2014-2015 Tennessee School and District Improvement Plan


2014-2015 Tennessee School and District Improvement Plan Template

The final plan should be no longer than four pages.

School Name:



Analysis of last year’s final results:

Oakhaven High School 2014-2015

Reward, Focus, or Priority if applicable.


Areas of Greatest Progress: Areas of Greatest Challenge:



EOC Achievement Scores

13-14 Algebra I 64% Proficient/Advanced

+22.5% improvement over prior year

(41.5% P/A 12-13)

13-14 Algebra II 30% Proficient/Advanced

+22.4% improvement over prior year

(7.6% P/A 12-13 )

13-14 English I 37% Proficient/Advanced

+11% improvement over prior year

(26% P/A 12-13)

13-14 English II 30% Proficient/Advanced

+5.5% improvement over prior year

(24.5% P/A 12-13)

13-14 English III 10% Proficient/Advanced

+6.1% improvement over prior year

(3.9% P/A 12-13)

13-14 Biology 34% Proficient/Advanced

+5% improvement over prior year

(29% P/A 12-13)


School achieved a level 5 rating

Numeracy Level 5 rating




Level 2, though gains were made across the board in achievement we have a great deficiency in Literacy

ACT –School-wide composite

15 ACT Composite

EOC Achievement Scores

13-14 English I 37% Proficient/Advanced

+11% improvement over prior year

(26% P/A 12-13)

13-14 English II 30% Proficient/Advanced

+5.5% improvement over prior year

(24.5% P/A 12-13)

13-14 English III 10% Proficient/Advanced

+6.1% improvement over prior year

(3.9% P/A 12-13)

13-14 English II SWD 0% Proficient/Advanced

13-14 Alg. I SWD 5.6% Proficient/Advanced

13-14 ED English II 29.6 Proficient/Advanced

Graduation Rate

13-14 Cohort Graduation Rate 84.73%

Underlying Reasons for Progress:

Oakhaven High School’s progress can be attributed to the following:

Underlying Reasons for Challenge:

Upon completion of a comprehensive needs assessment the following challenges were identified:

1) The close alignment of instruction with the pacing guides and curriculum maps.

2)Implementation of the SPI tracker for monitoring student progress toward proficiency.

3) Successful use of weekly PLCs to focus on student achievement and analyze student data.

4.) Utilizing successful inclusion practices to eliminate gaps in the SWD subgroup.

1) Deficiencies in reading comprehension for many of our students.

2) The unforeseen departure of the English II teacher mid-semester.

3) TVAAS data reflected low achievement probabilities for many of our students in RLA.

5) Conducting formative assessments and regional level common assessment and utilizing the data to

4) Students need assistance utilizing their individual ACT drive instruction. reports to identify areas to be strengthened.

6) Utilizing a Title I Tutor to conduct one to one sessions with struggling students, Saturday school sessions and Reading Plus intervention.



Goals for 2014-

2015 school year:

Please consult with your district regarding goals and AMO targets for Achievement and Gap Closure.

2014-2015 AMO’s (Achievement Goals)

ALGEBRA I 66.25%, ALGEBRA II 34.38%, ENGLISH I 40.94%, ENGLISH II 34.38%, ENGLISH III 15.63%, BIOLOGY 38.0%


Oakhaven will increase the number of students scoring P/A on the Algebra I EOC from 64% to 74% and Algebra II from 30% to 40% by the close of the 14-15 SY.


Oakhaven will l move the TVAAS Literacy level from a 2 to a 3 and English I, II, III will have 50% of students to score P/A on the EOC for 14-15 SY .


Oakhaven will increase the school-wide ACT composite from 15 to 16 by the end of the 14-15 SY.


Oakhaven will increase the number of students scoring P/A on the Biology EOC from 34% P/A to 50% for the 14-15 SY.


Oakhaven will exceed its graduation rate of 84.73% by 4% by the close of the

14-15 SY.

Subgroup goals:


Oakhaven HS will reduce the gap for SWD in English II. In the 13-14 SY 0% of

SWD were P/A. In 14-15 the target is to have at least 5% P/A.


Oakhaven HS will reduce the gap for SWD in Algebra I. In the 13-14 SY 5.9% of

SWD were P/A on the Algebra I EOC. In 14-15 the target is to have at least


Oakhaven High School will continue to meet or exceed the 90% attendance rate.

Key strategies to achieve goals:


Strategy: Weekly PLC meetings in the content areas of English-I, II, III, Algebra I, Algebra II and Biology and instructional materials and supplies for each subject area.

Implementation Plan: October 2014- April 2015 staff will meet in PLC’s to analyze student data and address concerns.

