National Research University

Santa Maria, 06 de janeiro de 2015.
Colegas Professores:
A Rússia desenvolve um programa de qualificação de suas universidades com o objetivo
de classificar, até 2020, pelos menos cinco universidades entre as TOP 100 dos mais importantes
sistemas de qualificação mundiais.
O programa, intitulado “Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100”, foi instituído
após uma avaliação geral das universidades, o que levou ao fechamento, agrupamento, ou
continuidade das instituições. Para acelerar o processo de qualificação, foi realizado um
concurso interuniversitário sendo que as 15 primeiras classificadas compõem hoje o grupo das
candidatas ao TOP 100. Essas universidades recebem tratamento diferenciado do governo, assim
como um grupo seleto de institutos de pesquisa, que dispõem de tratamento especial quanto a
recursos financeiros.
No período de 30 de novembro a 5 de dezembro, visitamos em Moscou e, entre 6 a 9 de
dezembro, em São Petersburgo, o grupo das 15 universidades. Em cada instituição, a Comitiva
Brasileira, composta por 18 professores, representando UNESP, PUC-RS, PUC-RJ, UFRGS,
UFMG, UNICAMP, UFES, UFRN, UFPE, UFSC e UFSM, teve a oportunidade de conversar
com os reitores, professores, pesquisadores e técnicos em seus laboratórios.
A impressão unânime do grupo de representantes foi positiva, considerando que há uma
grande oportunidade de cooperação para as universidades brasileiras. Os colegas russos estão
abertos à troca de estudantes, pesquisas conjuntas na Rússia e no Brasil, orientações conjuntas,
como cotulela e duplo diploma, e nos programas de professor visitante. Também foi considerado
importante, sendo fala recorrente nas apresentações, o entendimento de que os acordos de
cooperação devem acontecer em duas vias: com a ida de brasileiros para a Rússia e a vinda de
russos para o Brasil, condição primeira para o desenvolvimento igualitário.
Neste momento, necessitamos definir os objetivos e ações a serem implementadas pelo
nosso grupo de pesquisadores da UFSM.
A oportunidade de realizar atividades conjuntas com universidades renomadas e com
interesse na UFSM está aberta. No entanto, considerando a eminente visita de uma delegação
russa ao Brasil (março próximo), urge que a análise e as manifestações de interesse assumam
uma celeridade compatível com este prazo.
Assim, reiteramos a necessidade de que a UFSM se manifeste a partir do interesse de
cursos, departamentos, pesquisadores e grupos de pesquisa, para que a preparação à recepção da
Missão Russa seja adequada aos propósitos bilaterais, seguindo a tendência das demais IES
brasileiras que recepcionarão aquela comitiva.
Nas páginas a seguir é disponibilizado informações sobre as universidades visitadas e,
material complementar como projeções, filmes e palestras destas e de outras universidades, bem
como de palestras de autoridades russas.
Para acessá-las click sobre o nome abaixo:
Higher School of Economics HSE
Moscow Engeneering Physics Institute MEPHI
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology MIPT
Moscow State University
National Research Tomsk State University Tomsk
Russian State University NEW
Saint Petersburg Eletrotechnical University LETI
Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University
Palestras autoridades e convidados
Para contato com as universidades, a Secretaria de Apoio Internacional (SAI) coloca-se à
disposição - sala 748 do Prédio da Reitoria, fone 3220 8774.
Boa leitura!
Secretaria de Assuntos Internacionais
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
“Developing academic cooperation:
priorities and prospects”
Moscow – 30.11.2014 – 5.12.2014,
St. Petersburg – 6.12.2014 – 9.12.2014
Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100
The Russian system of higher professional education is now facing a challenging task:
strengthening positions in the global education market while not undermining its own excellent
academic tradition.
The Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100 was launched in 2013. Fifteen Russian
universities have become participants of the Project by winning the open competition for
government support. They have developed their "road-maps of excellence programmes" and
report on their progress to the Russian Ministry of Education and Science and the International
Council. The Council on Competitiveness Enhancement of Leading Russian Universities among
Global Research and Education Centres was created to support the programme. It includes
international and Russian representatives of the academic community, public officials
responsible for educational reform, acclaimed experts, and scholars.
