Minutes - College of Alameda

College of Alameda
Budget Committee Meeting
April 9, 2012
Meeting Notes
Attendees: Mary Beth Benvenutti, Anna O’Neal, Pablo Alones, Dr. Jannett Jackson, Dr. Rebecca
1. Charge of the Budget Committee
Mary Beth Benvenutti distributed the Budget Committee membership list including the current
charge of the committee. Among the responsibilities of the Budget Committee are to review
budget policies/processes, receive and review budget proposals, review priorities developed by
the administration and communicate them to faculty and staff, recommend overall funding
priorities, review categorical funding budgets, sponsor budget orientations and purchasing
procedure workshops, and engage in self directed study. Moreover, it was discussed that
keeping all standing meeting dates is essential for improving collaboration and communication.
2. Vatea Funding
President Jackson informed the Budget Committee that the Vatea funds are used strictly to fund
the career and technical education (CTE). Currently, the President is looking into broadening the
use of these funds as long as they are used to support CTE students and their learning. More
details regarding Vatea funding will be forthcoming.
3. Review of the Accreditation Recommendations and College of Alameda’s IPB Process
President Jackson presented to the Budget committee the College of Alameda’s Institutional
Planning document approved by the College Council on 12/2/2009. This document was
developed as a result of the ACCJC recommendation that the College adopts its own strategic
planning process. The members of the committee that worked on developing the planning
document are Dr. George Herring, Interim President, and faculty: Dr. Patricia Dudley, (Cochair), Dr. Nathan Strong, (Co-chair), Robert Brem, Derek Piazza, and Angelita Finlayson.
In addition, President Jackson highlighted page 6 of the document, which visually illustrates the
College of Alameda’s Strategic Integrated Planning and Budget Model. If the parcel tax
initiative fails, the Peralta Community College District (PCCD) is looking at reductions of over
$11 million. This will translate into a 15% budget reduction at College of Alameda as well as
the other sister colleges. Adhering to the process, College of Alameda will follow its Strategic
Integrated Planning and Budget Model and will present to the Budget Committee and all other
applicable shared governance bodies.
4. District Budget Allocation Model
The Committee then discussed the District Budget Allocation Model (BAM) document which
will be implemented for the first time this year. The SB 361 model is currently used for funding
apportionment for all California Community Colleges; this formula is included as part of the
BAM model (base allocation considering the economies of scale and size of colleges, credit
FTES and non-credit FTES.) President Jackson pointed out page 8, and 9 of BAM which
discusses the Distribution of New Resources; and page 10, which addresses the Prior Year Carry
5. Budget Development Review
President Jackson distributed College of Alameda Discretionary Budget Analysis General Fund
2011 Budget to Expense document. Last academic year, we were very frugal as we were
anticipating future budget reductions. The total budget for FY 2011 was $1,944,947 and the
expenses were $1,363,710. This leaves a balance of $581,237. In the past, the District did not
allow the General fund money to be carried over from one fiscal year to the next and this balance
will be included to reduce the anticipated $11 million shortfall. As outlined by BAM (p.10),
unspent budgeted funds within discretionary accounts may be carried over for discretionary
purposes and this will be the process for FY 2012-13.
There was no quorum therefore this was an informational meeting which will necessitate the
need for calling a Special Budget Committee meeting before the end of April.
Respectfully submitted,
Teodora Washington
Executive Assistant/President’s Office