ADP Meeting Sept 7th, 2011

ADP/Ski Booster Meeting SEPT 7th, at Larry’s
Participants: Larry McCulloch, Chris Werrell, Alex and Jane Woods, Kevin Kriese (for Peter T), Steve Hug,
Alan Reid, Kathy Wilford, LJ MacMillan, Irene Ronalds, Anne-Marie Findlay, Liz Holdyk, Jill O’Neill
Absent: Amy Bucher, Peter Tweedie
Introductions and Expectations
New "club cycle" in that there is a large intake of new kids coming into TA from Extendos
Continuing education/certification
Biathlon fine-tuning
Ski boosters continued fine-tuning, communications, budget
Budget aspirations
Mandatory Coaching Qualifications
CCBC has now made the Coach Training requirements that they have been promoting since the
introduction of their new Community Coaching model (a number of years ago) mandatory. See CCBC
website for details. Effective Jan 1, 2012:
 Coaches must have completed the ICC course to supervise, instruct or coach ski activities for
children six years of age and younger.
 Coaches must have completed the CC course in order to supervise, instruct or coach ski
activities for children six to nine years of age
 Coaches must have completed the ICC course to assist with the supervising, instructing or
coaching of ski activities for children six to nine years of age.
 Coaches must have completed the L2T (On-Snow) course in order to supervise, instruct or coach
ski activities for children nine to sixteen years of age.
 Coaches must have completed the CC course to assist with the supervising, instructing or
coaching of ski activities for children nine to sixteen years of age.
LJ believes that the rabbit coaches generally meet the requirements. At the Extendo level (ages 7-9),
Amy and Sandra are both L2T certified, while their assistant coaches, Marlene, Shannon, Linda are not.
At the ADP level it is also believed that coaches are compliant. This brings home the fact that we need
to keep encouraging coaches to prepare themselves for the next level, as kids and parents move on.
ICC and CC course can be organized locally each year (minimum of 8 participants), but L2T courses are
more challenging to fill (minimum 6 participants). Closest L2T courses are PG and 100Mile this year
(see CCBC website).
Action: Larry to forward CCBC notice to Al, Amy to pass on to coaches encouraging them to continue
with training.
Action: All coaches to check their credentials and ensure they are taking steps to meet the new
Coaches Roles
Jane: not coaching TA this year; will backup Alex w/Ski Focus when he has to travel
Alex: Ski Focus
Kevin: Biathlon (Jill Head Coach; Peter Biathlon Program Coordinator and Assistant Head Coach)
Irene: Track Attack
Steve: Track Attack (not available Thursday afternoons)
Anne-Marie: Track Attack (have to see what Robyn is doing, likely not available all 3 sessions/wk)
Larry: Coordinating this year
Action: Larry to contact Amy to determine Extendo Coach roles. Al to find out if there are Rabbit
coaches who might want to get involved with the ADP program.
Expectations/Wish List for Chris by Coaches:
Initiate dryland training 2x/wk, first come first served for club gear
Help with I-log and testing
Work with Coach Mgt Committee to search for funding
Ski Focus – recruiting of skiers
Biathlon – Chris asked to attend their next mtg
Rabbits – coach clinics – evenings in December, day or two on weekends? Be available for questions
after Rabbits on Saturday?
TA Coaches – clinics to review drills and trouble shooting technique issues; more active use of online
Calendar, both so coaches at home know when Chris will be around (and when not) and to provide focus
points for practise sessions – last year was a good start, more the better, update the website resources.
Ski Boosters – more advance notice on events; provide a parent session for Ski Booster parents (all
Club Exec (Liz) – High visibility within the ski community; ski clinics for community.
Scheduling practises:
Action Chris to post TA schedule to solicit feedback (from coaches) asap.
Extendos are 1:00 pm Saturdays
Workbee set for Sept.17
Action: Larry to post to ADP list for families to attend
Ski Booster Role
Bottle drive
Schedule of lodge cleaning
Schedule for ticket booth
Parent communications (where not coaching-related)
Coach Mgmt Committee Role
Contract oversight
Communication point for resolving coach, parent, athlete issues
Coaches’ Roles
Coach athletes
Organizing/implementing special events
Race planning and coordinating and coaching
Rabbit ADP Linkages
Rabbits including Extendos, TA, Ski Focus, Biathlon are all part of Athlete Development Program (ADP)
ADP executive (Liz, Al, Jill) should coordinate communications prior to attending Exec meetings
Other programs managed by club exec are Ski School, Masters, Race Committee, Communications.
Example questions regarding organizational linkages that might help determine how to organize the
various groups:
How are funding allocations made?
Who sets ADP policies?
How are overlapping interests (for example, where Chris’s time is spent) dealt with?
Action: Chris post minutes on website to help keep everyone in the loop
Funding Status
Haywood grant not coming; Lotteries grant looks questionable.
Exec. Providing stop-gap funding in order to retain Chris – they are providing $10,000 from club, another
$4500 to come from registration fees and fundraising, $1500 from Wetzin’kwa = $16,000
An additional $25,000 is needed to employ Chris for the full season
A primary focus for Chris this fall will be to participate in fund raising efforts.
Larry will organize a fund raising group to target five or six key funding opportunities that will help guide
Chris in his efforts (maybe Steve Howard, Chris, Larry, other - does not have to be a coach).
Alex met with Bill Golding of Wetzin’kwa – Stewardship funding is available for groups with tenures
within the Community Forest operating area. Potential long term agreement possible to offset costs of
track setting and equipment. A follow-up meeting will be organized to determine the outcome of our
Larry met with Dave Stene of Credit Union – Dave suggested that could probably contribute $5000, but
need to find ways to acknowledge (potential funders) in a meaningful way and demonstrate that we are
leveraging the funding. Larry also in discussion with Bank of Nova Scotia. Brant has suggested Harvey
Tremblay of Hi Tech Drilling. Larry will follow-up to see what has happened in this regard.
Funding Plan/Priorities
Coaching wondering how much support their might be for coach training.
Kathy asks how she can get budget for basic program expenses.
Kathy asks for principles around fund raising ie. When parents ask what specifically are we fund raising
for? Larry reminded everyone that there is a funding priorities document that was created last year and
sent to meeting participants before this meeting.
Exec – grant writer position vacant
Bottle Drive
$1700. So far, covering less than half the town.
Phone Books
Stay tuned.
Ski S’kool Funding
Not covered.
Coach Development Courses
Need to encourage coaches to continue with training. No GM grant money available this year.
Ticket Booth Duty
Not covered.
Schedule for Upcoming Meetings and Other Important Dates:
Next Mtg Sept 28th Host tbd.
Clubs Day Sept. 10
Fall Camp Oct. 21-23
Ski Testing Oct. 25th
Ski Swap Oct.28th – Ski Boosters to take a lead role
McBike Night? Action: Chris to contact Peter
Meeting minutes by: IR, edited by LM