2012 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION REPORT (CAPER) WAKE COUNTY Prepared by Wake County Human Services Housing and Community Revitalization Division 1 Table of Contents GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................3 EVIDENCE OF PUBLIC NOTICE FOR CAPER REVIEW .......................................................3 ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS TOWARDS THE FIVE-YEAR GOALS ...........................................3 PRIORITY HOUSING NEEDS ........................................................................................3 PRIORITY HOMELESS NEEDS ......................................................................................5 PRIORITY NON-HOMELESS SPECIAL NEEDS HOUSING ...................................................8 PRIORITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS ............................................................ 11 ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS TOWARD ONE-YEAR GOALS ................................................. 16 PRIORITY HOUSING NEEDS ...................................................................................... 16 PRIORITY HOMELESS NEEDS .................................................................................... 19 UPDATE ON CONTINUUM OF CARE ............................................................................ 20 PRIORITY NON-HOMELESS HOUSING ........................................................................ 22 PRIORITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS ............................................................ 23 IMPEDIMENTS TO FAIR HOUSING & ACTIONS TO OVERCOME THEM ................................... 25 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ACTIONS FOR EXTREMELY LOW & LOW TO MODERATE INCOME ....... 26 FOSTER AND MAINTAIN AFFORDABLE HOUSING .............................................................. 27 ELIMINATE BARRIERS TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING ............................................................ 28 REDUCE LEAD BASED PAINT HAZARDS ........................................................................... 28 REDUCE POVERTY ........................................................................................................ 28 ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH PROGRAM AND PLANNING REQUIREMENTS ............................ 28 RACIAL AND ETHNIC DATA FOR PERSONS ASSISTED ....................................................... 29 LEVERAGING OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FUNDS ................................................................ 29 ANALYSIS OF PROGRESS TOWARDS FIVE-YEAR GOALS .................................................... 30 ANALYSIS OF SUCCESSESS AND FAILURES AND ACTIONS TAKEN TO IMPROVE PROGRAMS .. 32 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM (CDBG) .......................................... 33 PRIORITY HOUSING NEEDS ...................................................................................... 33 PRIORITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS ............................................................ 33 CDBG DRAWS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 ............................................................................ 36 AMENDMENTS AND OTHER CHANGES TO PROGRAMS .................................................. 39 SUPPORT THE 2010-2015 CONSOLIDATED PLAN GOALS .............................................. 39 HOME PROGRAM .......................................................................................................... 41 PRIORITY HOUSING NEEDS ...................................................................................... 42 HOME DRAWS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012............................................................................ 43 CITIZEN’S COMMENTS .................................................................................................. 46 ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT A - PUBLIC NOTICES ................................................................................ 47 ATTACHMENT B - REHABILITATION PROJECTS COMPLETED FROM JULY 1, 2012 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013 .......................................................................................................................... 49 ATTACHMENT C – MONITORING REPORT ......................................................................... 52 ATTACHMENT D - AFFIRMATIVE MARKETING PLAN ........................................................... 55 ATTACHMENT E - CDBG DRAWS JULY 1, 2012 TO JUNE 30, 2013 ....................................... 57 ATTACHMENT F - IDIS REPORT CO4PR26 ........................................................................ 61 ATTACHMENT G - FINANCIAL SUMMARIES ...................................................................... 66 ATTACHMENT H - HOME DRAWS .................................................................................... 69 ATTACHMENT I - HOME MATCH REPORT .......................................................................... 70 ATTACHMENT J - CDBG ACTIVITY SUMMARY REPORT ....................................................... 71 2 GENERAL INFORMATION EVIDENCE OF PUBLIC NOTICE FOR CAPER REVIEW The 2012 CAPER was available for review and comment as of September 5, 2013. It was posted on the Wake County website and advertisements were run in The News and Observer, a widely distributed general public newspaper, The Carolinian, a local newspaper targeting Wake County's African-American community and Que Pasa, a local newspaper targeting Wake County's Spanishspeaking community. (Attachment A). ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS TOWARDS THE FIVE-YEAR GOALS This is the third reporting year for Wake County’s 2010-2015, five-year Consolidated Plan to address the low-income housing and community development needs in Wake County. This strategic plan identified priority populations. Priority Populations High Priority: Renters 0-40% MFI Homeless Individuals and Families Non-homeless Individuals and Families with Special Needs Medium Priority: Renters 41-50% MFI Homeowners 41-50% MFI Low Priority: Renters 51-80% Homeowners 51-80% Priority Housing Needs Activities: the programs used to serve the needs of the community Outputs: the direct product of program activities Outcomes: the benefits and impacts that result from the program Indicators: benchmarks Wake County will use to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of its programs Renters Output: Subsidize the development of 500 new units of affordable rental housing Provide 200 homeless families/individuals with vouchers at any given time Indicators: Five hundred additional families in Wake County will live in safe, decent, stable, affordable housing There will be a minimum of 20 years of guaranteed affordability on 500 units of new housing Two hundred persons who are severely and persistently mentally ill will move from homelessness to permanent housing 2010-2012 Progress: A total of 237 affordable units for families have been completed and added to the affordable housing stock. This includes 99 units for families at or below 40% MFI. Funds have been committed for 286 additional affordable units which include 78 units for families at or below 40% MFI. 3 Affordable Housing Units County Funded Projects for Families Wake County loaned $560,893 to Community Alternatives for Supportive Abodes (CASA) Inc. to purchase of George’s Mews Apartments. This 26-unit apartment complex will provide 8 units for persons with a disability, 8 units for working persons earning at or below 40% of the area median and 10 units for low-wage workers earning at or below 60% of the area median. Most of the renovations were completed in February 2010. There were 2 units that required extensive renovations. These were completed in September 2010. Wake County loaned $515,000 in County CIP funds to Evergreen Construction, Inc. for the development of Sandy Ridge Apartments. This is a 45-unit apartment complex will be affordable to families earning at or below 60% MFI, with 13 units affordable to families earning at or below 50% MFI and 12 units affordable to families earning at or below 30% MFI. Construction on this project was completed in May 2011. Wake County has committed $640,000 in County CIP funds to Halcon Development LLC for the development of Holly Woods at Sunset Lake Apartments. This is a 64-unit apartment complex will be affordable to families earning at or below 60% MFI, with 17 units affordable to families earning at or below 50% MFI and 16 units affordable to families earning at or below 30% MFI. Construction on this project is estimated for completion in May 2014. Wake County has committed $35,000 in County CIP funds to Granite Falls LLC for the development of Granite Falls Apartments located in Rolesville. This is a 72-unit apartment complex will be affordable to families earning at or below 60% MFI, 18 units affordable to families earning at or below 30% MFI. Construction on this project is estimated for completion in December 2014. HOME Funded Projects for Families Wake County loaned $600,000 in HOME funds to DHIC, Inc. for the construction of Brookridge Apartments. This project provides 40 efficiency units with 10 units affordable to persons earning at or below 50% MFI, 20 units affordable to persons earning at or below 40% MFI and 10 units affordable to persons earning at or below 30% MFI. Construction was completed in September 2010. Wake County loaned $552,000 in HOME funds to Evergreen Construction, Inc. for the development of Mingo Creek Apartments. This is a 76-unit apartment complex affordable to families below 60% MFI with 12 units affordable to families earning at or below 50% MFI and 19 units affordable to families earning at or below 30% MFI. This project was completed in December 2011. Wake County loaned $720,000 in HOME funds to DHIC, Inc. for permanent financing for Water Garden Village Apartments located in Raleigh. This is a 60 unit apartment complex affordable to families earning at or below 60% MFI, 9 units affordable to persons earning at or below 40% MFI and 15 units affordable to persons earning at or below 30% MFI. This project was completed in December 2012. Wake County loaned $159,460 in HOME CHDO funds to CASA for acquisition and renovation of a 4-unit apartment building located at 214 E. Cedar St. in Cary. This will add 2 units affordable to households earning at or below 40% AMI and 2 units affordable to households earning at or below 50% AMI. This project was completed in November 2012. Wake County spent $387,360 in HOME funds ($323,360 CHDO; $64,000 HOME Match) to CASA to develop Sunnybrook Apartments, a 10-unit apartment building located in Raleigh. 4 This complex will add 3 units for homeless individuals earning at or below 30% MFI; 7 units for individuals earning at or below 40% MFI with 5 of those targeted for veterans. This project was completed in July 2013. Wake County spent $720,000 in HOME CHDO funds to Greenway Residential Development, LLC for construction and permanent financing for Laurel Crossing Apartments located in Knightdale. This is a 60-unit apartment complex affordable to families earning at or below 60% AMI with 18 units affordable to persons earning at or below 30% MFI. The project is estimated for completion December 2013. Wake County has committed $685,000 in HOME funds to Granite Falls LLC for the development of Granite Falls Apartments located in Rolesville. This is a 72-unit apartment complex will be affordable to families earning at or below 60% MFI, 18 units affordable to families earning at or below 30% MFI. Construction on this project is estimated for completion in December 2014. Wake County has committed $500,000 ($84,000 HOME; $416,000 HOME Match) to Passage Home Inc. for the development of Coleman St. Apartments. This 18-unit apartment complex located in Raleigh provide 10 units designated for families earning at or below 80% MFI with 8 units for families earning at or below 40% MFI. Construction on this project is estimated for completion in December 2014. Priority Homeless Needs Output: To subsidize the development of 500 new units of affordable rental housing. To continue ongoing support to 200 homeless individuals/families through vouchers. Indicators: Five hundred additional families in Wake County will live in safe, decent, stable, affordable housing. There will be a minimum of 20 years of guaranteed affordability on 500 units of new housing At any given time, 200 severely and persistently mentally ill homeless people will be housed. 2010-2012 Progress: A total of 27 units designated for homeless individuals and families have been completed and added to the affordable housing stock. The County has committed funds for an additional 10 units, veterans will be given priority for these units. Funding was provided for a Coordinator position for the Support Circles Program. For the CAPER reporting period 2010-2015, the program has assisted 55 homeless families to obtain permanent housing. The Wake County Support Circle subsidies provided rental assistance for 2 families to obtain permanent housing. 272 homeless, disabled individuals and families have been assisted with housing vouchers through Shelter Plus Care and County funding. 1,791 men were served at the South Wilmington Street Center. 1487 homeless participants have received services through Wake County’s annual Project Homeless Connect held in Raleigh. 456 homeless participants have received services through Wake County’s annual Capital Area Veterans Stand Down. 15,112 households received funds to assist with utility bills and avoid disconnection of services through Wake County’s Emergency Assistance Program. 138 clients received training through the Homeless Employment Program. (1-2011;1375 2012) HPRP assisted 314 persons in 114 households. Homeless Wake County spent $444,100 in CIP funds for Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network to purchase and rehab a 12 unit apartment building at 903 Method Rd. in Raleigh. The units are for the WIHN Transitional Housing Program. This will enable WIHN to extend services up to one year for homeless families that complete their program but need more than 3 months to move into permanent housing. The renovations were completed in April 2011. Wake County loaned $155,424 in county CIP funds to Passage Home Inc. for refinancing and renovations to Millbrook Villas located in Raleigh. These 12 units are transitional apartments for families earning at or below 40% AMI. This project was completed in November 2012. Wake County loaned $387,360 in HOME funds ($323,360 CHDO) to CASA to develop Sunnybrook Apartments, a 10-unit apartment building located in Raleigh. This complex will add 3 units for homeless individuals earning at or below 30% MFI; 7 units for individuals earning at or below 40% MFI with 5 of those targeted for veterans. This project was completed in July 2013. Wake County has committed $400,019 in county CIP funds to CASA to develop Sunnybrook II Apartments, a 10-unit apartment building located in Raleigh. These units are for homeless, disabled individuals earning at or below 40% MFI. Veterans will be given a priority for all of the apartments. The estimated completion of this project is July 2014. Support Circles In 2007 as part of the 10-year Plan to End Homelessness, Wake County partnered with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh to fund a coordinator position for the Support Circles program. This program matches support circles from faith communities with homeless individuals & families who are ready to leave the shelter and live independently. For fiscal year 2012-2013, 12 families obtained permanent housing through this program serving 13 adults and 26 children. The total served for this CAPER period is 55 families that included 64 adults and 132 children. Support Circle Rental Subsidies Wake County set aside funds for 8 rental subsidies for homeless people who are a part of the County-wide Support Circles program. This program pairs homeless individuals and families with a support group (Circle) comprised of members of a sponsoring congregation. The Circle supports the family as it works toward independence. Rental subsidies are provided by the faith community, the business community and either the City of Raleigh, Wake County or the Town of Cary. In Fiscal Year 2010-2011 the Wake County subsidy assisted 2 families in obtaining permanent housing through this program. Wake County’s subsidies were limited to housing located outside the City of Raleigh. Most families in the support Circle Program do not own cars and are reliant on Raleigh’s public transportation system. Therefore, families were unable to use these County vouchers. Vouchers Wake County Supportive Housing administers 220 Shelter + Care rental subsidies funded through HUD. These vouchers assist homeless and disabled individuals and/or families. Wake County Supportive Housing administers 52 County funded vouchers for individuals who are homeless and disabled. The South Wilmington Street Center 6 This is the largest of the city's eight homeless shelters. From July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, Wake County served 1,791 homeless men, with a total of 87,512 overnight stays and 117,660 meals. Project Homeless Connect (PHC) During this Consolidated Plan term, Raleigh’s PHC has served 1487 homeless participants through this annual event. Participants have access to a menu of services provided by local agencies/programs. This annual event is part of a national effort to provide one-stop assistance to homeless people. Services included legal services, housing and employment assistance, health and behavioral health care and assistance in completing applications for mainstream benefits. Participants also received haircuts, showers, coats, personal care gift bags and lunch. Volunteers assisted service providers in connecting with homeless guests. Capital Area Veterans Stand Down Wake County hosts an annual Capital Area Veterans Stand Down at the South Wilmington Street Center in Raleigh. This event is a national grassroots campaign that reaches out to homeless veterans in the area. Participants are provided food, referrals and a variety of on-site services (Health and Dental care, Counseling, Life Skills training, Employment, Legal and many more) During this Consolidated Plan term 456 homeless participants have been served through this event.(259 (56%) were veterans). The 7th annual event is scheduled for October 18, 2013. 2012-2013 Preventing Homelessness The Wake County Emergency Assistance Program uses a combination of Federal and local emergency funds. From July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, Wake County Human Services assisted 15,112 households to avoid housing emergencies by paying utility bills and avoid disconnection of services. These funds are available to households with incomes below 150% of the poverty level. Homeless Employment Program Through coordination with Wake Technical Community College and local employers, job skills training classes are offered to homeless people from the South Wilmington St. Center and Cornerstone Day Services Center. The program provides basic job skills training to participants, and then places the participants with local business partners for job training internships. The internships allow the participants to develop skills in specific trades, which they can use to secure permanent employment, either with the business partner or elsewhere. Participants receive partial payment during internships (payment is also made by the employer). A key to securing permanent housing is being able to pay for it. The employment program assists homeless, unemployed persons take the first step toward being self-sufficient and permanently housed. This program began in 2010, and has assisted 138 homeless men. Rental Assistance/Income Payments Wake County has allocated $100,000 in CDBG funds to provide up to 3 months in rental assistance for rapid re-housing to qualified homeless people who are working. This program will serve people up to 50% AMI ($26,600 for an individual or $38,000 for a family of four). Case management will be maintained during the period of assistance and contact will be made after one year to assess long term results of the assistance. Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Grant (HPRP) As part of 2009 Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA), Wake County received $582,164 in Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) grant funds from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The funds are to assist families who are homeless or in rental housing and in imminent danger of becoming homeless and earn below 50% of the area median. Wake County worked with the 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness and the City of Raleigh to develop a plan to implement the HPRP grant that directly aligns with the vision of the 10-Year Plan. The funds are for direct client assistance to help families stabilize and 7 prevent them from becoming homeless or limit the duration of their homelessness. Families may receive up to 18 months of assistance and are expected to be self-sufficient in their housing after that time. Wake County selected two nonprofit partners, Triangle Family Services and The Women’s Center of Wake County, to administer these grant funds to assist families living outside the corporate limits of Raleigh. Clients may be served with rental assistance, utility assistance, security and utility deposits, motel and hotel vouchers, moving cost assistance, legal services, credit repair, and housing search. Case management is required for people receiving monetary assistance. Output: Assist approximately 148 individuals and families with completion in 3 years. 79 with homeless prevention 69 with re-housing 2010-2012 Progress: This program was completed in April 2012. Since implementation of the program in September 2009, 314 persons have been served in 114 households. 243 people in 90 households were prevented from becoming homeless. 71 persons in 24 households were re-housed after being homeless. Upon leaving the program: 232 of 314 people who exited the program were able to pay their own rent. 25 people of the 314 who exited the program obtained other permanent housing subsidies. For fiscal year 2011-2012, 64 persons were assisted. Priority Non-Homeless Special Needs Housing Outputs: Subsidize the development of 500 new units of affordable rental housing Indicators: Five hundred additional families in Wake County will live in safe, decent, stable, affordable housing. There will be a minimum of 20 years of guaranteed affordability on 500 units of new housing. 