The main goals of the Russian Academic Excellence Project are:
Development and implementation of measures aimed at creating long-term competitive
advantages for the Universities;
Internationalization in all spheres, development of infrastructure to recruit the best
scientists, faculty, managers and students;
Production of world-class intellectual products;
Development of an outstanding academic reputation by doing breakthrough research and
recruiting the world's leading scientists;
Bringing the university educational programs in line with the best international examples;
Development of cooperation between the academic sector, the industrial sector, and the
business sector;
Increased export of educational services.
The Russian Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov emphasizes: "Getting into
rankings is not the ultimate goal. The most important thing is to create a new system of research
and teaching in Russian Universities".
The main expected results of Project 5-100 by 2020 is that Russia will have a group of
contemporary leading universities with an effective management structure, and a strong
international academic reputation that meets global development trends and can quickly adapt to
global changes.
Seminar of Brazilian and
Russian leading universities
“Developing academic cooperation:
priorities and prospects
Universities and Research Centers
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
(Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
Established: 1942
Location: Moscow
Students (FTE): 7,800+
Faculty (FTE): 1,100+
Degree programs: 100
Priority areas: Nuclear Physics and Technology, Nuclear Power Engineering and Thermophysics,
Physics, Applied Mathematics and Physics, Applied Mathematics and Information, Material Science
and Technology, Information and Computer Engineering, Information Security, International
Relations, Foreign Languages, Economics, Business, Economic Security, Management, and Law.
Description: An educational and research institution founded and developed by six Nobel Prize
winners and other world famous scientists, MEPhI aims to address global challenges of the 21st
century in terms of energy and sci-tech issues. It is a highly focused science and engineering
university. MEPhI is the head of a huge nuclear education cluster, continuing to grow globally
through the increase of its international cooperation with universities worldwide.
Visiting the laboratories
Nanocenter of the NRNU MEPHI
Nanocenter of the NRNU MEPHI is a research organization for basic and applied
science and has highly equipped laboratories aimed at research of diverse array of
scientific problems.
The main research trends are related to non-silicon electronics – microwave, widegap, radiation-resistant and functional electronics. We develop microwave transistors
and solid-state integrated prototypes of submm wavelength ranges as well as LED
and photodetectors construction and magnet field and temperature sensors.
Basic research trends related to development of new nanomaterials, heterostructures
based on A3B5 including nitride ones, epitaxial and nanolithography technologies
(geometry design rule is up to 50 nanometers) intended for development of quantum
electronic devices and nanotransistors.
Other research areas include material properties research from crystal structure in
volume and on the surface up to electronic and optical features.
MEPhI Laser Center
MEPhI Laser Center performs the following activities:
 training of students and graduate students in the field of laser technologies,
professional development of experts;
 expert, consulting and information services in the field of laser technologies;
 laser technologies and the equipment on the basis of the best fiber and solid-state
lasers for cutting, weldings, cladding. Services in laser processing.
Youth Engineering Science Center NRNU MEPhI
NRNU MEPhI’s Engineering Science Centre is one of the largest platforms for
creation innovative products for various application fields. Specialists in different
fields, united by a general idea of developing new technologies, which contribute to
growth of people’s life quality, are gathered within the centre.
The Engineering Centre’s key specialty is development of hardware and software
complexes of various purposes: from newest medical instruments till complex
solutions in information security. The workflow and high-tech engineering
capabilities allow to make whole development cycle from an idea till release and
sales within the Engineering Centre.
Scientific & Educational Centre NEVOD
Scientific & Educational Centre NEVOD is a structural division of MEPhI, whose
work is based on the organic unity of scientific and educational processes in
fundamental and applied research and the training of highly qualified personnel in the
real conditions of modern large-scale physics experiment.
