feedback Form COMPONENTS UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED 2d. Establishing a Culture for Learning Speech Therapist conveys a negative attitude toward the content, or suggests that it is not important. Instructional goals and activities convey inconsistent expectations for student achievement. Speech Therapist does not recognize student accomplishment and participation. Speech Therapist communicates the importance of the work but may inconsistently recognize student accomplishment and participation. Goals, activities, and interactions convey modest expectations for student achievement. Speech Therapist conveys enthusiasm for the subject. Speech Therapist consistently recognizes student accomplishment and participation. Goals, activities, and interactions encourage high expectations for achievement. Speech Therapist conveys enthusiasm, encourages and provides opportunities for students to share accomplishments. Through collaborative planning, Speech Therapist and student establish and maintain high expectations for achievement. Students are not productively engages, materials are handled inefficiently, and considerable time is lost during transitions and/or noninstructional duties. Tasks for student work are partially organized; transitions, materials and supply routines function, and noninstructional duties and therapy procedures are efficient. Tasks for student work are organized; transitions, materials and supply routines occur smoothly, and non-instructional duties and therapy procedures are proficient. Students are productively engaged; transitions, materials and instructional / non-instructional duties are efficient, with students assuming responsibility when appropriate. Speech Therapist interactions do not clearly communicate standards of conduct to students. Speech Therapist is unable to effectively monitor student behavior nor develop strategies to respond to student misbehavior. Speech Therapist interactions sometimes communicate standards of conduct to students. Speech Therapist is inconsistent in monitoring student behavior and/or developing strategies to respond to student misbehavior. Speech Therapist interactions are clear and consistent in communicating standards of conduct to students. Speech Therapist effectively monitors student behavior and develops strategies to respond to student misbehavior. Speech Therapist interactions clearly communicate standards of conduct and facilitate student self-monitoring of appropriate behavior. Evidence: Comments: 2e. Managing Classroom Procedures Evidence: Comments: 2f. Facilitating Positive Student Behavior Evidence: Comments: SASED Post Observation Feedback Form SPEECH THERAPIST DOMAIN 3: INSTRUCTION – PROGRAMS, SUPPORTS, SERVICES COMPONENTS 3a. Communicating Expectations, Directions and Procedures Clearly and Accurately UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Speech Therapist’s directions and procedures are confusing, language is inaudible or illegible with many grammar and syntax errors, vocabulary is vague, inappropriate, used incorrectly, or confusing. Instructional groups are inappropriate to goals of individual students. Speech Therapist’s directions and procedures are clarified after initial confusion, language is correct, audible and legible, and vocabulary is correct but limited or sometimes inappropriate. Instructional groups are appropriate or successful in advancing goals of individual students. Speech Therapist’s directions and procedures are clear with appropriate detail, spoken and written language is correct with appropriate vocabulary. Instructional groups are appropriate to goals of individual students. Speech Therapist’s directions and procedures are clear and modified to reflect students’ needs; language is correct and expressive, with well-chosen, enriching vocabulary. Instructional groups are fully productive and appropriate to goals of individual students. Speech Therapist’s questions are unrelated to goals and child’s developmental level. Speech Therapist – student interaction is mostly recitation style, and students rarely participate in the activity. Minimal student response time is given. Speech Therapist’s questions are of mixed quality, only some invite response. Speech Therapist attempts to engage students in discussion with uneven results or limited success. Speech Therapist’s questions are developmentally appropriate, focus on goals, and adequate time is available for response. Interaction with Speech Therapist is active, engaging, and successful. Speech Therapist’s questions are of high quality with adequate response time. Students are provided with an opportunity for discussion and are active participants. Representation of content is inappropriate, unclear and/or uses poor examples. Students are not engaged in movement toward goals because of inappropriate activities or materials, lack of structure, or inappropriate pacing. Representation of content is inconsistent. Materials and resources are usually suitable to goals and some assignments are appropriate and engaging. Lesson has structure, but is not consistently maintained or paced. Representation of content and most assignments are appropriate. Materials and resources are suitable and most students are engaged. Lesson has a clear structure and pacing is appropriate. Representation of content is appropriate, students respond well, are engaged and consistently participate. Materials and resources are suitable to goals, engaging and utilize student responses. Lesson structure is well paced for all / individual students, highly coherent, and allows for student reflection and closure. Evidence: Comments: 3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Evidence: Comments: 3c. Engaging Students in Learning and Quality Work Assignments Evidence: SASED Post Observation Feedback Form Comments COMPONENTS 3d. Providing Formative Feedback to Students UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Speech