
Book of Sirach
Historical Background:
irach is the longest of the wisdom books
with fifty-one chapters. The book appears
to be a collection of proverbs organized in
such a way as to resemble short essays. While
there is no explicit arrangement in the book
itself, one can divide the materials into themes
and according to literary form. The Book of
Sirach has been known by different names: “The
Wisdom of Jesus Ben Sira” (of which Sirach is the
Greek form); “the Book of Sirach” (a shortened
title); “Ecclesiasticus” (from the Latin for Book of
the Church, a designation that probably stems
from its frequent use as a catechetical aid in the
early centuries of the Western Church).
Author: The author identifies himself only at the
end of the chapter 50, but luckily, his grandson
translated the original into Greek and wrote a
preface that gives us the one known date for a
wisdom book.
1:26-27 If you desire wisdom, keep the
commandments, and the Lord will bestow her
upon you;For the fear of the Lord is wisdom and
discipline; faithfulness and humility are his
Date Written: Between 190 and 175 B.C.
Purpose of the Book: Like the Book of Proverbs,
the primary focus of Ben Sira’s teaching is moral
guidance. The book is like an instructional
manual containing maxims, many are grouped
according to topics. A series of short essays
addresses topics such as duties toward God,
toward one’s parents, and toward rulers. There
are instructions on how to train children, how to
choose friends, and how to guard one’s speech.
There are warnings against excess, laziness, and
foolishness. Whatever one needs to succeed in
life, while at the same time remaining faithful to
the tradition of the elders, is addressed in the
Reading the Old Testament, L.Boadt, pp 486-48
New American Bible, Personal Study Edition,
pp. 223-225
1:1 All wisdom* is from the Lord and remains
with him forever.
1:12-13 The fear of the Lord rejoices the heart,
giving gladness, joy, and long life.Those who fear
the Lord will be happy at the end, even on the
day of death they will be blessed.
1:18-20 The crown of wisdom is the fear of the
Lord, flowering with peace and perfect health.
Knowledge and full understanding she rains
down; she heightens the glory of those who
possess her. The root of wisdom is to fear the
Lord; her branches are long life.
2:1-6 My child, when you come to serve the Lord,
prepare yourself for trials. Be sincere of heart
and steadfast, and do not be impetuous in time
of adversity.Cling to him, do not leave him, that
you may prosper in your last days.Accept
whatever happens to you; in periods of
humiliation be patient.For in fire gold is tested,
and the chosen, in the crucible of humiliation.
2: 6-9 Trust in God, and he will help you; make
your ways straight and hope in him.You that fear
the Lord, wait for his mercy, do not stray lest you
You that fear the Lord, trust in him, and your
reward will not be lost.You that fear the LORD,
hope for good things, for lasting joy and mercy.
2:11 For the Lord is compassionate and merciful;
forgives sins and saves in time of trouble.
3:6 Those who respect their father will live a
long life; those who obey the Lord honor their
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3:12-14 My son, be steadfast in honoring your
father; do not grieve him as long as he lives.
Even if his mind fails, be considerate of him; do
not revile him because you are in your prime.
Kindness to a father will not be forgotten; it will
serve as a sin offering—it will take lasting root.
4:1-4 My child, do not mock the life of the poor;
do not keep needy eyes* waiting. Do not grieve
the hungry, nor anger the needy.Do not
aggravate a heart already angry, nor delay giving
to the needy.A beggar’s request do not reject; do
not turn your face away from the poor.
4:28 Even to the death, fight for what is right,
and the LORD will do battle for you.
19:6, 19:11-14, 19:17
21:1-2, 21:8, 21:16, 21:26
22:4, 22:27
25:11, 25:21-22
26:1-4, 26:13-17
28:1-2, 28:13, 28:26
29:2, 29:6, 29:7-9, 29:12
30:9, 30:15-16
31:1, 31:20, 31:24-25
35:5-10, 35:12-14, 35:16-17
37:10, 12, 37:27-29
51:10, 51:29-30
4:31 Do not let your hand be open to receive, but
clenched when it is time to give.
5:7 Do not delay turning back to the LORD, do
not put it off day after day.For suddenly his
wrath will come forth; at the time of vengeance,
you will perish.
6:5-6 Pleasant speech multiplies friends, and
gracious lips, friendly greetings.Let those who
are friendly to you be many, but one in a
thousand your confidant.
6:14-16 Faithful friends are a sturdy shelter;
whoever finds one finds a treasure.Faithful
friends are beyond price, no amount can balance
their worth.Faithful friends are life-saving
medicine; those who fear God will find them.
6:37 Reflect on the law of the Most High, and let
his commandments be your constant study.
Then he will enlighten your mind, and make you
wise as you desire.
Additional Verses:
7:10, 7:23, 7:31-33, 7:34-36
11:2, 11:17, 11:26-28,
13:4, 13:25
14:5-7, 14:12-13, 16, 17
18:1, 18:11-13, 18:18, 18:20, 18:23-24
Group p of Sirach
Lourdes Ines, NenitaSolancho, Sylvia Beltran
Virginia Leyranand Nenita MateoFacilitators:
Lourdes Ines and Sylvia Beltran
I give thanks, O God of my father, I praise you,
O myGod my savior. I will make known your
name, my refuge of my life; you have been my
helper against my adversaries. You have
saved me from death, and kept back my body
from the pit. He saved me from evil of every
kind and preserved me in time of trouble.
For this reason, I thank him; I bless the name
of the Lord.
Sirach 51:1-2, 12
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