2012 Official Lunch Post Mortem

2012 Official Lunch Post Mortem
In May, I looked over the lunch grid from the previous year (2011) to see what restaurants
they used. They used: Café Bellevue, Blue Plate Diner, Cornucopia and Provencal.
When I called restaurants that had already donated previous years this was the script I
tended to stick to: “Last year I know you were generous enough to provide lunches for our
officials during the Campbell’s Hall of Fame Championships and I was wondering if you
were interested in doing the same thing this year? In exchange we can offer you an ad in
the daily draw sheet during the tournament, public announcements to be read on center
court, and tickets to the tournament.”
I called Mike Wells from Café Bellevue in late May – Mike was very nice and agreed right
away to donate lunches again – I walked over the agreement that week and had it signed
from him by May 29th.
That week I also made phone calls to Ted Karousos from Blue Plate Diner, Brenda from
Provencal, and Marian from Cornucopia
In June, I had trouble reaching all three of them at first but finally got in touch with Ted, he
asked me to send him an email summarizing the Hall of Fame needs and what he would
get in return. Here are all the emails between Ted and myself:
Dear Emily
Thanks for your assistance. I have a copy of the agreement signed if you would like to send
someone to pick it up; that would be much appreciated. The only change is I would also ad in the
advertisement RI Monthly's Best Diner 3 years in a row 2009, 2010, & 2011; as the only ad copy
change. I also have included some of our 3 color rack cards to hand out.
I will get back to you regarding any tickets for the event if possible. Once again I thank you for
your time and consideration and look forward to working with you.
Thanks Ted Karousos
-----Original Message----From: Emily Aldous <Tournament@tennisfame.com>
To: tedkarousos <tedkarousos@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Jun 12, 2012 12:06 pm
Subject: RE: Lunch Donation for Campbells Championship
Hi Ted,
Great! Please find attached a copy of the agreement form. Please look over that and sign it and
return it to us.
Also, find attached the public announcement scripts and advertisement you have used in
previous years.
Do you want to stick with these? Or do you have something different you would like to send?
If you are in the restaurant this week or next I could stop and discuss this further if it is easier for
Thanks again!
-----------------Emily Aldous
Tournament Staff
International Tennis Hall of Fame
194 Bellevue Ave, Newport, RI 02840
phone: 401-849-6053
email: tournament@tennisfame.com
website: www.tennisfame.com
From: tedkarousos@aol.com [mailto:tedkarousos@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 4:51 PM
To: Emily Aldous
Subject: Re: Lunch Donation for Campbells Championship
That's great. I appreciate your help.
We're all set. Thank you.
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
From: "Emily Aldous" <Tournament@tennisfame.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 12:58:15 -0400
To: <Tedkarousos@aol.com>
Subject: FW: Lunch Donation for Campbells Championship
Hi Ted,
Just following up to see if you have decided upon anything.
-----------------Emily Aldous
Tournament Staff
International Tennis Hall of Fame
194 Bellevue Ave, Newport, RI 02840
phone: 401-849-6053
email: tournament@tennisfame.com
website: www.tennisfame.com
From: Emily Aldous [mailto:Tournament@tennisfame.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 9:26 AM
To: 'Tedkarousos@aol.com'
Subject: RE: Lunch Donation for Campbells Championship
Hi Ted,
Thanks so much for getting back to me! I’ve spoken with Liz and we recommend switching some
of the days for lunches so you can get the most bang for your buck! We’re recommending
changing the days to Wed. 7/11 and Friday, 7/13 because those are two very busy days and
there will be a lot of people on-site. Also, Friday we would only need 30 lunches (still 50 for
Last year, I believe you sent us three public announcement scripts, we could announce each of
those (or something similar) in between play on center court on both Wednesday and Friday. We
value these 3 public announcements on both Wednesday and Friday at $250 / day.
We could also display an ad in our daily draw sheets on those two days or a rack card / insert.
Approximate value would be $200.
We could also give you tickets to any days you would be interested in attending, the value of that
is TBD based on which days.
I hope this information was helpful, if there was something else in specific you would like then let
me know and I will see what we can do!
-----------------Emily Aldous
Tournament Staff
International Tennis Hall of Fame
194 Bellevue Ave, Newport, RI 02840
phone: 401-849-6053
email: tournament@tennisfame.com
website: www.tennisfame.com
From: tedkarousos@aol.com [mailto:tedkarousos@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 11:59 AM
To: Tournament@tennisfame.com
Subject: Re: Lunch Donation for Campbells Championship
Hi Emily- We would be happy to donate. I need to know what the value of what you're offering
is. For my books. The cost of our donation is retail $800 or ($450) out of our pocket for
advertising. With our small margins this is a lot of expense for a limited amount of eyeballs
(advertising) so I was hoping to really maximize this exposure. Any thoughts???
