NEW Infinitec 2015

Blood borne pathogens
If blood or any other fluid of another employee comes in contact with your body
you should wash with soap and water as soon as possible.
Other types of body fluids that contain potentially infected blood include?
Is there a cure for HIV/ AIDS?
Employees exposed to hepatitis B, HIV, or hepatitis C while giving first aid will be
offered what services?
Good ________ keeps you from transferring contamination from your hands to
other body parts.
When giving CPR you should use what protective equipment?
HBV is spread how?
All contaminated Personal Protective Equipment should be disposed of in a?
Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV are all considered blood borne pathogens?
In an emergency it is ok to give first aid to the injured party as long as you create
a barrier?
BBP can enter your body through a cut?
HIV means?
You cannot get HIV, HBV or HCV via casual contact?
What procedures should be taken when employees respond to and injury where
blood is present?
Sugar can be linked to hyperactivity?
Many conditions mimic ADHD?
Side effects of ADHD medications last a short time?
Stating rules verbally and relying on a child’s memory of the rules is a good
ADHD strategy?
What % of students with ADHD have other conditions/disorders?
Independent seatwork is not a recommended for a child with ADHD?
What are some ways to treat ADHD?
What are the causes of ADHD?
ADHD medications actually stimulate portions of the brain?
% of children who do NOT respond to ADHD stimulant medications?
Anti-Harassment notes
Spreading rumors and rating physical appearance is considered
sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment is unwanted physical, verbal and visual conduct.
It matters if the person who initiated the exchange intended to be
In order for a situation to qualify as a hostile work environment there
has to be?
Some reports of harassment will get reported to what other
Quid pro quo means?
Mandated Reporting
1. State agencies can become involved when?
2. If you have reasonable cause to believe a child has been
3. A report should be made how?
4. The federal law that was designed to protect children?
5. A report should be filed?
6. Mandated reporting laws include immunity for reporters? T/F
7. A child is neglected when?
8. Who can be an abuser?
9. If your call is accepted as a report and investigation will
occur? (within what time frame)
10. Who are mandated reporters?
Domestic and Sexual Violence – Erin’s Law
Signs of physical abuse?
3 exceptions to confidentiality called the 3 hurts?
Domestic violence is a pattern of coercive control one person places
over another. T/F
A child that abuses pets is showing signs of their own abuse? T/F
Bedwetting is a sign of?
What are the 3 R’s in an intervention?
Signs of sexual abuse?
How should you respond to a child of abuse?
Educator Ethics
What are the legal responsibility vs ethical responsibility we have to
our students?
Ethics is a branch of what science?
Ethics theory branches back to what century?
Ethics is about rightness/wrongness good/bad.
Ethics theory is based on?
Most common recognized ethical theory?
Ethics education is divided into 5 areas of?
Teen pregnancy and parenting youth
What % of teen say they had no sex education before the 1st time
having sex?
Teens operate from their ____________ or emotional part of the brain?
Teen moms 15-17 are more likely to rely on public assistance? T/F
The amygdala does not fully develop until what age?
Adolescent sexual behavior 3 major risks are?
What are 7 improved factors of sex education programs?
Waiting for parental consent is not a measure recommended to
young people? T/F
How many teens give birth every week in the US?
What are the 5 actions health care providers’ stake in providing teen
Diabetes quiz
1. If a student has a low blood sugar it is called hypoglycemia.
Children experience hypoglycemia as a result of? Hint all of the
2. Increased blood sugar is called hyperglycemia, the student has
too much sugar. This is a result of? (hint too little insulin)
3. What should a diabetes health care plan include? Answer is C
this is information I have on students and will put in teacher
ease for you to have if needed!
4. Which of the following is true regarding delegated care aide?
Answer all of the above. I am always available by phone, in
case of emergency Brent and Rochelle can administer
5. What are symptoms of students with type one diabetes?
6. How is hyperglycemia treated?
7. What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes?
8. Diabetes is a disease where the body is unable to create and
use insulin.
9. Diabetes is chronic this means?
Managing Food Allergies
Signs of Anaphylaxis?
How do you know entire dose of epi was delivered?
When should people with anaphylaxis history carry epi pens?
When should you give 2nd dose of epi?
When do you give epi?
Anaphylaxis is a severe reaction to?
How soon can life threatening reactions happen after exposure?
How can you prevent cross contamination?
What information is not in an emergency action plan?
What is a common food allergen?
Suicide Prevention
Most common factor leading to thoughts of suicide by teenagers is?
Give examples/match characteristics of the following:
Abused youth
Gay teen
Self harm
Bullied youngster
Male teen
Teen suicides are on the increase or decline?
Take all talks of suicide seriously and ______________?
Warning signs of suicide?
3 R’s of intervention?
4 out of _ teens give warning signs?
Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for what age group?
Match again characteristics to the following:
3 r’s
Prefrontal cortex
Suicide contributing factor
Suicide prevention strategy
Crisis response step
The prefrontal cortex is a section of brain that?