Therapist does not provide feedback to students, or it is of poor quality, and/or not provided in a timely manner. Speech Therapist’s feedback to student is inconsistent in quality and timeliness. Speech Therapist’s feedback to student is consistently of high quality and provided in a timely manner. Speech Therapist’s feedback is consistently of high quality and timely. Provision is made for students to use the feedback in their learning. Speech Therapist adheres to instruction plan in spite of evidence of poor student understanding or student’s lack of interest and fails to respond to students’ questions. Speech Therapist assumes no responsibility for students’ failure to understand, does not set appropriate service priorities, and assumes no responsibility for providing services when space, student availability and equipment are not optimal. Speech Therapist attempts to adjust lessons and accommodate students’ questions or interests with mixed results, but has limited repertoire of instruction strategies for students’ success. Speech Therapist inconsistently sets appropriate service priorities, and is somewhat flexible in providing services given the constraints of the school environment. Speech Therapist smoothly adjusts lesson and accommodates students’ questions or interests, has an extensive repertoire of strategies, and solicits additional resources for student success. Speech Therapist consistently sets appropriate service priorities and is flexible and persistent in providing services given the constraints of the school environment. Speech Therapist adjusts lesson, when necessary, and enhances learning by building on a spontaneous event. Speech Therapist demonstrates an extensive repertoire of strategies, uses them effectively with students as needed, and makes major adjustment to lesson when necessary. Speech Therapist consistently sets appropriate services priorities and demonstrates creativity and persistence in providing services given the constraints of the school environment. Speech Therapist does not participate in or attend team meetings when required. Participation at meetings undermines team process / climate. Speech Therapist participates in team meetings, but may need some supervision and direction about participation. Speech Therapist participates actively, consistently, and constructively in team meetings. Speech Therapist facilitates team meetings; Also anticipates and plans for team needs. Evidence: Comments: 3e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Evidence: Comments: 3f. Demonstrating Involvement in Building and Departmental Teams Evidence: SASED Post Observation Feedback Form Comments: COMPONENTS UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED 3g. Providing Consultation to Staff Speech Therapist does not understand staff concerns, does not provide timely, useful or practical strategies. Speech Therapist fails to evaluate implementation and effectiveness of consultation. Speech Therapist demonstrates basic understanding of staff needs. Strategies are sound. Speech Therapist collects information about interventions in a timely manner that allows program adjustment as needed. Speech Therapist demonstrates a thorough understanding of staff needs, facilitates the development of clear and concise strategies that are timely and effective. Speech Therapist integrates evaluation with the design of the consultation so that data collection and program adjustment are ongoing processes. Staff actively seek the involvement of the Speech Therapist in solving problems. Speech Therapist consistently monitors and revises strategies as necessary to promote problem solving. Speech Therapist facilitates data collection that permits staff to make ongoing evaluation and necessary modifications. Consultation is ongoing. Speech Therapist is unfamiliar with relevant procedures and fails to administer or score according to acceptable practices. Test administration is not modified as needed. Speech Therapist fails to recognize and address test environment limitations. Speech Therapist demonstrates competency in understanding procedures for each measure and adheres to standardized administration. Speech Therapist observes and modifies environment for any limitations. Test administration is modified based on environmental conditions. Speech Therapist is well versed in multiple procedures and administers them according to standardized specifications and special needs. Speech Therapist inspects and modifies, to extent possible, rooms in advance for environmental limitations. Speech Therapist uses innovative strategies and techniques to assess the student’s needs. Procedures are adapted to accommodate for all special and environmental needs and circumstances. Evidence: Comments: 3h. Managing Assessment Procedures Evidence: Comments: SASED Post Observation Feedback Form SPEECH THERAPIST DOMAIN 4: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES COMPONENTS 4a. Reflecting on Intervention and Instruction UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Speech Therapist misjudges the effectiveness of the intervention / lesson or achieved goals and has no suggestions for improvement. Speech Therapist has a generally accurate impression of the intervention / lesson’s effectiveness or goal attainment, and makes general suggestions for improvement. Speech Therapist makes an accurate assessment of the intervention / lesson’s effectiveness and goal attainment and can cite examples to support judgment. Speech Therapist makes suggestions for improvement. Speech Therapist makes an accurate assessment of the intervention / lesson’s effectiveness and goal attainment and can cite specific examples and their relative value. Speech Therapist draws upon extensive repertoire, and offers alternative actions and their probable successes. Speech Therapist is not alert to student’s needs, which contributes to practices that result in some students being ill served. Speech