Thanks Ted Karousos
-----Original Message----From: Emily Aldous <Tournament@tennisfame.com>
To: Tedkarousos <Tedkarousos@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Jun 5, 2012 10:43 am
Subject: FW: Lunch Donation for Campbells Championship
Hi Ted,
Just following up to make sure this email found you okay.
Kind regards,
-----------------Emily Aldous
Tournament Staff
International Tennis Hall of Fame
194 Bellevue Ave, Newport, RI 02840
phone: 401-849-6053
email: tournament@tennisfame.com
website: www.tennisfame.com
From: Emily Aldous [mailto:Tournament@tennisfame.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 3:59 PM
To: 'Tedkarousos@aol.com'
Subject: Lunch Donation for Campbells Championship
Hi Ted,
In the past you have been so generous as to donate boxed lunches for the officials during the
Campbell Tennis Championship in early July.
Would you be interested in doing this again this year? The dates of the tournament are July 7-15.
We were hoping you could provide 50 boxed lunches for us on both Tues, July 10 and Wed,
July 11.
In exchange we could display your rack cards, put an advertisement in the daily draw for both
days, and give a public announcement on the Blue Plate Diners behalf on both days. Also, if
interested, we could give you tickets to the tournament.
We would greatly appreciate your help again this year.
You can get back to me by email or by calling the tournament office (849-6053).
Thanks in advance,
-----------------Emily Aldous
Tournament Staff
International Tennis Hall of Fame
194 Bellevue Ave, Newport, RI 02840
phone: 401-849-6053
email: tournament@tennisfame.com
website: www.tennisfame.com
I picked up the agreement from Ted in mid June, he gave my Blue Plate Diner rack cards
to insert in the daily draw sheet
Brenda from Provencal Bakery was really hard to get in touch with, here are my emails
with her:
Hi Emily.
If possible, Provencal Bakery would be interested in having a tent on the grounds to sell
pastry and savory items, and iced tea or coffee. As a tennis fan, and past tournament
attendee, I feel that the tournament is lacking in food choices, and we would be happy to
fill that void.
Let me know if this is of interest to the committee.
Thank you,
Brenda Sabbag
Owner, Provencal Bakery
From: Emily Aldous <Tournament@tennisfame.com>
To: info@provencalbakery.com
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2012 9:44 AM
Subject: Lunch Donations for the Campbell's Hall of Fame Tennis Championships
Hi Brenda,
In the past you have been so generous as to donate boxed lunches for the officials during the
Campbell ’s Hall of Fame Tennis Championships. I was wondering if you/ Provencal Bakery
would be willing to do this for us again this year. We would need 30 boxed lunches on Thursday,
July 12th if possible.
In exchange, we would be more than happy to display an advertisement for Provencal Bakery in
the daily draw and give a public announcement on Provencal Bakery’s behalf on Thursday, July
12th. Also, if interested, we could give you complementary tickets to the tournament.
We would greatly appreciate your help again this year.
You can get back to me by email or by calling the tournament office (849-6053).
Thanks in advance,
-----------------Emily Aldous
Tournament Staff
International Tennis Hall of Fame
194 Bellevue Ave, Newport , RI 02840
phone: 401-849-6053
email: tournament@tennisfame.com
website: www.tennisfame.com
Brewer knows Brenda so he ended up talking with her and getting her to donate lunches
for one day of the tournament – she never sent me any ads for the draw sheet so I created
one for her during the week of the tournament. She never told me which ticket she wanted
until the week of the tournament.
I received a signed agreement from Brenda about a week before the tournament
Marian from Provencal was also hard to get in touch with – she said she would donate
lunches for one day and then we would have to pay for lunches the other day – I continued
to look for other options to avoid having to pay
I called Pickles deli, Blackstone Caterers, and Pranzi – all restaurants did not seem
Because of out lack of other options I went with Cornucopia. Here are my emails with
Marian from Cornucopia:
Hi Emily,
I have attached your invoice,
Thank You
Marian LaLancette Coney
Cornucopia Cafe & Catering
President and Owner
575 East Main Rd.
Middletown, RI 02842
-----Original Message----From: Emily Aldous <Tournament@tennisfame.com>
To: 'Marian' <cornucopia234@aol.com>
Sent: Fri, Jun 29, 2012 9:40 am
Subject: FW: Lunch Donations for the 2012 Campbell's Hall of Fame Tennis Championships
Hi Marian,
Here is the agreement form.