2010-2012 Progress: A total of 242 units designated for seniors and individuals with special needs have been completed and added to the affordable housing stock. Of these units 82 are affordable for tenants earning at or below 40% MFI. Funds have been committed for 178 more affordable units or seniors and individuals with special needs which include 60 units for seniors earning at or below 40% MFI. Funds have been committed for a 16 bed transition housing facility for substance abuse services. Seniors & Special Needs HOME Funded Projects Wake County assisted Community Alternatives for Supportive Abodes (CASA) Inc. to purchase and rehabilitate George’s Mews Apartments. This 26-unit apartment complex will provide 8 low-income units for persons with a disability, 8 units for working persons earning at or below 40% of the area median and the remaining 10 units for low-wage workers earning at or below 60% of the area median. The County provided funds in the amount of $560,893. The majority 8 of this project was completed in February 2010. There were 2 units that required extensive renovations. These were completed in September 2010. Wake County loaned $175,000 in HOME funds to Evergreen Construction Co. to develop Autumn Spring Apartments. This 48-unit apartment complex located in Raleigh provides 8 units designated for seniors earning at or below 50% MFI, 12 units for seniors earning at or below 30% MFI and the remaining 28 units are affordable for seniors at or below 60% MFI. Construction was completed in November 2010. Wake County spent $880,000 in HOME funds to DHIC to develop Water Garden Park Apartments. This 88 unit complex will be affordable to seniors earning at or below 60% AMI with 22 units for seniors at or below 30% AMI and 14 units for seniors earning at or below 40% AMI. This project is estimated to be completed by December 2013. Wake County has committed $480,000 in HOME and HOPWA funds to Evergreen Construction Co., Inc. for the development of Timber Spring Apartments. This 48-unit apartment complex located in Garner will provide 12 units designated for seniors earning at or below 50% MFI, 12 units for seniors earning at or below 30% MFI and the remaining 24 units are affordable for seniors at or below 60% MFI. Three of the units will be set aside for eligible persons with acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS). Construction on this project is estimated for completion in December 2014. County Funded Projects Wake County loaned $536,000 in County CIP funds to DHIC for permanent financing for Highland Terrace Apartments. This 80-unit apartment complex located in Cary will provide 48 units designated for seniors earning at or below 60% MFI, 12 units designated for seniors earning at or below 40% MFI and 20 units for seniors earning at or below 30% MFI. Construction was completed in March 2011. Wake County loaned $480,000 in County CIP funds to DHIC for permanent financing for Meadow Creek Commons Apartments. This 48-unit apartment complex located in Raleigh will provide 20 units designated for seniors earning at or below 40% MFI and the remaining 28 units will be for seniors earning at or below 60% MFI with. The apartments were completed in April 2011. Wake County has loaned $680,000 in county CIP funds to RHA Housing, Inc. for construction and permanent financing of The Woods at Avent Ferry Apartments located in Holly Springs. This 64-unit apartment complex will be for seniors earning at or below 50% MFI with 16 of the units designated for seniors earning at or below 30% MFI. This project was completed in August 2012. Wake County has committed $480,000 in county CIP funds to Evergreen Construction Co. for construction and permanent financing of Poyner Spring Apartments located in Raleigh. This 42-unit apartment complex will be for seniors earning at or below 60% AMI with 12 of the units designated for seniors earning at or below 30% MFI. The estimated completion date for this project is December 2013. Wake County has committed $450,000 in county CIP funds to SouthLight, Inc. to develop a 16bed transitional housing development. This housing will provide comprehensive substance abuse treatment, individual and group therapy, medication management, vocational, financial and educational counseling, and referrals for mental health and physical health care. The facility will provide on-site 24/7 supervision. Patients will stay in the facility for 6-9 months. The targeted population for services is the chronically addicted adult with multiple life issues – including diagnosis of mental illness and homelessness. The estimated completion of this project is July 2014. 9 Homeowners Output: Repair the homes of 50 homeowners through the Homeowner Rehabilitation program and the Emergency Repair Grant program. Indicators: Fifty units of affordable, single-family housing will be preserved. Fifty additional homeowners will live in a home that is free from housing code violations. Reduction in derelict properties and other blighting influences around the County as a result of homeowner rehabilitation. 2010-2012 Progress: Wake County implemented a new Elderly & Disabled Rehabilitation Program in FY 2011. This program provides up to $15,000 in grant funds for elderly (62 and older) and disabled persons earning at or below 40 % AMI. Modest repairs are done for mobility and retrofits related to health and safety issues. For properties testing positive for lead based paint, an additional $10,000 is available for clearance/abatement. This improves the quality of the home so that the client can maintain a safe, healthy and decent lifestyle. This program does not require the applicant to be the homeowner. However, the landlord must comply with the terms of the grant. A total of 162 homes were repaired and improved to make them safe, healthy and economical to live in through our Rehabilitation Loan Program, the Emergency Grant Program and the Elderly & Disabled Program. 68 emergency repairs were completed through our Emergency Grant Program (43-2010; 16-2011; 9-2012). Emergency grants are a maximum of $5,000 and address immediate health and safety risks for very low-income homeowners. Clients for this program are low-income and typically elderly. 88 Elderly & Disabled persons were assisted with repairs to their homes. 6 substandard, owner occupied properties were rehabilitated to meet minimum Housing Quality Standards (HQS). (5-2010; 1-2011). 56 of the properties repaired were tested for Lead Based Paint (3-2010; 17-2011; 362012). This included 17 abatement (1-2010; 1-2011; 15-2012) and 19 clearance tests (1-2010; 3-2011; 15-2012). Homeownership 2010-2012 Progress: 23 single-family homes have been built and sold to low-income first time homebuyers. 23 additional single-family homes will be built for low-income first time homebuyers. 19 families received assistance to avoid foreclosure. In continuing our efforts in the redevelopment area in Fuquay-Varina, Wake County contracted with Builders of Hope and Habitat for Humanity of Wake County to build 18 single family homes in the subdivision located in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood. These homes are targeted for low-income first time homebuyers. As of June 2013, 11 homes have been sold (2010-4; 2011-2; 2012-5), 2 are under construction. Due to the housing market, the estimated completion date for the remaining 5 lots to be sold has been delayed. Wake County spent $225,500 in CDBG funds for Habitat to purchase 8 scattered site lots to build single family homes. The homes were sold for around $120,000 to low-income families who earn 25% - 60% of area median income. This project was completed in February 2012. 10 Wake County spent $158,400 in HOME funds for Habitat to purchase 4 lots in Morrisville to build single family homes. The homes were sold for around $120,000 to low-income families who earn 25% - 60% of area median income. All these homes were sold by November 2012. Wake County committed $229,000 in HOME funds and $219,000 in CDBG funds to Habitat for land acquisition and construction of White Oak Villas, a 16 unit residential subdivision in Apex. The homes will be affordable to low-income families earning 25% - 60% of area median income. Eight homes are currently under construction and scheduled for closing in September 2013. The remaining 8 homes are scheduled to be completed by June 2014. Through the Foreclosure Prevention Program identified in the 2009 Action Plan a total of 29 lowincome families were able to avoid foreclosure (19 for FY 2010-2011). These families received budget counseling and monetary assistance to bring their mortgages current. This program ended June 2011. Priority Community Development Needs Public Facilities Community development activities include public facilities improvements and rehabilitation of buildings used for public purpose. These activities are often the cornerstone of neighborhood revitalization efforts. Without adequate infrastructure, it is impossible to build quality affordable housing. Priorities for CDBG Public Facilities Dollars – 2010-2015: Requests listed in the 5 Year Strategic Plan were received through community meetings held throughout the county, from non-profit organizations and town planners. The town planners and the Housing Committee of the Wake County Human Services Board approved the process and projects. Twenty (20) requests were received (see page 31). Each year projects will be selected for funding in the one-year Action Plan. The following criteria are applied in order for a project to receive funding and be included in the Action Plan. The project must be an eligible Community Development Block Grant expense. At least 51% of the families benefitting from the project must be low-income. The project must be endorsed by the town in which it is located. The total project budget must be in place before any funds are disbursed. The project must be started in the same fiscal year that funding is allocated. Any uncommitted funds will be reallocated at the end of each program year (June 30 th). If there are more projects than funds in a given year, we apply the following additional criteria: Does the project align with one of the Wake County Board of Commissioners goals? Has there been any affordable housing development in the last three years within the municipality that is requesting funds? Has a public facilities project been funded in the last three years within the municipality that is requesting funds? 2010-2012 Progress: Infrastructure improvements for an 18-lot subdivision for new homes to be built and sold to low-income families were completed. 7,970 lf. of sidewalk along with road improvements have been constructed and completed in the Towns of Garner, Morrisville and Apex. These improvements will provide lowincome communities safe pedestrian access. Commitments have been made for an additional 9,767 lf. of sidewalks and 1,666 lf. of road improvements throughout Wake County. Funds have been committed for additional sidewalks along with road improvements, drainage improvements and water lines throughout Wake County. 11 Construction of a playground and restroom facilities in the Zebulon Community Park. East Wake Education Foundation was able to purchase and rehab a building and expand services to children of low income families. The Boys and Girls Club of Wake County has a new facility to service the children in the Zebulon community. Construction of a playground in the Knightdale Community Park. The Salvation Army purchased a new building that has been renovated and will provide services to the community and an emergency shelter for women and children. Funds have been spent for renovations to the Alston Massenburg Center which will provide services to a low income neighborhood in the Town of Wake Forest. The HVAC System Upgrade for Cornerstone Building and Electrical & Fire Alarm System Upgrades for Crosby-Garfield Building were completed with CDBG-R funds. Wake County completed infrastructure improvements in February 2008 to develop a subdivision in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood in Fuquay-Varina. Wake County contracted with Builders of Hope and Habitat for Humanity of Wake County to build 18 single family homes in the subdivision located in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood. These homes are targeted for lowincome first time homebuyers. In FY 2010-2011, we spent additional funds for tree removal and engineered footings on 2 lots in order to build homes. Projects Identified in the 2009 Action Plan Wake County spent funds in the amount of $126,050 for 2,725 lf. of sidewalk on Avery, Powell and Broughton Streets in the Town of Garner. These sidewalks will provide pedestrian connections in a neighborhood near downtown Garner. It connects a middle school, senior apartments, affordable family apartments and a historic theater. It also connects with an existing sidewalk to the Garner Senior Center. This project was completed in November 2010. Wake County spent funds in the amount of $288,400 for 1,275 lf. of paving, curb, gutter and sidewalk on West St. in the Town of Apex. These street improvements make it safe for pedestrians and provide pedestrian access to the West St. Park. This project was completed in June 2011. Projects Identified in the 2010 Action Plan Wake County spent $340,267 in CDBG funds for 1,070 lf. of paving, curb, gutter, and sidewalk on First St. between Lynch St. and W. Williams St. in the Town of Apex. The street improvements will make it safe for pedestrians to walk along the street and provide pedestrian access to the West St. Park. This project was completed in December 2011. Wake County spent $273,746 in CDBG funds for improvements to the children’s playground at the Zebulon Community Park which includes construction of restroom facilities, new play equipment, new playground surface, improve site drainage, improved access to the playground, landscaping and a short section of stream restoration. The Zebulon Community Park is located on Arendell Ave., adjacent to the Davis Armory, which is newly renovated as a community center. This project was completed in September 2011. Wake County spent $54,909.50 in CDBG funds to assist the East Wake Education Foundation in the purchase of a building located at 16 E. Fourth St. in Wendell. This enabled the organization to expand its services and save in monthly rental payments. The foundation currently serves around 1,500 preschool children per year and their families. The goal of the services is to assist children in eastern Wake County who have no opportunity for a preschool experience in becoming ready for school. This project was completed in May 2011. Wake County spent $550,000 in CDBG funds to assist the Boys and Girls Clubs of Wake County with the construction of a new building. The previous building was a small, portable unit on the grounds of Zebulon Middle School. The Boys and Girls Club is open to any child; however, 12 a majority of the children served are low-income. The Zebulon Boys and Girls Club membership is over 400, average daily attendance is around 100 children. With this new building, the Boys and Girls Club will be able to serve 1,000 children per year. This project was completed in December 2011. Amendment to the 2010 Action Plan-Advertised June 28, 2010 Wake County spent $500,000 in CDBG funds to the Salvation Army for renovations to a new building they purchased. They provide an array of service programs for fragile families and provide emergency shelter for women and children. The new building enables them to expand services and increase the shelter from 34 beds to 92. This is a significant expansion in the County’s network of homeless services. This project was accepted and approved outside of the normal public facility process. The building was completed in July 2013. Projects Identified in the 2011 Action Plan Wake County spent $346,693 in CDBG funds for 1,450 lf. of roadway, and installation of 2,900 lf. of curb and gutter, as well as the installation of sidewalks on both sides of the street on Barbee Road and Fiona Circle in the Town of Morrisville. These improvements enhanced the quality of life for residents living along one of the few unpaved roads remaining in Morrisville and created a safe continuous pedestrian connection to the Shiloh Community Park and ball field, Luther Green Center, and Shiloh Baptist Church, all of which are within half a mile of the project area. This project was completed in June 2013. Wake County spent $86,310 in CDBG funds for 1250 lf. of resurfacing and street improvements to School Street in the Town of Rolesville. The street is adjacent to Rolesville Elementary School and is the route to five homes inhabited by low and moderate-income residents. The project consisted of partial street resurfacing and asphalt paving of the dirt portion of the road that leads to and borders the homes. This provides better ingress and egress for residents and will allow emergency vehicles to safely access the homes. This project was identified in the 2011 Action Plan. This project was completed in November 2012. Wake County spent $192,240 in CDBG funds for construction of a playground on First Avenue in Knightdale. The playground was designed to replicate the history of Knightdale and features play structures that mimic farm, railroad and natural structures. The new park includes a farmers’ market plaza, walking trail, and community garden. This project was completed in December 2012. Wake County spent $165,000 in CDBG funds to the Town of Wake Forest to assist with renovation and additional construction of the Alston-Massenburg Center. The renovations increased the size of the facility by 1,350 square feet to a total of 4,250 square feet. The AlstonMassenburg Center serves approximately 800 neighborhood families offering programs for children and adults including: acting classes, theatrical performances, art, dance, yoga, pilates, zumba, various types of musical instruction, photography, computer learning, and one day special workshops. This project was completed in September 2012. Projects identified in the 2012 Action Plan Wake County has committed $208,000 in CDBG funds for construction of 1622 lf. of sidewalk along Smithfield Road in Knightdale. The sidewalk will connect existing segments of sidewalk to enable residents of a low-income community to access commercial development and civic uses (Knightdale Town Hall and Library.) The estimated completion date for this project is May 2014. Wake County has committed $156,800 in CDBG funds for upgrading water lines along Cherry and Conover Streets in the Town of Fuquay Varina. This is considered a public safety issue where inadequate pressure and volume of water is not being provided to the existing residents. These improvements will contribute to previous efforts in the Consolidated School Development Area to improve the area as a safe place to live. The estimated completion date for this project is 13 September 2013. Wake County has committed $164,800 in CDBG funds for 2800 lf. of sidewalk improvements to Forest Ridge Road and Foxwood Drive in the Town of Garner. This project will provide pedestrian connections between a residential neighborhood, Garner Magnet High School and neighborhood retail stores and offices. The estimated completion date for this project is December 2013. Wake County has committed $158,480 in CDBG funds to construct 1575 lf. of sidewalk in the Town of Zebulon. The sidewalk along Shepard School Road will connect the Zebulon Middle School to the newly constructed Zebulon Boys and Girls Club (funded partially with Wake County FY 2011 CDBG funds). The sidewalk will allow children to travel safely on foot from one building to the other along a busy thoroughfare. The project will benefit the quality of life and provide a low-and moderate-income neighborhood with an adequate sidewalk where none is currently present. The estimated completion date for this project is May 2014. Wake County has committed $163,600 in CDBG funds for drainage improvements to Anderson Street which is currently a dirt road in the Town of Wendell. Rains flood the road and residential properties adjacent to the road. Existing rip rap is not adequate to contain the effects of the flooding. These drainage improvements will the neighborhood. The estimated completion date for this project is November 2013. Wake County has committed $60,400 in CDBG funds to construct approximately 1200 lf. of sidewalk along a portion of Wendell Boulevard. There are existing intermittent portions of sidewalk, and the new improvements will connect an assisted living facility and a residential neighborhood with downtown Wendell. The estimated completion date for this project is November 2013. Funds have been committed to the following projects identified in the 2013 Action Plan Wake County has committed $347,255 in CDBG funds to widen and resurface 1016 lf. of roadway and install curb gutter and 920 lf. of sidewalk along Second St. in Apex to connect Lynch Street to Harwood Street. This connection will provide sidewalk access from Second Street via West Street to West Street Park, a Town of Apex public park. The connection will also provide access to the Harwood Street sidewalk, which is part of the American Tobacco Trail greenway route. The Second Street project will tie together three previous CDBG street improvement projects: Lynch Street, Harwood Street, and West Street. The estimated completion date for this project is August 2014. Wake County has committed $302,880 in CDBG funds for construction of 1650 lf. of sidewalk, curb and gutter along Main Street in the Town of Knightdale. The project will close a 0.2 mile gap through Old Town Knightdale between sidewalks under construction along both First Avenue and Smithfield Road. In keeping with the adopted Old Town Small Area Plan, the sidewalk will provide residents of the Old Town neighborhood a safe local route along Main Street – a local collector and thru street – to access the other facilities that provide pedestrian routes to area recreation and commerce destinations. These destinations include the new Knightdale Community Park on First Avenue as well as the Knightdale Crossing and Lowe’s Home Improvement shopping centers along North Smithfield Road. The estimated completion date for this project is July 2014. Wake County has committed $167,040 in CDBG funds for 650 lf. of paving on Anderson Street in The Town of Wendell, which is currently a dirt road, and installation of a sidewalk, curb and gutter. Last year, CDBG funds were used for drainage improvements along Anderson Street to stop the excessive flooding of the road and adjacent properties during rain. The estimated completion date for this project is May 2014. 14 Community Development Block Grant-Recovery (CDBG-R) As part of 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), Wake County received $380,721 in Community Development Block Grant-Recovery (CDBG-R) grant funds from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The funds must benefit low and moderate-income families and neighborhoods. The federal government strongly encouraged grantees to use CDBG-R funds for hard development costs associated with infrastructure and public facilities activities that provide basic services to residents or activities that promote energy efficiency and conservation through rehabilitation or retrofitting of existing buildings. Cornerstone Building HVAC System Upgrade Wake County spent $55,889 in CDBG-R funds for Cornerstone, to pay for the upgrade of HVAC equipment. Cornerstone is a County-owned building located at 220 Snow Avenue in Raleigh. The facility offers intensive community based services for homeless people who have a severe mental illness and less intensive walk-in services to homeless persons. Cornerstone serves approximately 500 people each month, 70 of which receive intensive case management services. Wake County also invested funds for additional HVAC improvements and roof replacement for this building. Construction was completed in January 2011. Crosby-Garfield Electrical & Fire Alarm System Upgrade The County spent $319,674 in CDBG-R funds to upgrade the electrical and fire alarm systems at the Crosby-Garfield building, a County-owned facility located at 568 East Lenoir Street in Raleigh. The building houses various services groups that provide support, training and other services to meet the educational, developmental and social needs of families and children, including 4-H Youth Development; Learning Together, which provides, individualized services to 75 children to provide innovative and culturally diverse learning and support for children with disabilities; a Head Start daycare program for 120 children with disabilities and/or from low-income families; and Strengthening the Black Family that operates Project Direct, which is a diabetes education program that is a partnership between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the NC Department of Health and Human Services, Wake County and the local community. Wake County is also investing funds for additional improvements to this building (electrical, plumbing, interior and exterior improvements and roof replacement). Construction was completed in February 2011. 