Desired outcomes: Faculty and leadership team will effectively track student progress, students will receive needed interventions or

Enrichment opportunities and meet the achievement goals for 2014-2015.

Projected costs and funding sources: The projected cost of $14,000 will include EOC workbooks and classroom supplies. Funding Source: School-wide Title I funds

Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:

One of the areas of challenge from the previous year was the change in teachers for the

English II position. We plan to hire a highly qualified English teacher for the position who will help our students meet their academic goals. The weekly PLC’s will provide team level support to the new teacher. He/she will receive research based, ongoing professional development on how to track students, how analyze the data and use the data to make instructional decisions in the classroom. Additionally, the new teacher will be assigned to a learning coach.


Plan for this school year: 2.

Strategy: Ensure that instruction is aligned to the curriculum maps via drop-in observations, TEM 4.0 evaluations and walk-thrus by the leadership team.

Implementation Plan: All staff will receive professional development on research based instructional strategies as well as the TEMS 4.0 rubric to improve student outcomes, August 2014- April 2015.

Desired outcomes: All teachers will develop and implement high quality lesson plans that develop students’ higher order thinking skills while improving their reading comprehension.

Projected costs and funding sources: Costs for the implementation of the proposed strategy will be covered by the school district as part of the coordination of our State and Federal programs.

Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:

The proposed strategy is essential to ensure that our students receive high quality instruction daily and that accountability is evident in every classroom. Students who receive consistently high quality instruction will have a greater probability of meeting their achievement and TVAAS growth goals for the year. All teachers will employ reflective practice strategies and participate on collaborative teams to ensure student success.


Strategy: Administer DEA Formative assessments and other high quality assessments developed by the school-based assessment team.

Implementation Plan: DEA Formative assessments will be administered 3 times per school year. Common assessments will be administered every four weeks beginning

October 2014.

Desired outcomes: Students will progress with pacing guide for their courses.

Teachers and administrators will obtain timely analysis of student data necessary to respond to what students know, don’t know and create an action plan for getting them where they need to be, as well as providing enrichment opportunities for students.

Projected costs and funding sources: District funding will cover the cost of the DEA formative assessments for the school year. Title I funds will be used to purchase a test item bank and assessment tracking system for the school-based common assessments. The projected Title I funds required is $5,000.00

Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15

school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:

This strategy will be essential for keeping a pulse on where our students are throughout the school year while providing numerous opportunities to improve instructional strategies and student access to interventions. Additionally, students will participate in an ACT tutoring program to address the challenge of the schoolwide composite of 15.


Strategy: Implement a school-wide literacy plan that requires reading, writing and speaking instruction in all classes for all students.

Implementation Plan: The school’s leadership team will conclude the first round of

learning walks October 2014 to identify instructional trends. Learning walk data will

be utilized to identify and employ reading strategies November 2014-May 2015.

Additionally, the Title I Tutor will work October 2014-May 2015 to support the

school literacy plan.

Desired outcomes: Students will exhibit improved writing, speaking and reading comprehension skills. Ultimately, students will meet 2014-15 achievement and

growth goals in RLA.

Projected costs and funding sources: District funds have provided the Compass

Learning program.

Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year:

Many of our students have low TVAAS probabilities for growth. This strategy will

help augment the skills of our students who require remediation and intervention to

be able to achieve their goals.

Key benchmarks for progress on strategies:


1. Content areas with an EOC will utilize the SPI tracker to track student progress.

2. Staff will meet in PLCs to collaborate on lesson plans, review pacing guides, curriculum maps, student data and instructional practices (reflective practice).

3. School Leadership team will meet to discuss school concerns and collaborate and strategize school based decisions.

4. Administer DEA formative assessments to all

English I, English II, English III, Algebra I, Algebra II, and Biology students at Oakhaven High.




Weekly (Monday 8:00 am)

5. Conduct Data Day after each formative assessment, data will be disaggregated and action plans developed to address re-teaching and interventions.

6. Interim Assessments will be utilized to monitor students progress towards goals

7.Staff will develop target list of students who will need support to meet their academic goals.

8.Employ a school-wide assessment team which will develop high quality interim assessments for all subjects.

9. Leadership team will monitor Compass Learning intervention for identified students.

10. Leadership team will monitor PLC meetings and review minutes.

Sept 28-Oct 18 : A formative assess.

Dec 2- Dec 20: B formative assess.

Feb 24- March 21: C formative assess.

After formative assessment results

A, B, & C

Every four and half weeks starting

December 2014-April 2015

Students will be identified in

October after DEA Formative

Assessment A and updated weekly during PLCs.

October 2014-April 2015



