Document 6673035

Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan
Unit Title:
4 -7
Weekly Learning Targets:
I can identify the key details of a story. (K)
I can retell the story using details from the beginning, middle, and end. (K)
I can identify, define, and describe character, setting, and major events in a story. (R)
I can identify differences between books that tell stories and books that give information. (K)
I can distinguish between long short vowel sounds in a single syllable word( R)
I can decode single-syllable words. This means that I can mark a word to help me stretch it
Out (S)
I can orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds. (S)
I can identify position of sounds in a word. This means I can tell the beginning, middle, and
Ending (S)
I can stretch out sounds to produce a single syllable word.
I can produce single-syllable sounds by using consonant blends.(S)
I can identify and write common nouns correctly by beginning them with lowercase letters. (S
I can identify and write proper nouns correctly by beginning them with capital letters. (S)
I can use correct punctuation at the end of a sentence. This means I know when to use a
period, question mark, and exclamation point.
I can spell common word patterns and sight words.
Day One Activities:
Morning Work:
Day One Formative Assessments:
Labor Day No School
Literacy Block:
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Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan
Day Two Activities:
Morning Work: Short vowel “e” search for words with short e
Read sight words as a whole group
Literacy Block:
Students will read a familiar read with short vowels “a,I,o”
Students will introduced to the story with short e words
Build background with making connections and schema to
Students will be given sticky note to record words which give
them trouble.
Students will read quietly while teachers listens to fresh read
by some students.
Students will retell story using key details.
Build words with beginning consonants, short vowel e,
and ending consonants.
Play Leap Frog with short vowel words
Review Letter Blends
Outlaw words
Day Two Formative Assessments:
 Teacher assessments of oral
 Observations during phonics
 Morning Work
 Journal Writings
Day Two HOT Questions:
Apply the reading strategy of
retelling to a visual representation
of knots on a retelling rope.
Whole Group: Review previous strategies when reading.
Reading strategy of Retelling the story
Introduce a visual representation of a retelling rope
Use rope to model retelling of a story
Read short vowel story as a whole group
Writer’s Workshop:
Noun Video. Introduce Nellie Noun
Capital letters, punctuation, common and proper nouns.
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Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan
Day Three Activities:
Morning Work:
Read sight words as a whole group
Write sight words with blue and red crayons in word study
Literacy Block:
Reread a familiar book, while the teacher listens to (a)
student read.
Students will complete a writing about fiction their fiction
book, using character, setting and problem.
Teacher will take running records
Day Three Formative Assessments:
 Sound Boards
 Sight Word Folder/Notebook
 Graphic Organizer Reading
 Shared Writings
Day Three HOT Questions:
Relate long and short sounds in
words by flip-the-sounds
Short vowel chant
Record words on short vowel chart
Complete word search with short “ e”
Review blends
Spelling Words
Outlaw words
Whole group
Review reading strategy retelling with rope, this time use
visual cues to go along with rope for each child.
Model for students, let students practice EEKK
Writer’s Workshop:
Noun Video
Capital letters ( common, proper, and possessive nouns)
ending punctuation
Journal Writings story prompt
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Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan
Day Four Activities:
Morning Word Work:
EEKK sight word work
Phonics: Review the short vowel and chant
Record words in flipbook
Students will independently read the short vowel story
Write the highlighted words around the shape for the mini
Literacy Block:
Students will reread familiar story for fluency.
Students will identify characteristics of nonfiction story.
Students will read nonfiction story
Complete graphic organizer with whole group
Day Four Formative Assessments:
 Journal writings
 Sight Word work
 Observations with flip books
 Graphic organizer
Day Four HOT Questions:
Identify elements of a story in a
Review retelling with retelling rope.
Read story and use rope.
Students will use graphic organizer to retell a story read
aloud to them
Writer’s Workshop:
Noun video
Chit-Chat message to class. Students will identify capital
letters, ending punctuation, nouns and possessive nouns.
Journal writings
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Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan
Day Five Activities:
Spelling Word Dictation
Outlaw Word ( Rules Breakers)
Sentence Dictation
Sight Word Spelling check
Day Five Formative Assessments:
 Spelling, sight word and
sentence dictation
 Short vowel assessment
Phonics: As an assessment the students will independently
complete the a sound page for the short vowel o/put in word
work folder
Connect the words in the sentence to
what you know about nouns.
Select books for book boxes
Daily 5 center rotation
Teacher will do reading assessments with students
Writing Workshop:
Noun Video
Chit-Chat fix sentences with capital letter, punctuation, nouns.
Journal writings
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