The Scientific & Educational Centre NEVOD, operates a unique experimental
complex of physical systems and detectors that have no analogues in the world,
which are designed to study the natural flux of particles on the surface of the Earth, is
operated: water Cherenkov detector, coordinate - tracking detector and
muonhodoscopes, and various technological systems and training and research stands
united with a local area network.
Inter-department laboratory of the experimental nuclear physics
Inter-department laboratory of the experimental nuclear physics, is used for the
perspective detector technologies development, which has important practical sense
both for experiment statement which has a fundamental sense and for new detector
technologies development, required for the vital practical tasks solution in nuclear
power engineering and nuclear medicine development.
5.1- Nanocenter of the NRNU MEPHI
Nanocenter of the NRNU MEPHI is a research organization for basic and
applied science and has highly equipped laboratories aimed at research of
diverse array of scientific problems.
The main research trends are related to non-silicon electronics – microwave,
wide-gap, radiation-resistant and functional electronics. We develop
microwave transistors and solid-state integrated prototypes of submm
wavelength ranges as well as LED and photodetectors construction and
magnet field and temperature sensors.
Basic research trends related to development of new nanomaterials,
heterostructures based on A3B5 including nitride ones, epitaxial and
nanolithography technologies (geometry design rule is up to 50 nanometers)
intended for development of quantum electronic devices and nanotransistors.
Other research areas include material properties research from crystal
structure in volume and on the surface up to electronic and optical features.
5.2- MEPhI Laser Center
MEPhI Laser Center performs the following activities:
 training of students and graduate students in the field
technologies, professional development of experts;
 expert, consulting and information services in the field
 laser technologies and the equipment on the basis of the best
solid-state lasers for cutting, weldings, cladding. Services
of laser
of laser
fiber and
in laser
National Research University – Higher School of Economics
Motto: Non Scholae Sed Vitae Discimus
Established: 1992
Locations: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhni Novgorod, Perm
Students (FTE): 23,300+
Faculty (FTE): 3,600+
Degree programs: 57 areas of undergraduate studies; 116 Master’s programs;
12 MBA, DBA and EMBA programmes; 36 double degree programs in
partnership with international universities, and more than one hundred
Continuing Education programs.
Priority areas: Economics and Social Sciences (Economics, Law, Management, Sociology and
Political Science), Humanities and Communications, Mathematics and Computer Science.
Description: HSE was founded by leading Russian economists and government reformers and has
rapidly grown from an economics school into a well-renowned research university. HSE takes pride in
some of the country’s finest academic departments and research centers in economics, management,
social sciences, and computer science. The Faculty of Business Informatics, founded in 2002 with the
active participation of leading Russian and multinational companies, established the study of business
informatics, applied mathematics and software engineering education at HSE. The university further
expanded its STEM activities in 2011 when the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics
(MIEM) was merged with HSE, and in 2014 when the Faculty of Computer Science was opened in
partnership with Russia’s leading internet company Yandex. HSE offers 12 English-language
Master’s programmes, including these in STEM areas: Big Data Systems, Cognitive Sciences and
Technology, Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation, System and Software Engineering,
Mathematics and Computer Sciences.
Russian-Brazilian Workshop on Academic Cooperation
Opening of the Russian-Brazilian Workshop on Academic Cooperation.
Welcome speech
Mikhail Antonov, Project office Director Project 5-100
Carlos Alexandre Netto, President of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Plenary session
Presentation of educational system in Russia
Gregory Androushchak, Head of the Strategic Department of the Ministry of
Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Presentation of educational system in Brazil and presentation of the
José Celso Freire Jr, President of FAUBAI
Presentation of Project 5-100 and universities-participants of the Project.
