APPLICATION FOR PRIOR APPROVAL FOR FUNDING Desensitizing Light Therapy in the Management of Severe Polymorphic Light Eruption STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL PART A: THIS PAGE MUST BE COMPLETED FOR ALL REQUESTS PATIENT INFORMATION Does this case need to be reviewed urgently due to clinical need? If yes, please explain (An urgent request is one which requires urgent consideration and a decision YES because the patient faces a substantial risk of significant harm or death if a NO decision is not made before the next scheduled monthly meeting of the IFR Panel. What is the window of opportunity and the timescale required for optimum treatment?) Name Male Female Address Post Code Date of Birth NHS Number Referrer’s Details (GP/Consultant/Clinician): Name Address Post Code Telephone Email GP Details (if not referrer): Name Practice By submitting this form you confirm that the information provided is, to the best of your knowledge, true and complete and you confirm (unless otherwise stated in the box below) that you have: Discussed all alternatives to this intervention with the patient. Had a conversation with the patient about the most significant benefits and risks of this intervention. Advised the patient that NHS Decision Making Aids are available online should the patient wish to access them at Informed the patient that this intervention is only funded where criteria are met or exceptionality demonstrated. Checked that the patient is happy to receive postal correspondence concerning their application. Discussed with the patient whether any additional communication requirements (e.g. different language, format or limited capacity) are needed (please specify requirements in the box below). Additional Information: I understand that it is a legal requirement for fully informed consent to be obtained from the patient (or a legitimate representative of the patient) prior to disclosure of their personal details for the purpose of a panel/IFR team to decide whether this application will be accepted and treatment funded. By submitting this form I confirm that the patient/representative has been informed of the details that will be shared for the aforementioned purpose and consent has been given. Signed Referrer: ………………………………….….………………… Date:…………………………………….. PART B: THIS PAGE MUST BE COMPLETED FOR ALL REQUESTS If your patient does not meet the following criteria then please ALSO fill out Part C of this form outlining the patient’s exceptionality. If the criteria are met you only need complete Parts A and B. 1. Has the diagnosis of polymorphic light eruption (PMLE) been confirmed by a consultant dermatologist? YES NO AND 2. Is the PMLE judged as ‘severe’ i.e. the patient has an extensive, itchy rash for most of the UK summer? YES NO AND 3. Are the symptoms from PMLE rash causing severe functional impairment*? * Significant functional impairment is defined by the BNSSG Health Community as: - Symptoms preventing the patient fulfilling routine work or educational responsibilities - Symptoms preventing the patient carrying out routine domestic or carer activities YES NO AND 4. Have the symptoms remained severe despite comprehensive use of prevention, first and second line treatments? i.e.: The patient is using protective clothing and broad spectrum sun protection Factor 30+ semi-opaque sunscreen frequently applied to all uncovered skin The patient has been advised and tried gradually increasing exposure to sunlight without relief The patient has tried drug therapies for PMLE (topical steroids, or short course systemic steroids for bad attacks if occurring once or twice per year) YES NO AND 5. Has a consultant dermatologist assessed light therapy as likely to significantly improve the patient’s quality of life and functional impairments due to PMLE? YES NO Please enclose relevant correspondence. Please provide evidence below to support the information you have provided, particularly which conservative treatment methods have been unsuccessful. Without evidence this application will be rejected. Supporting Information - You may provide photographs if appropriate as supporting evidence. What is the patient unable to do as a result of their condition? Is the patient unable to fulfil any work/study/carer essential activities and if so to what extent? Is the patient unable to carry out essential domestic activities such as cooking, washing etc? Supporting Information Please document the evidence you are enclosing along with any other information that you feel is relevant PLEASE SEND THIS FORM TO THE CCG IF THE ABOVE CRITERIA ARE FULLY MET AND EVIDENCED. IF NOT, PLEASE GO ON TO COMPLETE PART C. PART C: INDIVIDUAL FUNDING REQUEST ONLY COMPLETE IF PATIENT DOES NOT MEET THE CRITERIA IN PART B Exceptionality Please note that not meeting the criteria is not in itself exceptional. The sections below must be completed, clearly outlining a comprehensive and thorough case for the exceptionality of your patient, to enable the IFR Panel to reach a funding decision. Explain why the patient is significantly different to the general population of patients with the condition in question Explain why the patient is likely to benefit more from the intervention than might normally be expected for patients with that condition Brief and relevant health history, including patient’s current health status and any other co-morbidities, health issues and current medication. Clinical History relevant to the case What treatments has the patient tried? Is this patient unable to tolerate the usual care? What services has the patient been referred to? The patient is welcome to provide a statement and photographs to support this application if they wish. The completed form should be sent in confidence with any other supporting documents to: North Somerset CCG: Bristol CCG: South Gloucestershire CCG: Prior Approval Applications Individual Funding Request Team Individual Funding Request Team Referral Support Service South Plaza, Suite 15, Corum 2 Post Point 11, Marlborough Street, Corum Business Park, Castlewood, Tickenham Road, Bristol, Warmley, North Somerset, BS21 9BH BS1 3NX Bristol, BS30 8FJ Individual Funding Applications Individual Funding Request Team Castlewood, Tickenham Road, North Somerset, BS21 9BH In order to comply with information governance standards, emails containing identifiable patient data should only be sent securely, i.e. from an account Bristol CATEGORY Prior Approval VERSION 1516.1 North Somerset CATEGORY Prior Approval VERSION 1516.1 South Gloucestershire CATEGORY Prior Approval VERSION 1516.1