P.O. Box 65, 8200 AB Lelystad, + 31 (0) 320 238302; www.wageningenur.nl/en/cvi; dsu.cvi@wur.nl Authorization number Animal By-product Regulation: CVI 35998 For CVI use only: Uitpakken Registratie Controle registratie Submission form Horses Opdrachtnummer Results in English Please fill in the form as completely as possible! (For acceptance policy, see our website: web: www.wageningenur.nl/cvi) Sender: Client number (if known) # Name* Address* Postal code* City* Country* Email address - The invoice will be sent to sender Exporter: Debit number Name Address Postal code City Country Owner: Name* Address* Postal code* City* Country* # Animal species*: Horse Other, Your reference code*: (This code will be reproduced on the test results report and on the invoice, max. 20 characters) Reason for testing*: Import Export Screening Export country Import country Export date Other, please specify Sending date* Filled in by (name)* Remarks: Sampling date* Signature* VAT number: Page 1 of 2 * Obligatory field You can ask division DSU +31 (0) 320 238302 Form I English, version November 2015 N.B. Possible deflections on the results have to be mentioned within two weeks after receiving the results # P.O. Box 65, 8200 AB Lelystad, + 31 (0) 320 238302; www.wageningenur.nl/en/cvi; dsu.cvi@wur.nl Authorization number Animal By-product Regulation: CVI 35998 Page 2 of 2 * Obligatory field You can ask division DSU +31 (0) 320 238302 Form I English, version November 2015 N.B. Possible deflections on the results have to be mentioned within two weeks after receiving the results # P.O. Box 65, 8200 AB Lelystad, + 31 (0) 320 238302; www.wageningenur.nl/en/cvi; dsu.cvi@wur.nl Authorization number Animal By-product Regulation: CVI 35998 Your reference code*: Sample ID submission form Horse (Please use one sample ID form per sample type) Sample type*: Blood (serum) Faeces Other, please specify: Blood (heparin) Semen Required serological tests: APP01 BAS01 BAS03 BCB01 BCB03 BCB04 BUM01 EAV01 EAV03 EEV01 EIA01 EIA03 African horse sickness Blood (EDTA) Organ EHV01 Equine Herpes Virus serology (only two sets of sera) 1st date sample; 2nd date sample LCA01 LHA01 SAE01 Leptospira canicola MAT Leptospira hardjo serology Salmonella abortus equi serology 1st date sample; 2nd date sample Tryp. Equiperdum (Dourine) serology Trypanosoma evansi CATT Theileria equi (piroplasmosis) IFT Brucella abortus serology CBR Brucella abortus serology SAT Babesia Caballi (Piroplasmosis) IFT Babesia Caballi (Piroplasmosis) CBR Babesia Caballi (Piroplasmosis) cElisa Burkholderia mallei serology (Malleus) Equine Arthritis Virus serology Equine Arthritis Virus serology (titer) Equine Encephalom. virus (WEE, EEE, VEE) Equine Infectious Anemia virus serology AGIDT (Coggins) Equine Infectious Anemia virus Elisa (number of) swabs TEQ01 TEV01 THE01 THE03 THE04 VSV01 WNV01 Theileria equi (piroplasmosis) CBR Theileria equi (piroplasmosis) cElisa Vesicular stomatitis virus serology West Nile virus serology For other tests please consult our Tarievenlijst on the website Sample ID 1 6 11 2 7 12 3 8 13 4 9 14 5 10 15 Required non serological tests: CEM02 EAV02 EAV04 EHV02 TEV02 INF03 T. equigenitalis (CEM) isolation Equine Arthritis Virus virus isolation Equine Arthritis Virus PCR Equine Herpes Virus PCR ( Swab) Trypanosoma evansi parasitological (Smear) Equine influenza (pool) For other tests please consult our Tarievenlijst on the website Sample ID 1 6 11 2 7 12 3 8 13 4 9 14 5 10 15 Date* Signature* Page 3 of 2 * Obligatory field You can ask division DSU +31 (0) 320 238302 Form I English, version November 2015 N.B. Possible deflections on the results have to be mentioned within two weeks after receiving the results #