Meeting Minutes Subject Curriculum and Faculty Development (CAFD) Date 5/01/2015 Facilitator(s) Marylou Shockley Chair, School of Business Time 10:00am – 12:00pm Location Valley Hall 82A/116 Scribe Desirae Bennett Attendees Desirae Bennett, Chi-Chun Chou, Carol Davis, Babita Gupta, Shyam Kamath, Murray Millson, Sumadhur Shakya, Marylou Shockley, Pat Tinsley McGill, Joseph Ryan Absent Cathy Ku Key Points Discussed Topic Highlights Certificate for Accounting Professionals 1. Chi-Chun Chou provided brief summary of recent changes made to document; Chou explained the data collected and demonstrated the need/interest of this certificate 2. Fees purposefully excluded from document; decisions need to be made of what price point to offer certificate to students; price per course will be the same for certificate and MSA, respectively Note: University of Houston-Downtown provides an example of a certificate that translates into MSA (competitive model) 3. Certificate designed as value-added add-on to BSBA degree, rather than beginning of MSA; marketing will be key to a successful launch of the certificate 4. Changes include: proposed launch of certificate – delay until Summer 2016 Note: How will we insure that students are learning the material in these courses? We will need to monitor academic rigor in the certificate/courses. 5. Look at statistics of students who pass (or fail) the CPA exam and compare with the schools they took courses from 6. Budget: not required and not feasible at this point as key players need to discuss with Extended Education 7. Consent calendar: some courses (684) are not listed in catalog yet; these will be added with approval of program Motion to accept Certificate for Accounting Professionals w/ amendment (Babita Gupta); second (Pat Tinsley); approved as amended (unanimous; Chou abstain-not CAFD member) MBA MLO Revision proposal Murray provided brief update of purpose of document and some of the more recent changes that were made to the document 1. Verbiage used in MLOs – do not include four adjectives in each MLO; use “apply” and “analyze” 2. MLO #4 – “Analyze business situations by applying critical thinking to make effective business decisions” 3. Remove “required courses” from front sheet 4. Add footnote to Exhibit 2: “First MLO will follow this schedule and then re-examine to determine if adequate time has been given to design and implement interventions to improve student learning outcomes” Motion to approve with modifications to document (Pat Tinsley); second (Joseph Ryan); approved with amendments (unanimous; Chou abstained-not CAFD member) Document1 Engaged Learning Sumadhur met with Marc Oehlman to discuss technology and active/engaged learning in BIT building 1. Proposed tour of BIT building at end of exam week 2. Faculty need to become familiar with technology in BIT classrooms 3. Time needs to be allocated after BIT move-in so faculty can scope out technology in classrooms 4. BIT furniture arriving May 6th or 7th at earliest; may be as late as May 26th 5. May 18th – we will know what equipment will be in the classrooms (short presentation to all faculty) 6. Training videos created for faculty on how to use technology in classrooms 7. Need to be clear on the wording we are using “Technology Enhanced-Active/Engaged Learning”; emphasis for the coming year ‘Tech-enhanced Learning’ 8. Sumadhur to work with Marc Oehlman to distinguish who will be providing the training videos/seminars (IT should be providing this) Faculty Research and Development Fund (FRDF) Murray Millson provided brief overview of FRDF document 1. Most of the document has remained the same since last meeting 2. Page 5 – Application page added; provides the basics of the decision process 3. Signatures required for approval – Chair/CAFD, Dean/COB Motion to approve FRDF document (Carol Davis); second (Sumadhur Shakya); approved (unanimous) Note: Implementation/Logistics for document 1. How streamline the approval process for FRDF and make it more efficient? Use of Google Docs for submitting and approving? Action Plan No. Action Item(s) Owner 1. Update Certificate for Accounting Professionals proposal document 2. Send updated Cert. for Acctg proposal doc to Babita for AACSB external Chi-Chun Chou reviewer documentation Before 5/5/15 3. Shyam to notify Dean Tim Angle of signatory page for Certificate of Shyam Accounting routing 5/4 – 5/6 4. Send updated MBA MLO proposal doc to Babita for AACSB external Murray reviewer documentation 5/4 – 5/6 5. Printout of assigned classrooms for May 18th meeting (Fall 2015 Desirae schedule) For May 18th meeting 6. Minutes for approval at beginning of each meeting Next Meeting Date Fall 2015 | TBD Topics TBD Document1 Chi-Chun Chou Target Date All ASAP