APES Planning Guide 11/30-12/18 Chapter 9 & 19: Global Change KEY CONCEPTS: Learning Targets: 9-1 What role do humans play in the loss of species and ecosystem services? 9-2 Why should we care about sustaining species and the ecosystem services they provide? 9-3 How do humans accelerate species extinction and degradation of ecosystem services? 9-4 How can we sustain wild species and their ecosystem services? Global Change (Ch. 9, 19) 3 Weeks I can describe the types of extinctions and smoke alarms for extinction I can describe why species are considered a type of natural capital I can list Anthropogenic causes of accelerating extinction and degradation of ecosystem services. I can state what HIPPCO stands for and its application to anthropogenic causes of extinction and degradation of ecosystems. I can explain the effects of habitat fragmentation of species. I can compare and contrast introduced and invasive species and explain their effects on ecosystems. I can describe bioaccumulation and biomagnification and their impact on species and ecosystems by providing examples I can explain how the killing, capturing, and selling of wild species accelerates extinction and degrades ecosystems I can list the five ways of sustaining species and ecosystem services and describe their roles. I can describe the Precautionary Principle and explain its application when sustaining species and ecosystem services. I can explain why the earth's climate is changes by listing the three major greenhouse gases and describing how they change the climate. I can describe the roles of humans, the sun, the ocean, cloud cover, and outdoor air pollutants when explaining why earth's climate is changing I can describe the eight effects of a warmer atmosphere. I can explain what a tipping point is. I can describe the difficulties when dealing with climate disruption. I can describe the options for tackling climate disruption. I can explain strategies used for adapting to climate change. 19-1 How is the earth’s climate change? 19-2 Why is the earth’s climate changing? 19-3 What are the possible effects of a warmer atmosphere? 19-4 What can we do to slow projected climate disruption? 19-5 How can we adapt to climate change? DATE F 11/20 M 11/23 T 11/24 What is happening in class? FRQ Test Chapter 3,4,5 Hand Out FRQs Preview Unit (9 and 19) APES Topic Sheet Update Set Up File System Endangered SpeciesWhat’s Happening Data Graphing Activity 19.1-19.3 In Class Work Due Date Homework HW Due Date -Read Chapter 9 Sustaining Biodiversity: Saving Species and Ecosystem Services pg. 188-215B -Cornell Notes Chapter 9 OR Chapter Review Questions 1-10 pg. 213-214 Monday 11/30 - Sort and Study Vocabulary Ch 9 W 11/25 Brea11/26to 11/29 M 11/30 Endangered Species –Who Cares? Background Information and Mini Report 20.1-20.3 12/2 - FRQ 1-Timed at Home-No Resources Then USE Resources to add in different ink/pencil Monday 11/30 -Read CH 19 Climate Disruption pg. 504-541-B IMPORTANT READ!!!! 20.1-20.3 Continued 12/2 - Chapter 19 Cornell Notes OR Chapter Review Questions 1-8 pg. 540 T 12/1 Mini-Report Share Out 12/2 - Sort and Study Vocabulary Ch 19 W 12/2 Bioaccumulation/ Biomagnification Activity - FRQ 2-Timed at Home-No Resources Then USE Resources to add in different ink/pencil Friday 12/4 Th 12/3 Bioaccumulation/ Biomagnification Activity - FRQ 3-Timed at Home-No Resources Then USE Resources to add in different ink/pencil Monday 12/7 **Re-read All Cornell Notes Ch 9 and CH 19 -AP Review Questions CH 9 215A-215B, CH 19 541A-541B **Key Question and Concept Study Strategy Friday 12/11 F 12/4 M 12/7 T 12/8 W 12/9 Th 12/10 F 12/11 Lab: How Hot is it here on Earth? Review Review M/C Test FRQ Test Wednesday 11/11 **Cedar Time: Study Groups Chapter Review Questions **Study Vocabulary **Picture Review-Make Your own Caption and Check **Review FRQ Questions for Test tomorrow! **Review core Case Studies - Read Chapter 7 pg. 142-163 Friday 12/4