MS Word - Christian Counseling and Christian Counseling Resources

Integrated Christian Counseling
World Views and Assumptions: Part II
Dr. Brian Campbell
In order to further clarify my “World View,” I thought it would be helpful to include a
copy of the application that I wrote when applying for the online faculty position at
Liberty University…
----I am a Christian counselor. My faith informs every aspect of my profession. I pray with
clients and use scriptures on a regular basis. I believe that the Bible is the best mental
health textbook ever written. There is no greater authority for Christian living than God’s
Holy Word.
My approach to teaching Christian Counseling is grounded in the Bible. I have written
three Christian Counseling books that consist almost exclusively of scriptures. I teach
that God is concerned with how we think and how we behave, and that our thinking and
behavior will improve if we: identify the irrational (lies) taught by the world; challenge
these irrational beliefs, and replace them with Biblical truths.
Although I use the Bible as the foundation of my Christian counseling, I also utilize
traditional psychological knowledge and concepts. I believe that we are flesh, mind
(thinking), and spirit. The flesh and the mind are part of the natural word, whereas the
spirit is God-breathed, and eternal. As a psychologist, I have learned a great deal about
the flesh, and I utilize this knowledge fully in my practice of Christian counseling. For
example, I frequently recommend targeted psychotropic medications, especially for
disorders that have a known biological basis. In addition, I utilize traditional knowledge
and concepts of behavior modification and cognitive therapy to help people
change. These treatment modalities have grown out of the scientific research and are
applicable to the “flesh,” (body and mind).
I believe that developmental constructs are also important to analyzing and intervening in
a person’s life. The developmental factors (age, maturity, body changes, puberty, etc.)
also fall within the “flesh” considerations when conceptualizing psychological
disorders/deviations. I am highly familiar with developmental constructs. I have taught
lifespan human development for ten years at the doctoral level.
With regard to the mind, I am an expert in cognitive therapy. I utilize cognitive therapy
constructs throughout my counseling. In fact, I combine my knowledge of cognitive
techniques with my knowledge of behavior modification techniques, and practice a
variation of cognitive-behavioral therapy. The only major difference from traditional
cognitive-behavioral therapy is that I utilize the Bible as the source of “truth” for
restructuring thinking. I, as well as others, have termed this approach as “Christian
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy” (CCBT).
One of the main assumptions of CCBT, is that our thinking is greatly influenced by our
underlying beliefs. We have a choice. We can either believe the lies taught by the world
(and the devil), or believe the truths taught in the Bible, and as manifested in the perfect
life of Jesus Christ.
As Christians, God expects us to bring our thinking into line with the truth. He pays
close attention to our thinking. We cannot hide our thoughts from God.
Importantly, God has provided us with free will, and the tools and means by which we
can begin to change our thought life: by diligently studying the truth as revealed in the
Holy Bible; by focusing our thoughts on the life and teachings of Jesus; and by praying
for guidance form the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Truth). In the end, our thinking is
transformed in remarkable and wonderful way, as we become more and more Christ-like.
Originally, God sent the truth in the form of His son, Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself
proclaimed: “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). God our Savior wants all
men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 23-4).
For those who are Believers in Christ, God chose to give us birth through the word of
truth; believers are the “first-fruits” of all God created (James 1:18). Believers were
chosen by God from the beginning of time to be saved through the sanctifying work of
the Holy Spirit and through belief in the truth (2 Thess. 2;13).
Throughout the lives of all individuals, God examines us to see if we are walking in the
truth (Jeremiah 5:3). His desire is that His truth penetrates deep within us, to the core of
our very being (Psalm 51:6).
In contrast, it is the devil’s plan that we believe lies, for he is a liar and the father of lies;
there is no truth in him (John 8:44). We can protect ourselves from the lies of the devil
by living in God’s truth and abiding in God’s love (Psalm 40:11).
The Bible is the main source of truth for mankind. It contains the Word of God and the
teachings of his Son, Jesus Christ. Every word in the Bible is flawless (Proverbs 30:5),
perfect (Psalm 19:17), righteous (Psalm 119:138), trustworthy (Psalm 119:138), true
(John 17:17), and eternal (Psalm 119:160).
As we study the Word of God we gain wisdom and understanding an ultimately, we start
to “walk in the truth” (Psalm 26:2). That is, as we learn God’s commandments and start
following them, or thinking and actions become more and more pure (1 Peter 1:22). We
are transformed and “born again” through the living and enduring Word of God that
stands forever (1 Peter 1:23). The final result of this process is that the truth literally
“sets us free” (John 8:31-32).
In order for this transformation to take place, it is first necessary to accept and believe in
the central truth of the Bible—that Jesus Christ (the Son of God) came to this earth to die
for our sins (1 John 3:5), and that if we believe in Him and repent of our sins, we will
inherit eternal life (Romans 10:9). Once we accept this “gospel of salvation,” we receive
the Holy Spirit, who lives and dwells within us (Ephesians 1:13).
The Holy Spirit, also called the “Spirit of truth,” (John 14:16-17) is the great Counselor
who was sent by God to testify about the truth of Jesus Christ (John 15:26), and to guide
us further into the truth as we live out our lives here on earth (John 16:13).
There are always consequences for rejecting the truth and following lies (Romans
2:8). Once we receive the truth, God wants us to “hold on to it” (1 Timothy 3:9), and not
be swayed by people who try to distort the truth (Acts 20:30). We must stand firm in the
truth, (Ephesians 6:14), and not exchange the truths of the Bible for the lies of the world
(Romans 1:25).
Once we know the truth of the Bible, we cannot fool God by pretending to follow the
truth and then deliberately keep on sinning. If we try to do this, we are in danger of being
judged by God and going to hell (Hebrews 10:26-27).
In the final analysis, our journey as Christians is a journey towards truth. In a similar
manner, our journey into mental health follows the same path.
Believing in the truth has a profound influence on our thought life. Once we become
Christians, God expects us to bring our thinking into line with the truth.
As a Christian counselor, I utilize my skills and knowledge of the “flesh,” “mind,” and
“spirit,” in order to help people come to a knowledge of the truth, and be set free. When
doing so, I utilize my understanding of “learning theory,” “cognitive therapy,” and
“behavior modification,” to help bring about change. In addition, I utilize my knowledge
of the scriptures and biblical truths, to help people be freed from the tyranny of false
beliefs and the world’s lies. These “false beliefs” are the main source of mental illness.
Please Note: The information given above was taken, in part, from my recent book,
entitled: “Godly Counsel: Scriptures for today’s world.”
My approach to Christian counseling integrates psychology and spiritualty, while at the
same time it involves multitasking across a broad spectrum of sources of data and
conceptualization (Levels of Analysis). I bring to bear my knowledge of body, mind, and
spirit (nature/nurture/and spirituality) to help people heal and recover from the tyranny of
sin, and come to a knowledge of salvation through Jesus Christ (the most important and
ultimate truth)—wherein lies forgiveness of sins and eternity in heaven.
Dr. Brian Campbell