Paul E. Torgersen Leadership Scholarship Instructions Welcome to the Paul E. Torgersen Leadership Scholarship Application. In 1985, the Student Engineers' Council established a scholarship fund in honor of the Centennial Anniversary of the College of Engineering and to honor Dr. Paul E. Torgersen, former dean of the College of Engineering and ultimately former president of Virginia Tech. Two awards are presented each year to two rising seniors in the College of Engineering who have shown outstanding leadership and academic achievement. The awards are presented in the Spring semester at the SEC Engineering Leadership Banquet. Criteria for Eligibility 1. The student must be at least a junior in the College of Engineering (75 hours passed at the end of Fall 2013) with a minimum of two semesters before graduation. 2. The student must have a minimum QCA of 3.0. 3. The student is only allowed to apply for this scholarship once during his/her academic career. All applications will be completed and submitted online this year. The application consists of three pages: 1. Contact Information and Academics 2. Leadership and Activity Involvement 3. Resume, Essay, and Signature For the essay, please describe an example when you created a significant change or accomplishment in an organization. What did you contribute and how did you involve others in the process? Include any obstacles that you had to overcome in the process and the end results of your actions. Additionally, one letter of reference must be obtained to complete the scholarship application. This letter of reference may be submitted electronically to directly from the writer (preferred) or a hard copy in a sealed, signed envelope may be put under the door of the SEC office at 328 Whittemore. The application may only be submitted once. The application deadline is Friday, February 14, 2014, at 5:00pm. Finalists will be contacted to schedule an interview after review by the Awards and Scholarships Committee. A confirmation email will be sent to the applicant once all materials for the application have been received. If you have any questions about the application, please contact the SEC Awards and Scholarships Chair, Megan Cash, at Please keep a copy of your submission for your records. Upon reaching the review and confirmation screen, a PDF file will be available for you. Paul E. Torgersen Leadership Scholarship Contact Information and Academics Please complete all items. Enter "not applicable" or "none" where appropriate. Name: Email Address: Telephone Number: Current Address: Permanent Address: Parents or Legal Guardians: Address(es) of Parents or Legal Guardians: Major(s): Minor(s): Cumulative GPA: Number of credit hours passed: Start and End Date for Attendance at Virginia Tech (month/year): Expected Graduation: Please list any colleges previously attended including dates and degrees: Paul E. Torgersen Leadership Scholarship Leadership & Activity Involvement Please list all academic activities such as professional societies, clubs, and honor societies which you are or have been involved. Include the dates of affiliation, the offices held, and the faculty advisor or sponsor. Please elaborate on the leadership position which you deem most important. This should be an explanation of your position and what you do as opposed to the essay which focuses on the benefits of a leadership position. Please list any other accomplishments such as publications, exhibitions, recitals, special awards, or commendations. Include dates for each accomplishment. Please describe any unique features of your academic program, such as the Honor Program, accelerated schedule, co-oping, 5-year BS/MS, etc. Paul E. Torgersen Leadership Scholarship Essay, Resume, and Signature Please upload a copy of your resume in PDF format. Please upload your essay response to the following prompt in PDF format. Describe an example when you created a significant change or accomplishment in an organization. What did you contribute and how did you involve others in the process? Include any obstacles that you had to overcome in the process and the end results of your actions. Do not forget to have a letter of recommendation submitted with this application. The letter of recommendation may be submitted electronically directly from the writer to or may be submitted in a sealed envelope underneath the door to the SEC office at 328 Whittemore. Believing that honesty in academic work will develop into professional integrity, the faculty and students of Virginia Tech will not tolerate any form of dishonesty. The Honor Code will be strictly enforced throughout the Torgersen Leadership Scholarship application and selection process. The above information is accurate to the best of my knowledge. My typed name and date represent my signature and serve as a binding contract.