Mikhail Antonov, Project office Director Project 5-100
Presentation of Brazilian Programmes for Internationalizing Higher Education
Anisio Brasileiro, President of CRIA/ANDIFES (Commission for International
Affairs, National Association of Presidents of Federal HEI)
Mikhail Antonov, Project office Director Project 5-100
Lunch and networking
Round table. Session 1
Universities Internationalization: best practices and opportunities for
Isak Froumin, Academic Supervisor of the Institute of Education at the National
Research University - Higher School of Economics
Elena Chernyshkova, Head of University Marketing and Academic Recruitment
Center, Project 5-100
Fábio Alves, Associate Provost for International Affairs of the Federal University of
Minas Gerais
Themes for discussion:
 Internationalization of research
 Internationalization of education, development of academic mobility and joint
educational programs
 Staff Internationalization
 Internationalization of the university environment
Round table - Session 2
Discussion on the concrete steps toward cooperation
We decided about four steps:
Visit of Russian partners next year (April/Mars)
Professors and students mobility
Look for the finance of activities
Establish of joint activities
National University of Science and Technology «MISIS»
Motto: Preserving Tradition while staying Ahead of the Times
Established: 1918
Location: Moscow
Students (FTE): 15,000+
Faculty (FTE): 1,000+
Degree programs: 65
Priority areas: Metallurgy and Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information
Technology and Telecommunications, Sustainable Development, Energy-effective Technologies.
Description: One of Russia’s leading teaching and research educational centers, MISIS provides a
first-class professional education and extensive opportunities for specialized scientific research, with
the objective of transferring ideas, innovations, and technologies produced to real-life applications.
MISIS is actively expanding its traditional leadership specializations in metallurgy and materials
science to many emerging areas of high priority.
Visiting the laboratories
Scientific Research Lab «Inorganic nanomaterials» directed by Leading
scientist Dmitry V. Golberg (NIMS, Japan)
Lab «Superconducting Metamaterials» directed by Leading scientist Alexey
Ustinov. (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
Scientific Research Centre «Ceramic Constructional Nanomaterials» directed
by Leading scientist Alexander Mukasyan (University of Notre Dame, USA)
Scientific Training Centre «International School of Microscopy» directed by
Dmitry Zhukov.
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
(State University, MIPT)
Motto: Sapere Aude
Established: 1951
Locations: Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region (main campus)
and Zhukovsky, Moscow Region (Department of
Aeromechanics and Flight Engineering)
Students (FTE): 5,600+
Faculty (FTE): 3,200+
Degree programs: 86
Priority areas: Theoretical and Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics, Informatics, Biotechnology
and related disciplines.
Description: One of the world’s most prestigious educational and research institutions, MIPT has a
unique education system. The general principles are: rigorous selection of gifted young individuals,
extensive education in fundamentals, involvement of leading scientists in the students' learning
process, and use of the best research laboratories in the country. MIPT’s first professors were Nobel
Prize winners Kapitsa, Semyenov, and Lev Landau. Many MIPT professors are leading Russian
scientists, including over 80 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2009, MIPT was
granted the status of National Research University by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Among the University’s alumni there are Nobel laureates, founders of high-tech companies, inventors,
and engineers.
Visiting the laboratories
Laboratory of Structural Biology of G-Protein Coupled Receptors
Vadim Cherezov
2Laboratory for Advanced Studies of Membrane Proteins
Georg Büldt
3Laboratory for Сhemical Synthesis and Catalysis
Valeriy Fokin
4Laboratory for Innovative Drug Products
Sergey Leonov
5Laboratory for Nanostructuring of Membrane-Protein Complexes for the
Control of Cell Physiology
Constantin Agladze
6Laboratory of Terahertz Spectroscopy
Boris Gorshunov
7Plasma Propulsion Laboratory
Oleg Gorshkov
St. Petersburg
ITMO University
Motto: Innovative, Entrepreneurial, International
Established: 1900
Location: St. Petersburg
Students (FTE): 10,600+
Faculty (FTE): 1,000+
Degree programs: 352
Priority areas: Photonics and Optics, Intelligent Technologies and Robotics, Computer Science and
Information Technology, Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Smart- and Nanomaterials and Technology.
