Standards MSCD # 7-2 Students MSCD # 7-2 Students MSCD # 7-2 Students MSCD # 7-2 Students will investigate will investigate will investigate will investigate Georgia's Career Georgia's Career Georgia's Career Georgia's Career Program Program Program Program Concentrations that Concentrations that Concentrations that Concentrations that align with their personal align with their personal align with their personal align with their personal assessments and assessments and assessments and assessments and identify possible Career identify possible Career identify possible Career identify possible Career Pathways. What are Georgia's Career Program Essential Question/ Key Question Concentrations and why are they important? What is the relationship between academic achievement and successful career decision-making? Time Cattle Rancher Video and Notes to correlate with the Agriculture Lesson Opener Pathway. Pathways. Pathways. Pathways. What are Georgia's What are Georgia's What are Georgia's Career Program Career Program Career Program Concentrations and Concentrations and Concentrations and why are they why are they why are they important? important? important? What is the relationship What is the relationship What is the relationship between academic between academic between academic achievement and achievement and achievement and successful career successful career successful career decision-making? decision-making? decision-making? Virtual Job Shadow Carpenter Video and KWL over the Georgia's Career Program Concentrations over one of the careers Notes to correlate with in the "Career Program the Architecture and Concentrations." Construction Pathway Procedures/Strategies Review how to use Microsoft Word to create a table to input information required from the "Career Program Concentrations" project. For this project, students will research Time the 11 Pathways, Related Careers, photos and/or Clip Art to match each pathway as well as the Math skills required on the chosen careers. Think-Pair-Share to create a Mnemonic to remember the 11 Program Concentrations Hand out the RUBRIC Have students continue on the required to use the RUBRIC on information for the the required information "Career Program for the "Career Program Concentrations" project. Concentrations" project. For this project, For this project, students will research students will research the 11 Pathways, the 11 Pathways, Related Careers, add Related Careers, add photos and/or Clip Art photos and/or Clip Art to match each pathway to match each pathway as well as discovering as well as discovering the Math skills required the Math skills required on the chosen careers. on the chosen careers. The Math skills will be The Math skills will be researched by using the researched by using the Page "Math on the Job" Page "Math on the Job" located on Ms. Evans' located on Ms. Evans' Online Classroom. Online Classroom. Continue with the "Career Program Concentrations" project; however, today students will begin the PowerPoint group part of the project. For this project, groups will each research 1 of the 11 Pathways. The PowerPoint should be at least 6 slides in length and should students will follow the RUBIC in order to be aware of the expectations for the Power Point. Summariztion- Write a paragraph about the Career Program Create a "Quiz" Kahoot over Program Concentration that question. Concentrations interest you the most and why. Time Lesson Summary Time Assessment/ Students take turns with their 11 Program concentrations Paragraph- product Partner and swap Quiz completion question # correct on Kahoot Evaluation Materials Needed Desktop Computers Desktop Computers GACollege411 GACollege411 Microsoft Word Microsoft Word Desktop Computers Desktop Computers GACollege411 GACollege411 Microsoft Word Microsoft Word Virtual Job Shadow Microsoft PowerPoint Rubric