Technological change and new work

Technological change and new work
The application of new technologies that reshape production inevitably makes the
skills of some workers obsolete. Managing the transition into new work should
therefore be a key priority for policymakers
Long-run economic growth depends on the application of new technologies that reshape
production, adding new kinds of work to the economy. As new work is added to the old work,
the skills of some workers are inevitably made obsolete. Throughout history, this process of
creative destruction has created enormous wealth, but also undesired disruptions. How places
adapt and incorporate new technologies into new work can determine the fortunes of entire
cities and nations. Managing the transition into new work should therefore be a key priority for
1. The Computer Revolution and the middle class
Despite centuries of creative destruction the concern over technological unemployment has not
materialised. The obvious reason for this is, as economists have long understood, that laboursaving technologies have effects on all product and factor markets. In short, an increase in the
efficiency of production which reduces the price of one good, will increase real income and thus
increase demand for other goods.
Technological progress has however vastly shifted the composition of employment, from
agriculture and the artisan shop, to manufacturing, to service and management occupations.
Doing so, it has benefited workers differentially. While the Industrial Revolution created the
middle class, the Computer Revolution – beginning with the first commercial use of computers
around 1960 and continued through the development of the World Wide Web and e-commerce
in the 1990s – has arguably caused its decline. Computers and industrial robots have substituted
for the same type of routine work that was once done by thousands of workers on assembly
lines. At the same time, with falling prices of computing, problem-solving skills have become
relatively productive, explaining the substantial employment growth in occupations involving
cognitive work where skilled labour holds a comparative advantage. Maarten Goos and Alan
Manning’s work on “Lousy and Lovely Jobs”, thus captures the essence of the current trend
towards labor market polarisation, with growing employment in high-income cognitive jobs and
low-income manual occupations, accompanied by a hollowing-out of middle-income routine
Nevertheless, the idea that technological progress favours skilled workers is largely a twentieth
century phenomenon. The relationship between technology and the types of new work it has
created has thus not been monotonic, meaning that economic history does not necessarily
provide any guidance for policymakers seeking to understand how technological progress will
reshape labor markets in the future. To understand how technology will alter the demand for
skills and the type of new work that will be created, we rather need to look at the tasks
computers are and will be able to perform.
2. The onset of the Big Data revolution
While computerisation historically has been confined to routine tasks involving explicit rulebased activities which can easily be specified in computer code, it is now spreading to domains
commonly defined as non-routine. The rapid pace at which tasks that were defined as nonroutine only some years ago have now become subject to computerisation is illustrated by
seminal work of David Autor, Frank Levy and Richard Murnane asserting that: “Navigating a car
through city traffic or deciphering the scrawled handwriting on a personal check – minor
undertakings for most adults – are not routine tasks by our definition.” Today, about ten years
later, these problems are sufficiently well understood that many related tasks can be specified in
computer code and automated.
Recent technological breakthroughs are largely due to engineering efforts to turn non-routine
work into well-defined problems. This is helped by the provision of “big data”. With the
increasing availability of relevant information, computers can now do better benchmarking and
pattern recognition than any human worker.
Furthermore, with the improved sensing available to robots, jobs in transportation and logistics
are now, for the first time, at risk. Take the autonomous cars being developed by Google. This
new technology may lead to workers such as bus and truck drivers being replaced by machines.
Workers in administrative support functions are by no means immune either. The ability of
computers, equipped with new pattern recognition algorithms, to quickly screen through large
piles of documents even substitutes for the work of paralegals and patent lawyers. More
surprisingly, our research suggests that many service and sales occupations, where the much of
the job growth has occurred over the past decades, are also in the high risk category of
automation. As the comparative advantage of labour in tasks involving mobility and dexterity
will diminish over time, the pace of labour substitution in service occupations is likely to
increase even further – the market for personal and household service robots is already growing
by about 20 percent annually.
3. Half of the current jobs in the US could be automated
According to our research roughly half of the current jobs in the US could be automated over the
forthcoming decades following these developments. Furthermore, we find that wages and
educational attainment exhibit a strong negative relationship with an occupations probability of
computerisation. The Big Data Revolution thus marks a potential turning point. While the
manufacturing technologies of the Industrial Revolution largely substituted for relatively skilled
artisans by simplifying the tasks involved in production, the Computer Revolution has caused a
hollowing-out of middle-income jobs over the past decades. Looking forward, the next
generation of big data-driven computers will mainly substitute low-income, low-skill workers
over the next decades, exacerbating already growing wage inequality. As many of the safe havens
for low-skill workers are likely to disappear in the near future, labour markets may face a time of
technological turbulence.
4. Managing the transition
So, if a computer can drive better than you, respond to requests as well as you and track down
information better than you, what tasks will be left for labour? Our research suggests that
human social intelligence and creativity are the domains were labour will still have a
comparative advantage. Not least, because these are domains where computers complement our
abilities rather than substitute for them. This is because creativity and social intelligence is
embedded in human values, meaning that computers would not only have to become better, but
also increasingly human, to substitute for labour performing such work.
Our findings thus imply that as technology races ahead, low-skill workers will need to reallocate
to tasks that are non-susceptible to computerisation – i.e., tasks requiring creative and social
intelligence. For workers to win the race, however, they will have to acquire creative and social
skills. Development strategies thus ought to leverage the complementarity between computer
capital and creativity by helping workers transition into new work, involving working with
computers and creative and social ways.
Specifically, we recommend investing in transferable computer-related skills that are not
particular to specific businesses or industries. Examples of such skills are computer
programming and statistical modeling. These skills are used in a wide range of industries and
occupations, spanning from the financial sector, to business services and ICT.
Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne are, respectively, James Martin research
fellow at the Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford & doctor of economic
history at Lund University and associate professor in the Department of
Engineering Science, University of Oxford