15 ASSESSMENT OF PROGRESS TOWARD ONE-YEAR GOALS From July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013, Wake County pursued its goals of expanding the housing stock available to very low-income families and revitalizing communities. The following accomplishments are summarized using the Performance Measurement and Management System framework. Activities: the programs used to serve the needs of the community Objectives: describe the purpose of the program activities Outcomes: the benefits and impacts that result from the program Indicators: benchmarks Wake County will use to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of its programs Priority Housing Needs Affordable Housing Development CDBG Funds 2012 Action Plan Indicator: New rental units constructed Total number of units: 11 o Number affordable: 11 at or below 40% MFI o Number section 504 accessible: 0 o Number of years of affordability: 20-30 CHDO HOME Funds 2012 Action Plan Indicator: New rental units constructed Total number of units: 3 o Number affordable: 3 at or below 40% MFI o Number section 504 accessible: 0 o Number of years of affordability: 20-30 2012 Progress: Three CHDO projects were completed in FY 2012 which added 36 units affordable for persons below 40% MFI with an additional 38 units affordable for persons below 60% MFI. Wake County has exceeded the match requirement for CHDO funds. Wake County loaned $159,460 in HOME CHDO funds to CASA for acquisition and renovation of a 4unit apartment building located at 214 E. Cedar St. in Cary. This will add 2 units affordable to households earning at or below 40% AMI and 2 units affordable to households earning at or below 50% AMI. This project was completed in November 2012. Wake County spent $387,360 in HOME funds ($323,360 CHDO; $64,000 HOME Match) to CASA to develop Sunnybrook Apartments, a 10-unit apartment building located in Raleigh. This complex will add 3 units for homeless individuals earning at or below 30% MFI; 7 units for individuals earning at or below 40% MFI with 5 of those targeted for veterans. This project was completed in July 2013. Wake County loaned $720,000 in HOME funds to DHIC, Inc. for permanent financing for Water Garden Village Apartments located in Raleigh. This is a 60 unit apartment complex affordable to families earning at or below 60% MFI, 9 units affordable to persons earning at or below 40% MFI and 15 units affordable to persons earning at or below 30% MFI. This project was completed in December 2012. HOME Funds 2012 Action Plan Indicator: New rental units constructed Total number of units: 21 o Number affordable: 21 at or below 40% MFI 16 o o Number section 504 accessible: 0 Number of years of affordability: 20-30 2012 Progress: Commitments have been made for 286 affordable units with 94 of these units for individuals and families below 40% MFI. Wake County has spent $880,000 in HOME funds to DHIC to develop Water Garden Park Apartments. This complex is located in Raleigh and will provide 88 units for low-income seniors. Twenty two (22) units will be for seniors earning at or below 30% of the area median income (AMI), 14 units earning at or below 40% AMI and the remaining 52 units earning at or below 60% AMI. The project is estimated for completion in December 2013. Wake County has committed $480,000 in HOME and HOPWA funds to Evergreen Construction Co., Inc. for the development of Timber Spring Apartments. This 48-unit apartment complex located in Garner will provide 12 units designated for seniors earning at or below 50% MFI, 12 units for seniors earning at or below 30% MFI and the remaining 24 units are affordable for seniors at or below 60% MFI. Three of the units will be set aside for eligible persons with acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS). Construction on this project is estimated for completion in December 2014. Wake County spent $720,000 in HOME CHDO funds to Greenway Residential Development, LLC for construction and permanent financing for Laurel Crossing Apartments located in Knightdale. This is a 60-unit apartment complex affordable to families earning at or below 60% AMI with 18 units affordable to persons earning at or below 30% MFI. The project is estimated for completion December 2013. Wake County has committed $685,000 in HOME funds to Granite Falls LLC for the development of Granite Falls Apartments located in Rolesville. This is a 72-unit apartment complex will be affordable to families earning at or below 60% MFI, 18 units affordable to families earning at or below 30% MFI. Construction on this project is estimated for completion in December 2014. Wake County has committed $500,000 ($84,000 HOME; $416,000 HOME Match) to Passage Home Inc. for the development of Coleman St. Apartments. This 18-unit apartment complex located in Raleigh provide 10 units designated for families earning at or below 80% MFI with 8 units for families earning at or below 40% MFI. Construction on this project is estimated for completion in December 2014. County Funds 2012 Action Plan Indicator: New multi-family and single family affordable housing units created Total number of units: 23 Number affordable: 23 at or below 40% MFI 2012 Progress: 76 affordable units have been added to the housing stock; 28 of these units are for individuals and families below 40% MFI. Commitments have been made for 116 affordable units with 38 of these units for individuals and families below 40% MFI. A commitment has been made to develop a 16 bed facility for transitional housing. Wake County spent $680,000 in county CIP funds to RHA Housing, Inc. for construction and permanent financing of The Woods at Avent Ferry Apartments located in Holly Springs. This 64 unit apartment complex will be for seniors earning at or below 50% MFI with 16 of the units designated for seniors earning at or below 30% MFI. This project was completed in August 2012. 17 Wake County loaned $155,424 in county CIP funds to Passage Home Inc. for refinancing and renovations to Millbrook Villas located in Raleigh. These 12 units are transitional apartments for families earning at or below 40% AMI. This project was completed in November 2012. Wake County has committed $35,000 in County CIP funds to Granite Falls LLC for the development of Granite Falls Apartments located in Rolesville. This is a 72-unit apartment complex will be affordable to families earning at or below 60% MFI, 18 units affordable to families earning at or below 30% MFI. Construction on this project is estimated for completion in December 2014. Wake County has committed $480,000 in County CIP funds to Evergreen Construction Co. for new construction and permanent financing of Poyner Spring Apartments. This 42-unit apartment complex located in Raleigh will provide affordable housing for seniors earning at or below 60% area median income (AMI); 12 units are designated for seniors earning at or below 30% AMI with 6 units designated for seniors earning at or below 50% AMI. The estimated completion date for this project is December 2013. Wake County has committed $640,000 in County CIP funds to Halcon Development LLC for the development of Holly Woods at Sunset Lake Apartments. This is a 64-unit apartment complex will be affordable to families earning at or below 60% MFI, with 17 units affordable to families earning at or below 50% MFI and 16 units affordable to families earning at or below 30% MFI. Construction on this project is estimated for completion in May 2014. Wake County has committed $400,019 in county CIP funds to CASA to develop Sunnybrook II Apartments, a 10-unit apartment building located in Raleigh. These units are for homeless, disabled individuals earning at or below 40% MFI. Veterans will be given a priority for all of the apartments. The estimated completion of this project is July 2014. Wake County has committed $450,000 in county CIP funds to SouthLight, Inc. to develop a 16-bed transitional housing development. This housing will provide comprehensive substance abuse treatment, individual and group therapy, medication management, vocational, financial and educational counseling, and referrals for mental health and physical health care. The facility will provide on-site 24/7 supervision. Patients will stay in the facility for 6-9 months. The targeted population for services is the chronically addicted adult with multiple life issues – including diagnosis of mental illness and homelessness. The estimated completion of this project is July 2014. Homeownership 2012Progress: 9 homes have been sold to low-income first time homebuyers. 10 homes for low-income homebuyers are under construction. 13 lots are under contract for development. Wake County is continuing efforts in the redevelopment area in Fuquay-Varina, Wake County contracted with Builders of Hope and Habitat for Humanity. They have built and sold 11 homes to low-income first time homebuyers (5 sold this Fiscal Year). Two additional homes are under construction. There are 5 remaining lots for homes to be built and sold. Wake County spent $158,400 in HOME funds for Habitat to purchase 4 lots in Morrisville to build single family homes. The homes were sold for around $120,000 to low-income families who earn 25% - 60% of area median income. All the homes were sold by November 2012. Wake County committed $229,000 in HOME funds and $219,000 in CDBG funds to Habitat for land acquisition and construction of White Oak Villas, a 16 unit residential subdivision in Apex. The homes will be affordable to low-income families earning 25% - 60% of area median income. Eight 18 homes are currently under construction and scheduled for closing in September 2013. The remaining 8 homes are scheduled to be completed by June 2014. Priority Homeless Needs County Funds 2012 Action Plan Indicator: 12 families will obtain permanent housing through the Support Circle Program 80 Rental Subsidies for persons with a mental illness 2012 Progress: Funding was provided for a Coordinator position for the Support Circles Program. This program assisted 12 homeless families to obtain permanent housing. Wake County Supportive Housing administers 272 vouchers for individuals who are homeless and disabled. (220 Shelter + Care; 52 County funded) Other Homeless services provided: 277 Homeless participants received services through Project Homeless Connect held in Raleigh January 25, 2013. 15,112 households received funds to assist with utility bills and avoid disconnection of services through Wake County’s Emergency Assistance Program. 137 men (116 unduplicated) were employed through the Homeless Employment Program. 1,791 men were served at the South Wilmington Street Center. Support Circles In 2007 as part of the 10-year Plan to End Homelessness, Wake County partnered with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh to fund a coordinator position for the Support Circles program. This program matches support circles from faith communities with homeless individuals & families who are ready to leave the shelter and live independently. For fiscal year 2012-2013, 12 families obtained permanent housing through this program serving 13 adults and 26 children. The total served for this CAPER period is 55 families that included 64 adults and 132 children. 2012-2013 Project Homeless Connect (PHC) On January 25, 2013, Raleigh’s PHC hosted 277 homeless participants who had access to a menu of 70 services provided by 50 agencies/programs. This annual event is part of a national effort to provide one-stop assistance to homeless people. This was the fifth year for it to be held in the Wake County at the South Wilmington Street Center (SWSC). Services included legal services, housing and employment assistance, health and behavioral health care and assistance in completing applications for mainstream benefits. Participants also received haircuts, showers, coats, personal care gift bags and lunch. Approximately 25 volunteers assisted service providers in connecting with homeless guests. According to surveys collected 1,284 service connections were made. 2012-2013 Preventing Homelessness Through the Wake County Emergency Assistance Program, using a combination of Federal and local emergency funds, Wake County Human Services assisted 15,112 households to avoid housing emergencies by paying utility bills and avoid disconnection of services. These funds are available to households with incomes below 150% of the poverty level. The South Wilmington Street Center This is the largest of the city's eight homeless shelters. Between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013, Wake County served 1791 men, with a total of 87,512 overnight stays and 117,660 meals. Homeless Employment Program Through coordination with Wake Technical Community College and local employers, job skills training classes are offered to homeless people from the South Wilmington St. Center and Cornerstone Day Services Center. The program provides basic job skills training to participants, and then places the participants with local business partners for job training internships. The internships 19 allow the participants to develop skills in specific trades, which they can use to secure permanent employment, either with the business partner or elsewhere. Participants receive partial payment during internships (payment is also made by the employer). A key to securing permanent housing is being able to pay for it. The employment program assists homeless, unemployed persons take the first step toward being self-sufficient and permanently housed. This program began in 2010, and has assisted 137 (116 unduplicated) men this year. Update on Continuum of Care The Wake Continuum of Care (CoC), also known as the Partnership to End Homelessness, is a planning and action group made up of nonprofit housing service providers and government agency representatives. Its primary focus is to deliver housing and support services to homeless persons. The group meets bi-monthly in an effort to combat and eliminate homelessness and create a seamless, integrated system of housing and support services that minimizes gaps in service for all who are homeless. The CoC was formed in 1995 to develop, analyze and strengthen Wake County’s homeless care system. The group’s goals are twofold: to provide a balance of emergency, transitional, and permanent housing, and to develop services so homeless persons and families can make the critical transition from the streets to housing, jobs and self-sufficiency. The group identifies gaps, sets priorities and prepares the annual HUD SuperNOFA Continuum of Care grant application to HUD for funds to address homeless populations. In fall 2006, the Wake County Continuum of Care became a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization. This allows it to raise funds to support a computerized Homeless Management Information System and to be its own fiduciary agent for management of the funds. In January 2013, the Continuum of Care conducted a Point in Time count of the homeless and underhoused population in Wake County. The results are as follows: 2013 Point in Time Survey of Homeless Persons in Wake County Total Homeless people during Point-in-Time Survey Homeless people staying in temporary shelter Homeless Homeless Homeless Homeless people without shelter (i.e. on the streets) people in families (including children) children individuals (not in families) Homeless children (not in families) Homeless people who are victims of domestic violence Chronically homeless people Homeless with a substance abuse problem Homeless Veterans Homeless with mental illness Source: Wake Continuum of Care 1,098 1002 96 281 173 813 4 229 140 370 203 160 During FY 2012, Wake County’s Continuum of Care had four working planning committees. Descriptions of the committees and their work follow: 1. Centralized Intake (CI) Workgroup – This workgroup is charged with the implementation of Coordinated Assessment. Directors of the two CoC agencies which sponsor CI, along with representatives from the County, the CoC and nonprofits meet to revise policies and procedures based on feedback from partners, data collected from daily operations and insights from the program coordinator. CI was launched in our community in May 2012, focusing on single women and families. In 2013, CI will expand to include men. This group is coordinating the expansion effort, and they also work to address resource challenges. System-wide coordinated intake to 20 enhance services delivered to clients and target program assistance where it can be most effective is our goal. 2. Employment and Education Committee – This committee is made up of service providers from CoC member agencies who work to increase opportunities for job training, seek avenues to address clients’ employability issues, improve awareness and access to community employment resources, and develop activities to meet 10-year plan objectives for employment. The team builds relationships between local businesses and service agencies to enhance opportunities for client employment. Collaborations include: sponsoring reverse job fairs to introduce qualified and screened candidates to hiring businesses, conducting employment resource fairs at Homeless Connect & Stand Down events, sponsoring staff training to educate CoC member staff on federal/state hiring incentives, and promoting our work at Chamber sponsored business expos. 3. Executive Director’s Advisory Council – This advisory council is composed of the executive directors who lead the efforts of the CoC agencies working to address homelessness. This council was developed to foster improved collaboration between the CoC at large and agencies charged with making the system changes & achieving the desired outcomes to meet the goals of our 10 -year plan. This collaborative participation is a key component to the successful implementation of needed changes. Because each member is intimately familiar with the front line work performed with and on behalf of citizens experiencing homelessness, recommendations from this group are integral to the decision-making of the Board. The CoC’s executive director convenes the group and facilitates their discussions. 4. Government Resources Committee – This committee consists of representatives from the County, the Partnership and nonprofits- both those who receive federal funds & those who do not. This group completes HUD and other government funding applications. It makes recommendations to the Board and keeps member agencies informed of best practices, enhancing the Continuum's effort to provide coordinated services & monitor the success of these efforts. The group designs and maintains standard outcomes and submission standards for programs applying for funds through the CoC. It collects and analyzes data from APRs, PIT counts and Project Homeless Connect events. This group is also charged with the implementation and management of our HMIS system, providing accurate data to support the CoC. In March 2013 the Wake County Continuum of Care received $2,497,559 from the Continuum of Care Grant [U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) ]. These funds will be used for the following: Carolina Homeless Information Network received $76,682 in Continuum of Care Program (COC) homeless assistance funds. These funds provide technical support for Wake County’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), a database shared by homeless provider agencies. CASA, Inc., a Raleigh-based nonprofit, received $51,783 in COC funds. These are renewal funds for the operation of Harrington Place, a residence for formerly homeless individuals. CASA, Inc., a Raleigh-based nonprofit, received $87,880 in COC funds for Oak Hollow, an apartment complex that houses homeless families with disabilities. CASA, Inc., a Raleigh-based nonprofit received $192,594 in COC funds to provide housing and support services for persons who are homeless with serious mental illness. Haven House, Inc., a Raleigh-based nonprofit received $50,000 in COC funds for “Pregnant and Parenting” program to provide housing and support services for homeless youth. . 21 Passage Home, Inc., a Raleigh-based nonprofit, received $202,932 in COC funds for Ruth’s House permanent housing. This program provides permanent housing to formerly homeless families and single women who have graduated from Passage Home’s transitional housing programs. Passage Home, Inc., a Raleigh-based nonprofit, received $209,671 in COC funds for “Essential Services” to assist homeless families including ex-offenders and to obtain permanent housing, increase life skills and income and to help families achieve greater self determination and self sufficiency. Wake County Human Services received $1,187,875 in renewal funds for its Shelter Plus Care (S+C) rental subsidy program for single adults with severe and persistent mental illness and/or co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse issues. Wake County Human Services received $220,238 in COC funds for psychiatric outreach, treatment and support services. This program provides psychiatric services to homeless individuals with a serious mental illness served by the agency’s Community Outreach Team. Wake County Human Services received $217,904 in additional funds for its Shelter Plus Care (S+C) rental subsidy program for single adults with severe and persistent mental illness and/or co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse issues. 2013-2014 Continuum of Care Application The Wake Continuum of Care will apply for FY 2013-14 funds to continue current programs and to obtain additional funds for the development of permanent housing units and accompanying support services for homeless persons who are disabled. The Continuum of Care will submit an application in response to the HUD SuperNOFA in summer 2013. Support Circles Wake County provides funds for a full-time Support Circle coordinator for homeless people who are a part of the County-wide Support Circles program. This program pairs homeless individuals and families with a support group (Circle) comprised of members of a sponsoring congregation. The Circle supports the family as it works toward independence. Support Circles has served 74 families since it started in July 2006. 178 of the people served are children. Fifty-five of the families have obtained permanent housing. There are 16 active Support Circles. Priority Non-Homeless Housing Homeowners Rehabilitation- Objective: Decent Housing 2012 Action Plan Indicator: Total number of units to be rehabilitated: 75 units Number affordable: 75 units Number improved from a substandard condition: 10 units 2012 Progress: Wake County implemented a new Elderly & Disabled Rehabilitation Program in 2011. This program provides up to $15,000 in grant funds for elderly (62 and older) and disabled persons earning at or below 40 % AMI. Modest repairs are done for mobility and retrofits related to health and safety issues. For properties testing positive for lead based paint, an additional $10,000 is available for clearance/abatement. This improves the quality of the home so that the client can maintain a safe, healthy and decent lifestyle. This program does not require the applicant to be the homeowner. However, the landlord must comply with the terms of the grant. A total of 75 homes were repaired and improved to make them safe, healthy and economical to live in through our Rehabilitation Loan Program, the Emergency Grant Program and the Elderly & Disabled Program. 22 9 emergency repairs were completed through our Emergency Grant Program. Emergency grants are a maximum of $5,000 and address immediate health and safety risks for very low-income homeowners. Clients for this program are low-income and typically elderly. 66 Elderly & Disabled persons were assisted with repairs to their homes. 36 of the rehabilitated properties were tested for Lead Based Paint. Abatement and clearance testing was completed on 15 properties. Priority Community Development Needs These activities are based upon requests submitted by the towns working with their low-income communities. Housing and Community Revitalization staff reviewed the projects to ensure that: They would benefit low-income families They were an eligible Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) expense, according to the US Dept. of HUD regulations Alternative funds are not available to fund the project 2012 Progress: The Salvation Army completed their new facility which will increase their services to the community and their emergency shelter for women and children. 2,900 lf. of sidewalk was constructed to provide low-income communities safe pedestrian access. Commitments have been made for an additional 9,767 lf. of sidewalks. 2700 lf. of road improvements were completed which will improve access to a school, a park and community center. Commitments have been made for an additional 1,666 lf. of road improvements and water lines throughout Wake County. The children’s playground at Knightdale Community Park will open in August 2013. Renovations were completed to a community center in the Town of Wake Forest. Amendment to the 2010 Action Plan-Advertised June 28, 2010 Wake County spent $500,000 in CDBG funds for the Salvation Army to renovate a larger building they had purchased. They provide an array of service programs for fragile families and provide emergency shelter for women and children. This new facility enables them to expand services and increase the shelter from 34 beds to 92. This is a significant expansion in the County’s network of homeless services. This project was accepted and approved outside of the normal public facility process. It was completed in July 2012. 