WATERS Meeting 11-09-2012 2:30-4:00

WATERS Collaborative
Watershed Academics to Enhance Regional Sustainability
Sonoma State University / Sonoma County Water Agency
WATERS Meeting 11-09-2012 2:30-4:00
In Attendance: Claudia Luke (notes), Mark Perri, Nathan Rank, Frederique Lavoipierre, Mike Cohen,
Debora Hammond, Jay Pederson
 Water Quality Data (review)
 Water Quality Projects of Interest
 Proposed Monitoring Locations
 Sampling Variables and Methods
 Participating Classes and Faculty
 Equipment Needed
 Long-term monitoring (all locations) – the following sampling is ideal but is dependent on
student and volunteer availability
o first sample during early wet-weather season following first flush of runoff
o 2nd sample during a major storm occurring later in the wet season
o 3rd sample during dry weather, ideally following a period of > 21 days without
 Long-term pre- and post-monitoring for the Copeland Creek Enhancement Project (Pressley
Road and SSU Bridge locations)
 Summer water quality, including hydrocarbons (Lichau Road, SSU Outfall, Santa Alicia, and
 Steelhead spawning habitat (water quality) monitoring (Lichau Road)
 Warm water fish habitat (water quality) monitoring (pools not yet identified; SSU Outfall, Santa
Alicia, and Commerce)
 Water Quality of SSU Ponds – need to summarize Debora’s class data to consider further steps
PROPOSED MONITORING LOCATIONS (with descriptions of why they were chosen)
1. Osborn Preserve – upper watershed location; previously sampled by Cohen; Perri; Copeland
Creek Watershed Assessment
2. Lichau Road - steelhead spawning habitat; new upper watershed location
3. Pressley Road - alluvial fan location; upstream of SCWA proposed enhancement project; (can we
get closer to proposed project area); opportunity to collaborate with Sotoyome RCD; previously
sampled by Copeland Creek Watershed Assessment (nearby); Sotoyome RCD Restoration
Project (nearby?)
4. SSU Bridge - upstream of campus; downstream of SCWA proposed enhancement project; colocation with sediment analysis; previously sampled; previously sampled by Cohen; Perri;
5. SSU Outfall - downstream of campus; previously sampled by Cohen; Perri; Cotati High School (?)
6. Santa Alicia Gauge - co-location with gauging station; previously sampled; previously sampled by
Rohnert Park 2009
7. Commerce Blvd - just before Copeland Creek joins the Laguna; previously sampled by Rohnert
Park 2009
CMH: Citizen Monitoring Handbook from the Community Clean Water Institute
(http://ccwi.org/resources/CCWI-handbook110607.pdf) conductivity, dissolved oxygen, pH,
water temperature, turbidity, stream flow, nitrate, phosphate
WaterWorks TM School Test Kit: total chlorine, iron, copper, pH, nitrates, nitrites, total
alkalinity, total hardness (from Debora Hammond)
Dionex Ion Chromatography– nitrate, nitrite, sulfate, fluoride, chloride, hydrocarbons (from
Mark Perri)
Standard methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater: IDEXX Colilert®:
(http://www.standardmethods.org/) coliform bacteria, E. coli (from Mike Cohen)
SWAMP: Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (California Water Boards)
(http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/swamp/docs/phab_sopr6.pdf) benthic macroinvertebrates (from Nathan Rank)
BIO 338 Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology class (Mike Cohen) – x students
(x sections). Topic: coliform, and E. coli sampling with IDEXX packets. Sites visited in the
past include Pressley Road, SSU Bridge, and SSU Outfall.
CHEM 125 B Honors Chemistry (Mark Perri) – x students (x sections). Topic: gas
chromatography for measurement of ions and hydrocarbons. Sites visited in past
include Osborn Preserve, SSU Bridge, and SSU Outfall.
LIBS 320B Individual and the Material World (Debora Hammond) – 15 students (1
LIBS 202 Challenges and Response in a Modern World (Debora Hammond) – 70 students
(5 sections). Topic: general water quality measurements (e.g., CCWI techniques). Sites
measured in the past include SSU all ponds and SSU Bridge.
SCI 120/121 Sustainability in My World (Jeremy Qualls) – 45 students (2 sections). Topic:
Topic: general water quality measurements (e.g., CCWI techniques).
 Standard backpack for measuring CMH (CCWI) variables
 IDEXX packets for sampling coliform and E. coli
 Water sampling equipment and protocols for sending samples to gas chromatography lab
 WaterWorks School Test Kits for comparison (for Debora’s class)
 Long-term sampling: students as part of course work (determined by instructors)
 First-flush sampling: recruit volunteers
 Summer sampling: recruit volunteers
 Data: Continue to track down water quality data (i.e., Cotati High School, Sotoyome RCD) and
post data to website (Claudia)
 Methods:
o Confirm sampling locations (Debora, Mike, Mark, Nathan)
o Provide methods description (Debora, Mike, Mark, Nathan)
o How many samples can be sent to Mark for ion chromatography? (Mark)
o Access to Site (Claudia)
o Need data sheet for all classes to use. How do we coordinate data?
 Equipment: Acquire the necessary equipment: can we borrow? How many kits do we need?
 Recruit additional volunteers for first-flush and summer sampling (Claudia)