ATTACHMENT 12. IF FULL PROPOSAL MRLG Applicant Number: Country: Lead Applicant: Contact Person, Position: Telephone/Fax number: E-mail: Partner Organization Contact Person, Position IF Grant Full Proposal Part 1. Project Description Background and Rationale: Provide a brief but concise background of the land governance issue(s) Provide the Rationale for the IF assistance: Relate it to the IF objectives and selection criteria; Describe the innovation to be introduced or the good practice model proposed to be adopted Describe the significance and benefits of introducing the innovation Cite if there are related government, donor funded, NGO or private sector funded projects that will be benefited, supported or complemented by the proposed project Objectives, Approach and Methodology Provide detailed objectives for the proposed project What are the expected outcomes if the project is successful Identify the major outputs and indicator Describe the proposed approach and methodology and major activities Present the Project Implementation Plan / Scheme. Describe the monitoring and evaluation framework/ scheme. Describe possible risks to achieving the planned outcomes, including environmental risk and how they will be addressed Identify the beneficiaries, describe how are they the most relevant, describe how gender and ethnic minority concerns will be integrated Describe risks if any and how the risks to the beneficiaries can be managed Describe sustainability mechanism Mekong Region Land Governance Project - Grants Facility Operations Manual 1 Proponent and Co-proponent’s Profile Organizational profile, registration and licenses, Country experience Provide a brief description expertise and experience of the organizations Describe organizations experience in for managing and implementing projects; management of donor-assisted projects and related projects preferred; Provide a list related activities undertaken Provide information on financial management capabilities Provide information on organizational capacity to manage procurement Provide information of staff proposed to supervise and implement the proposed project Mekong Region Land Governance Project - Grants Facility Operations Manual 2 Part II. Sample Detailed Project Work Format WHAT WHY Objec tives Activity WHEN Expected Output/ Targets Key Result Indicator Target Date of Complet ion HOW MUCH Civil Works Goods TA Training WHO Incremental Operating Cost Total Respon sible Unit/s Year 1 Year 2 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Output 1 Activity 1.1 Inputs: Civil works, training, TA, goods, etc. Output 2.0 Activity 2.1 Inputs: Civil works, training, TA, goods, etc. Output 3.0 Activity 3.1 Inputs: Mekong Region Land Governance Project - Grants Facility Operations Manual 3 Part II. Sample Detailed Project Financial Plan Format Expenditure Account (PHP'000) WHAT Activity Lead/ Respo nsible Units Year 1 Civil Works Good s Traini ng TA Increme ntal Operatin g Cost Total Projec t Cost Q Q Q Q 1 2 3 4 Year 2 Tar get Cost Q 1 Q 2 Q Q 3 4 Ta rg et Cos t Tar get Cos t Total Target Output 1. Activity 1.1 Activity 1.2. Activity 1.3 Output 2.0. Activity 2.1 Activity 2.2 Activity 2.3 Output 3.0 Activity 3.1 Activity 3.2 Activity 3.3 Mekong Region Land Governance Project - Grants Facility Operations Manual 4 Tot al Cos t