2011 Action Plan Wake County spent $208,000 in CDBG funds for 1250 lf. of resurfacing and street improvements to School Street in the Town of Rolesville. The street is adjacent to Rolesville Elementary School and is the route to five homes inhabited by low and moderate-income residents. The project provided funds for partial street resurfacing and asphalt paving of the dirt portion of the road that leads to and borders the homes. The new road allows emergency vehicles to safely access the homes and improve ingress and egress for residents. This project completed in November 2012. Indicator: 5 families have access to street improvements. Wake County spent $346,693 in CDBG funds for 1,450 lf. of roadway, and installation of 2,900 lf. of curb and gutter, as well as the installation of sidewalks on both sides of the street on Barbee Road and Fiona Circle in the Town of Morrisville. These improvements enhanced the quality of life for the 14 families living along one of the few unpaved roads remaining in Morrisville. It also creates a safe continuous pedestrian connection to the Shiloh Community Park and ball field, Luther Green Center, and Shiloh Baptist Church, all of which are within half a mile of the project area. This project was completed in June 2013. Indicator: 14 families have access to sidewalks and street improvements. 23 Wake County spent $192,240 in CDBG funds for construction of a playground on First Avenue in the Town of Knightdale. The playground was designed to replicate the history of Knightdale and features play structures that mimic farm, railroad and natural structures. The new park includes a farmers’ market plaza, walking trail, and community garden. This project was completed in December 2012. Indicator: 800 families will benefit from playground improvements. Wake County spent $165,000 in CDBG funds to the Town of Wake Forest to assist with renovation and additional construction of the Alston-Massenburg Center. The renovations increased the size of the facility by 1,350 square feet to a total of 4,250 square feet. The Alston-Massenburg Center serves 800 neighborhood families offering programs for children and adults including: acting classes, theatrical performances, art, dance, yoga, pilates, zumba, various types of musical instruction, photography, computer learning, and one day special workshops. This project was completed in September 2012. Indicator: 800 neighborhood families will benefit. 2012 Action Plan Wake County has committed $208,000 in CDBG funds for construction of 1622 lf. of sidewalk along Smithfield Road in Knightdale. This project will connect existing segments of sidewalk to enable residents of a low-income community to access commercial development and civic uses (Knightdale Town Hall and Library.) The estimated completion date for this project is May 2014. Indicator: 190 families will have access to sidewalk improvements Wake County has committed $156,800 in CDBG funds for upgrading water lines along Cherry and Conover Streets in the Town of Fuquay Varina. This is considered a public safety issue where inadequate pressure and volume of water is not being provided to the existing residents. These improvements will contribute to previous efforts in the Consolidated School Development Area to improve the area as a safe place to live. The estimated completion date for this project is September 2013. Indicator: 35 families will have new access to water line upgrades Wake County has committed $164,800 in CDBG funds for 2800 lf. of sidewalk improvements to Forest Ridge Road and Foxwood Drive in the Town of Garner. This project will provide pedestrian connections between a residential neighborhood, Garner Magnet High School and neighborhood retail stores and offices. The estimated completion date for this project is December 2013. Indicator: 221 families will have new access to sidewalk improvements Wake County has committed $158,480 in CDBG funds to construct 1575 lf. of sidewalk along Shepard School Road in the Town of Zebulon. The sidewalk will connect the Zebulon Middle School to the newly constructed Zebulon Boys and Girls Club (funded partially with Wake County FY 2011 CDBG funds). The sidewalk will allow children to travel safely on foot from one building to the other along a busy thoroughfare. The project will benefit the quality of life and provide a low-and moderate-income neighborhood with an adequate sidewalk where none is currently present. The estimated completion date for this project is May 2014. Indicator: 100 families will have access to a new sidewalk connecting Zebulon Middle School and Zebulon Boys and Girls Club Wake County has committed $163,600 in CDBG funds for drainage improvements to Anderson Street which is currently a dirt road in the Town of Wendell. Rains flood the road and residential properties adjacent to the road. Existing rip rap is not adequate to contain the effects of the flooding. This project will improve the neighborhood. The estimated completion date for this project is November 2013. Indicator: 20 families will benefit from drainage improvements 24 Wake County has committed $60,400 in CDBG funds to construct approximately 1200 lf. of sidewalk along a portion of Wendell Boulevard. There are existing intermittent portions of sidewalk, and the new improvements will connect an assisted living facility and a residential neighborhood with downtown Wendell. The estimated completion date for this project is November 2013. Indicator: 70+ families and residents of an assisted living facility will have access to a new sidewalk connecting their neighborhoods with downtown Wendell 2013 Action Plan Wake County has committed $347,255 in CDBG funds to widen and resurface 1016 lf. of roadway and install curb gutter and 920 lf. of sidewalk along Second St. in Apex to connect Lynch Street to Harwood Street. This connection will provide sidewalk access from Second Street via West Street to West Street Park, a Town of Apex public park. The connection will also provide access to the Harwood Street sidewalk, which is part of the American Tobacco Trail greenway route. The Second Street project will tie together three previous CDBG street improvement projects: Lynch Street, Harwood Street, and West Street. The estimated completion date for this project is August 2014. Indicator: 40 households will have access to road, sidewalk improvements, and West Street Park Wake County has committed $302,880 in CDBG funds for construction of 1650 lf. of sidewalk, curb and gutter along Main Street in the Town of Knightdale. The project will close a 0.2 mile gap through Old Town Knightdale between sidewalks under construction along both First Avenue and Smithfield Road. In keeping with the adopted Old Town Small Area Plan, the sidewalk will provide residents of the Old Town neighborhood a safe local route along Main Street – a local collector and thru street – to access the other facilities that provide pedestrian routes to area recreation and commerce destinations. These destinations include the new Knightdale Community Park on First Avenue as well as the Knightdale Crossing and Lowe’s Home Improvement shopping centers along North Smithfield Road. The estimated completion date for this project is July 2014. Indicator: 150 households will have access to sidewalk improvements Wake County has committed $167,040 in CDBG funds for the paving of Anderson Street in The Town of Wendell (650 lf.), which is currently a dirt road, and installation of a sidewalk, curb and gutter. Last year, CDBG funds were used for drainage improvements along Anderson Street to stop the excessive flooding of the road and adjacent properties during rain. The estimated completion date for this project is May 2014. Indicator: 20 families will benefit from the road paving IMPEDIMENTS TO FAIR HOUSING & ACTIONS TO OVERCOME THEM Wake County contracted with WFN, Inc. to complete a comprehensive Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice for Wake County. The final report was completed in April 2011. It identified 4 primary impediments with recommendations to overcome these issues. 1. Expansion of Public Transportation – Increase Accessibility and Availability Wake County participated in the Morrisville transportation study. The Town of Morrisville is planning several rail stations that will link proposed service between Durham and Raleigh. Morrisville is planning transit oriented development around its stations that will include a mixture of commercial, residential, and institutional uses. Morrisville desires to include affordable housing as a component of the residential mix. Residents of the immediate and surrounding area will benefit from an alternative transportation mode, and people without cars will have an additional transportation choice. 2. Lack of Public Education/NIMBYism Wake County HCR tries to educate the public wherever possible about the benefits of 25 affordable housing and to combat negative assumptions. We work with advocates who speak in public, for example, The Partnership to End Homelessness, Congregations for Social Justice, and others who garnered citizen support for a City of Raleigh Affordable Housing Bond. Though NIMBYism continues to exist, Wake County will continue our efforts to address this impediment. Wake County held a Fair Housing Training on July 10, 2012 for about 40 participants that included property managers and social workers for the Targeting Program. 3. Expansion of Affordable Housing Choices Wake County affirmatively furthers fair housing by providing choice to consumers. The County subsidizes a variety of types of housing in locations throughout the County. Wake County partners with lenders to finance apartments for low-income families in most of the municipalities. Developers, using County and federal housing funds, have built apartment complexes in Apex, Cary, Fuquay-Varina, Garner, Knightdale, Wendell, Wake Forest, Raleigh and Zebulon. Financing apartment complexes throughout the County gives families a choice of where they want to live rather than limiting them to one part of the County. Wake County funded developments in Rolesville, Garner and Holly Springs. These communities have less affordable housing than the County average. 4. Infrastructure and available developable land Wake County is willing to provide deeper subsidies for affordable housing in areas where land cost is high. AFFORDABLE HOUSING ACTIONS FOR EXTREMELY LOW & LOW TO MODERATE INCOME ACTIONS TAKEN AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS TO MEET WORST CASE AND UNDERSERVED NEEDS Homeowner Rehabilitation - CDBG Funds Emergency Grant Program Wake County Housing and Community Revitalization has an Emergency Rehabilitation Grant Program. This program responds to immediate health and safety risks of very low-income citizens in Wake County. The program targets those earning at or below 40% of Median Family Income. The program helps homeowners, who otherwise could not afford repairs for urgent needs, to stay in their homes. It also helps preserve the affordable housing stock of Wake County. The maximum grant is $5,000. Eligible repairs are: Structural components that show signs of imminent collapse Inoperable HVAC Electrical hazards that pose a fire safety risk Failing septic systems, upon referral by Wake County Environmental Services Unhealthy water wells or failing water well pumps upon referral by Wake County Environmental Services A total of 9 emergency grants were completed in FY12. The repairs totaled $32,233. The average grant amount was $3,581. Nine homeowners now live in safer housing. A list of participants is included in Attachment B. Elderly & Disabled Housing Rehabilitation Program Wake County implemented a new program “The Elderly & Disabled Housing Rehabilitation Program” for FY 2011. This program is designed help elderly (persons 62 and older) and disabled individuals or families to improve the quality of their home. The program targets those earning at or below 26 40% of Median Family Income. It provides an avenue for elderly and disabled families/individuals to get needed repairs to their home in order to maintain a safe, healthy and decent lifestyle. The maximum grant is $15,000. For properties testing positive for lead based paint, an additional $10,000 is available for clearance/abatement. The client doesn’t have to be the owner of the home; however there are additional terms for investor properties. A total of 66 Elderly & Disabled grants were completed in FY12. The repairs totaled $893,569. The average grant amount was $13,539. Sixty six elderly or disabled people now live in safer housing. A list of participants is included in Attachment B. Rehabilitation Loan Program Housing rehabilitation loans are available to low-income homeowners. This program enables families to stay in their homes. Without these major repairs, it may become necessary for homeowners to abandon their homes and make alternate living arrangements. There is a chance that some might become homeless. The repairs are necessary to make the house safer and energy efficient, therefore more affordable. The rehabilitation of homes also preserves the low-income homeowner’s asset. In FY 2012-13 Wake County did not complete any Rehabilitation Loan projects. Number of Section 215 housing opportunities created: Wake County spent $387,360 in HOME funds ($323,360 CHDO; $64,000 HOME Match) to CASA to develop Sunnybrook Apartments, a 10-unit apartment building located in Raleigh. This complex will add 3 units for homeless individuals earning at or below 30% MFI; 7 units for individuals earning at or below 40% MFI with 5 of those targeted for veterans. This project was completed in July 2013. New Affordable Housing HOME Funds for Fiscal Year 2013 Wake County will release a “Request for Proposals” in in order to select projects for expenditure of the funds for fiscal year 2013. CIP Funds for Fiscal Year 2013 For fiscal year 2013 Wake County Commissioners budgeted $830,000 of County Capital Improvements Plan funding to help foster new affordable housing opportunities. Wake County will release two “Request for Proposals” in fiscal year 2013 in order to select projects for expenditure of the funds. FOSTER AND MAINTAIN AFFORDABLE HOUSING Wake County used $1,290,879 for costs associated with the 66 Elderly & Disabled projects and 9 Emergency repairs. Wake County has conducted on-site monitoring visits to ensure that the developments we fund continue to be safe, decent and affordable. These visits included desk reviews and physical inspections. From October 2012 through June 2013, 33 HOME developments were monitored (See Attachment C) along with 26 County housing developments and CDBG projects. Overall there were only minor repairs that needed to be addressed. Vacancy rates at the developments funded by Wake County are minimal. Wake County also conducted additional monitoring visits for CDBG funded projects, County funded developments and contract agencies that provide housing vouchers and supportive services (this includes HOPWA). This is to ensure that the funds are used appropriately and the clients are served in accordance to our agreements. We also provide technical assistance in record keeping and reporting. Overall the agencies providing assistance are doing a great job. 27 ELIMINATE BARRIERS TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING The Wake County Supportive Housing Program has a renter education program called the “Ready to Rent” program. This program targets families and individuals at or below 80% MFI with poor credit, rental history and criminal issues. Class topics include how to be a successful renter, restoring credit, home maintenance and money management. Participants who complete the 12 hour series receive a certificate of completion and are referred to landlords who partner with the “Ready to Rent” program. Participants who are not linked with case management services work with RTR casemanagers for a short period of time to assist with housing and other needs. In FY 2012-13, 12 sessions of the “Ready to Rent Program” were taught, there were a total of 122 participants registered with 85% graduating. In order to expand classes throughout the community, we partner with agencies by holding classes for their clients. We have partnered with Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network, Raleigh Rescue Mission, South Wilmington Street Men’s Shelter and the Women’s Prison. Facilitate PHA participation/role One of Wake County’s Deputy County Managers is a member of the Wake County Housing Authority Board of Directors. He is an active member of the board and attends the Wake County Housing Authority board meetings. REDUCE LEAD BASED PAINT HAZARDS Wake County adheres to HUD guidelines regulating the presence of lead paint in federally funded rehabilitation projects. All single-family dwellings built prior to 1978 have lead paint risk assessments, abatement and clearance tests (if LBP hazards are present) performed by a certified private firm. All contractors bidding on rehabilitation work with the County must possess Lead Safe Work Practices Training. Projects that require abatement activities are bid out only to contractors certified for that type of work. Certification involves a more intensive and comprehensive training for the removal or encapsulation of lead hazards. Wake County spent $92,160 in CDBG funds for leadbased paint risk assessments, abatement and clearance testing on 36 homes in FY 2012, a list of the expenses relating to lead-based paint hazards is included in Attachment B. REDUCE POVERTY Wake County promotes supportive housing as a way to reduce poverty. Supportive housing is housing with services. This allows individuals and families with special needs to live independently in the community. This in turn, enables them to have a stable base from which to gain employment, education and other services. The following supportive housing projects were funded in FY12. Scattered site supportive housing - Wake County provides 52 housing vouchers for homeless and disabled persons. Administrative funding for the Support Circles Coordinator position. Wake County administers 220 HUD vouchers for people who are homeless & disabled (this includes Shelter Plus Care and Housing First). ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH PROGRAM AND PLANNING REQUIREMENTS All recipients of funds contracted with Wake County are held accountable for the conditions within each contract. Wake County HCR’s staff is responsible for ensuring compliance for the loan terms. An employee is designated to monitor HOME, CDBG, CIP and HOPWA projects for compliance. The annual monitoring includes file documentation and physical inspections. When issues arise, we provide technical 28 assistance to the recipient and follow up on all findings. In fiscal year 2012, monitoring was completed on 33 HOME projects, 26 CIP and CDBG projects. Attachment C provides a list of the HOME projects monitored this past year. RACIAL AND ETHNIC DATA FOR PERSONS ASSISTED The following chart summarizes the projects completed and persons assisted with Wake County’s CDBG, HOME and CIP funds in FY 2012: Housing Projects # Units Water Garden Village Apts. 60 CASA - 214 E. Cedar St. 4 Sunnybrook Apts. 10 Millbrook Villas 12 Woods at Avent Ferry Apts. 64 FV Redevelopment-Homeownership 6 Emergency Rehabilitation Grants 9 Elderly & Disabled Grants 66 Black 63% 100% 70% 83% 33.5% 63% 44.5% 59% White 27% Asian 2% Hispanic 5% Other 3% 10% 20% 17% 33.5% 33% 37% 11% 2% 44.5% 39% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% *other includes vacant units Public Facilities Projects # Households Black Knightdale Playground 800 25.5% The Salvation Army (1st day) 42 71% Morrisville-Barbee Rd & Fiona Cir. 14 17% Rolesville-School St. Improvements 5 19% Alston-Massenburg Center 800 30% White Asian 46.5% 2% 7% 45% 37% 78% 1% 64% 1% Hispanic 20% 22% 1% 3% Other 6% 1% 1% 3% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES WITH M/WBE’S Wake County completes form HUD-2516 at the end of the federal fiscal year. This report was submitted on October 15, 2012. Our contracts contain language that specifies all projects be affirmatively marketed for M/WBE. LEVERAGING OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE FUNDS Program/Project Emergency Repair Program Elderly & Disabled Program The Salvation Army Alston-Massenburg Center Knightdale Playground Morrisville-Barbee Rd & Fiona Cir. Rolesville-School St. Improvements TOTALS CDBG Funds $32,233 $893,569 $500,000 $165,000 $192,240 $346,741 $65,690 $2,195,473 HOME Funds $0 $0 $0 County Funds $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Other Funds Leveraged $0 $1,825 $5,855,784 $540,000 $340,112 $286,547 $47,970 $7,072,238 The Homeless Employment Program partners with Wake Technical Community College to provide free classes to homeless residents of the South Wilmington Street Center. South Wilmington Street Center Wake County used $100,000 (FY12-13) of Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) funds from the City of Raleigh to support the operations at the South Wilmington Street Center (SWSC). The SWSC 29 provided emergency and transitional shelter to 1,791 different homeless men during the last fiscal year. The County used the ESG funds for supplies, linens, and food services at the SWSC. Wake County did not charge ESG any administrative fees or service costs. All ESG funds were used for Food Service Operations. Wake County used $2,138,941 of County funds to operate the SWSC in the reporting year as a match to the ESG funds. We also received $39,824 of State funds to assist in the SWSC operations. The total operation cost for the SWSC for 2012-2013 Fiscal Year was $2,138,941. SUMMARY OF CITIZEN’S COMMENTS The availability of the CAPER was advertised in local newspapers, The News and Observer, a widely distributed general public newspaper, The Carolinian, a local newspaper targeting Wake County's AfricanAmerican community and Que Pasa, a local newspaper targeting Wake County's Hispanic community. It was also posted on Wake County’s website. Citizen comments are included in the section entitled “Citizen Comments” located on the last page of this report before the attachments (page 48). ANALYSIS OF PROGRESS TOWARDS FIVE-YEAR GOALS The following chart measures our progress toward the five year goals identified in the 2010 – 2015 Consolidated Plan. This is the 3rd year for the plan. We are on track for producing rental units and have already exceeded the goals for providing assistance to low income families with vouchers, home repairs and to become 1st time homebuyers. Housing Needs 2010-2015 UNITS CONSOLIDATED PLAN GOALS PLANNED Rental units <40% MFI Rental units 41% - 60% MFI Homeless and Non-homeless with Special Needs (includes elderly <40% MFI) Homeless and Non-homeless with Special Needs (includes elderly 41%-60% MFI) Total Rental units 500 Vouchers 200 Home Rehabilitation/Emergency Grants 50 Elderly & Disabled Grants 0 Homes built & sold to Low income families 0 UNITS TO DATE 99 138 CURRENT COMMITMENTS 78 199 116 70 160 513 272 74 88 23 118 465 23 Non-Housing Community Development Needs Community development activities include public facilities improvements and rehabilitation of buildings used for a public purpose. These activities are often the cornerstone of neighborhood revitalization efforts. Without adequate infrastructure, it is impossible to build quality affordable housing. Requests listed in the 5 Year Strategic Plan were received through community meetings held throughout the county, from non-profit organizations and town planners. The listing of the requests in the Strategic Plan is not a guarantee of funding. The projects will be funded in the one-year Action Plans. The projects were reviewed to ensure that: They would benefit low-income families They were an eligible Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) expense, according to the US Dept. of HUD regulations Alternative funds are not available to fund the project 30 Town Infrastructure Requests 2010-2015 Wake County Consolidated Plan Town Project Estimated Cost First St. Improvements: widen/resurface roadway, install curb, gutter, sidewalk Upgrade of water lines-Cherry & Fuquay-Varina Conover Sts. Garner Main St. Sidewalk Garner Benson Rd. Sidewalk New Rand Rd. Improvements Garner (widen, install curb, gutter & sidewalk, improve drainage) Drainage Improvements near Garner Meadowbrook Dr./Cason St. Apex Maximum Required # of CDBG Match Families Contribution (20%) Assisted $425,334 $340,267 $85,067 100 $209,199 $167,359 $41,840 $135,000 $100,000 $108,000 $80,000 $27,000 $20,000 $725,000 $580,000 $145,000 $60,000 $48,000 $12,000 4 $1,800,000 $300,000 $1,500,000 46/day 34 17 170 11 Knightdale Mingo Creek Greenway Knightdale Flowers St. Sidewalk $115,000 $92,000 $23,000 Knightdale Railroad St. Sidewalk $290,000 $200,772 $50,193 24 32 $502,563 $331,692 $170,871 14 $283,668 $226,934 $56,734 12 $250,965 $200,772 $50,193 $75,000 $60,000 $15,000 23 70 $743,422 $594,738 $148,684 25 $342,182 $273,746 $68,436 100+ Morrisville Morrisville Morrisville Wendell Zebulon Zebulon Barbee Rd./Fiona Cir. Road Paving and Sidewalks Church St. Sidewalk (btwn. Barbee Rd. and Weaver Forest Way) Church St.