Part I: Vocabulary - Monmouth Regional High School

Chapter 7 “Creating a Republic”.
Part I: Vocabulary: Write the definition on a separate sheet up paper.
Bill of Rights
Articles of Confederation
Land Ordinance of 1785
Northwest Ordinance
Shay’s Rebellion
Constitutional Convention
Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
Judicial Branch
Great Compromise
Founding Fathers
Magna Carta
English Bill of Rights
Habeas corpus
Federalist papers
Part Two: Important People
William Patterson
John Locke
Baron de Montesquieu
Thomas Jefferson
Roger Sherman
Edmund Randolph
James Madison
Benjamin Franklin
Daniel Shay
Patrick Henry
Part Three: Comprehension: Answer each question in full detail on a separate sheet of
1. What was the New Jersey plan, who came up with it, why was it created, and why was it
2. What was the Virginia plan, who came up with it, why was it created, and why was it
3. Who were the Federalists, what were their feelings about the government and why
4. Who were the Antifederalists, what were their feelings about the government and why?
5. Who did the Founding Fathers model their new government off of?
6. What was the Great Compromise?
7. What was the Three-Fifths Compromise, who came up with it and why? Also, because of
this new compromise what happened with the slave trade.
8. In full detail, what were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
9. What was the importance of the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance?
10. What is the Bill of Rights and why were they added to the Constitution?
Chapter 7 “Creating a Republic”.
Part I: Vocabulary: Write the definition on a separate sheet up paper.
Constitution - – a document that sets out the laws, principles, organization, and processes of a
Bill of Rights - written list of freedoms the government promises to protect.
Execute – carry out
Articles of Confederation - First American constitution, passed in 1777, which created a loose
alliance of the 13 independent states.
Ceded - to give up.
Currency - money
Land Ordinance of 1785 - set up a system for settling the Northwest Territory.
Northwest Ordinance- Set up a government for the Northwest territory, Guaranteed basic rights
to settlers, Outlawed slavery
Depression - A period when business activity slows, prices and wages fall, and unemployment
Shay’s Rebellion - Organized an uprising in 1787, 1,000 farmers attacked court houses and
prevented the state from seizing farms.
Constitutional Convention - Its goal was to revise the Articles of Confederation, Every state
except Rhode Island sent representatives.
Legislative Branch- Makes the Laws
Executive Branch – Enforces the laws
Judicial Branch – Interprets the Laws.
Compromise - a settlement in which each side gives up some of its demands in order to reach an
Great Compromise – Roger Sherman’s plan called for the creation of a two house legislature.
Founding Fathers - men such as Madison, Jefferson, and the other leaders who laid the
groundwork of the United States.
Republic - a government in which citizens rule themselves through elected representatives
Dictatorship - a government in which one person or a small group hold complete authority.
Magna Carta - contained two basic ideas.
1. Made it clear that English monarchs themselves had to obey the law.
2. Nobles had certain rights- rights that were later extended to other classes of people as well
English Bill of Rights - Stated that parliamentary elections should be held regularly. It upheld
the right to trial by jury and allowed citizens to bear arms.
Habeas corpus - no person could be held in prison without first being charged with a specific
Federalist papers - a series of essays by Federalists James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton,
and John Jay in support of ratifying the Constitution.
Amend - Change
Part Two: Important People
William Patterson – came up with the New Jersey plan, which called for three branches of
government. each state regardless of population would receive one vote
John Locke - English Philosopher. He believed a ruler must enforce the laws and protect the
people. If a ruler violates the peoples natural rights, the people have the right to rebel.
Baron de Montesquieu – French Philosopher, He believed the power of government should be
divided up. He suggested three separate branches: Legislative, Executive, Judicial. He came up
with the Idea of Separation of Powers.
Roger Sherman- came up with the Great Compromise , which created the House of
Representatives and the Senate.
Edmund Randolph – Came up with the Virginia plan which favored strong national
James Madison - His ideas on how to structure government influenced other delegates. Today
he is known as the “Father of the Constitution.”
Daniel Shay- Responsible for Shay’s rebellion.
Part Three: Comprehension:
What was the New Jersey plan, who came up with it, why was it created, and why
was it important?
Small states opposed the Virginia Plan because they believed large states could out vote them in
After serious debate, William Patterson of New Jersey came up with a plan for the smaller
The New Jersey Plan – called for three branches of government, Each state regardless of
population would receive one vote
What was the Virginia plan, who came up with it, why was it created, and why was
it important?
Edmund Randolph and James Madison proposed a new form of government.
It was called the Virginia Plan, which called for a strong national government with three
The Legislative Branch – would pass laws.
The Executive Branch- would carry out the laws.
The Judicial Branch- system of courts, would decide if laws were carried out fairly.
Who were the Federalists, what were their feelings about the government and why
they favored a strong national government.
They believed the Constitution gave too much power to the states and that it made the
government too difficult to function.
Believed the Constitution gave the national government it needed to function effectively.
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay wrote a series of essays known as the
Federalists Papers.
Who were the Antifederalists, what were their feelings about the government and
Believed the Constitution made the national government too strong and the states weak.
Gave the President too much power.
Antifederalists believed the main things that was missing from the constitution was a bill
of rights.
George Mason of Virginia was on of the strongest supports for the bill of rights.
Who did the Founding Fathers model their new government off of?
The Romans, John Lock, Baron de Montesquieu, Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights.
What was the Great Compromise?
A plan that settles the dispute between large and small states and representation.
What was the Three-Fifths Compromise, who came up with it and why? Also,
because of this new compromise what happened with the slave trade?
IT was proposed by Roger Sherman and James Wilson
three-fifths of the slaves in each state would be counted. For example of a state had 5,000 slaves
only 3,000 would be counted. This was known as the Great Compromise.
Northern and Southern states came up with another compromise. Congress could not outlaw
slavery for 20 years. After 20 years congress could regulate the slave trade if they wished.
Northerners agreed that no state could stop a fugitive slave from being returned to an owner who
claimed that slave.
In full detail, what were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of
Each State had one vote under the Articles of Confederation.
Congress could declare war, appoint military officers, and coin money.
Congress was also responsible for foreign affairs.
Congress could pass laws, but nine states had to approve a law before it could go into
Congress could not regulate trade between states or foreign countries.
Could not tax (to raise money, Congress had to ask the states for it or borrow it).
The Articles of Confederation had no President to execute laws.
It was up to the States to enforce the laws passed by Congress.
No court system to settle conflicts between states.
* Northwest Ordinance was the greatest achievement the Articles of Confederation had.
9.What was the importance of the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance?
Land Ordinance of 1785- set up a system for settling the Northwest Territory.
The land would be surveyed and divided into townships.
Each Township would be divided into 36 sections of 1 square mile each.
Congress would sell sections to settlers for $640 a piece.
One section in each town was set aside to support public schools.
Northwest Land Ordinance: Set up a government for the Northwest territory
Guaranteed basic rights to settlers,
Outlawed slavery
It provided a way to admit new states to the Nation:
One a territory had a population of 60,000 free settlers, it could ask Congress to admit
them as a new state.
Each new state would have the same rights as all the other states.
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin were all formed from the Northwest
What is the Bill of Rights and why were they added to the Constitution?