Animal Addendum to Residential Lease Agreement

Animal Addendum to Residential Lease Agreement
Date: _______________
Dwelling Unit. Apt. No. ___________, ________________________ in Fayetteville,
Lease Agreement. Date of Lease Agreement:_____________________. Animal
Owner/Tenant’s name: _____________________________.
Animal Deposit. An animal deposit of $200.00 will be charged. Landlord
will not consider this additional security deposit as the general security deposit for
all purposes. The security deposit amount in paragraph 4 of the Lease Agreement
does not include this additional deposit amount. [However, if the Tenant desires a
refund of the Animal Deposit, said refund will be subject to the provisions of
paragraph 4 of the Lease Agreement.]
Breed Restriction. No Pit bulls of any kind or associated breed, exotic cats
or poisonous animals of any kind will be allowed. Pets considered illegal by City,
ordinance, County, State or Federal laws are not permitted.
Description of Animal(s). Tenant may only keep the animal(s) described
in this Addendum. The Tenant may not substitute other animals in place of the
animals listed below.
Animal’s Name:
Date of last rabies shot:
Fayetteville City Lic. #
Animal’s Name
Date of last rabies shot:
Fayetteville City Lic. #
Animal Fee. Tenant agrees to pay an additional $20 a month for each
animal listed in paragraph 4 of this Addendum. Landlord will not authorize Tenant
to maintain more than 2 animals at the dwelling.
Animal Rules. Tenant agrees that Tenant is responsible for the Tenant’s
animal(s)’ actions, and further agrees to follow the following rules:
Notwithstanding whether the animal(s) is inside or outside, the Tenant
agrees that the animal(s) will not disturb the neighbors or other residents.
Animals that are not caged at all times must be housebroken.
The Tenant may only permit the animal(s) to urinate or defecate in the
following areas: ______________________________________. Tenant agrees to dispose
of the Tenant’s animal(s) excrement in the appropriate receptacle. If the
Landlord has not specifically designated a spot with which the Tenant may
permit the Tenant’s animal(s) to defecate or urinate, then the Tenant agrees
to prohibit the Tenant’s animal(s) from defecating or urinating anywhere on
the Landlord’s property. If there is no specifically designated spot for the
Tenant’s animal to excrete waste on the Landlord’s property, then the Tenant
agrees to take the Tenant’s animal(s) off the Landlord’s property in order to
permit the Tenant’s animal to defecate or urinate.
Tenant agrees that it will not tie or otherwise constrain the Tenant’s
animal(s) to any stationary object outside the dwelling unless the animal(s)
is contained within a fence exclusively controlled by the Tenant and
approved in writing by the Landlord.
Tenant agrees to keep the Tenant’s animal(s) on a leash under the Tenant’s
supervision when the animal is outside the Tenant’s dwelling and/or the
fence controlled by the Tenant.
Tenant agrees to follow any and all of the City ordinances and applied law
concerning the animal(s).
Violation of Rules. In the event the Tenant, the Tenant’s occupants, or the
Tenant’s guests violate any of the rules stated in this Animal Addendum and the
Landlord provides the Tenant written notice of said violation, the Tenant agrees to
remove the animal(s) immediately and permanently from the premises. Further,
the Tenant agrees that the Landlord may exercise any rights it maintains under the
Lease Agreement.
Complaints About Animal(s). If the Landlord receives a reasonable
complaint from the Tenant’s neighbor or other resident within the apartment
community, then the Tenant agrees to remove the Tenant’s animal from the
dwelling immediately and permanently. Further, if the Landlord finds in the
Landlord’s sole discretion that the animal(s) is disturbing others within the
apartment community, then the Tenant agrees to remove the Tenant’s animal(s)
immediately and permanently.
10. When Landlord May Remove Animal(s). If the Landlord finds that (1)
the animal(s) has been abandoned; (2) the animal(s) has been left in the dwelling
for an extended period of time without food and/or water; (3)the animal(s) is sick
and has not been cared for; (4) the Tenant has violated any portion of this Animal
Addendum; or (5) the animal(s) has defecated or urinated where it is not permitted,
then the Tenant agrees that after the Landlord has provided the Tenant with oneday’s notice left in a conspicuous place within the dwelling, the Landlord may enter
the dwelling and remove the animal(s). If the Landlord is forced to exercise its
ability to remove the animal(s), the Landlord agrees that it will follow the
procedures set forth in the Lease Agreement and/or turn the animal(s) over the
humane society or local authority. Landlord does not have a lien on the animal(s)
for any purpose. However, if the animal(s) is boarded by the Landlord, Tenant must
pay for reasonable care and kenneling of the animal(s). In the event the Tenant
does not pick up the animal(s) within 5 days after the Landlord elects to remove the
Tenant’s animal(s), then the animal(s) will be considered abandoned.
11. Liability for Damages, Injuries, Cleaning, Etc. Tenant and co-Tenants
agree to be jointly and severally liable for all damages caused by Tenant’s animal,
including all cleaning, defleaing, and deodorizing. If items cannot be cleaned or
repaired, Tenant must pay the amount needed to replace the items. Payment for
damages, repairs, cleaning replacements, etc. are due immediately upon demand.
12. Tenant agrees to be strictly liable for the entire amount of any injury that
the animal(s) causes to any person or any person’s property. Tenant agrees to
indemnify the Landlord for all costs of litigation and attorney fees resulting from
any damage caused by the Tenant’s animal(s).
13. Cleaning upon Move-Out. Tenant agrees that when Tenant moves out,
Tenant will pay Landlord for defleaing, deodorizing, and shampooing to protect
future and prospective residents from potential health hazards, despite the length of
time that the Tenant maintained the animal(s). Landlord is not responsible for
procuring these services.
14. Multiple Tenants. Each Tenant who signed the Lease Agreement must
sign this Animal Addendum in order for the Tenant to be able to maintain the
animal(s). Each Tenant is jointly and severally liable for damages and all other
obligations set forth in this Animal Addendum, regardless of whether the Tenant is
the owner of the animal.
15. General. Tenant acknowledges that there are no other oral or written
agreements that could alter this Animal Addendum. Unless the Landlord provides
the Tenant with written changes to the rules for maintaining an animal as stated in
this Animal Addendum, no representative of the Landlord has to authority to modify
this Animal Addendum. Tenant agrees that this Animal Addendum is party of the
Lease Agreement described above.
Accepted this _____________ day of _____________________. 2010.
Tenant #1
Tenant #2
Tenant #3
Landlord or Landlord’s