-Sidewalk (btwn. Cedar Fork Elem. And Park Place) Sidewalk on Wendell Blvd. Mack Todd Rd.-Storm Drainage Improvements Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter Zebulon Children’s Playground Improvements Total Infrastructure Requests $6,057,333 $3,635,508 $2,421,825 682 Projects Completed Town Garner Apex Wendell Apex Zebulon Zebulon Raleigh Morrisville Rolesville Knightdale CDBG Funds Activity Broughton, Powell & Avery Sts. West St. Total Homeless Employment Program East Wake Education Foundation 1st St. Playground Boys & Girls Cl8ubs of Wake County The Salvation Army Total Fiona Circle & Barbee Rd. School St. Playground 31 $126,051 $288,401 Funding Year Annual Totals 2009 2009 $414,452 $5,350 $54,910 $340,267 $273,746 $550,000 $500,000 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 $1,724,364 $346,693 $86,310 $192,240 2011 2011 2011 Town CDBG Funds Activity Wake Forest Alston Massenburg Center Homeless Employment Program Total Homeless Employment Program Total $165,000 $91 Funding Year Annual Totals 2011 2011 $790,334 $100,646 2012 $100,646 ANALYSIS OF SUCCESSESS AND FAILURES AND ACTIONS TAKEN TO IMPROVE PROGRAMS This is the third reporting year in our Five-Year Consolidated Plan. We have made progress towards our goals. Housing Developments Wake County conducted on-site monitoring visits for 59 developments and other projects from October 2012 through June 2013. These visits included desk reviews and physical inspections. There were some projects that needed technical assistance and follow up monitoring. Over all the projects and developments, there were only minor issues that needed to be addressed. As of June 30, 2013 all the corrections have been completed. Vacancy rates at the developments funded by Wake County are minimal. For vacancies, the on-site managers adhere to Wake County’s Affirmative Marketing Plan (Attachment D). In some cases, we refer them to Wake County’s Supportive Housing Team or other agencies that may be able to assist in filling the vacant units. Public Facilities Projects Wake County HCR partners with the Wake County Department of Facilities and Design to assist in coordinating all infrastructure and public facility projects. Together our expertise and experience in coordinating the projects helps to resolve any issues that may arise. We contract with an engineering firm for design and project management of the public facilities projects. The firm provides cost estimates, develops project design, implements and oversees construction for all our public facility and infrastructure projects. This in-house approach to the engineering of our projects provides consistency and continuity in working with different towns in the entitlement communities. This process is an improvement on how our projects are developed, planned, and carried out for more uniformity and consistency. All towns are required to provide 20% of the project budget in cash to leverage the CDBG funds budgeted for public facility projects in their municipality. The match is paid up front before the project begins construction. Project Homeless Connect (PHC) This event is part of a national effort to provide one-stop assistance to homeless people. This was the sixth year that this annual event has been held in Wake County. This event was held in conjunction with our Point-in-Time Count where volunteers go out to homeless camps and get a headcount of the homeless individuals and families living in Wake County. 32 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM (CDBG) RELATIONSHIP OF EXPENDITURES TO PRIORITY NEEDS The Consolidated Plan is a 5-year plan for the years beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2015. It identifies community needs and lists spending priorities for meeting those needs. The Annual Action Plan is a 1-year plan that sets annual goals. These goals are the stepping-stones to meet the needs identified in the 5-year Consolidated Plan. The following is a summary of Wake County’s annual accomplishments according to the Performance Measurement and Management System described in the Consolidated Plan. Priority Housing Needs Homeowners Indicator: Owner occupied units rehabilitated or improved Total number of units to be rehabilitated: 75 units Progress: 9 Emergency repairs were completed through our Emergency Grant Program. 66 Elderly and/or disabled people were assisted through our Elderly & Disabled Grant Program. 15 of the Elderly & Disabled Program properties included Lead Based Paint abatement. Homes were sold to 6 first-time, low-income home buyers. The Emergency Grant Program assists homeowners with emergency repairs. The grants are a maximum of $5,000 and address immediate health and safety risks for very low-income homeowners. Clients for this program are low-income and typically elderly and/or disabled. The Elderly & Disabled Grant Program assists qualified individuals and families with eligible repairs related to health and safety. The grants are a maximum of $15,000. For properties testing positive for lead based paint, an additional $10,000 is available for clearance/abatement. The applicants do not have to be the homeowner. However, there are additional terms for investors (landlords). The Rehabilitation Loan Program helps low-income families improve the quality of their homes. This program offers low interest amortized loans. Through this program, families have an affordable way to repair their homes and maintain a safe, healthy and decent lifestyle. Wake County adheres to HUD guidelines regulating the presence of lead paint in federally funded rehabilitation projects. All single-family dwellings built prior to 1978 have lead paint risk assessments, abatement and clearance tests (if LBP hazards are present) performed by a certified private firm. Wake County is continuing efforts in the redevelopment area in Fuquay-Varina, Wake County contracted with Builders of Hope and Habitat for Humanity. They have built and sold 11 homes to low-income first time homebuyers (6 sold this Fiscal Year). Two additional homes are under construction. There are 5 remaining lots for homes to be built and sold. Priority Community Development Needs Public Facilities and Infrastructure Activities Requests listed in the 5 Year Strategic Plan were received through community meetings held throughout the county, from non-profit organizations and town planners. The listing of the requests in the Strategic Plan is not a guarantee of funding (page 31). The projects will be funded through future one-year Action Plans, as funding allows. The projects were reviewed to ensure that: 33 They would benefit low-income families They were an eligible Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) expense, according to the US Dept. of HUD regulations Alternative funds are not available to fund the project Progress: 2,900 lf. of sidewalk was constructed, which included road improvements, to provide lowincome communities safe pedestrian access. An additional 9767 lf. of sidewalks are under construction throughout Wake County. The Salvation Army has a new building to expand services to the community. 2,700 lf. of road improvements were completed which will improve access to a school, a park and community center. An additional 1,666 lf. of road improvements are under construction. Upgraded waterlines are under construction in Fuquay Varina. Drainage improvements are under construction in Wendell. Knightdale has a new Community Park with a children’s playground. 137 homeless men received employment training. 2010 Action Plan An amendment to the 2010 Action Plan was advertised June 28, 2010. Wake County spent $500,000 in CDBG funds to the Salvation Army for renovations to a new building they purchased. They provide an array of service programs for fragile families and provide emergency shelter for women and children. This new building will enable them to expand services and increase the shelter from 34 beds to 92. This is a significant expansion in the County’s network of homeless services. This project was accepted and approved outside of the normal public facility process. The building was completed in July 2013. Projects Identified in the 2011 Action Plan Wake County spent $346,693 in CDBG funds for 1,450 lf. of roadway, and installation of 2,900 lf. of curb and gutter, as well as the installation of sidewalks on both sides of the street on Barbee Road and Fiona Circle in the Town of Morrisville. These improvements enhanced the quality of life for residents living along one of the few unpaved roads remaining in Morrisville by creating a safe continuous pedestrian connection to the Shiloh Community Park and ball field, Luther Green Center, and Shiloh Baptist Church, all of which are within half a mile of the project area. This project was completed in June 2013. Wake County spent $86,310 in CDBG funds for 1250 lf. of resurfacing and street improvements to School Street in the Town of Rolesville. The street is adjacent to Rolesville Elementary School and is the route to five homes inhabited by low and moderate-income residents. The project consisted of partial street resurfacing and asphalt paving of the dirt portion of the road that leads to and borders the homes. This provides better ingress and egress for residents and will allow emergency vehicles to safely access the homes. This project was completed in November 2012. Wake County spent $192,240 in CDBG funds for construction of a playground on First Avenue in Knightdale. The playground was designed to replicate the history of Knightdale and features play structures that mimic farm, railroad and natural structures. The new park will include a farmers’ market plaza, walking trail, and community garden. This project was completed in December 2012. Wake County spent $165,000 in CDBG funds to the Town of Wake Forest to assist with renovation and additional construction of the Alston-Massenburg Center. The renovations increased the size of the facility by 1,350 square feet to a total of 4,250 square feet. The AlstonMassenburg Center serves approximately 800 neighborhood families offering programs for children and adults including: acting classes, theatrical performances, art, dance, yoga, pilates, 34 zumba, various types of musical instruction, photography, computer learning, and one day special workshops. This project was completed in September 2012. Projects identified in the 2012 Action Plan Wake County has committed $208,000 in CDBG funds for construction of 1622 lf. of sidewalk along Smithfield Road in Knightdale. The sidewalk will connect existing segments of sidewalk to enable residents of a low-income community to access commercial development and civic uses (Knightdale Town Hall and Library.) The estimated completion date for this project is May 2014. Wake County has committed $156,800 in CDBG funds for upgrading water lines along Cherry and Conover Streets in the Town of Fuquay Varina. This is considered a public safety issue where inadequate pressure and volume of water is not being provided to the existing residents. These improvements will contribute to previous efforts in the Consolidated School Development Area to improve the area as a safe place to live. The estimated completion date for this project is September 2013. Wake County has committed $164,800 in CDBG funds for 2800 lf. of sidewalk improvements to Forest Ridge Road and Foxwood Drive in the Town of Garner. This project will provide pedestrian connections between a residential neighborhood, Garner Magnet High School and neighborhood retail stores and offices. The estimated completion date for this project is December 2013. Wake County has committed $158,480 in CDBG funds to construct 1575 lf. of sidewalk in the Town of Zebulon. The sidewalk along Shepard School Road will connect the Zebulon Middle School to the newly constructed Zebulon Boys and Girls Club (funded partially with Wake County FY 2011 CDBG funds). The sidewalk will allow children to travel safely on foot from one building to the other along a busy thoroughfare. The project will benefit the quality of life and provide a low-and moderate-income neighborhood with an adequate sidewalk where none is currently present. The estimated completion date for this project is May 2013. Wake County has committed $163,600 in CDBG funds for drainage improvements to Anderson Street which is currently a dirt road in the Town of Wendell. Rains flood the road and residential properties adjacent to the road. Existing rip rap is not adequate to contain the effects of the flooding. These drainage improvements will the neighborhood. The estimated completion date for this project is November 2013. Wake County has committed $60,400 in CDBG funds to construct approximately 1200 lf. of sidewalk along a portion of Wendell Boulevard. There are existing intermittent portions of sidewalk, and the new improvements will connect an assisted living facility and a residential neighborhood with downtown Wendell. The estimated completion date for this project is November 2013. Projects identified in the 2013 Action Plan Wake County has committed $347,255 in CDBG funds to widen and resurface 1016 lf. of roadway and install curb gutter and 650 lf. of sidewalk along Second St. in Apex to connect Lynch Street to Harwood Street. This connection will provide sidewalk access from Second Street via West Street to West Street Park, a Town of Apex public park. The connection will also provide access to the Harwood Street sidewalk, which is part of the American Tobacco Trail greenway route. The Second Street project will tie together three previous CDBG street improvement projects: Lynch Street, Harwood Street, and West Street. The estimated completion date for this project is August 2014. Wake County has committed $302,880 in CDBG funds for construction of 1650 lf. of sidewalk, curb and gutter along Main Street in the Town of Knightdale. The project will close a 0.2 mile gap through Old Town Knightdale between sidewalks under construction along both First Avenue 35 and Smithfield Road. In keeping with the adopted Old Town Small Area Plan, the sidewalk will provide residents of the Old Town neighborhood a safe local route along Main Street – a local collector and thru street – to access the other facilities that provide pedestrian routes to area recreation and commerce destinations. These destinations include the new Knightdale Community Park on First Avenue as well as the Knightdale Crossing and Lowe’s Home Improvement shopping centers along North Smithfield Road. The estimated completion date for this project is July 2014. Wake County has committed $167,040 in CDBG funds for the paving of Anderson Street in The Town of Wendell (650 lf.), which is currently a dirt road, and installation of a sidewalk, curb and gutter. Last year, CDBG funds were used for drainage improvements along Anderson Street to stop the excessive flooding of the road and adjacent properties during rain. The estimated completion date for this project is May 2014. For FY 2011, 2012 and 2013, Wake County committed funds for the Homeless Employment Program. Through coordination with Wake Technical Community College and local employers, job skills training classes are offered to homeless people from the South Wilmington St. Center and Cornerstone Day Services Center. The program provides basic job skills training to participants, and then places the participants with local business partners for job training internships. The internships allow the participants to develop skills in specific trades, which they can use to secure permanent employment, either with the business partner or elsewhere. Participants receive partial payment during internships (payment is also made by the employer). A key to securing permanent housing is being able to pay for it. The employment program assists homeless, unemployed persons take the first step toward being self-sufficient and permanently housed. This program assisted 137 (116 unduplicated) men in FY 2012. CDBG DRAWS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012 The table below describes activities undertaken in FY 2012 to meet the priority needs. The CDBG draws for Revolving Loan Funds and Entitlement were $2,990,340. They are included in Attachment E, CDBG Draws and Attachment J, CDBG Activity Summary Report. # OF FAM. ACTIVITY NATIONAL FUNDS SERVED OBJECTIVE DRAWN Administration $248,710.59 Rehab Administration $103,998.72 Emergency Rehab Grants 9 Limited Clientele $27,234.00 Elderly & Disabled Grants 66 Limited Clientele $1,159,646.57 Homeless Employment Initiative 137 Limited Clientele $100,646.27 Affordable Housing Development-Habitat 0 Decent Housing $153,265.27 Salvation Army Limited Clientele $500,000.00 Knightdale Playground 332 Low/Mod Area Benefit $192,240.00 Morrisville-Barbee/Fiona 14 Low/Mod Area Benefit $292,530.10 Rolesville-School St. 5 Low/Mod Area Benefit $48,365.12 Fuquay Varina Waterline 35 Low/Mod Area Benefit $24,093.75 Garner Forest Ridge Rd. Sidewalk 221 Low/Mod Area Benefit $33,870.83 Knightdale Smithfield Rd. Sidewalk 190 Low/Mod Area Benefit $35,268.75 Wendell Anderson Drainage 20 Low/Mod Area Benefit $27,363.05 Wendell Wendell Blvd. Sidewalk 70 Low/Mod Area Benefit $13,100.00 Zebulon-Shepard Schl Rd. Sidewalk 100 Low/Mod Area Benefit $30,007.20 Total Draws $2,990,340.22 Administration Draws totaling $248,711 in CDBG funds were drawn for program administration in FY 2012. Housing Rehabilitation Administration 36 Draws totaling $103,999 were made for Administration of the Rehabilitation, Elderly & Disabled, and Emergency Programs during FY 2012. This includes staff salaries, consultant expenses attorney fees and expenses for lead based paint. This is an average of $1,387 project delivery costs per project. This resulted in improvements to 75 homes for low income families by June 30, 2013. Emergency Rehabilitation Grants Draws totaling $27,234 were made for the Emergency Rehabilitation Grant Program during FY 2012. This resulted in a total of 9 emergency grants completed by June 30, 2013. Elderly & Disabled Grants Draws totaling $1,159,647 were made for the Elderly & Disabled Grant Program during FY 2012. This resulted in a total of 66 Elderly & Disabled grants completed by June 30, 2013. Housing Development – White Oak Villas A draw in the amount of $153,265 was made for Habitat for Humanity of Wake County for the development of White Oak Villas, a 16 unit residential subdivision in Apex. Homeless Employment Initiative A draw in the amount of $100,646 was drawn to provide employment training for 137 homeless men. Salvation Army Funds in the amount of $500,000 were drawn for the Salvation Army to renovate a new building they purchased. They provide an array of service programs for fragile families and provide emergency shelter for women and children. This new building will enable them to expand services and increase the shelter from 34 beds to 92. This is a significant expansion in the County’s network of homeless services. This project was accepted and approved outside of the normal public facility process. The building was completed in July 2013. Knightdale Playground Funds in the amount of $192,240 were drawn for the purchase and construction of playground equipment at the new community park on First Avenue in Knightdale. The playground was designed to replicate the history of Knightdale and features play structures that mimic farm, railroad and natural structures. The new park will include a farmers’ market plaza, walking trail, and community garden. This project was completed in December 2012. Morrisville-Barbee Rd./Fiona Circle Funds in the amount of $292,530 were drawn for road paving, and installation of curb and gutter, as well as the installation of sidewalks on both sides of the street on Barbee Road and Fiona Circle in the Town of Morrisville. Fourteen families benefit from these improvements by enhancing the quality of life for residents living along this road. This also created a safe continuous pedestrian connection to the Shiloh Community Park and ball field, Luther Green Center, and Shiloh Baptist Church, all of which are within half a mile of the project area. This project was completed in June 2013. Rolesville-School St. Funds in the amount of $48,365 were drawn for 1250 lf. of resurfacing and street improvements to School Street in the Town of Rolesville. The street is adjacent to Rolesville Elementary School and is the route to five homes inhabited by low and moderate-income residents. The project includes partial street resurfacing and asphalt paving of the dirt portion of the road that leads to and borders the homes. This provides better ingress and egress for residents and allows emergency vehicles to safely access the homes. This project was completed in November 2012. Fuquay Varina Waterline Funds in the amount of $24,094 were drawn for upgrading water lines along Cherry and Conover Streets in the Town of Fuquay Varina. This is considered a public safety issue where inadequate 37 pressure and volume of water is not being provided to the existing residents. These improvements will contribute to previous efforts in the Consolidated School Development Area to improve the area as a safe place to live. The estimated completion date for this project is May 2013. Garner-Forest Ridge Rd. Funds in the amount of $33,871 were drawn for 2800 lf. of sidewalk improvements to Forest Ridge Road and Foxwood Drive in the Town of Garner. This project will provide pedestrian connections between a residential neighborhood, Garner Magnet High School and neighborhood retail stores and offices. The estimated completion date for this project is December 2013. Knightdale-Smithfield Rd. Funds in the amount of $35,269 were drawn for construction of portions of a sidewalk along Smithfield Road in Knightdale. The sidewalk will connect existing segments of sidewalk to enable residents of a low-income community to access commercial development and civic uses (Knightdale Town Hall and Library.) The estimated completion date for this project is May 2014. Wendell-Anderson St. Funds in the amount of $27,363 were drawn for drainage improvements to Anderson Street which is currently a dirt road in the Town of Wendell. Rains flood the road and residential properties adjacent to the road. Existing rip rap is not adequate to contain the effects of the flooding. This project will improve the neighborhood. The estimated completion date for this project is November 2013. Zebulon-Shepard School Rd. Funds in the amount of $30,007 were drawn for construction of 1575 lf. of sidewalk along Shepard School Road in the Town of Zebulon. The sidewalk will connect the Zebulon Middle School to the newly constructed Zebulon Boys and Girls Club (funded partially with Wake County FY 2011 CDBG funds). The sidewalk will allow children to travel safely on foot from one building to the other along a busy thoroughfare. The project will benefit the quality of life and provide a low-and moderateincome neighborhood with an adequate sidewalk where none is currently present. The estimated completion date for this project is May 2014. Wendell-Wendell Blvd. Funds in the amount of $13,100 were drawn for construction of approximately 1200 lf. of sidewalk along a portion of Wendell Boulevard. There are existing intermittent portions of sidewalk, and the new improvements will connect an assisted living facility and a residential neighborhood with downtown Wendell. The estimated completion date for this project is November 2013. ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH PROGRAM AND PLANNING REQUIREMENTS Wake County has policies and procedures in place to assure program qualification and project completion. For all applicants, the Rehabilitation Specialist works with the client to gather qualification information. The Rehabilitation Coordinator prepares the information regarding the rehabilitation work that needs to be completed. Staff meets on a regular basis to review the status of each applicant. The Elderly & Disabled Grant application process: 1. Preliminary application, questionnaire 2. Internal review; If approved, coordination with Adult Services for review and approval 3. Initial property inspection to complete checklist 4. Written specifications & homeowner approval 5. Bid process and contractor chosen 6. Contracts are signed and rehabilitation work begins 38 Emergency Grant application process 1. Preliminary application, questionnaire 2. Application prepared for internal review and approval 3. Contractor chosen 4. Repair completed The Rehabilitation application process: 1. Preliminary application, questionnaire 2. Drive by observation report 3. Full application/verification of documents 4. Preliminary title search 5. Initial property inspection to complete checklist 6. Application and inspection checklist are reviewed by a staff and the Housing Committee for approval 7. Title opinion ordered from the attorney 8. Written specifications & homeowner approval 9. Bid process 10. Bid and loan details are reviewed by the Rehabilitation Committee 11. Application and loan details are presented to Board of Commissioners for approval 12. Loan Closing 13. Contracts are signed and rehabilitation work begins For public facility projects Wake County Housing and Community Revitalization (WCHCR) determines the qualifications of the project. Discussion meetings are held with the Towns where the projects are based and the Engineers who are under contract with Wake County HCR design projects, and in coordination with WCHCR and Wake County Facilities and Design (WCF&D). Pre-bid conferences are held by the engineering firm and bid openings are held by WCF&D. Contracts are prepared by WCF&D for the low bidding contractor, or in some cases a sub-recipient agreement with the towns is prepared by WCHCR. The contract is reviewed by WCHCR to ensure it meets all federal requirements. WCF&D ensures that the project is bid according to state statutes, assists in monitoring the work and along with WCHCR approves pay applications submitted by the engineering firm. Project documents and reports are submitted to WCHCR through WCF&D. AMENDMENTS AND OTHER CHANGES TO PROGRAMS There were not any amendments identified for the 2012 Action Plan. Completion of planned actions to: Pursue all resources (See leveraging chart on page 29) Certificates of Consistency were issued for the following activities: ORGANIZATION PROGRAM Wake County Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Projects No Certificate of Consistency requests were denied. Support the 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan goals Wake County has completed the third year of the 2010-2015 five-year Consolidated Plan cycle. The following CDBG funded projects have been completed in fiscal year 2012. These projects meet the needs identified and qualify under the Performance Measurement System. Priority Housing Needs The Emergency Grant Program assists homeowners with emergency repairs. The grants are a maximum of $5,000 and address immediate health and safety risks for very low-income homeowners. Clients for this program are low-income and typically elderly and/or disabled. 9 Emergency Grants were completed 39 The Elderly & Disabled Grant Program assists qualified individuals and families with eligible repairs related to health and safety. The grants are a maximum of $15,000. For properties testing positive for lead based paint, an additional $10,000 is available for clearance/abatement. The applicants do not have to be the homeowner. However, there are additional terms for investors (landlords). 66 Elderly & Disabled grants were completed 15 included Lead Based Paint abatement & clearance. The Rehabilitation Loan Program helps low-income families improve the quality of their homes. This program offers low interest amortized or 0% interest deferred loans. Through this program, families have an affordable way to repair their homes and maintain a safe, healthy and decent lifestyle. No projects were completed under this program for FY 2012. Priority Community Development Needs 2010 Action Plan Amendment to the 2010 Action Plan-Advertised June 28, 2010 Wake County spent $500,000 in CDBG funds to the Salvation Army for renovations to a new building they purchased. They provide an array of service programs for fragile families and provide emergency shelter for women and children. This new building will enable them to expand services and increase the shelter from 34 beds to 92. This is a significant expansion in the County’s network of homeless services. This project was accepted and approved outside of the normal public facility process. The building was completed in July 2013. 2011 Action Plan Wake County spent $346,693 in CDBG funds for 1,450 lf. of roadway, and installation of 2,900 lf. of curb and gutter, as well as the installation of sidewalks on both sides of the street on Barbee Road and Fiona Circle in the Town of Morrisville. These improvements enhanced the quality of life for residents living along one of the few unpaved roads remaining in Morrisville by creating a safe continuous pedestrian connection to the Shiloh Community Park and ball field, Luther Green Center, and Shiloh Baptist Church, all of which are within half a mile of the project area. This project was completed in June 2013. Wake County spent $86,310 in CDBG funds for 1250 lf. of resurfacing and street improvements to School Street in the Town of Rolesville. The street is adjacent to Rolesville Elementary School and is the route to five homes inhabited by low and moderate-income residents. The project consisted of partial street resurfacing and asphalt paving of the dirt portion of the road that leads to and borders the homes. This provides better ingress and egress for residents and will allow emergency vehicles to safely access the homes. This project was completed in November 2012. Wake County spent $192,240 in CDBG funds for construction of a playground on First Avenue in Knightdale. The playground was designed to replicate the history of Knightdale and features play structures that mimic farm, railroad and natural structures. The new park will include a farmers’ market plaza, walking trail, and community garden. This project was completed in December 2012. Wake County spent $165,000 in CDBG funds to the Town of Wake Forest to assist with renovation and additional construction of the Alston-Massenburg Center. The renovations increased the size of the facility by 1,350 square feet to a total of 4,250 square feet. The AlstonMassenburg Center serves approximately 800 neighborhood families offering programs for children and adults including: acting classes, theatrical performances, art, dance, yoga, pilates, zumba, various types of musical instruction, photography, computer learning, and one day special workshops. This project was completed in September 2012. 40 NATIONAL OBJECTIVE FAILURES None noted. ACTIONS TO AVOID DISPLACEMENT There were no displacements in the 2012 fiscal year. COMPLIANCE WITH URA There were no projects that required compliance with URA. IF JOBS WERE FILLED WITH OVER INCOME PEOPLE List job titles created/retained and those made available to low/mods: Not applicable. Funds provided for limited clientele activities Wake County provided funds for limited clientele during the 2012 fiscal year through the following activities: 1. The Rehabilitation Loan Program 2. The Emergency Grant Program 3. The Elderly & Disabled Program 4. The Homeless Employment Program REHABILITATION ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND COSTS The County has 3 programs using CDBG funds to make home repairs for low-income families. The Rehabilitation Loan Program The County makes CDBG loans to low-income families to repair their homes. Loan repayments are deferred for elderly homeowners (age 62 and over) and for households earning less than 50% of the MFI with an interest rate of 0%. Loans are amortized for households earning 51% - 80% MFI with an interest rate of 0% - 3%. Wake County services all of its loans internally. The Elderly & Disabled Grant Program assists qualified individuals and families with eligible repairs related to health and safety. The grants are a maximum of $15,000. For properties testing positive for lead based paint, an additional $10,000 is available for clearance/abatement. The applicants do not have to be the homeowner. However, there are additional terms for investors (landlords). 66 Elderly & Disabled grants were completed using CDBG funds totaling $893,569. 15 included Lead Based Paint abatement & clearance. The average Elderly & Disabled grant was $13,539. The Emergency Grant Program assists homeowners with emergency repairs. The grants are a maximum of $5,000 and address immediate health and safety risks for very low-income homeowners. Clients for this program are low-income and typically elderly and/or disabled. 9 Emergency repairs were completed using CDBG funds totaling $32,233. The average emergency grant was $3,581. NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION STRATEGIES Wake County had no new neighborhood revitalization strategies in FY2012. Wake County is continuing efforts in the redevelopment area in Fuquay-Varina, Wake County contracted with Builders of Hope and Habitat for Humanity. They have built and sold 11 homes to low-income first time homebuyers (6 sold this Fiscal Year). Two additional homes are under construction. There are 5 remaining lots for homes to be built and sold. CDBG FINANCIAL SUMMARY See “CDBG Expenditures” Attachment E. See “IDIS Report CO4PR26” Attachment F. See “Financial Summary” Attachment G. 41 HOME PROGRAM DISTRIBUTION OF HOME FUNDS AMONG IDENTIFIED NEEDS In the 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan Wake County identified low-income families (under 40% MFI) as a high priority population. This includes individuals and families that are homeowners, renters, homeless and populations with special needs. The Annual Action Plan sets annual goals that are the stepping-stones to meet the needs identified in the 5-year Consolidated Plan. The following is a summary of Wake County’s annual accomplishments according to the Performance Measurement and Management System described in the Consolidated Plan. Priority Housing Needs Objective: Decent Housing Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) Set Aside Indicator: New rental units constructed Total number of units: 3 o Number affordable: 3 at or below 40% AMI o Number section 504 accessible: 0 o Number of years of affordability: 20-30 Progress: Three CHDO projects were completed in FY 2012 which added 36 units affordable for persons below 40% MFI with an additional 38 units affordable for persons below 60% MFI. CHDO funds were spent on a project estimated for completion in December 2013. This will add 18 units affordable for persons below 30% MFI with an additional 42 units affordable for persons below 60% MFI. Wake County has exceeded the match requirement for CHDO funds. Wake County loaned $159,460 in HOME CHDO funds to CASA for acquisition and renovation of a 4unit apartment building located at 214 E. Cedar St. in Cary. This added 2 units affordable to households earning at or below 40% AMI and 2 units affordable to households earning at or below 50% AMI. This project was completed in November 2012. Wake County spent $387,360 in HOME funds ($323,360 CHDO; $64,000 HOME Match) to CASA to develop Sunnybrook Apartments, a 10-unit apartment building located in Raleigh. This complex added 3 units for homeless individuals earning at or below 30% MFI; 7 units for individuals earning at or below 40% MFI with 5 of those targeted for veterans. This project was completed in July 2013. Wake County loaned $720,000 in HOME CHDO funds to DHIC, Inc. for permanent financing for Water Garden Village Apartments located in Raleigh. This is a 60 unit apartment complex affordable to families earning at or below 60% MFI, 9 units affordable to persons earning at or below 40% MFI and 15 units affordable to persons earning at or below 30% MFI. This project was completed in December 2012. Wake County spent $720,000 in HOME CHDO funds to Greenway Residential Development, LLC for construction and permanent financing for Laurel Crossing Apartments located in Knightdale. This is a 60-unit apartment complex affordable to families earning at or below 60% AMI with 18 units affordable to persons earning at or below 30% MFI. The project is estimated for completion December 2013. Affordable Housing Development Indicator: New rental units constructed 42 Total number of units: 29 o Number affordable: 29 at or below 40% AMI o Number section 504 accessible: 0 o Number of years of affordability: 20-30 Progress: Commitments have been made for 226 affordable units which include 74 units for persons at or below 40% AMI Wake County has committed $685,000 in HOME funds to Granite Falls LLC for the development of Granite Falls Apartments located in Rolesville. This is a 72-unit apartment complex will be affordable to families earning at or below 60% MFI, 18 units affordable to families earning at or below 30% MFI. Construction on this project is estimated for completion in December 2014. Wake County spent $880,000 in HOME funds to DHIC to develop Water Garden Park Apartments. This 88 unit complex will be affordable to seniors earning at or below 60% AMI with 22 units for seniors at or below 30% AMI and 14 units for seniors earning at or below 40% AMI. This project is estimated to be completed by December 2013. Wake County has committed $500,000 ($84,000 HOME; $416,000 HOME Match) to Passage Home Inc. for the development of Coleman St. Apartments. This 18-unit apartment complex located in Raleigh provide 10 units designated for families earning at or below 80% MFI with 8 units for families earning at or below 40% MFI. Construction on this project is estimated for completion in December 2014. Wake County has committed $480,000 in HOME and HOPWA funds to Evergreen Construction Co., Inc. for the development of Timber Spring Apartments. This 48-unit apartment complex located in Garner will provide 12 units designated for seniors earning at or below 50% MFI, 12 units for seniors earning at or below 30% MFI and the remaining 24 units are affordable for seniors at or below 60% MFI. Three of the units will be set aside for eligible persons with acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS). Construction on this project is estimated for completion in December 2014. HOME DRAWS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012 HOME funds spent in FY 2012 went to the following projects. The draws are summarized in attachment H. # OF FAMILIES SERVED ACTIVITY Administration Laurel Crossing Apts. Water Garden Village Apts. Water Garden Park Apts. Habitat-White Oak Villas Sunnybrook Apt.-CASA Coleman St. Apts. Delivery Costs TOTAL HOME DRAWN ADM FUNDS DRAWN $43,567 EN FUNDS DRAWN 60 60 88 10 10 18 CHDO FUNDS DRAWN PI FUNDS DRAWN $720,000 $720,000 $540,781 $227,000 $339,219 $323,360 $43,567 $1,487,781 $1,043,360 $26,035 $1,549 $366,803 $43,567 $720,000 $720,000 $880,000 $227,000 $323,360 $26,035 $1,549 $2,941,511 Administration For FY 2012, $43,567 of HOME funds were drawn for program administration. There was an additional amount of $1,549 for project delivery costs related to housing development. HOME MATCH REPORT 43 There were 2 HOME projects completed in FY12. The HOME Match report is included in Attachment I. ACTIVITIES WERE FUNDED IN THE 2012 ACTION PLAN Administration A total of $51,674, or 10%, of the total HOME grant was set aside for administrative expenses. This is to cover the cost of staff time to implement activities funded using HOME funds. CHDO Funds Each local government that receives HOME funding is required to set aside at least 15% of the total grant for a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO). For FY 2012 this is a total of $77,512. CHDO’s are private, nonprofit, community-based housing organizations that have the capacity to develop affordable housing within the communities served. They undergo a qualifying and certification process to achieve the status of CHDO and to receive these special set aside HOME funds. 2012 Progress: Wake County loaned $720,000 in HOME CHDO funds to DHIC, Inc. for permanent financing for Water Garden Village Apartments located in Raleigh. This is a 60 unit apartment complex affordable to families earning at or below 60% MFI, 9 units affordable to persons earning at or below 40% MFI and 15 units affordable to persons earning at or below 30% MFI. This project was completed in December 2012. Wake County spent $387,360 in HOME funds ($323,360 CHDO; $64,000 HOME Match) to CASA to develop Sunnybrook Apartments, a 10-unit apartment building located in Raleigh. This complex will add 3 units for homeless individuals earning at or below 30% MFI; 7 units for individuals earning at or below 40% MFI with 5 of those targeted for veterans. This project was completed in July 2013. Wake County spent $720,000 in HOME CHDO funds to Greenway Residential Development, LLC for construction and permanent financing for Laurel Crossing Apartments located in Knightdale. This is a 60-unit apartment complex affordable to families earning at or below 60% AMI with 18 units affordable to persons earning at or below 30% MFI. The project is estimated for completion December 2013. Affordable Housing Development A total of $500,315 was budgeted for affordable housing development. These funds are used to create both multi-family and single family affordable housing within Wake County. The housing will be affordable to families and individuals earning at or below 40% of Median Family Income (MFI). Projects are selected through an RFP process. 2012 Progress: Wake County has committed $685,000 in HOME funds to Granite Falls LLC for the development of Granite Falls Apartments located in Rolesville. This is a 72-unit apartment complex will be affordable to families earning at or below 60% MFI, 18 units affordable to families earning at or below 30% MFI. Construction on this project is estimated for completion in December 2014. Wake County has committed $500,000 ($84,000 HOME; $416,000 HOME Match) funds to Passage Home Inc. for the development of Coleman St. Apartments. This 18-unit apartment complex located in Raleigh provide 10 units designated for families earning at or below 80% MFI with 8 units for families earning at or below 40% MFI. Construction on this project is estimated for completion in December 2014. Wake County has committed $480,000 in HOME and HOPWA funds to Evergreen Construction Co., Inc. for the development of Timber Spring Apartments. This 48-unit apartment complex located in Garner will provide 12 units designated for seniors earning at or below 50% MFI, 12 units for 44 seniors earning at or below 30% MFI and the remaining 24 units are affordable for seniors at or below 60% MFI. Three of the units will be set aside for eligible persons with acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS). Construction on this project is estimated for completion in December 2014. ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS OF AFFIRMATIVE MARKETING PLANS Wake County continued implementing its Affirmative Marketing Plan during FY 2012/2013 by requiring developers to: Incorporate the Equal Housing Opportunity logo into all advertising and marketing materials. Display HUD fair housing poster where sales or rental activity takes place. Advertise projects in newspapers that target minority populations. Actively advertise to those populations least likely to apply for housing. We also encourage our property investors and apartment managers to attend annual Fair Housing Training. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Wake County Housing and Community Revitalization 2012 Action Plan uses the Performance Management System developed by HUD and required for use. 45 CITIZEN’S COMMENTS CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Wake County’s public participation process for development of the 2013 Action Plan included two (2) Public Hearings. Each Public Hearing was advertised for the required time in three local newspapers, including two minority publications. Projects for the Plan as well as CDBG projects were all determined by feedback received at these two (2) meetings. Public Hearings for the Action Plan: Wake County Human Services Board Meeting, January 23, 2013 Wake County Board of Commissioners Meeting, February 4, 2013 The 2012 CAPER was available for review and comment of September 5, 2013. It was posted on the Wake County website and advertisements were run in the The News and Observer, a widely distributed general public newspaper, The Carolinian, a local newspaper targeting Wake County's African-American community and Que Pasa, a local newspaper targeting Wake County's Spanish speaking community. 