Name _____________________________________________ Date __________________ Period_________ Wave Velocity V= f v xλ Velocity = frequency x wavelength f λ 1. What is the wavelength of a water wave if its frequency is 5 Hz and its velocity is 365 m/s? 2. Calculate the velocity of a water wave if the frequency is 5 Hz and the wavelength is 12 m. 3. What is the wavelength of a water wave if its frequency is 4 Hz and its velocity is 12 m/s? 4. Calculate the velocity of a water wave if the frequency is 390 Hz, the wavelength is 5.2 m, and the amplitude of the wave is 3.76 cm. 5. A sound wave has a velocity of 343 m/s, calculate its frequency if the wavelength is 175 m. 6. Calculate the velocity of a wave if the frequency is 54 Hz and the wavelength is 25 m. 7. Calculate the wavelength of a wave that is travelling 4.6 m/s with a frequency of 230 Hz. 8. What is the wavelength of a water wave if tis frequency is 7.5 Hz and the wave speed is 53 m/s? 9. Calculate the speed of a water wave if the frequency is 1 Hz and the wavelength is 6 m. 10. What is the wavelength of a water wave if its frequency is 33 Hz and its velocity is 7 m/s? 11. Calculate the velocity of a wave if the frequency is 375 Hz, the wavelength is 18.2 m, and the amplitude of the wave is 8.25 cm. 12. A sound wave has a speed of 343 m/s, calculate its frequency if the wavelength is 500 m. 13. Calculate the velocity of a wave if the frequency is 120 Hz and the wavelength is 65 m. 14. Calculate the frequency of a wave in a spring toy. The wave has a speed of 1.1 m/s and a wavelength of 0.1 m. 15. What is the speed of an ocean wave that has a wavelength of 0.30 meters and a frequency of 1.80 hertz? 16. The lowest pitch that the average human can hear has a frequency of 20.0 Hz. If sound with this frequency travels through air with a speed of 331 m/s, what is its wavelength? 17. Cicadas produce a buzzing sound that has a wavelength in air of 2.69 m. If the speed of sound in air is 346 m/s, what is the frequency of the sound produced by a cicada? 18. A drum is struck, producing a wave with a wavelength of 110 cm and a speed of 2.42 x 104 m/s. What is the frequency of the wave? 19. A ship anchored at sea is rocked by waves that have crests 14 m apart. The waves travel at 7.0 m/s. How often do the wave crests reach the ship? 20. A wave with frequency of 60 Hz travels through steel with a wavelength of 85.5 m. What is the speed of this wave?