Year 8 Science Term 1 Assessment 3 Rubric Unit 1: Taking Care of Ourselves and Others Key concept: Systems Related concepts: energy, interaction Global concepts: Identities and relationships Statement of inquiry: You are what you eat and taking care of yourself is taking care of the next generation. Inquiry question: How does lifestyle relate to your physical well-being and the well-being of others? Assessment criteria: D-Reflecting on the impacts of science Topic: Diet and Health Task: Your teacher has directed you to select a country as your focus of this assessment. Your task is to research the general diet and nutrition of this country, identify health-related problems in nutrition, and describe and analyse the impact of Science in addressing this particular issue or problem. You can choose to present about the country as a whole or focus on a specific region of the country. MY COUNTRY: _____________________________________ (SPECIFIC REGION: _______________________________) Your poster needs to be A2-sized. On the due date, you will display the poster in the classroom. You should make a draft before you use the poster paper. 1 Grading Criteria D: Reflecting on the impacts of Science. Criteria 0 Criterion D Reflectin g on the impacts of science Did not reach a stand ard ident ified by the descr iptor s. 1-2 My poster is poorly designed. I made little attempt to organize the information. 3-4 I made some attempts to organize the information. 5-6 My poster is well designed. Information is organized. 7-8 My poster is well designed and creative. Information is organized and presented clearly. i) - Describe the diet of a country in relation to the main sources of nutrients. - Identify a specific healthrelated problem as a result of the nutrition of a country and describe the ways Science is used to address this problem. i) - State the diet of a country simply and list the main sources of nutrients. - Identify a specific healthrelated problem as a result of the nutrition of a country and state the way/s Science is used to address this problem. i) - Outline the diet of a country with some description of the main sources of nutrients. - Identify a specific healthrelated problem as a result of the nutrition of a country and outline the ways Science is used to address this problem. i) - Summarize the diet of a country in relation to the main sources of nutrients. - Identify a specific healthrelated problem as a result of the nutrition of a country and summarize the ways Science is used to address this problem. ii) - State the implications of using Science in solving a specific health-related problem or issue. - The “implications” should relate to at least one of the following factors: environmental, social or economic. ii) - Outline the implications of using Science in solving a specific problem or issue. - The “implications” should relate to at least one of the following factors: environmental, social or economic. ii) - Describe the implications of using Science in solving a specific problem or issue. - The “implications” should relate to at least one of the following factors: environmental, social or economic. ii) - Discuss and analyse the implications of using Science in solving a specific problem or issue. - The “implications” should relate to at least one of the following factors: environmental, social or economic. iii) Applied scientific language to communicate understanding but did so with limited success. iii) Sometimes applied scientific language to communicate understanding. iii) Usually applied scientific language to communicate understanding clearly and precisely. iii) Consistently applied scientific language to communicate understanding clearly and precisely iv) Sources are documented with limited success. iv) Sources are sometimes documented correctly, and my information comes from less than five sources. iv) Sources are usually documented correctly, and my information comes from at least five different sources. iv) Sources are documented completely in MLA style, and my information comes from at least five different sources. 2 1-2: State Outline: A general description or plan showing the essential features of something but not the detail. Summary: A brief statement or account of the main points of something. Analysis: Detailed examination of the elements or structure of something. "Oxford Dictionaries." Oxford Dictionaries. Web. 09 Aug. 2014. 3-4: Outline 5-6: Summarize 7-8 : Describe and Analyse Effort in Science (Time management) Unsatisfactory Effort Satisfactory Effort Tends to be very distracted Tends to be distracted but and often has to be gets things done by the reminded of the time. deadline when reminded. Requires monitoring to stay focused and on task. Good Effort Usually uses time well. Excellent Effort Uses time well. Poster handed in on time. Poster handed in on time with good quality. Usually attentive and on task; ignores distractions Actively engaged during peer-evaluation. 3