Description: One of Russia’s leading higher education and research institutions, ITMO specializes in
Information Technology, Optical Design, and Engineering. Its forty-nine international research
centers generate advanced knowledge and bring top innovative ideas to the market through an
established system of R&D support. ITMO’s mission is to prepare its graduates for the challenges of
the 21st century. At the forefront of scientific research, ITMO tackles some of the world’s hardest
scientific challenges, and strives to support an environment of interdisciplinary scholarship and
innovation. Located in the heart of St. Petersburg, it is steps away from the Hermitage and other
Visiting the laboratories
ITMO University presentation
Daria Kozlova, Director of the Institute of International Development and
Introduction to the Innovative ecosystem of ITMO University – tour on the
Urban Transformations Institute. Visit to classrooms and seminars of the
Institute, introduction to the Master’s programme in Urban Studies
Marina Sukhorukova, Head of the Department of Technology Entrepreneurship
and Innovation Control
ITMO Optical Museum. Lecture on the new educational projects for
children and new programs implemented at the junction of IT and art
Prof. Sergey Stafeev, Dean of Faculty of Natural Sciences
eScience Research Institute – supercomputer modelling. Lecture on the new
possibilities of social processes modelling. Display of equipment.
Prof. Aleksander Boukhanovsky, Director
Research Center for Nanophotonics and Optoinformatics
Prof. Nikolay Nikonorov, Director
St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
(National Research University, SPbPU)
Established: 1899
Location: St. Petersburg
Students (FTE): 17,100+
Faculty (FTE): 2,600+
Degree programmes: 220
Priority areas: Multidisciplinary Research and Meta-branch Knowledge for Intensive Computer
Technologies; Composite Materials, Nanotechnology; Energy Technology, Energy Efficiency and
Environmentally Friendly Technology; Information and Telecommunication Technology, Intellectual
Description: For more than 115 years, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University has held the position of
the country’s leading technical university. It is the main institution feeding state corporations and
high-tech companies: Rosatom, Rostec, Roscosmos, FGC UES and others. More than 5,000 students
from forty-eight countries annually enroll at the University. Alumni are highly qualified specialists,
capable of working on advanced production lines; they can combine research, design and
entrepreneurship activities and are in great demand on the global labour market.
Visiting the laboratories
Scientific and Research Complex "Nanobiotechnologies"
Mikhail Khodorkovskiy
Russian-German Laser Innovation Technology Centre
Mikhail Khodorkovskiy
Laboratory of Molecular Neurodegeneration
Ilya Besprozvanny
Research Institute “Mathematical Modeling and Intelligent Control
Viacheslav Shkodyrev
Laboratory of Visualization and Computer Graphics
Vladimir Ivanov
Meeting with the European University at St. Petersburg and
National Research University – Higher School of Economics,
St. Petersburg
HSE - St. Petersburg
Description: HSE - St. Petersburg is a campus of one the leading Russian Universities in social and
economic field – National Research University Higher School of Economics. The campus prepares
bachelors and masters in the following areas:
Law, Economics, Management, Public Policy, Political Science, History, Sociology and Oriental
Studies. HSE - St. Petersburg is dedicated to excellence in teaching, in fundamental as well as applied
research and it is aimed to become a dialogue platform of civil society for sustainable socio-economic
and cultural development of Russia.
The strategic plan of development of HSE - St. Petersburg envisages through internationalization.
Сampus actively promotes cooperation and joint projects with universities in the BRICS counties.
HSE - St.Petersburg holds 2 annual research conferences: "Education and Global Cities: Prospects of
BRICS"(March, 19-20, 2015), "Metropolitan Worlds: Global Cities between Heritage and
Development"(May 28-30, 2015).
HSE - St.Petersburg is supposed to become an international hub for educational, research, social and
innovation activities of HSE, using advantages of the city.
