Name of Artifact: Teacher Interview Project

Teacher Interview Project
Cassie Holowach
Ivy Tech Community College of Indianapolis
INTASC Standard, Description and Rationale
Standard #8: Instructional Strategies
The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to
develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply
knowledge in meaningful ways.
Name of Artifact: Teacher Interview Project
Date: Friday, February 14 2014
Course: EDUC 101
Brief Description: For this project I have observed and interviewed two teachers who are
currently working as teachers to gather information. I collected information about their
backgrounds, effective teaching traits, teaching philosophies, and the quality’s of a good teacher.
I put all of these things together to create a summary of the two interviews so others could learn
and be informed.
Rationale: To document my understanding of Standard #8, instructional strategies, I chose my
Teacher Interview paper. It establishes my personal ability to understand how all teachers teach
differently and there is no “correct way”. The paper conveys using a variety of instructional
strategies will help and encourage learners to develop a better understanding in all subjects, and
apply knowledge in meaningful ways.
Teacher Interview Project
Introduction/ Background
Interviewing two teachers who accomplish the same thing in different ways was a very
helpful experience. First I interviewed Miss. Brittany Comer, she has been teaching early
childhood education, Kindergarten and first grade, for eighteen years. She began working at IPS
for her first three years of teaching then transferred (still early childhood) to Clark Pleasant
schools where she still currently teaches. Second I interviewed Mrs. Sandy Wright, who has also
been teaching early childhood, including pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade, in Clark Pleasant
schools for 20 years. Although the two teachers have slightly different backgrounds, one thing
they unanimously agreed on was there love for of children. They both love working with
children and the creativity it allows.
Traits of an Effective Teacher
The similarities of the two teachers backgrounds are unquestionably reflected in what
they think makes an effective teacher, Miss. Comers traits included, good supporting staff, love
of working with others, flexibility, creativity, dedication, and life long learning. Mrs. Wright’s
traits were made up of, dedication to professional development, ability to work with everyone
around your students, organization, flexibility, and good people skills. Although flexibility is the
only overlapping trait listed, there is an overall theme of togetherness, and working as a whole
listed in both teachers lists.
Philosophies, Values and Beliefs
The two teachers philosophy’s both reflect their classroom set up as well as how they
teach their students. Miss. Comers philosophy suggested despite change in the curriculum and
politics over the years you must always keep a child centered hands on approach. I agree with
this because no matter the information you should always make sure your students have an
understanding of the information. Mrs. Wrights Philosophy as teachers is her student; they have
always been her main focus. At first she tried to ignore the teaching politics but after many years
she realized although her primary focus was still her students, she could not ignore the political
side. She informed me that she thinks it is important to stay current on topics and political
influence. The two teachers differed in their political input opinion greatly, I fall somewhere inbetween the two opinions. I think you have to take some political aspects into consideration, but
not let them control your classroom.
Most Important Quality of a Good Teacher
Every teacher posses an exuberant amount of good qualities and traits, but how can a
teacher pick out their most important trait? When I asked miss. Comer this question she had
trouble signaling one out but then came up with positivity. She expressed you can never know
what to except in a classroom especially with little ones, always staying positive in any situation
helps keep the whole classroom calm. Mrs. Wright however had no trouble telling me her most
important trait, which was flexibility. She conveyed that being flexible makes being a teacher
much easier. By allowing your schedule to be as open as possible you are making it easier on
everyone around you and putting your students on the top of the list. I think both of these traits
are good; however I don’t think there is a “best trait” I think it takes many good traits to make a
great teacher.
Trait, Quality, and/or Behavior I Posses
A behavior I saw in both teachers was the way they organized their students into groups
based on who worked well together, and what worked best for each child. Both Miss. Comer and
Mrs. Wright talked about how effective they think small group activity’s are, due to students
getting to do hands on activities and learn positive interaction. I think the way both teachers
conduct their classroom was very functional, this allows students to be creative and also learn
how other students think about the same questions.
I have learned a lot from talking to and observing these teachers, especially how much
work it is outside of the classroom. Both teachers collectively agreed that they spend ten to
fifteen hours out side of the classroom doing lesson plans and other activities. It is not as easy as
it looks and having traits such as flexibility, organization, and positivity can make the world of
difference in the work place. Summing things up I would like to share a quote from miss. Comer
“A hundred years from now it will not mater what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived
in, or the kind of car I drove. But what will matter is the world maybe different because I was
important in the life of a child.”