Therapist makes decisions based on limited consideration or unsupported by data. Speech Therapist’s attempts to serve students are based on best information and are genuine but may be inconsistent. Decisions are data driven and reflect student needs. Speech Therapist makes genuine and successful efforts to ensure that all students are well served. Decision making is guided by best practice and interest of the student and decisions consistently show good judgment. Speech Therapist actively participates in team decision-making. Speech Therapist takes a leadership role in team decision-making and helps ensure decisions are based on the highest professional standards. Speech Therapist demonstrates ethical decision-making based upon professional judgment, convictions, and effective use of data. Speech Therapist advocates for students and families. Speech Therapist has no system for maintaining accurate records, resulting in errors and confusion. Records are missing, illegible or not secure. Speech Therapist does not store protected test materials, scoring forms, and notes in a secure area and access to records is not monitored. Speech Therapist’s system for maintaining accurate records is rudimentary and only partially effective. Most records are available, accurate and secured. Speech Therapist complies with procedures to secure, store, and monitor access to protected test materials, scoring forms, records and notes. Speech Therapist’s system for maintaining records is efficient and effective. Records are complete, secured, accurate, legible, and well organized. Speech Therapist consults with building administrator to ensure storage of protected test materials, scoring forms, and record notes in a secure, locked area. Monitoring (of access) is ongoing and in compliance with procedures. Speech Therapist’s system for maintaining information in special education is efficient and highly effective. Records are complete, secure, legible, and understandable to another qualified professional. Speech Therapist consults with district administrator to design policy that allows for storing protected test materials, forms, and notes in a secure area. Speech Therapist works with staff to ensure the understanding of procedures regarding the storage and security of protected materials and records. Evidence: Comments: 4b. Demonstrating Decision Making Evidence: Comments: 4c. Maintaining Accurate Records SASED Post Observation Feedback Form Evidence: Comments: COMPONENTS 4d. Complying with Procedural Guidelines UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT DISTINGUISHED Speech Therapist repeatedly disregards timelines or fails to adhere to procedural safeguards. Speech Therapist is attentive to timelines and adheres to procedural safeguards. Speech Therapist works with schoolbased teams and parents to ensure that all procedural safeguards are consistently followed. Speech Therapist conducts training with school staff to ensure understanding, collaboration and compliance with timelines and procedural safeguards. Speech Therapist provides little or no information to families. Speech Therapist does not attempt to engage families in a relationship and does not respond or responds insensitively to family concerns. Speech Therapist complies with school procedures/practices for communicating with families. Speech Therapist demonstrates some sensitivity and makes an effort to engage families to identify and achieve common goals. Speech Therapist communicates frequently and sensitively with families. Speech Therapist provides information regarding student’s progress and needs, available resources, CSE process and due process rights. Speech Therapist communicates frequently and sensitively with families. Speech Therapist empowers and supports families to function as advocates for themselves and their children. Speech Therapist participates in school, department or district committees, events or projects when specifically requested. Speech Therapist’s relationships with colleagues are cordial and professional. Speech Therapist participates actively in school, department or district committees, events or projects. Speech Therapist maintains positive relationships with colleagues. Speech Therapist makes a substantial contribution to school, department or district. Speech Therapist assumes a leadership role with colleagues and participates in team/department decision-making. Evidence: Comments: 4e. Communicating with Families Evidence: Comments: 4f. Contributing to School and District -----Establishing Peer Relationships Evidence: Speech Therapist does not become involved in school, department or district committees, events or projects. Speech Therapist’s relationships with colleagues are negative and/or self-serving. SASED Post Observation Feedback Form Comments: COMPONENTS 4g. Growing and Developing Professionally UNSATISFACTORY BASIC PROFICIENT Speech Therapist does not participate in professional development activities, even when the activities are clearly necessary for the development of special educator skills. Speech Therapist’s participation in professional development activities is limited to attendance at required activities. Speech Therapist participates actively in a variety of professional development activities and utilizes the new skills / information appropriately. DISTINGUISHED Speech Therapist makes a substantial contribution to the department, district and the profession through such activities as action research, supporting new staff, and actively pursues professional development. Evidence: Comments: Speech Therapist’s Comments: My signature indicates that I have read the evidence and comments, participated in a Pre and Post Observation Conference and received a copy of the rubric. It does not mean that I am in agreement. _____________________________________ Speech Therapist Signature _____________ Date _____________________________________ Administrator’s Signature _____________ Date