Established: 1994
Location: St. Petersburg
Description: the European University at St. Petersburg was created in 1994 to set new standards of
training and research in Social Sciences in Russia. In cooperation with Berkeley, Harvard, Michigan,
Cambridge and London School of Economics EUSP developed new programs of excellence. In its
current shape, it is a small independent university which takes pride in the high quality of its
educational programs and academic achievements of its faculty and graduates. Being one of the few
successful private universities in Russia, EUSP requires a major expansion in order to enhance its
intellectual independence and increase its impact as a global hub for policy-relevant research – an
equivalent of a techno-park in Humanities and Social Sciences, an incubator for social and cultural
EUSP is the first truly international independent university in Russia that is training a new generation
of social scientists who are civic-minded and trained to think globally. Its graduates, numbering today
over 800 (with more than 150 from foreign countries, mostly from North America and Western
Europe), serve as bridges between different cultures, which is important in the increasingly unstable
world. EUSP is a quality institution that produces not only world-class training but also high-quality
research, used by many actors in business, state and social domains.
Social Sciences and Humanities in Russia: International Cooperation Prospects
Programme coordinator from EUSP: Alla Samoletova, Head of Rector's office
1Place of humanities and social sciences in Russia and European
University experience in Saint Petersburg
Professor Nikita Lomagin, vice-rector, European University
2Higher School of Economics - St.Petersburg and BRICS University
Daniel Alexandrov, Professor of Sociology and Associate Director for
International Development, Higher School of Economics - St.Petersburg
3International educational programs at EUSP: opportunities for
collaboration development." Maria Trofimova, Dean of International
Programs at EUSP
4Applied History and Integrative International Programs in HSE-SPb"
Julia Lajus, Associate Professor in History, Higher School of Economics St.Petersburg
Saint-Petersburg Electro technical University «LETI»
Motto: Education Through Research
Established: 1886
Location: St. Petersburg
Students (FTE): 6,100+
Faculty (FTE): 800+
Degree programmes: 21 Bachelor programmes,
54 Master’s programmes
Priority areas: Biomedical Engineering, Nano- and Metamaterials, Molecular Electronics, Power
Engineering and Ecology, Intellectual and Information Technology.
Description: LETI was founded as the first European higher education institution specializing in the
field of electrical engineering. The University has more than 1,600 graduates annually in its main
programmes. More than fifty high-tech enterprises are strategic partners of LETI. Among foreign
partners of the university there are eighteen large plant facilities, seven science and research institutes
and centers, and sixty-three universities from twenty-three countries.
Anna Glazova
PhD student at the Department of Bioengineering Systems
Coordinator of the “Bioengineering Systems and Technologies of
Rehabilitation and Prosthetics” Master Program in English
Visiting the laboratories
Short excursion around the university:
 Visit to the historical first building of ETU “LETI”;
 Visit to the ETU “LETI” library;
 Visit to the memorial museum of Alexander Popov, inventor of the radio
communication and the first rector of ETU “LETI”, and to his lecture hall.
The memorial museum of Alexander Popov is one of the unique objects of higher
education institutions in Russia. It presents more than 30 unique exhibit-items:
measurement devices, laboratory equipment, serial devices for wireless telegraph,
Visit to the Department of Bioengineering Systems
Department of Bioengineering Systems is one of the leading departments in
Russia, which trains bioengineers. The research here is focused on screening
diagnostics of human health, bioengineering systems for medical and biological
purposes of aviation and space development, mathematical methods and
computer-aided systems of biomedical information analysis, system of decisionmaking support for doctors.
Department of Bioengineering Systems has developed «Bioengineering Systems
and Technologies of Rehabilitation and Prosthetics» Master Programme in
Visit to the Department of Electron Devices and Systems
Department of electronic devices has resulted from the merger of the Department
of X-ray and electron-beam devices, and the Department of discharge tubes.
Currently, the department is actively developing a number of various disciplines,
which allows to give students the most advanced knowledge in various fields of
modern electronics:
 circuitry of electronic devices;
 microcontrollers and microprocessors;
 X-ray devices and accelerating technics;
 quantum and optoelectronic devices and equipment;
 vacuum and plasma electronics.
