Final report about pilot training courses for farmers in Poland

Final report about pilot training courses for farmers in Poland
1. We did a program about the training and we arranged 4 courses.
2. We started our first course in first days of March for farmers (economical efficiency). We
organized 3 more courses in April 2015 – 1 for farmers (ecological efficiency) and 2 for
Farmers (2 days, ecological and economical efficiency).
3. The training contained several different approaches to efficient use of resources in farming
and farm management. The main aim of the programme of pilot training courses
realizing strong but, often hidden connections between farming activities on the land and
conditions of living space of all the people in surroundings.
4. Training materials: game forms, presentation, slides and movie.
5. Total time: 27 hours totally
6. The numbers of participants were: 80 farmers
7. People involved: 4 speakers and 4 person for recruitment and organized every training – 32
8. Training content:
Part I : New activities in Rural Areas Development Program 2014-2020 connected with
ecological and efficient use of resources:
- Greening
- Agro-environmental activities
- Ecological aspect
- Economical aspect
- Efficiency aspect
- Organic farming
Part II :
Indicating the main types of resources in farming and description of all those types:
- Mineral fertilization
- farmyard manure (natural fertilization) and nitrogen balance
- Pesticides and Integrated Pest Management
Indicating methods for efficient and ecological use of them:
- Soil nutrition content analyse
- Knowledge of importance of balance between nutrition: (NPK) relationship
- Precision farming
- Avoidance wasting of nutrition –washout with underground water
9. Programme of training courses for farmers:
Farmers - economical efficiency - 1 day:
Get know your farm
Collecting data about farm (expenditures in farm for specific activities)
Data analyse and conclusions
Optimization of expenditures in farm
Elements of precision agriculture as method of expenditures optimization
Management of fertilizers in farm (estimation of request for nutrients,
dosage of fertilizers, methods and optimization)
 Plants protection – plants protection plan, how and when do decision about
activities (decision support system), selecting and combining plants
protection products
Decision support systems
IOR Poznań – plants protection
IUNG Puławy – soil management, drought monitoring system
ITP. Falenty – wastes monitoring system
EU’s greening policy – sustainable agriculture
0,5 h
Energy management in the farm
Renewable resources in the farm
Optimization of livestock production’s expenditures
Nature conservation
Role of the farmers in rural landscaping
Farmers – ecological efficiency - 1 day:
Get know your farm
Collecting data about farm (expenditures in farm for specific activities)
Data analyse and conclusions
Computer tools supporting farm management
Resource management (fertilizers/plants protection products)
Fertilizers management: natural and mineral fertilizers, storage, dosage
Integrated protection – practical rules of use, decision support methods,
dosage of plants protection products and conservation of wildlife animals
Precision agriculture – key to nature conservation and ecological efficiency
EU’s greening policy – sustainable agriculture
Nature conservation
Role of the farmers in rural landscaping
Workshops in demonstration farm (e.g. within Baltic Deal network)
Precision agriculture in practice
Soil protection (erosion prevent (after crop harvest), regulation of waters,
no-till system – influence on soil life
Landscape elements affecting on nature protection (woodlots, drainage
Agri-Environment Measures and greening policy in practice
Farmers - ecological and economical efficiency - 2 days:
Get know your farm
Resource management (fertilizers/plants protection products)
Fertilizers management: natural and mineral fertilizers, storage, dosage
Integrated protection – practical rules of use, decision support methods,
dosage of plants protection products and conservation of wildlife animals
Precision agriculture – key to nature conservation and ecological efficiency
Decision support systems
Collecting data about farm (expenditures in farm for specific activities)
Data analyse and conclusions
Computer tools supporting farm management
Energy management in the farm
Renewable resources in the farm
Optimization of livestock production’s expenditures
EU’s greening policy – sustainable agriculture
Nature conservation in the farm
Fulfilment of the EU’s requirements and economy
Day 2
 Precision agriculture in practice
 Other cropping systems
Workshops in demonstration farm (e.g. within Baltic Deal network)
Precision agriculture in practice
Soil protection (erosion prevent (after crop harvest), regulation of waters,
no-till system – influence on soil life
Landscape elements affecting on nature protection (woodlots, drainage
Agri-Environment Measures and greening policy in practice
Summary and evaluation of the courses:
85 % participants of the courses filled initial evaluation questionnaire for Leonardo da
Vinci partnership project “Innovative methods and strategies in Vocational Education
and Training for efficient use of resources and environmental protection” (INOVES).
85 % participants of the courses filled our special evaluation questionnaire about
courses (questionnaire for our institution)
After courses farmers:
have knowledge about the Leonardo da Vinci partnership project “Innovative methods
and strategies in Vocational Education and Training for efficient use of resources and
environmental protection” (INOVES) - they were informed about: LDV project;
countries and partner institutions in project; project objectives; to which
local/national/European requirements this project responds and about activities which
will be developed in the project;
have knowledge about activities in rural areas development program 2014-2020
connected with ecological and efficient use of resources;
are aware of their economical profits from greening , agro-environmental activities
and organic farming;
are aware of general ecological profits from greening , agro-environmental activities
and organic farming;
understand efficiency aspects of rural areas development program activities;
are aware what types of resources they manage in their farm and know their value;
are aware of importance of rural development sustainability and know what kind of
activities are crucial for the balance between environment, food safety and economical
results in farming;
All final results of every workshops were distributed to participants.
Information with photos about first course were presented in the our website and in the
website of the project.