46 ATTACHMENT A PUBLIC NOTICES 47 48 ATTACHMENT B REHABILITATION PROJECTS COMPLETED FROM JULY 1, 2012 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2013 EMERGENCY GRANTS COMPLETED NAME RACE 1. Allen, Betty B 2. Ferrell, Joseph W 3. Garret, Aicha B 4. Johnson, Bettie C B 5. Landry, Grace O 6. Melton, Mary W 7. Moldnehauer,Jeanie W 8. Rogers, Nina B 9. Sjostedt, Linda W TOTAL FOR EMERGENCY GRANTS ELDERLY & DISABLED GRANT NAME RACE 1. Amariz, Maria O 2. Austin, Frances W 3. Baker, Allison W 4. Blackwell, Virginia B 5. Brown, Diane B 6. Burroughs, Louise W 7. Canady, Ruby B 8. Core Ellen W 9. Cross, Pearlie B 10. Davis, Bennet B 11. Dunn, Annie B 12. Edelen, Joseph & Wilmla B 13. Finn, Sally W 14. Fowler, Marilyn W 15. Fuller, Faye B 16. Gassaway, Faye W 17. Hood, Norman B 18. Hollyfield, Goldie W 19. Hopper, Joyce B 20. Jackson, Lillie B 21. Jackson, Milton & Lalaine B 22. Jeffreys, Pauline B 23. Johnson-Price, Doxie B 24. Jones, Edward & Alberta B 25. Jones,Leamon B 26. Justice, Helen & David Key W 27. King, Emma B 28. Leak, Gloria B 29. Lewis, Gladys B 30. Longmire, Doris B 31. Lyons-Kearney,Bessie B 32. Manley, Melvin B 33. Manning, Nicholas B 34. Martindale, Jeffrey & Candance W 35. May, Margie W 36. McIver, Nancy W 37. Mclaughlin, Pearl W 38. McLeod, Agnes W 39. Medlin, Ernest & Mary B 40. Moody, Helen B 41. Moore, Glennie B ADDRESS 1502 Foxwood Drive 802 Carriage Way Trail 7613 Valview St 5004 Baffin Court 623 Jubilee Court 801 Carriage Way Trail 9736 Oakley Road 2820 NC 97 Hwy 6613 Eagles Crossing Dr ADDRESS 7825 Barbour Store Rd 3837 Cason St 3513 Durham Road 103 Ashbourne Ct 2417 Perry Pond 2720 NC 97 Highway 623 Tingen Road 205 Lane of Tristram 1018 Irongate Dr 604 Lynch St 8225 Rhodes Rd 106 Southwood Circle 2629 Meyerswood Dr 3628 Meadow Creek Ln 1101 Robinfield Drive 1003 Huntington Park Dr 227 New Rand Rd 232 Weston Rd 506 Royal Oak Rd 2805 Woodfield Dead End Rd 2733 Rosinburg Rd 700 Lynch St 1213 Martin Pond Rd 3894 Jonesville Rd 102 S. Bell Haven St 108 N. Bell Haven St 3900 Woodside Dr 2532 Wall Store Rd 145 Stratford Dr 312 Bridge St 2412 Raymond Smith Rd 9012 Dukes Lake Rd 7835 Stephenson Rd 406 Quail Run Dr 6008 Gamble Dr 1347 Brompton Ln 210 Fairdale Court 6832 Wimberly Place 4637 Arrowhead Dr 302 Winding Brook Dr 6320 Charmco Ct 49 CITY Garner Morrisville Raleigh Knightdale Wake Forest Morrisville Zebulon Wendell Wendell CITY Willow Spring Garner Raleigh Garner Wendell Wendell Apex Garner Apex Apex Apex Garner Apex Raleigh Raleigh Morrisville Garner Garner Garner Zebulon Zebulon Apex Wendell Wake Forest Apex Apex Garner Garner Wendell Fuquay-Varina Raleigh Zebulon Apex Wendell Raleigh Garner Apex Willow Spring Apex Garner Wake Forest COSTS $4,999 $1,600 $4,200 $4,990 $4,550 $1,600 $1,000 $4,999 $4,295 $32,233 REPAIR HVAC ROOF ROOF ROOF HVAC ROOF WELL HVAC HVAC TOTAL COSTS $14,295.00 $10,200.00 $13,800.00 $14,750.00 $7,900.00 $11,500.00 $14,900.00 $14,900.00 $14,475.00 $14,775.00 $14,950.00 $9,850.00 $13,800.00 $14,750.00 $14,170.00 $11,945.00 $14,440.00 $14,500.00 $13,925.00 $14,225.00 $10,055.00 $14,300.00 $10,700.00 $9,400.00 $14,870.00 $9,100.00 $14,400.00 $6,600.00 $14,040.00 $14,130.00 $10,310.00 $10,000.00 $15,000.00 $14,595.00 $14,925.00 $14,955.00 $14,354.00 $15,000.00 $14,850.00 $14,820.00 $14,100.00 ELDERLY & DISABLED GRANT NAME RACE 42. Morris, Esther W 43. Palo, Timothy & Linda W 44. Powell, Patricia W 45. Rogers, Pearlie B 46. Rose, Luther & Katie W 47. Rubenstein, Jeffrey W 48. Sauls, Billy W 49. Seagroves, Randolph & Barbara W 50. Strickland, Lois W 51. Stott, Peggy W 52. Thornton, Fentress B 53. Thorpe, Rickey & Colleen B 54. Turner, James W 55. Umphrey, Mary B 56. Underwood, Mary & Willie B 57. Walton, Sarah B 58. Ward, Ervin & Lucinda B 59. Watson, Edna B 60. Wilder, Robert & Lillian W 61. Williams, Lubertha B 62. Wilson, Arnold W 63. Wilson, James & Nellie B 64. Winston, Hazel B 65. Woods-Johnson, Mabel B 66. Young, Gladys B ADDRESS 604 Wakeland Dr 825 e. Chestnut St 5825 Woodcrest Dr 115 Purvis Road 1404 Carroll Heights Rd 503 Chapwith Rd 104 Penny Rd 9 Olde Tavern Rd 1417 Northview Ct 104 Stirling Ct 35 Old Webb Lane 6709 Hankinson Rd 2213 Pile Rd 9541 Fayetteville Rd 8208 Rhodes Rd 10617 Old Stage Rd 801 Bryn Mawr Ct 4125 Smithfield Rd 3933 Durham Rd 5605 Johnson Pond Rd 7848 Barbour Store Rd 113 New Haven St 732 Faith St 310 W. Garner Rd 1315 Bethel Rd TOTAL FOR ELDERLY & DISABLED GRANTS CITY Garner Fuquay-Varina Raleigh Garner Zebulon Garner Garner Wendell Raleigh Knightdale Wendell Wendell Raleigh Raleigh Apex Raleigh Apex Knightdale Raleigh Fuquay-Varina Willow Spring Apex Apex Garner Raleigh TOTAL COSTS $15,000.00 $13,395.00 $14,850.00 $11,400.00 $13,875.00 $13,250.00 $13,875.00 $14,850.00 $14,975.00 $15,000.00 $13,400.00 $14,700.00 $14,820.00 $14,810.00 $15,000.00 $14,685.00 $14,700.00 $14,900.00 $14,850.00 $13,212.00 $15,000.00 $14,905.00 $12,450.00 $13,350.00 $13,763.00 $893,569.00 50 Lead Grant Expenses 7/1/12-06/30/13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Name Address Austin, Frances 3837 Cason St. Baker, Allison 3513 Durham Rd. Blackwell, Virginia 103 Ashbourne Ct. Canady, Ruby 623 Tingen Rd. Core, Ellen 205 Lane of Tristram Cross, Pearlie 1018 Irongate Drive Davis, Bennet 604 Lynch St. Edelen, Joseph & Wilma 106 Southwood Circle Hollyfield, Goldie 232 Weston Rd. Hopper, Joyce 506 Royal Oak Rd. Jackson, Milton & Lalaine 2733 Rosinburg Rd. Jeffreys, Pauline 700 Lynch St. Price-Johnson, Doxie 1213 Martin Pond Rd. Jones, Edward & Alberta 3894 Jonesville Rd. Justice, Helen & David Key 108 N. Bell Haven St. King, Emma 3900 Woodside Dr. Lewis, Gladys 142 Stratford Dr. Lyons-Kearney, Bessie 2412 Raymond Smith Rd. May, Margie 6008 Gamble Dr. McLeod, Agnes 6832 Wimberly Pl. Morris, Esther 604 Wakeland Dr. Powell,Patricia 5825 Woodcrest Dr. Rogers, Pearlie 115 Purvis St. Sauls, Billy 104 Penny St. Strickland, Lois 1417 Northview Ct. Thornton, Fentress 35 Old Webb Lane Turner, James 2213 Pile Rd. Umphrey, Mary 9541 Fayetteville Rd. Walton, Sarah 10617 Old Stage Rd. Ward, Ervin & Lucinda 801 Bryn Mawr Ct. Watson, Edna 4125 Smithfield Rd. Wilder, Robert & Lillian 3933 Durham Rd. Williams, Lubertha 5605 Johnson Pond Rd. Winston, Hazel 7320 Faith St. Woods-Johnson, Mabel 310 W. Garner Rd. Young, Gladys 1315 Bethel Rd. City Garner Raleigh Garner Apex Garner Apex Apex Garner Garner Raleigh Zebulon Apex Wendell Wake Forest Apex Garner Wendell Raleigh Raleigh Willow Springs Raleigh Raleigh Garner Garner Raleigh Wendell Raleigh Raleigh Raleigh Apex Knightdale Raleigh Fuquay Varina Apex Garner Raleigh Grand total spent on Rehabilitation Projects Risk Assessment $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $300.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $13,425.00 Clearance $225.00 -----$225.00 $225.00 $225.00 -------------------------------------------------------------$250.00 ---------------------$225.00 $225.00 ------$250.00 $225.00 ------$225.00 $225.00 ------$250.00 ------$225.00 ----------------------$225.00 $500 $3,725.00 $1,017,962.00 51 Abatement $9,300.00 -------$1,200.00 $4,300.00 $7,000.00 -----------------------------------------------------------------$8,850.00 -----------------$6,750.00 $3,800.00 - -----$475.00 $1,600.00 -------$7,300.00 $4,130.00 --------$9,305.00 -------$1,600.00 ----------------------$5,900.00 $3,500.00 $75,010.00 Total Amount $9,900.00 $375.00 $375.00 $1,800.00 $4,900.00 $7,600.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $300.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $9,475.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $7,350.00 $4,400.00 $375.00 $1,100.00 $2,200.00 $375.00 $7,900.00 $4,730.00 $375.00 $9,930.00 $375.00 $2,200.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $6,500.00 $4,375.00 $92,160.00 PROJECT/CITY PROJECT TYPE FUNDING SOURCE LOAN AMOUNT MONITOR DATE # UNITS # UNITS MONITORED Require monitoring ATTACHMENT C 2012-2013 Monitoring Report Date Corrected FINDINGS YES/NO NOTES #A – The smoke detector was not working 6/3/13 #C – Need to install weather stripping around the unit to improve energy efficiency. The kitchen faucet needs to be tightened. 6/3/13 The bathroom light needs a light bulb in the socket. The tenant needs to be aware that this is a safety issue. 1. 3 Yrs 214 Cedar St. M/F HOME $159,460 4/10/13 4 2 Yes 2. 3 Yrs1 Academy St./Cary Transitional HOME $79,800 3/26/13 1 1 No 3. 1 Yr Autumn Spring Sr.Hsg. HOME $175,000 12/4/12 48 6 No 4. 2Yrs Avery Square Apts. M/F HOME $55,900 3/27/13 20 5 No 5. 1 Yr 2 Bradford Place Apts/FV M/F HOME $430,000 3/5/13 64 6 No None 4/8/13 124A-Meribel Rivera’s file needs a copy of the updated subsidy letter from Raleigh Housing Authority. Please send me a copy for our files. 126A – have the tenant remove the foil from the stove top drip pans. The air vent needs to be cleaned There was mold on the windows. 124A-The carpet needs to be stretched or replaced. 122B-One of the smoke detectors needs a battery, The tenant reported that the bathtub drains slowly. The ceiling by the kitchen entryway needs to be repaired. According to the tenant there was a previous repair to the duct work; the popcorn needs to be repaired and painted. 120C-The cold air cover needs the latch repaired in order for it to close properly. 100 Demaria Way 9-102 4/3/13 The fan in the master bath needs to be repaired. The cord in the hallway that needs to be covered or removed. 200 Demaria Way 8-202 The refrigerator handle is broken and needs to be repaired or replaced. 300 Demaria Way7-100 The sliding door screen needs to be repaired. 300 Lowman Circle2-101 The outlet cover in the back bedroom needs to be secured. 400 Lowman Circle 5-100 The hallway linoleum is coming up and needs to be glued down to prevent tripping. 600 Lowman Circle 4-203 The front right burner on the stove needs to be repaired. The tenant indicated that it gets too hot. 6. 1 Yr. M/F HOME $600,000 11/6/12 40 4 No None 7. 2Yrs2 Cedar Springs Sr.Hsg. HOME $330,000 12/6/12 10 3 No None 8. 2Yrs5 Courtyard Commons/FV Sr. Hsg. HOME/Mtch $250,000 3/5/13 17 3 No None No 620-A -The air return vent needs to be cleaned. 1/31/13 630-I- The living room window needs to be repaired. The tenant reported that it does not stay open. There were items that the tenant cleared from around the hot water tank during the inspection. Please make sure that tenants are aware that this area needs to be cleared 9. Brookridge Apts. 1 Yr 2 DHIC-Beechridge I/Apex M/F HOME $216,000 10/17/12 40 4 52 10. DHIC-Beechridge II/ 1 Yr 2 Apex M/F HOME $314,855 10/17/12 32 3 No 641-D – The vinyl in the bathrooms is loose around the bathtub. This needs to be cleaned and glued with some shoe molding installed. The sink in the main bathroom needs a drain plug installed. The air return vent needs to be cleaned. There were some overall housekeeping issues that need to be addressed. 650-A - The window sills are moldy. Please have the tenant clean them. 661-C - The kitchen faucet is loose and needs to be secured or replaced. The bathroom sink needs a drain plug installed The bathroom counter needs to be replaced. (I understand that this is on order.) 661-J - The air return needs to be cleaned. The bathroom sink drains slowly and may need to be cleared. 11. 2Yrs M/F HOME $150,000 2/28/13 6 6 No None 12. 1 Yr 2 Highland Village Apts M/F HOME/CIP $510,000 12/20/12 50 5 No None 13. Highland Village Apts. M/F HOME/CIP $510,000 12/12/12 50 5 No None Mingo Village Apts. M/F HOME $552,000 11/7/12 76 8 No None 15. * 2Yrs1 Oak Hollow Olde School 16. 1 Yr 5 Commons/Garner M/F HOME $310,000 2/6/13 10 3 No None Sr. Hsg HOME $200,000 3/19/13 45 5 No 17. 1 Yr 3 Park Place I/Knightdale M/F HOME $130,000 2/26/13 50 10 No 18. 1 Yr 3 Park Place I1/Knightdale M/F HOME $320,000 2/26/13 50 12 No None 203V& 307V The downstairs smoke detectors were not working properly, but were 4/10/13 replaced during site visit. 210V The front left stove burner was broken and needs to be repaired or replaced. Have the tenants rearrange the storage area so that the hot water tank is accessible in 4/10/13 the following units: 406L, 205I, 601L, 309I, 310I 309I The sink plug in main bathroom needs to be repaired. 19. 3 Yrs6 Pearce St./WF HOME $96,282 5/22/12 1 1 No 14. 1 Yr Green Level Apts. PH-Franklin Woods I 20. * 2Yrs3 (Ruth Hse) PH-Garfield 21. 3 Yrs Street/Raleigh S/F Transitional HOME/CIP $150,000 4/17, 18/13 8 2 No Transitional HOME $68,000 4/17, 18/13 1 1 No None 2134 Repair the wood threshold. It has rotted due to water damage. Repair the master shower head. The water does not come out strong. Address housekeeping issue 2136 The kitchen light needs to be secured and the cover needs to be reattached. Have the tenant clean items away from the hot water tank. Install a screen door for the living room sliding door. Replace the broken window in the living room. (Finding) Repair or replace the screen in the back bedroom. 22. * 1 Yr 4 PH-Hollenden M/F HOME/CIP $657,766 4/17, 18/13 22 3 No None 106 Repair the ceiling in the kids bedroom. Have the tenant clear items away from the hot water tank. Tighten the right side rail in the center stairwell (ground to 1st floor) 304 Replace the battery in the smoke detector in the kids bedroom. Clean the air return vent. 23. 1 Yr 1 Ridgewood Apts/WF M/F HOME $200,000 12/14/12 50 10 No None 24. 2Yrs M/F HOME $250,000 4/10/13 10 2 No None Sr. Hsg HOME $300,000 12/14/12 33 4 No None HOME $70,000 11/14/12 3 3 No None 25. Salisbury Apt. Silver Springs 1 Yr 3 Apts/Zebulon 26. 3 Yrs4 The Carying Place 27. Wakefield Hills 28. 1 Yr 2 Wakefield Manor 29. 1 Yr Water Garden Village Apts. 30. * 1 Yr 1 Waterbrook M/F 1/31/13 5/24/13 5/24/13 HOME $250,000 11/15/13 80 8 No Wakefield Hills Bldg. 10901 HOME/CIP $585,000 11/15/12 96 10 No M/F HOME $720,000 4/16/13 60 6 No M/F HOME/Mtch $358,294 4/8/13 64 6 Bldg. 1 #202 The closet with the hot water tank needs to be cleared Building 8311 – Apt. 203 Fix faux drawer front by sink that has come loose. 7/24/13 Building 8430 – Apt. 206 Fix faux drawer front by sink that has come loose. Building 8430 – Apt. 301 Have tenant remove the box next to the water heater. Apt. # 101 Have the tenant remove the foil from beneath the burners on the stove. 4/24/13 306 Have the tenant clean out hot water tank closet. Sr. Hsg. No 53 The paint on the trim is beginning to wear. 31. 32. 33. 1 Yr Weston Trace Westwood Park Apts Women's Ctr-Epiphany 3 Yrs2 House M/F M/F Transitional HOME HOME HOME $200,000 10/11/12 $200,000 2/28/13 $103,000 11/30/12 48 72 1 6 8 1 No The cable cord from bedroom to the Living room floor needs to be covered or removed. 316 The bathtub needs to have the plug replaced. The drawer to the stove needs to be repaired. Check all exterior dryer vents for cleaning and repairs. The irrigation hoses near walkways need to be secured to the ground and covered with dirt or mulch to prevent tripping. Building #258 Outside dryer vent needs to be cleaned out. The siding in the back needs to be power washed. The gutters need to be cleaned out. Apt. 101 The air return needs to be cleaned. The closet with the hot water tank needs to be cleared out. Building #254 There is a piece of fascia missing in the back. The gutters need to be cleaned out. There was a chair at the top of the steps. This needs to be removed Building #268 There is standing water in the front of the building. No 4/13/13 721 -The screen to the sliding door was off the tract. - Have the tenant move or cover the wire across the floor to prevent a tripping hazard. - We were unable to access one of the bedrooms because the door had a lock on it. Have the tenant remove the locks, or give you a key for access. 521 - The front right burner was not working. This will need to be repaired or replaced. - There were housekeeping issues in the kitchen. 912 -The carpet needs to be stretched in the hallway. 1111 -We did not inspect the unit, however, from the outside, the front window was fogged up which indicates that the seal is broken. For energy purposes this should be replaced. 1211 -The tenant reported that the windows are difficult to open. You will need to make sure that all the windows are working properly. -There are housekeeping issues that need to be addressed. No There is a considerable amount of chipped paint around the windows and they are very difficult to operate. They need to be stripped and painted. You may want to get an estimate for replacing them. I am impressed with the progress on replacing the front porch. Your volunteers have worked hard. It will look great when it is completed. Please continue to work on this project. The drip edges on the front porch gable eave need to be repaired or replaced. You may need to have the roof over the porch inspected. There appears to be water damage on one side of the crevasse of the center peak. The upstairs back door needs additional weather stripping. 54 11/13/12 ATTACHMENT D Affirmative Marketing Plan Wake County's Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP) Introduction and Purpose: Each developer using Wake County funds (CDBG, HOME or other) must implement affirmative marketing procedures for developments containing five (5) or more housing units. The primary purpose of an affirmative marketing program is to promote a condition in which persons of similar income levels in the same housing market area have available to them a like range of choices in housing, regardless of race, color, religion, familial status, handicap, sex or national origin. Affirmative marketing steps consist of actions to provide information and otherwise attract eligible persons from all racial, ethnic and gender groups in the market area to the available housing. The following Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP) describes the procedures Wake County will implement during the active period of the loan. The developer is required to implement a program that incorporates the elements of an effective Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Program (listed below). A. Policy Announcements: Methods for providing information regarding Federal Fair Housing Laws and recipient's Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Policy (AFHMP) Wake County is covered by and operates under the County's Fair Housing Plan. As part of its Fair Housing Plan, Wake County publishes quarterly notices in all local newspapers throughout Wake County notifying the public about Federal and state Fair Housing laws. Also, Wake County's AFHMP will be available in the Wake County Human Services Office, 300 South Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC for public inspection and review. Wake County will require any developer of multi- and single-family housing with five (5) or more units assisted with its CDBG, HOME or other County funds to incorporate the Equal Housing Opportunity logotype into all the advertising and marketing materials. In addition, the developer and/or marketer of such housing will be required to prominently display and maintain the HUD Fair Housing Poster (HUD-928.1) in all offices in which sales or rental activity takes place from the start of construction throughout the sales or initial lease-up period. The developer will be required to notify HUD's Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) Division either by phone or in writing of the dates on which he or she intends to (a) commence marketing activities; (b) accept applications or sales contracts; and (c) begin initial occupancy. B. Outreach: Procedures to inform persons of all groups in the general public about the availability of units. The developer will be required to advertise the project in both The News and Observer, a widely distributed general public newspaper, The Carolinian, a local newspaper targeting Wake County's African-American community and Que Pasa, a local newspaper targeting Wake County's Hispanic community. In addition, promotional materials (i.e., brochures) will be developed and widely distributed throughout the community. C. Method of Reaching Those Least Likely to Apply: Wake County recommends that the developer using County funds to build five (5) or more units utilize churches and civic groups in attempting to reach those least likely to apply. In addition, the developer should consider advertising in other appropriate channels, such as the Homebuilders Association of Raleigh and Wake County, the Triangle Apartment Association and the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce. 55 D. Record Keeping: Records that will be kept describing actions taken by the recipient to affirmatively market units and records to assess the results of those actions. The developer will be required to maintain a log to indicate where and to whom written materials are distributed. Newspaper articles and other coverage provided by the print media will be clipped and filed. The developer will be required to keep records on racial/ethnic beneficiaries (including occupants) for their records. E. Evaluation: Wake County will evaluate the affirmative marketing activities undertaken by the developer based on the inquiries received, the characteristics of those actually entering the qualification process, and ultimately, on the profile of the households who will be assisted under the program. If at any point during the program Wake County has reason to believe that there are market segments not being reached, it will take corrective action as necessary. 56 ATTACHMENT E CDBG DRAWS JULY 1, 2012 TO JUNE 30, 2013 INDEX # BR08 BR08 BR08 BR08 BR08 BR08 BR08 BR08 BR08 BR08 BR08 BR09 BR09 BR09 BR09 BR09 IDIS # 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 398 398 398 398 398 FY fy08 fy08 fy08 fy08 fy08 fy08 fy08 fy08 fy08 fy08 fy08 fy09 fy09 fy09 fy09 fy09 BH09 BH09 406 406 fy09 fy09 BR10 BR10 BR10 BR10 BR10 BR10 BR10 429 429 429 429 429 429 429 fy10 fy10 fy10 fy10 fy10 fy10 fy10 BG10 BG10 BG10 BG10 BG10 BG10 BG10 BG10 BG10 BG10 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 fy10 fy10 fy10 fy10 fy10 fy10 fy10 fy10 fy10 fy10 BR06 452 FY06 BR11 BR11 BR11 BR11 BR11 BR11 BR11 BR11 BR11 BR11 472 472 472 472 472 472 472 472 472 472 fy11 fy11 fy11 FY11 FY11 FY11 FY11 FY11 FY11 FY11 IDIS/FAMIS ACTIVITY fy08 Rehab fy08 Rehab fy08 Rehab fy08 Rehab fy08 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy08 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy08 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy08 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy08 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy08 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy08 Elderly & Disabled Rehab Sub-Total EN & RL drawn Total EN & RL drawn fy09 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy09 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy09 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy09 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy09 Elderly & Disabled Rehab Sub-Total EN & RL drawn Total EN & RL drawn fy09 Habitat Humanity-White Oak fy09 Habitat/White Oak Villas Total EN drawn fy10 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy10 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy10 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy10 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy10 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy10 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy10 Elderly & Disabled Rehab Total EN & RL drawn fy10 Homeless Employment Initiative fy10 Homeless Employment Initiative fy10 Homeless Employment Initiative fy10 Homeless Employment Initiative fy10 Homeless Employment Initiative fy10 Homeless Employment Initiative fy10 Homeless Employment Initiative fy10 Homeless Employment Initiative fy10 Homeless Employment Initiative fy10 Homeless Employment Initiative Total EN drawn FY06,07 & 08 The Salvation Army Total RL drawn fy11 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy11 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy11 Elderly & Disabled Rehab 11 REHAB drawn on Oct 12 11 E&D drawn for Jan 13 11 E&D drawn for Feb 13 11 E&D drawn for Mar 13 11 E&D drawn for Apr 13 11 E&D drawn for May 13 11 E&D drawn for Jun 13 CDBG EN DRAW $112,078.00 $3,375.00 $60,100.03 $51,270.00 $90,225.00 $117,482.50 $6,000.00 $17,643.00 $19,840.00 $7,718.80 $485,732.33 $492,473.53 $1,164.71 IDIS RL DRAW $6,741.20 $6,741.20 $1,960.29 $51,025.00 $56,030.00 $11,575.00 $79,565.00 $1,164.71 $201,320.00 $135,308.82 $17,956.45 $153,265.27 $4,247.00 $5,192.58 $200,155.29 $9,439.58 $216,760.02 $3,762.00 $11,640.00 $6,000.00 $1,686.00 $3,452.00 $12,000.00 $3,000.00 $22,434.00 $23,218.27 $3,000.00 $90,192.27 207320.44 2/19/2013 3 /25/2013 5 /23/2013 6 /20/2013 8 /8 /2013 1/17/2013 8/8/2013 $21,995.44 $49,745.00 $52,850.00 $47,255.00 $35,475.00 2/19/2013 3/25/2013 4 /18/2013 5 /23/2013 6 /20/2013 8 /8 /2013 1/17/2013 10/17/2012 12/19/2012 2/19/2013 3/25/2013 4/18/2013 5/23/2013 6/20/2013 8/8/2013 9/26/2012 $500,000.00 10/17/2012 $10,422.66 $750.00 $700.00 $15,750.00 $28,075.00 $26,120.00 $74,115.00 10/17/2012 8/22/2012 9/26/2012 10/17/2012 2 /19/2013 3 /25/2013 4 /18/2013 5 /23/2013 6 /20/2013 8 /8 /2013 $500,000.00 $46,907.34 $6,824.02 $39,054.00 57 DATE TO DRAW 1/17/2013 10/17/2012 11/30/2012 12/19/2012 2/19/2013 3/25/2013 4/18/2013 5/23/2013 6/20/2013 8/8/2013 8 /8 /2013 INDEX # IDIS # BG11 BG11 473 473 fy11 fy11 BG11 BG11 BG11 BG11 BG11 BG11 BG11 474 474 474 474 474 474 474 fy11 fy11 fy11 fy11 fy11 fy11 fy11 BG11 BG11 476 476 fy11 fy11 BG11 BG11 BG11 477 477 477 fy11 fy11 fy11 BA12 BA12 BA12 BA12 BA12 BA12 BA12 BA12 BA12 BA12 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 481 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 BR12 BR12 BR12 BR12 BR12 BR12 BR12 BR12 BR12 BR12 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 FY12 FY12 FY12 BR12 BR12 BR12 BR12 BR12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 483 483 483 483 483 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 FY fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 IDIS/FAMIS ACTIVITY Sub-Total EN & RL drawn Total EN & RL drawn fy11 Knightdale Pk fy11 Knightdale Pk Total EN drawn fy11 Morrisville-Barbee/Fiona fy11 Morrisville-Barbee/Fiona fy11 Morrisville-Barbee/Fiona fy11 Morrisville-Barbee/Fiona fy11 Morrisville-Barbee/Fiona fy11 Morrisville-Barbee/Revise 5/23 draw fy11 Morrisville-Barbee/Fiona Total EN drawn fy11 Rolesville-Sch St Paving fy11 Rolesville-Sch St Paving Total EN drawn fy11 Homeless Employment Initiative fy11 Homeless Employment Initiative fy11 Homeless Employment Initiative Total EN drawn fy12 Adm fy12 Adm fy12 Adm fy12 Adm fy12 Adm fy12 Adm fy12 Adm fy12 Adm fy12 Adm fy12 Adm Total ADM drawn fy12 Rehab Adm fy12 Rehab Adm fy12 Rehab Adm fy12 Rehab Adm fy12 Rehab Adm fy12 Rehab Adm fy12 Rehab Adm 12 REHAB Adm (Apr 13 RL) 12 REHAB Adm (May 13 drawn) 12 REHAB Adm (June 13 RL) Sub-Total EN & RL drawn Total EN & RL drawn fy12 Rehab Emergency fy12 Rehab Emergency fy12 Rehab Emergency fy12 Rehab Emergency fy12 Rehab Emergency Sub-Total EN & RL drawn Total EN & RL drawn fy12 F-V Water line fy12 F-V Water line-7&8/12 payroll fy12 F-V Water line fy12 F-V Water line fy12 F-V Water line fy12 F-V Water line fy12 F-V Water line fy12 F-V Water line 58 CDBG EN DRAW $92,785.36 $248,718.02 $155,160.00 $37,080.00 $192,240.00 $767.00 $1,627.50 $22,701.90 $850.00 $269,979.46 ($3,860.76) $465.00 $292,530.10 $46,758.79 $1,606.33 $48,365.12 $2,070.00 $6,848.00 $1,536.00 $10,454.00 $18,696.59 $55,434.13 $18,209.27 $16,843.62 $22,536.43 $23,743.30 $23,737.73 $22,614.41 $20,432.62 $26,462.49 $248,710.59 $7,165.59 $27,568.60 $6,022.99 $5,486.89 $8,825.74 $5,881.90 $3,202.29 IDIS RL DRAW $155,932.66 DATE TO DRAW 1/17/2013 2/19/2013 1/17/2013 11/30/2012 2/19/2013 4/18/2013 5/23/2013 8/7/2013 9/26/2012 11/30/2012 9/26/2012 3/25/2013 6/20/2013 8/8/2013 1/17/2013 10/17/2012 11/30/2012 