Currently, the department operates several teaching and research laboratories,
which take part in Bachelors and Masters education, conduct research and
experimental studies for the preparation of Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral
 Plasma devices and equipment,
 X-ray diagnostics and industrial-raying,
 Quantum devices and equipment,
 X-ray diffraction and X-ray spectrum analysis,
 Microprocessors in electronic devices,
 Vacuum and plasma technology
 Analog and digital circuitry,
 Electronic devices for transmitting and displaying information
Project 5-100 participants from other regions of Russia
Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU)
Motto: Striving for Success
Established: 1899
Locations: Vladivostok, Russky Island
Students (FTE): 33,400+
Faculty (FTE): 2,900+
Degree programmes: 468
Priority areas: Global Ocean Resources Research and Exploitation, Oil and Gas Industry,
Biomedicine, Nanotechnology, Marine Structures, Robotics, Regional and Global Geopolitical
Studies, Economic and Socio-cultural Processes.
Description: FEFU is the major academic research and innovation center of the Russian Far East,
with 115 years of history. The FEFU mission is to foster mutual understanding and cooperation
among Asia-Pacific countries, to ensure their social and cultural prosperity and to shape the talents of
their young people. Key features of the university are research projects developed by the FEFU in
association with the leading laboratories of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the foremost
universities, research groups, and scholars of the Asia Pacific Region. FEFU is the only representative
of Russia in the elite Association of Pacific Rim Universities. It is proud to have the largest modern
campus in Russia, completed in 2013.
Kazan Federal University (KFU)
Motto: Making History
Established: 1804
Location: Kazan
Students (FTE): 35,000+
Faculty (FTE): 4,000+
Degree programmes: 419
Priority areas: Biomedicine and Pharmacy, Oil Production Refining and Petro-Chemistry, Materials
Science, Info-Communication and Space Technology.
Description: With seven Nobel Prize winners among its alumni, Kazan Federal University is the
third-oldest university in Russia, a leading national comprehensive academic and research centre.
KFU focuses on integrating the science, education and industrial sectors, with the goal of
consolidating an economy based on knowledge and high technology. The University prioritizes its
specialties based on the high demand in labour markets. The newest of its campuses was constructed
as an Athletes’ Village for the 2013 Summer Universiade.
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod –
National Research University (UNN)
Motto: UNN – creative, innovative, entrepreneurial!
Established: 1916
Location: Nizhni Novgorod
Students (FTE): 16,500+
Faculty (FTE): 1,700+
Degree programmes: 270
Priority areas: Information and Communication Systems and Technology, Supercomputer
Computation, Materials Science, Biomedicine, Radio Physics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Law,
Social Sciences, Innovative Entrepreneurship.
Description: One of the top tier Russian universities, this institute is named after the founder of nonEuclidean geometry, former UNN Rector Nikolai Lobachevsky. In 2009, UNN was awarded the
prestigious status of National Research University by the Government of the Russian Federation. The
University is actively involved in cooperation with foreign partners, including more than 90 foreign
higher education institutions and educational and scientific centers, as well as many global biggest
high-tech companies. Over 90% of its academics have Ph.D. or Doctorate of Science degrees. Some
researchers of UNN are winners of prestigious international awards, such as the Pythagoras Award
and the International Socrates Award. The 2008 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, Harald
zur Hausen, is Doctor Honoris Causa at UNN.
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU)
Motto: Knowledge, Freedom and Prosperity
Established: 1896
Location: Tomsk
Students (FTE): 12,600+
Faculty (FTE): 2,000+
Degree programmes: 163
Priority areas: Nuclear and Hydrogen Energy, Oil and Gas Industry, IT, Power and Electrical
Engineering, Nanotechnology, and Biotechnology. TPU priority areas of development are united in
four research and educational clusters and bring together different TPU research and educational
structures and strategic partners, working in the following areas: Safe Environment, Sustainable
Energy, Medical Engineering, and Planetary Resources.
Description: The leading Russian university in the field of resource efficient technologies, today TPU
is the only university in the Asian part of Russia which has an operating research nuclear reactor.
