Parenting Sessions

Week 9 Term 2, 2014
Parenting Session (9:30am only) and Whole School Mass (12 noon)
Monday 23 June, Week 10
Dear Parents,
All parents and families are invited to attend the Whole School Mass and stay for
lunch after Mass on Monday, 23 June. The Mass commences at 12 noon. Parents are
able to take their child/grandchild home early after lunch is finished, around 1:30pm.
We look forward to seeing all families. Your presence helps to build community at
Larmenier and to provide the students with support. The children have all been
practising their part in the Mass and learning the songs for several weeks now.
Parenting Sessions
Patrice will be running a Parenting Session on Monday 23 June, the same day as the
Mass. There will only be one session at 9:30am this term. I do apologise for any
inconvenience to parents who may have wanted to attend the evening session.
Unfortunately the evening session clashed with a meeting which the Leadership Team
need to attend after school.
A form has been sent home for parents to complete so any printed material for parents
can be organized in advance for the session with Patrice. Thanks to those parents who
have returned their forms already.
Thanks very much to Max (Javier’s Dad) and to Cathy (Olivia’s Grandma) for their time
and support of the Change² process at Larmenier. The Steering Committee meet last
Thursday to listen to a presentation from Sally Lentini, who was the Change² Leader.
Jenny Levitan, who was a member of the Change² Team, also supported Sally as well.
The process has been a very positive experience for the staff members who have
participated. Both Madeleine and Gabe, who ran the group, spoke highly of the staff
and said how fantastic they were to work with. As a follow up, both Max and Cathy are
hoping to be at the Parenting Session next Monday to give parents/grandparents an
overview of what Change² has meant for them. The Change² overview will go to the
Board of Management at the next meeting and a copy will be sent home to parents.
Reports will be posted out to parents on Monday of the last week of Term 2. Teachers
will report on the curriculum areas of RE, Literacy, Numeracy, Inquiry and also on
students’ social and emotional learning and their behaviour. The Specialists teachers will
be reporting on PE, Cooking, Science and Art. If you have any concerns or queries,
please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.
Reading Room
During Term 2 our maintenance man, Danny, has remodelled the old kitchen to convert
it into a Reading Room. The two new Reading kits that were purchased from CEOM
funding can now be set up. The room is nearing completion and looking a fantastic
space for teachers to work with students on their reading comprehension. Thank you
Newsletter: Two parents have indicated that they would like the newsletter emailed out
to them. Please send me an email if you too would like yours emailed. My email address
is: I will set the parent email group up for
Term 3.
Larmenier Review Report
The three Delegated Canonical Administrators for Larmenier - Fr Barry Moran, Peter
Annett (CEOM) and Sr Margaret O’Keefe (Sister of Nazareth) – meet with me last week
to discuss the recommendations made by Robert Lamb, who carried out the review in
Term 1. The Board of Management (BOM) will meet with Robert Lamb this Thursday to
hear the recommendations and discuss them as a group. The staff will be informed in
Term 3 and the parents later on in Term 3. Thanks to the three parents who spoke to
Robert as part of the process. Parental input is always of great value and very necessary,
when schools are holding a review, especially a review of this nature. I would like to say
thank you to Robert for his vision, and the very thorough and detailed way in which he
wrote the report.
The taxi roster is sent home each week. We had a number of late requests for students
to be put into taxis over the term. Parents need to be aware that the taxis take a lot of
time and coordination and it becomes difficult when we have requests for changes late
in the day.
Families where your child is using the taxis need to:
- check the roster each week;
- contact Larmenier on ph: 95218511 if any changes are needed;
- If your child is sick and not coming to school can you contact 13CABS on
92773709 and then ring Larmenier to keep us informed. Leave a message if no
one answers.
Please do not contact the driver – often drivers are changed. Please be aware that
sometimes taxis are running late due to traffic and wet weather.
Absences: Can parents please let their student’s teacher know when your child is going
to be absent. You can ring and leave a message, write a note in your child’s diary or send
an email to your child’s class teacher or to the principal. Thanks for your cooperation
with this matter.
‘Student Voice’ Patrice & Helen meet with the students today at 12:30pm . At our last
meeting students had asked for another set of goal posts for the oval. Information has
been obtained for portable goal posts that can be purchased. These details will be
provided to the group today. The staff was happy for their idea to go ahead.
The ‘Student Voice’ group consists of:
- Tylah & Javier (Sally’s class group)
- Brooke & Dagi (Jenny’s class group)
- Brad & Hekima (Janine’s class group)
- Joshua & Jack (Bernie’s class group)
Safety in the Car Park: All students need to be supervised before and after school in the
car park. Parents must walk children to and from their cars in the mornings and
afternoons. Parents must insist that their child walks with them and not be running
It is most important that everyone is kept safe. Please ensure that every parent,
bringing their child and/or other people’s children to Larmenier, do their part in
keeping everyone safe.
Calendar Term 2
Date & Time/s
Monday 23 June
Monday 23 June
Friday, 27 June
9:30am Parenting Session with Patrice
12 noon Mass followed by a light lunch for
parents, guardians and students
School finishes at 3pm - last day of the term
A Thought for the Week
Do not be content to live a mediocre Christian life: walk with determination along the path of
holiness. (Pope Francis May 2013)
A Prayer for This Week
O God fill our minds with Your truth and our hearts with Your love,
that in Your Spirit, we may bear witness to you in our daily lives.
This prayer we make through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.
Have a great week, Helen