12/19/2012 2/19/2013 3/25/2013 4/18/2013 5/23/2013 6/20/2013 8/8/2013 $13,143.15 $8,236.41 $18,465.16 $64,154.00 $103,998.72 $1,000.00 $1,600.00 $6,590.00 $810.00 $39,844.72 $10,000.00 $27,234.00 $4,282.50 $6,076.55 $6,567.50 $1,170.00 $780.00 $657.38 $1,645.00 $2,914.82 17,234.00 $8,484.00 $8,750.00 1/17/2013 11/30/2012 12/19/2012 2/19/2013 3/25/2013 4/18/2013 5/23/2013 5 /23/2013 6 /20/2013 1/17/2013 11/30/2012 12/19/2012 5 /23/2013 8 /8 /2013 1/17/2013 11/30/2012 12/19/2012 2/19/2013 3/25/2013 4/18/2013 6/20/2013 8/8/2013 INDEX # IDIS # FY BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 486 486 486 486 486 486 486 486 486 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 488 488 488 488 488 488 488 488 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 489 489 489 489 489 489 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 490 490 490 490 490 490 490 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 BR12 484 FY12 IDIS/FAMIS ACTIVITY Total EN drawn fy12 Garner Forest Ridge fy12 Garner Forest Ridge 9&10/12 payroll fy12 Garner Forest Ridge fy12 Garner Forest Ridge fy12 Garner Forest Ridge fy12 Garner Forest Ridge fy12 Garner Forest Ridge-4/13 payroll fy12 Garner Forest Ridge fy12 Garner Forest Ridge Total EN drawn fy12 Knightdale-Smithfield Rd 12/12 payr fy12 Knightdale-Smithfield Rd 11/12 payr fy12 Knightdale-Smithfield Rd fy12 Knightdale-Smithfield Rd fy12 Knightdale-Smithfield Rd fy12 Knightdale-Smithfield Rd fy12 Knightdale-Smithfield Rd fy12 Knightdale-Smithfield Rd Total EN drawn fy12 Wendell-Anderson/Poplar St fy12 Wendell-Anderson/Poplar St fy12 Wendell-Anderson/Poplar St 1/13 pay fy12 Wendell-Anderson/Poplar St fy12 Wendell-Anderson/Poplar St fy12 Wendell-Anderson/Poplar St fy12 Wendell-Anderson/Poplar St fy12 Wendell-Anderson/Poplar St Total EN drawn fy12 Wendell-Wendell Blvd fy12 Wendell-Wendell Blvd fy12 Wendell-Wendell Blvd fy12 Wendell-Wendell Blvd fy12 Wendell-Wendell Blvd-4/13 payroll fy12 Wendell-Wendell Blvd-4/13 payroll Total EN drawn fy12 Zebulon-Shepard Sch Rd fy12 Zebulon-Shepard Sch Rd fy12 Zebulon-Shepard Sch Rd fy12 Zebulon-Shepard Sch Rd fy12 Zebulon-Shepard Sch Rd-5/13 payroll fy12 Zebulon-Revise fm IDIS474 for 6/13 fy12 Zebulon-Shepard Sch Rd-6/13 payroll Total EN drawn 12 E&D REHAB Total RL drawn Total ADM, EN & RL drawn CDBG EN DRAW $24,093.75 $2,992.50 $7,258.72 $7,550.00 $9,320.00 $3,255.00 $427.50 $642.63 $1,755.00 $669.48 $33,870.83 $4,375.01 $6,919.88 $2,225.00 $5,505.00 $10,356.36 $431.25 $4,785.00 $671.25 $35,268.75 $3,900.00 $3,787.50 $5,391.39 $7,936.38 $4,895.27 $727.50 $652.51 $72.50 $27,363.05 $2,120.00 $3,615.00 $1,700.00 $1,840.00 $3,020.00 $805.00 $13,100.00 $2,912.50 $7,125.00 $8,280.00 $837.50 $4,081.38 $3,860.76 $2,910.06 DATE TO DRAW 1/17/2013 11/30/2012 12/19/2012 2/19/2013 3/25/2013 4/18/2013 5/23/2013 6/20/2013 8/8/2013 1/17/2013 12/19/2012 2/19/2013 3/25/2013 4/18/2013 5/23/2013 6/20/2013 8/8/2013 1/17/2013 12/19/2012 2/19/2013 3/25/2013 4/18/2013 5/23/2013 6/20/2013 8/8/2013 1/17/2013 12/19/2012 2/19/2013 3/25/2013 5/23/2013 8/8/2013 1/17/2013 12/19/2012 2/19/2013 3/25/2013 6/20/2013 8/7/2013 8/8/2013 $30,007.20 $0.00 1,862,736.91 59 IDIS RL DRAW $375.00 8 /8 /2013 $375.00 1,127,603.31 2,990,340.22 INDEX # BA12 BR08 BR09 BR10 BR11 BR12 BR12 BR12 BR06 IDIS # 481 372 398 429 472 482 483 484 452 FY fy12 fy08 fy09 fy10 fy11 fy12 fy12 FY12 FY06 BH09 BG10 BG11 406 440 477 fy09 fy10 fy11 BG11 BG11 BG11 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 BG12 473 474 476 485 486 487 488 489 490 fy11 fy11 fy11 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 fy12 SUMMARY OF CDBG EXPENDITURES: fy12 Adm fy08 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy09 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy10 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy11 Elderly & Disabled Rehab fy12 Rehab Adm fy12 Rehab Emergency 12 E&D REHAB FY06,07 & 08 The Salvation Army Sub-Total EN & RL E&D Rehab fy09 Habitat Humanity-White Oak fy10 Homeless Employment Initiative fy11 Homeless Employment Initiative Sub-Total Public Services fy11 Knightdale Pk fy11 Morrisville-Barbee/Fiona fy11 Rolesville-Sch St Paving fy12 F-V Water line fy12 Garner Forest Ridge fy12 Knightdale-Smithfield Rd fy12 Wendell-Anderson/Poplar St fy12 Wendell-Wendell Blvd fy12 Zebulon-Shepard Sch Rd Sub-Total Public Facility Total FY 2012 CDBG EXPENSES DRAWN AMOUNT $248,710.59 $492,473.53 $201,320.00 $216,760.02 $248,718.02 $103,998.72 $27,234.00 $375.00 $500,000.00 $1,790,879.29 $153,265.27 $90,192.27 $10,454.00 $100,646.27 $192,240.00 $292,530.10 $48,365.12 $24,093.75 $33,870.83 $35,268.75 $27,363.05 $13,100.00 $30,007.20 $696,838.80 60 SUMMARY BY PROJECT $248,710.59 $1,790,879.29 $153,265.27 $100,646.27 $696,838.80 $2,990,340.22 ATTACHMENT F IDIS REPORT CO4PR26 61 Office of Community Planning and Development U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Integrated Disbursement and Information System PR26 - CDBG Financial Summary Report Program Year 2012 WAKE COUNTY , NC DATE: 08-09-13 TIME: 10:05 PAGE: 1 PART I: SUMMARY OF CDBG RESOURCES 01 UNEXPENDED CDBG FUNDS AT END OF PREVIOUS PROGRAM YEAR 02 ENTITLEMENT GRANT 03 SURPLUS URBAN RENEWAL 04 SECTION 108 GUARANTEED LOAN FUNDS 05 CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM INCOME 05a CURRENT YEAR SECTION 108 PROGRAM INCOME (FOR SI TYPE) 06 RETURNS 07 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL AVAILABLE 08 TOTAL AVAILABLE (SUM, LINES 01-07) PART II: SUMMARY OF CDBG EXPENDITURES 09 DISBURSEMENTS OTHER THAN SECTION 108 REPAYMENTS AND PLANNING/ADMINISTRATION 10 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL AMOUNT SUBJECT TO LOW/MOD BENEFIT 11 AMOUNT SUBJECT TO LOW/MOD BENEFIT (LINE 09 + LINE 10) 12 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PLANNING/ADMINISTRATION 13 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR SECTION 108 REPAYMENTS 14 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL EXPENDITURES 15 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (SUM, LINES 11-14) 16 UNEXPENDED BALANCE (LINE 08 - LINE 15) PART III: LOWMOD BENEFIT THIS REPORTING PERIOD 17 EXPENDED FOR LOW/MOD HOUSING IN SPECIAL AREAS 18 EXPENDED FOR LOW/MOD MULTI-UNIT HOUSING 19 DISBURSED FOR OTHER LOW/MOD ACTIVITIES 20 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL LOW/MOD CREDIT 21 TOTAL LOW/MOD CREDIT (SUM, LINES 17-20) 22 PERCENT LOW/MOD CREDIT (LINE 21/LINE 11) LOW/MOD BENEFIT FOR MULTI-YEAR CERTIFICATIONS 23 PROGRAM YEARS(PY) COVERED IN CERTIFICATION 24 CUMULATIVE NET EXPENDITURES SUBJECT TO LOW/MOD BENEFIT CALCULATION 25 CUMULATIVE EXPENDITURES BENEFITING LOW/MOD PERSONS 26 PERCENT BENEFIT TO LOW/MOD PERSONS (LINE 25/LINE 24) PART IV: PUBLIC SERVICE (PS) CAP CALCULATIONS 27 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PUBLIC SERVICES 28 PS UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS AT END OF CURRENT PROGRAM YEAR 29 PS UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS AT END OF PREVIOUS PROGRAM YEAR 30 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL PS OBLIGATIONS 31 TOTAL PS OBLIGATIONS (LINE 27 + LINE 28 - LINE 29 + LINE 30) 32 ENTITLEMENT GRANT 33 PRIOR YEAR PROGRAM INCOME 34 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL SUBJECT TO PS CAP 35 TOTAL SUBJECT TO PS CAP (SUM, LINES 32-34) 36 PERCENT FUNDS OBLIGATED FOR PS ACTIVITIES (LINE 31/LINE 35) PART V: PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION (PA) CAP 37 DISBURSED IN IDIS FOR PLANNING/ADMINISTRATION 38 PA UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS AT END OF CURRENT PROGRAM YEAR 39 PA UNLIQUIDATED OBLIGATIONS AT END OF PREVIOUS PROGRAM YEAR 62 1 3,100,008.40 1,423,597.00 0.00 0.00 489,864.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,013,470.14 2,741,629.63 0.00 2,741,629.63 248,710.59 0.00 0.00 2,990,340.22 2,023,129.92 0.00 0.00 2,741,629.63 0.00 2,741,629.63 100.00% PY: PY: PY: 0.00 0.00 0.00% 100,646.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 100,646.27 1,423,597.00 331,790.32 0.00 1,755,387.32 5.73% 248,710.59 0.00 0.00 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL PA OBLIGATIONS TOTAL PA OBLIGATIONS (LINE 37 + LINE 38 - LINE 39 +LINE 40) ENTITLEMENT GRANT CURRENT YEAR PROGRAM INCOME ADJUSTMENT TO COMPUTE TOTAL SUBJECT TO PA CAP TOTAL SUBJECT TO PA CAP (SUM, LINES 42-44) PERCENT FUNDS OBLIGATED FOR PA ACTIVITIES (LINE 41/LINE 45) LINE 17 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES TO CONSIDER IN DETERMINING THE AMOUNT TO ENTER ON LINE 17 Report returned no data. LINE 18 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES TO CONSIDER IN DETERMINING THE AMOUNT TO ENTER ON LINE 18 Report returned no data. LINE 19 DETAIL: ACTIVITIES INCLUDED IN THE COMPUTATION OF LINE 19 Plan Year IDIS Project IDIS Activity Voucher Number Matrix Code 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 372 5487606 5502533 5509690 5519052 5531039 5544520 5554094 5567091 5576511 5593487 CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2 2 2 2 2 398 398 398 398 398 5531039 5544520 5567091 5576511 5593487 FY09 FY09 FY09 FY09 FY09 2009 10 406 5519052 2009 10 406 5593487 FY09 CDBG AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT/HABITAT HUMANITY OF WC/WHITE OAK VILLAS FY09 CDBG AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT/HABITAT HUMANITY OF WC/WHITE OAK VILLAS Activity Name HOUSING REHABILITATION/BR08 HOUSING REHABILITATION/BR08 HOUSING REHABILITATION/BR08 HOUSING REHABILITATION/BR08 HOUSING REHABILITATION/BR08 HOUSING REHABILITATION/BR08 HOUSING REHABILITATION/BR08 HOUSING REHABILITATION/BR08 HOUSING REHABILITATION/BR08 HOUSING REHABILITATION/BR08 CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG CDBG HOUSING HOUSING HOUSING HOUSING HOUSING HOUSING HOUSING HOUSING HOUSING HOUSING HOUSING REHAB/BR09 REHAB/BR09 REHAB/BR09 REHAB/BR09 REHAB/BR09 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2 2 2 2 2 2 429 429 429 429 429 429 5531039 5544520 5554094 5567091 5576511 5593487 FY10 FY10 FY10 FY10 FY10 FY10 REHAB/BR10 REHAB/BR10 REHAB/BR10 REHAB/BR10 REHAB/BR10 REHAB/BR10 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2 8 8 8 8 8 452 440 440 440 440 440 5487606 5479642 5487606 5509690 5519052 5531039 Salvation Army Rehabiliation Homeless Employment Initiative Homeless Employment Initiative Homeless Employment Initiative Homeless Employment Initiative Homeless Employment Initiative National Objective 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH # 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A 01 LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH # LMH 01 LMH 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A 03C 05H 05H 05H 05H 05H 63 0.00 248,710.59 1,423,597.00 489,864.74 0.00 1,913,461.74 13.00% # LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH # LMC LMC LMC LMC LMC LMC Drawn Amount $3,375.00 $60,100.03 $51,270.00 $112,078.00 $90,225.00 $117,482.50 $6,000.00 $17,643.00 $19,840.00 $14,460.00 $492,473.53 $3,125.00 $51,025.00 $56,030.00 $11,575.00 $79,565.00 $201,320.00 $135,308.82 $17,956.45 $153,265.27 $4,247.00 $27,188.02 $49,745.00 $52,850.00 $47,255.00 $35,475.00 $216,760.02 $500,000.00 $3,000.00 $11,640.00 $6,000.00 $3,762.00 $1,686.00 Plan Year IDIS Project IDIS Activity Voucher Number Matrix Code 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 8 8 8 8 8 440 440 440 440 440 5544520 5554094 5567091 5576511 5593487 Homeless Homeless Homeless Homeless Homeless 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 472 472 472 472 472 472 472 472 472 5466727 5479642 5487606 5531039 5544520 5554094 5567091 5576511 5593487 Elderly Elderly Elderly Elderly Elderly Elderly Elderly Elderly Elderly 2011 2011 6 6 473 473 5519052 5531039 Knightdale Park and Playground Knightdale Park and Playground 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 6 6 6 6 6 6 474 474 474 474 474 474 5479642 5502533 5519052 5531039 5554094 5567091 Barbee Barbee Barbee Barbee Barbee Barbee 2011 2011 6 6 476 476 5479642 5502533 Rolesville-School Street Paving Rolesville-School Street Paving 03K 03K 2011 2011 2011 6 6 6 477 477 477 5544520 5576511 5593487 Homeless Employment Initiative Homeless Employment Initiative Homeless Employment Initiative 05 05 05 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 485 5502533 5509690 5519052 5531039 5544520 5554094 5576511 5593487 Fuquay-Varina-Upgrade Fuquay-Varina-Upgrade Fuquay-Varina-Upgrade Fuquay-Varina-Upgrade Fuquay-Varina-Upgrade Fuquay-Varina-Upgrade Fuquay-Varina-Upgrade Fuquay-Varina-Upgrade 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 486 486 486 486 486 486 486 486 486 5502533 5509690 5519052 5531039 5544520 5554094 5567091 5576511 5593487 Garner-Forest Garner-Forest Garner-Forest Garner-Forest Garner-Forest Garner-Forest Garner-Forest Garner-Forest Garner-Forest Activity Name Employment Employment Employment Employment Employment and and and and and and and and and Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Rd./Fiona Rd./Fiona Rd./Fiona Rd./Fiona Rd./Fiona Rd./Fiona Initiative Initiative Initiative Initiative Initiative Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Circle Ridge Ridge Ridge Ridge Ridge Ridge Ridge Ridge Ridge 05H 05H 05H 05H 05H Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving of of of of of of of of 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A 03F 03F and and and and and and Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Street Street Street Street Street Street Lines Lines Lines Lines Lines Lines Lines Lines Rd./Foxwood Dr. Rd./Foxwood Dr. Rd./Foxwood Dr. Rd./Foxwood Dr. Rd./Foxwood Dr. Rd./Foxwood Dr. Rd./Foxwood Dr. Rd./Foxwood Dr. Rd./Foxwood Dr. on on on on on on on on Improvements Improvements Improvements Improvements Improvements Improvements Conover Conover Conover Conover Conover Conover Conover Conover Sidewalks Sidewalks Sidewalks Sidewalks Sidewalks Sidewalks Sidewalks Sidewalks Sidewalks 64 and and and and and and and and Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry 03K 03K 03K 03K 03K 03K Sts. Sts. Sts. Sts. Sts. Sts. Sts. Sts. 03J 03J 03J 03J 03J 03J 03J 03J 03L 03L 03L 03L 03L 03L 03L 03L 03L National Objective LMC LMC LMC LMC LMC # LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH # LMA LMA # LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA # LMA LMA # LMC LMC LMC # LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA # LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA # Drawn Amount $3,452.00 $12,000.00 $3,000.00 $22,434.00 $23,218.27 $90,192.27 $6,824.02 $39,054.00 $57,330.00 $750.00 $700.00 $15,750.00 $28,075.00 $26,120.00 $74,115.00 $248,718.02 $155,160.00 $37,080.00 $192,240.00 $465.00 $1,627.50 $767.00 $22,701.90 $850.00 $266,118.70 $292,530.10 $1,606.33 $46,758.79 $48,365.12 $2,070.00 $6,848.00 $1,536.00 $10,454.00 $6,076.55 $6,567.50 $4,282.50 $1,170.00 $780.00 $657.38 $1,645.00 $2,914.82 $24,093.75 $7,258.72 $7,550.00 $2,992.50 $9,320.00 $3,255.00 $427.50 $642.63 $1,755.00 $669.48 $33,870.83 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 IDIS Project 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 IDIS Activity 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 487 Voucher Number 5509690 5519052 5531039 5544520 5554094 5567091 5576511 5593487 Knightdale-Smithfield Knightdale-Smithfield Knightdale-Smithfield Knightdale-Smithfield Knightdale-Smithfield Knightdale-Smithfield Knightdale-Smithfield Knightdale-Smithfield 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 488 488 488 488 488 488 488 488 5509690 5519052 5531039 5544520 5554094 5567091 5576511 5593487 Wendell-Anderson/Poplar Wendell-Anderson/Poplar Wendell-Anderson/Poplar Wendell-Anderson/Poplar Wendell-Anderson/Poplar Wendell-Anderson/Poplar Wendell-Anderson/Poplar Wendell-Anderson/Poplar 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2 2 2 2 2 2 489 489 489 489 489 489 5509690 5519052 5531039 5544520 5567091 5593487 Wendell-Wendell Wendell-Wendell Wendell-Wendell Wendell-Wendell Wendell-Wendell Wendell-Wendell Blvd. Blvd. Blvd. Blvd. Blvd. Blvd. 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 490 490 490 490 490 490 490 5509690 5519052 5531039 5544520 5567091 5576511 5593487 Zebulon-Shepard Zebulon-Shepard Zebulon-Shepard Zebulon-Shepard Zebulon-Shepard Zebulon-Shepard Zebulon-Shepard School School School School School School School 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 482 5502533 5509690 5519052 5531039 5544520 5554094 5567091 5576511 5593487 Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner Homeowner 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 3 3 3 3 3 483 483 483 483 483 5502533 5509690 5519052 5567091 5593487 Emergency Emergency Emergency Emergency Emergency 2012 3 484 5593487 Elderly and Disabled Repair Grant Plan Year Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk Matrix Code 03L 03L 03L 03L 03L 03L 03L 03L St. St. St. St. St. St. St. St. 03I 03I 03I 03I 03I 03I 03I 03I Activity Name Rd. Rd. Rd. Rd. Rd. Rd. Rd. Rd. Drainage Drainage Drainage Drainage Drainage Drainage Drainage Drainage Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk Rd. Rd. Rd. Rd. Rd. Rd. Rd. 03L 03L 03L 03L 03L 03L Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk Sidewalk 03L 03L 03L 03L 03L 03L 03L Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation 14H 14H 14H 14H 14H 14H 14H 14H 14H Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A 14A Total National Objective LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA # LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA # LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA # LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA LMA # LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH # LMH LMH LMH LMH LMH # LMH # Drawn Amount $6,919.88 $4,375.01 $2,225.00 $5,505.00 $10,356.36 $431.25 $4,785.00 $671.25 $35,268.75 $3,787.50 $3,900.00 $5,391.39 $7,936.38 $4,895.27 $727.50 $652.51 $72.50 $27,363.05 $3,615.00 $2,120.00 $1,700.00 $1,840.00 $3,020.00 $805.00 $13,100.00 $7,125.00 $2,912.50 $8,280.00 $837.50 $3,860.76 $4,081.38 $2,910.06 $30,007.20 $27,568.60 $6,022.99 $7,165.59 $5,486.89 $8,825.74 $5,881.90 $16,345.44 $8,236.41 $18,465.16 $103,998.72 $1,600.00 $6,590.00 $1,000.00 $9,294.00 $8,750.00 $27,234.00 $375.00 $375.00 $2,741,629.63 65 ATTACHMENT G FINANCIAL SUMMARIES 66 FY 2012 RECONCILIATION OF LINE OF CREDIT (LOC) AND CASH BALANCES TO UNEXPENDED BALANCE OF CDBG FUNDS (Complete the following worksheet and submit with the CAPER 2012) UNEXPENDED CDBG BALANCE (Line 16 of CDBG Financial Summary; C04PR26) $2,023,129.92 RECONCILIATION: (amounts recorded as of close of business on the last day of this reporting period) ADD: LOC BALANCE CASH ON HAND: $1,212,751.73 $ 810,378.19 GRANTEE PROGRAM ACCOUNT -0- SUBRECIPIENTS PROGRAM ACCOUNTS -0- REVOLVING FUND CASH BALANCE -0- SECTION 108 CASH BALANCE -0- SUBTRACT: (Grantee CDBG Program Liabilities (include any reimbursements due to the Grantee from program funds) $0 Sub recipient CDBG Program Liabilities: $0 TOTAL RECONCILING BALANCE: $2,023,129.92 UNRECONCILED DIFFERENCE (Difference between Total Reconciling Balance and Unexpended Balance): 67 $0 ATTACHMENT FOR PROGRAM INCOME ADJUSTMENTS AND LOANS & RECEIVABLES A. Program Income 1. Total program income to revolving funds: $489,864.74 Rehabilitation program income: $464,361.14 (Includes income received from sale of property) DPA program income: $25,503.60 Total: $489,864.74 2. Float-funded activities: -0- 3. Other loan repayments by category: $ 0.00 4. 5. Income received from sale of property: $ 0.00 B. Prior Period Adjustments 1. Reimbursement made for disallowed costs: -02. Total number of loans outstanding and principal balance owed as of end of reporting period (6/30/13): CDBG Rehabilitation loans 1. Total amortized loans: 85 2. Balance of amortized loans as of 6/30/13: $3,255,045.23 3. Total deferred loans: 123 4. Balance of deferred loans as 6/30/13: $5,982,481.96 CDBG Down payment loans 1. Total amortized loans: -02. Balance of amortized loans: -03. Total deferred loans: 107 4. Balance of deferred loans as of 6/30/13: $417,408.34 3. Parcels acquired or improved with CDBG funds that are available for sale as of 6/30/13: (1) 4. Number and amount of CDBG loans in default and for which the balance was forgiven or written off during the reporting period: Total loans in default/foreclosed with balance written off as of 6/30/13: (1) Total amount of loans in default/foreclosed with balance written off: $34,013.13 Total loans paid off at foreclosure as of 6/30/13: (0) Total amount of loans paid off at foreclosure: ($0) Total loans forgiven as of 6/30/13: (0) Total amount of loans forgiven as of 6/30/13: $0 Total grants as of 6/30/13: 80 Total amount of grant loans as of 6/30/12: $2,398,675.52 68 ATTACHMENT H - HOME DRAWS INDEX # IDIS# FY HC07 350 FY07 FUND TYPE HOME FUND ACTIVITY CR FY07 WATER GARDEN VILLAGE APT HM08 HM09 403 403 FY08,09 EN FY09 EN HM10 HM11 HM10 HC11 HC11 HM11 HM11 HM11 HM11 432 406 432 480 480 480 480 480 480 FY10 FY11 FY10 FY11 FY11 FY11 FY11 FY11 FY11 PI EN EN CR CR CR CR CR CR HM11 480 FY11 PI HA12 HA12 HA12 HA12 HA12 HA12 HA12 HA12 HA12 491 491 491 491 491 491 491 491 491 FY12 FY12 FY12 FY12 FY12 FY12 FY12 FY12 FY12 AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD AD HM12 511 FY12 PI FY08,09 LAUREL CROSSING FY09 LAUREL CROSSING SUB-TOTAL FY10 WATER GARDEN PARK APT FY11 HABITAT-WHITE OAK VILLAS FY10 WATER GARDEN PARK APT FY11 SUNNYBROOK APT PHASE I FY11 SUNNYBROOK APT PHASE I FY11 SUNNYBROOK APT PHASE I FY11 SUNNYBROOK APT PHASE I FY11 SUNNYBROOK APT PHASE I FY11 SUNNYBROOK APT PHASE I HOME EN & CR DRAW $720,000.00 HOME PI DRAW $360,000.00 $360,000.00 $720,000.00 10/17/2012 2/19/2013 $339,219.31 12/31/2012 7/20/2012 12/31/2012 10/17/2012 12/19/2012 2/19/2013 4/18/2013 5/23/2013 6/20/2013 $1,549.15 7 /20/2012 $227,000.00 $540,780.69 $44,209.89 $139,310.98 $72,183.64 $21,732.68 $40,624.59 $5,298.22 FY11 SUNNYBROOK APT (6/12 DEL COST) SUB-TOTAL FY12 ADM FOR DEC 12 FY12 ADM FOR JULY-SEPT 12 FY12 ADM FOR OCT 12 FY12 ADM FOR NOV 12 FY12 ADM FOR JAN 13 FY12 ADM FOR FEB 13 FY12 ADM FOR MAR 13 FY12 ADM FOR APR 13 FY12 ADM FOR MAY 13 SUB-TOTAL ADM COLEMAN ST APT 7/12-5/13 DEL COST TOTAL FY12-13 HOME EXPENES $323,360.00 $3,969.47 $11,443.01 $4,112.55 $3,945.74 $4,048.92 $3,900.06 $3,974.49 $4,048.92 $4,123.36 $43,566.52 $2,574,707.21 DATE TO DRAW 12/31/2012 1/17/2013 10/17/2012 11/29/2012 12/19/2012 2/19/2013 3/25/2013 4/18/2013 5/23/2013 6/20/2013 $26,034.53 $366,802.99 $2,941,510.20 SUMMARY DRAWN BY PROJECTS INDEX # IDIS# FY HC07 350 FY07 HC11 480 FY11 FUND TYPE SUMMARY HOME DRAWN CR FY07 WATER GARDEN VILLAGE APT CR FY11 SUNNYBROOK APT PHASE I SUB-TOTAL CHDO DRAWN HM08 HM11 HM10 403 406 432 FY08,09 EN FY11 EN FY10 EN HM10 HM12 HA12 432 511 491 FY10 FY12 FY12 FY08,09 LAUREL CROSSING FY11 HABITAT-WHITE OAK VILLAS FY10 WATER GARDEN PARK APT TOTAL PI DRAWM $323,360.00 $1,043,360.00 $720,000.00 $1,549.15 open $339,219.31 $26,034.53 $43,566.52 SUB-TOTAL PI DRAWN $366,802.99 TOTAL FY12-13 HOME DRAW (EN, CHDO & PI) 69 $2,941,510.20 open open $1,487,780.69 FY10 WATER GARDEN PARK APT COLEMAN ST APT 7/12-5/13 DEL COST FY12 ADM FOR FY12-13 Final drawn in IDIS need complete $720,000.00 $227,000.00 $540,780.69 SUB-TOTAL EN DRAWN PI PI AD TOTAL EN/CR DRAWM ATTACHMENT I HOME MATCH REPORT Match Contributions for Part 1 Participant Identification Federal Fiscal Year (2012) 1. Participant No. (assigned by HUD) 2. Name of the Participating Jurisdiction 3. Name of Contact (person completing this report) M12-DC370213 Wake County Carrie Petrosky 5. Street Address of the Participating Jurisdiction 4. Contact's Phone Number (include area code) 336 Fayetteville St. P.O. Box 550, Suite 448 WCOB 919-856-5413 6. City 7. State Raleigh NC 8. Zip Code 27602 Part II Fiscal Year Summary 1 Excess match from prior Federal fiscal year $3,259,794 2 Match contributed during current Federal fiscal year (see Part III.9.) 3 Total match available for current Federal fiscal year (line 1 + line 2) $ 4 Match liability for current Federal fiscal year $ 371,945.00 $ 3,367,239.00 $479,390 5 Excess match carried over to next Federal fiscal year (line 3 minus line 4) Part III Match Contribution for the Federal Fiscal Year 1. Project No. 2. Date of or Other ID Contribution 3. Cash 4. Foregone Taxes, (non-Federal sources) Fees, Charges 5. Appraised Land/Real Property 7. Site Preparation, 6. Required Construction Materials, Infrastructure Donated labor 8. Bond Financing 3,739,184.00 9. Total Match (mm/dd/yyyy) 480 6/20/13 $203,000 $203,000 511 6/30/13 $276,390 $276,390 TOTAL 70 $479,390.00 ATTACHMENT J CDBG ACTIVITY SUMMARY REPORT 71