You can fax the invoice to 401-324-4055.
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you!
-----------------Emily Aldous
Tournament Staff
International Tennis Hall of Fame
194 Bellevue Ave, Newport, RI 02840
phone: 401-849-6053
email: tournament@tennisfame.com
website: www.tennisfame.com
From: Emily Aldous [mailto:Tournament@tennisfame.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2012 3:17 PM
To: 'Marian'
Subject: RE: Lunch Donations for the 2012 Campbell's Hall of Fame Tennis Championships
Hi Marian,
Thank you for getting back to me! This sounds good, if you could send over an invoice for each
day that would be great.
I will make an agreement up too and send that to you as soon as possible.
Please find attached the draw sheet ad you used in previous years. Would you like to go with this
or update it at all?
Also, are you interested in having a public announcement on center court? If so what would you
like it to be?
-----------------Emily Aldous
Tournament Staff
International Tennis Hall of Fame
194 Bellevue Ave, Newport, RI 02840
phone: 401-849-6053
email: tournament@tennisfame.com
website: www.tennisfame.com
From: Marian [mailto:cornucopia234@aol.com]
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2012 8:45 PM
To: Tournament@tennisfame.com
Subject: Re: Lunch Donations for the 2012 Campbell's Hall of Fame Tennis Championships
Dear Emily,
I looked up the invoice for last year and would be willing to do the same agreement this year if
you like. Last year on July 4, you purchased 40 of our box lunch specials for full price which at
that time was $6.50 each. Then on July 6, we donated 40 of the box lunch specials for no charge.
I could do the 45 for this year at no charge if you purchase the 45 box lunch specials for the initial
day of July 9 at full price which this year is $7.00 each. We would need payment for the July 9,
order prior to the donated order. Let me know if you are interested in this agreement and I can
send you an invoice showing the order for both days.
Thank You
Marian LaLancette Coney
Cornucopia Cafe & Catering
President and Owner
575 East Main Rd.
Middletown, RI 02842
-----Original Message----From: Emily Aldous <Tournament@tennisfame.com>
To: info <info@cornucopiacaters.com>
Sent: Wed, Jun 20, 2012 11:14 am
Subject: FW: Lunch Donations for the 2012 Campbell's Hall of Fame Tennis Championships
Hi Marian,
Just following up and seeing if this message found you okay.
Look forward to hearing from you!
-----------------Emily Aldous
Tournament Staff
International Tennis Hall of Fame
194 Bellevue Ave, Newport, RI 02840
phone: 401-849-6053
email: tournament@tennisfame.com
website: www.tennisfame.com
From: Emily Aldous [mailto:Tournament@tennisfame.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2012 11:57 AM
To: 'info@cornucopiacaters.com'
Subject: Lunch Donations for the 2012 Campbell's Hall of Fame Tennis Championships
Hi Marian,
I spoke with you on the phone a few weeks back about donating boxed lunches for the 2012
Campbell’s Hall of Fame Tennis Championships.
We discussed the possibility that you would donate lunches for one day and the second day we
would pay half price. How much would it cost for the second day at half price? I know last year
you were generous enough to give us a good deal on that and we were looking for something
similar this year, if possible.
The two days we would need forty-five (45) boxed lunches for are Monday, July 9 and Tuesday,
July 10.
In return we would offer you; center court public announcements for each day, a full page ad in
our draw sheet for each day and possibly tickets if interested.
Let me know if you are still interested in doing this, as we are, and how much it would cost for the
half-priced lunches.
Thanks so much!
-----------------Emily Aldous
Tournament Staff
International Tennis Hall of Fame
194 Bellevue Ave, Newport, RI 02840
phone: 401-849-6053
email: tournament@tennisfame.com
website: www.tennisfame.com
Last minute we had to switch Café Bellevue from donating the final weekend to donating
for qualifying weekend. I talked to Mike about this switch and he was more than happy to
do it and I kept his same benefits of an Ad and PA’s during the final weekend.
Each restaurant contacted me about which tickets they wanted – I was able to satisfy
these requests for them
After I had all the signed agreements I emailed each restaurant and told them how many of
each sandwich we needed (I got these numbers through Liz from what the ATP asked for)
I called each restaurant a day before to make sure everything was all set for the next day’s