Fall Semester, 2014 - University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
College of Health Sciences
HCA-222: Language of Medicine, Section 002
Fall Semester, 2014
3 credits
Lillian Folk
Contact Information: lcfolk@uwm.edu
Lecture Time:
9:30-10:45 a.m. Tues, Thurs
B52 Bolton Hall
Required Text:
Medical Language for Modern Health Care, Ed. 3, with Connect Plus, by D. Allan
Medical terminology is the “language of medicine.” This course is designed to give the student
an in-depth understanding of this language.
The basic elements of medical terminology are the prefixes, roots, and suffixes, which form many
medical terms. In addition, medical terminology consists of anatomic, physiologic, diagnostic,
operative, symptomatic, and lay terms. There are also terms for radiology, laboratory medicine,
pathology, anesthesiology, surgery, pharmacology, and standard abbreviations. The purpose of
common laboratory and other diagnostic examinations is as an important facet of learning the
language of medicine. The medical/health record reflects the use of this technical language by all
health professionals.
Course Competencies:
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
Demonstrate comprehension of the meanings of medical and health terms in their written and spoken
forms by correctly identifying, defining, and pronouncing terms as found in the medical/health record.
Communicate effectively within the health care environment utilizing correct terminology both verbally
and in written work.
Enabling Objectives:
Upon completion of each unit, the student will be able to:
Analyze words structurally into roots, prefixes, combining vowels and combining forms.
Construct medical terms from medical word elements.
Correlate word elements with basic anatomy, physiology, and disease processes.
Identify the medical terms that cannot be broken down into core elements.
Define disease, anatomic, and symptomatic terms.
Define other medical terms relating to procedures for treatment of disease.
Match lay terms with their medical counterparts.
Define selected standard abbreviations.
Spell and pronounce medical terms correctly.
Read medical works and comprehend the medical language used.
Employ medical terminology accurately in conversation.
Course Delivery Method:
The course will be delivered through a combination of face-to-face lectures and online materials presented
through a Connect website. All quizzes and exams will be delivered online, via the Connect website.
The final grade will be determined on a basis of 400 total points possible, as follows:
% of
20 LearnSmart modules at 3 points each
20 Chapter quizzes at 10 points each
Midterm exam
Final exam
3 Written assignments at 5 points each
There will be one LearnSmart module and one Chapter quiz for each chapter covered. All students are responsible for
completing Chapters 1 through 17. In addition, each student should select and complete three out of the remaining five
chapters (i.e., Chapters 18-22), for a total of 20 chapters completed by each student.
The points for each LearnSmart module are assigned based on the percentage of the module you have completed.
You can see the percentage of the module you have completed at any time while you working in the module:
The final percentage for the module is the highest percentage you have completed across all attempts combined. If you
miss one or more of the practice questions in the LearnSmart module, you have the option to continue working in the
module until you have answered all the questions correctly, at which time the module will be considered 100% complete
and you will have earned all 10 points.
Each Chapter Quiz will consist of 10 questions, very similar to the practice questions in the LearnSmart module.
It is recommended that you complete the LearnSmart module prior to taking the quiz. You may retake the quiz as many
times as you wish, and your highest score is the one that will be counted. You will see different questions each time you
retake a quiz.
The Midterm will consist of 50 questions, which will be very similar to the questions in the Chapter quizzes. The
Midterm will cover the material presented during the first six weeks of class (i.e., Chapters 1-9 plus the special topics
discussions). You will be able to take the Midterm only once.
The Final Exam will consist of 75 questions, and will cover all material presented in class (i.e., Chapters 1-17 plus
the special topics discussions). The Final will not include material drawn specifically from Chapters 18-22. You will be
able to take the Final Exam only once.
There will be three written assignments. Details will be provided as each assignment is made available.
From time to time, we may offer special learning opportunities that can be completed for extra credit. Notice of
any extra credit opportunities will be distributed to you via Email, and will also be posted on the D2L and Connect course
Grading Scale: Letter grades are assigned according to health sciences department policy.
A ≥ 96 %
83% > B- ≥ 80 %
70% > D+ ≥ 66 %
96% > A- ≥ 90 %
80% > C+ ≥ 76 %
66% > D ≥ 63 %
90% > B+ ≥ 86 %
76% > C ≥ 73 %
63% > D- ≥ 60 %
86% > B ≥ 83 %
73% > C- ≥ 70 %
Below 60 % = F
Schedule of Assignments:
Week 1
Chapters 1-3
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Week 5
Week 6
Chapters 7-8
Chapter 9
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Review for Midterm
Chapter 10
Chapters 11-12
Chapter 13
Week 11
Chapter 14
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Chapter 15
Chapters 16-17
Review for Final
Patient/consumer vocabulary
Assignment 1 handed out
Consumer vs. professional vocabulary
Introduction to controlled vocabulary
No class
Assignment 1 due
Medical vocabularies and terminologies
Searching for medical information
Assignment 2 handed out
No class
Discuss midterm
Medical communication and medical errors
No class
Assignment 2 due
Transcultural issues
Assignment 3 handed out
No class
Assignment 3 due
Submission Deadlines
A missed deadline will be excused and accommodated only in the case of a verifiable medical reason or similar
All LearnSmart modules will remain open throughout the semester. That means that you may
complete any module, for any chapter, at any time during the semester.
The final deadline for completing LearnSmart modules will be 11:59 p.m. Thursday, December
All quizzes will remain open throughout the semester. That means that you may take and submit
(or resubmit) any quiz, for any chapter, at any time during the semester. You may repeat the
quizzes as many times as you like, and your best score is the one that will be counted in your
The final deadline for submitting quizzes will be 11:59 p.m. Thursday, December 11.
Midterm Exam: The midterm exam will be available to you from 12:00 a.m. Tuesday, October 14 through 11:59
p.m. Monday, October 20. You may take the midterm at any time during this week. You may take
the midterm only once, and must complete and submit the exam within 90 minutes of starting it.
If you do not submit your exam within 90 minutes, the Connect system will automatically submit
it for you when the time is up. Different students will see different questions on the midterm.
The deadline for submitting the midterm will be 11:59 p.m. Monday, October 20. Any incomplete
exams will automatically be submitted at that time, even if they were started less than 90 minutes
Final Exam:
The final exam will be available to you from 12:00 a.m. Tuesday, December 9 through 11:59
p.m. Monday, December 15. You may take the final at any time during this week. You may take
the final only once, and must complete and submit it within two hours of starting it. If you do not
submit your exam within two hours, the Connect system will automatically submit it for you
when the time is up. Different students will see different questions on the final.
The deadline for submitting the final will be 11:59 p.m. Monday, December 15. Any incomplete
exams will automatically be submitted at that time, even if they were started less than two hours
Office Hours:
Office hours will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or by appointment.
You may come to office hours in Room 6566, North West Quadrant B, or via webinar. Please register for the
office hours webinar at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Discuss any special needs with the instructor in-person on the first day of class, and present paperwork during the
first week. SAC may be used by qualifying students with the required paperwork completed and signed in
advance. Contact the SAC directly to schedule your exams.