Advanced research and modern educational facilities enabled TPU to become one of the main
institution for Gazprom, Rosatom and Sibur companies. The University is a member of twelve
reputable international organizations, including the Conference of European Schools for Advanced
Engineering Education and Research (СESAER) and the Consortium Linking Universities of Science
and Technology for Education and Research (CLUSTER), where TPU is the only Russian university.
TPU is also the member of the T.I.M.E. Association of Technical Universities, and a member of the
international project CDIO Initiative aimed at engineering education modernization. TPU implements
16 joint master double-degree programmes in collaboration with leading foreign universities.
International students comprise 18.6% of TPU’s total student population.
National Research Tomsk State University (TSU)
Motto: Mens Mundo Aperiens
Established: 1878
Location: Tomsk
Students (FTE): 10,000+
Faculty (FTE): 1,100+
Degree programmes: 135
Priority areas: Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials; Information, Telecommunication and
Supercomputer Technologies; Satellite and Missile System Design; Social Sciences.
Description: For more than 135 years TSU has been engaged in the training of the scientific and
managerial elite, using the principle of integrating the educational process with fundamental research.
TSU is a center that attracts creative talent, a generator of advanced ideas, and a paragon that follows
the best traditions of Russian higher education. To maintain high competitiveness, TSU has developed
five excellent research centers, each corresponding to a priority area of development. The openness of
TSU innovative infrastructure makes it possible to establish long lasting partnerships between
researchers and the business community and provides for the effective implementation of scientific
Novosibirsk State University (NSU)
Motto: Science. Community. Life.
Established: 1959
Location: Novosibirsk
Students (FTE): 7,200+
Faculty (FTE): 1,400+
Degree programs: 45
Priority areas: Nanotechnology, Medical Biotechnology, Laser Systems, Cancer Therapy Innovation,
Medical Supplies Molecular Design, Biodegradation of Oily Wastes.
Description: NSU is a unique network efficiently synergizing researchers, educators, and sciencebased business. A special feature of the University is its location in the scientific center of
Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok, providing very close interaction with Russia’s leading research
institutions which are situated there. Most NSU faculties combine their teaching with work in these
Samara State Aerospace University named after academician
S.P. Korolev (National Research University, SSAU)
Motto: We surpass time
Established: 1942
Location: Samara
Students (FTE): 7,000+
Faculty (FTE): 600+
Degree programs: 54 Bachelor, Master's and Specialist programmes,
and 30 Professional Development programmes
Priority areas: Space Engineering, Biotechnical and Biomedical Systems, Advanced Materials and
Technologies, Machine Dynamics and Vibroacoustics, Fundamentals of Aerospace Engineering,
Supercomputing, Information Technology and Geoinfomatics, Image Processing and Computer
Optics, Micro-and Nanoelectronics, Aeronautics, and Aerospace Propulsion Engineering.
Description: This research and educational centre of the aerospace industrial cluster of Samara region
provides training in a wide variety of engineering disciplines. The strategic goal of SSAU is to raise
its global competitiveness in order to become one of the leading hi-tech engineering universities in
Russia and Eastern Europe. A unique feature of SSAU’s research productivity is a group of space
satellites produced with active participation of all students, as well as many commercialization
projects implementing space industry achievements in other industries.
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia
B.N. Yeltsin (UrFU)
Motto: Think. Act. Achieve.
Established: 1920
Location: Ekaterinburg
Students (FTE): 30,000+
Faculty (FTE): 3,000+
Degree programs: 350+
Priority areas: Life Sciences, Technology, Social Sciences, Humanities and Economics.
Description: One of the top-ten Russian universities with an almost one hundred-year history, UrFU
is located in Ekaterinburg, a modern and dynamic city in the heart of Russia. UrFU is a
comprehensive institution offering more than 350 Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programmes. It has
more than 30,000 students coming from forty-eight countries, and more than 3,000 faculty including
globally renowned experts in physics, meteorite research, engineering, social science, and political