Certificate Program in surgical technology

CTHSS Surgical
Karen V. Dempsey
Office hours
Office location
Terry J. Kennedy
Office phone
Contact hours:
(203) 307-4031 Ext 386 or 391
M-F 7:00am-7:50am; 2:30pm-3:00pm; by appointment
229 D
karen.dempsey@ct.gov / terry.kennedy@ct.gov
Monday – Friday 7:00am – 3:00pm
Course Description: This course is designed to introduce the student to general pathology that they will see
as a surgical technologist. It will enable them to understand the reasons for certain
tests and laboratory studies requested by the surgeon during surgery.
PLEASE NOTE: This course is integral component of multiple subject areas and
will be taught concurrently with A&P I & II, Medical terminology and surgical
I. General Concepts of Pathophysiology
Desired Outcome
The learner will understand general pathological concepts to include cell pathology,
tumors, infection, and disease that upset homeostasis.
Performance Objectives
1. Relate the function of normal cells to the function of abnormal cells including tumor cells.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the various types of fluid and hemodynamic disorders.
3. Explain the effects of trauma and infection on the healing of the surgical wound.
4. List and describe the diseases and disorders that are treated by surgery.
Content Outline
1. Cell pathology
a. structure and function of normal cells
b. response to injury
2. Mechanisms of disease, inflammation & infection
a. causes of disease
b. aging and death
c. effect of inflammation & infection on healing
of surgical wound
d. effect of trauma on tissue healing
e. types of infection & effect on surgical wound
3. Diseases and Disorders Treated by Surgery
a. integumentary system
b. thermal injury
c. electrical injury
d. radiation injury
e. pressure injury
f. chemical injury
g. neoplasms
4. Tumors
a. terminology
b. classification
c. causes of cancer
d. diagnosis of cancer
5. Fluid & hemodynamic disorders
a. edema
b. hyperemia
c. embolism
d. thrombosis
e. hemorrhage
CTHSS Surgical
f. shock
II. Disease and Disorders of Body Systems
Desired Outcome
The learner will define and identify diseases and disorders of each body system, including the diagnostic tests
used for identification of the disease.
Performance Objectives
1. For each body system, describe the diagnostic tests used to identify and confirm disease and disorders.
2. Describe surgically treated diseases and disorders for each body system
Content Outline
1. Musculoskeletal system
a. diagnostic tests
b. diseases and disorders
1. bone
2. joints
3. muscle and connective tissue
2. Nervous system
a. diagnostic tests
b. diseases and disorders
1. vascular
2. functional
3. neoplasms of the CNS
4. cranial nerve tumors
5. central nervous system infections
6. trauma
3. Sensory system
a. diagnostic tests
b. diseases and disorders
1. eye
2. ear
4. Cardiovascular system
a. diagnostic tests
b. diseases and disorders
1. arterial
2. peripheral vascular
3. heart
4. veins
5. embolus
5. Respiratory system
a. diagnostic tests
b. diseases and disorders
1. lungs
6. Digestive system
a. diagnostic tests
b. diseases and disorders
1. mouth
2. esophagus
3. stomach
4. small intestine
5. colon
6. diseases of the rectum
7. Biliary system
a. diagnostic tests
b. diseases and disorders
1. liver
2. gallbladder
3. pancreas
8. Genitourinary system
a. diagnostic tests
b. diseases and disorders
1. kidney
2. bladder
9. Endocrine system
a. diagnostic tests
b. diseases and disorders
1. pituitary gland
2. thyroid gland
3. parathyroid gland
4. adrenal gland
10. Female reproductive system
a. diagnostic tests
b. diseases and disorders
1. menstrual disorders
2. pelvic inflammatory disease
3. ovarian cyst/torsion
4. leiomyoma uteri/fibroid tumor
5. endometriosis
6. uterine descensus/prolapse
7. cystocele
8. rectocele
9. sexually transmitted diseases
10. types of cancer
11. breast diseases
12. emergency obstetrical disorders
10. Male reproductive system
a. diagnostic tests
b. diseases and disorders
1. phimosis and paraphimosis
2. balanoposthitis
3. prostatitis
CTHSS Surgical
4. benign prostatic hypertrophy
5. prostatic cancer
6. epispadias/hypospadias
7. erectile dysfunction
8. penile cancer
9. epididymitis
10. hydrocele
11. orchitis
12. testicular cancer
13. testicular torsion
14. cryptorchidism
15. varicocele
16. sexually transmitted diseases
Course Evaluation: Exams, quizzes, lab practical, research papers
Course Grade: The course grade for students in Surgical Technology will be weighted according to the following
activities and assignments:
Course Evaluation: Exams, quizzes, lab practical, dialogue center, homework assignments, written
and/or oral projects
Course Grade: The course grade for students in Surgical Technology will be weighted according to the following
activities and assignments:
10 % Projects: This category include broad based assessment of class discussion and participation as well as
presentations (Oral or written) and role playing.
10 % Quizzes: This category may include but is not limited to formal assessment which incorporates in class or
take home assignments
70% Course Assessments: This includes all forms of testing assessments. All students must achieve a grade of
at least 75% on the course assessment. Students who retake the formal assessment will receive an average of
the two grades. Make-ups due to absences will follow the policies of both attendance and grading.
10 % Common Assessment: Common assessments given at the end of this course will count 10% of the total
grade. All students must achieve a grade of at least 75% on the common assessment. Students who retake the
common assessment will receive an average of the two grades. Make-ups due to absences will follow the
policies of both attendance and grading.
Texts for this Course
Surgical Technology For the Surgical Technologist
Delmar Fundamentals of
Anatomy and Physiology
Medical Terminology
Right of Revision Statement:
The Eli Whitney Technical School, the Surgical Technology Program, Department Head and
instructors reserve the right to revise the syllabus at any time.