1 1 Supplementary data 2 3 Table A: List of genotypes used in each experiment for each species. Experiment 2 Species # Genotye Species # Genotye Bean 1 RAA21 Pigeon pea 1 ICPH 2740 2 SEQ 1003 2 ICPH 2671 3 AFR298 3 ICPL 87119 4 SER16 4 ICPB 2047 5 SER 22 5 ICPB 2043 6 SEC16 6 ICP 7035 7 SEQ11 7 ICPL 85063 8 VAX6 8 ICPL 88039 9 DOR 364 9 Maruti 10 BAT 477 Cowpea 1 IT845-2049 2 10 ICPL 161 Soybean 1 JS93-05 IT85F-3139 2 Bragg 3 IT93-693-2 3 RVS 2001 4 Mouride 4 JS 20-50 5 IT98K-1105-5 5 JS 20-53 6 IT98K-1111-1 6 JS 20-59 7 Kvx61-1 7 JS 20-71 8 IT93K-503-1 8 JS 20-73 9 Bambey21 9 JS 20-80 10 CB46 Ground nut 1 10 JS 20-86 ICGV97183 Experiment 1 2 55-437 Species Genotype 3 ICG12879 Bean DOR 364 1 2 4 ICG2106 Cowpea CB 46 5 ICG2777 Groundnut TMV2 6 ICG85667 Pigeon Pea ICP 7035 7 ICG9961 Soybean 3 JS 335 8 ICGVSM87003 9 ICGV02290 10 ICG8106 4 5 6 2 3 7 8 9 Figure A. Sigmoid adjustments performed on cumulated transpiration for each species grown 10 on soil A50:S50 with 30 mm of water (Experiment 1) in order to determine day and then water 11 content at FTSW=0. The decrease in cumulated transpiration observed on the end of the 12 measurement period is an artifact due to the mean of calculation of transpiration (total water 13 loss - evaporation) when evaporation from non germinated pots exceeded evaporation from 14 germinated pots. The decreasing part of the dynamic of cumulated transpiration was discarded 15 to fit the adjustment. The red solid line represents the adjusted model. The horizontal dotted 16 line features 95% of maximum cumulated transpiration. Vertical dotted line indicate DAS at 17 which cumulated transpiration reached 95% of its maximum, which was assumed to be at 18 FTSW=0 3 4 19 20 Figure B. Sigmoid adjustments performed on cumulated transpiration for each species grown 21 on soil A24:S75 with 30 mm of water (experiment 2) in order to determine day and then water 22 content at FTSW=0r. The decrease in cumulated transpiration observed on the end of the 23 measurement period is an artifact due to the mean of calculation of transpiration (total water 24 loss - evaporation) when evaporation from non germinated pots exceeded evaporation from 25 germinated pots. The decreasing part of the dynamic of cumulated transpiration was discarded 26 to fit the adjustment. The red solid line represents the adjusted model. The horizontal dotted 27 line features 95% of maximum cumulated transpiration. Vertical dotted line indicate DAS at 28 which cumulated transpiration reached 95% of its maximum, which was assumed to be at 29 FTSW=0. 30 4