General Requirements

The Administration of Norfolk Island
Expression of Interest No. 1/15
3.0 General Requirements
Provision of Road Construction & Maintenance Services for the
Administration of Norfolk Island
Register of Pre-qualified Suppliers
General Requirements for Provision of Road Construction & Maintenance Services for the Administration of Norfolk
Island- Register of Pre-qualified Suppliers
General Contract Requirements........................................................................3
Standard Specification for Earthworks.............................................................5
Overview ...................................................................................................................... 3
Supervision .................................................................................................................. 3
Alignment & Survey ..................................................................................................... 3
Quality Control Testing ................................................................................................ 4
Standards and Quality of Materials ............................................................................. 4
Codes and Regulations ............................................................................................... 4
Transport of Plant, Materials and Equipment to Site ................................................... 4
Plant Maintenance & Refuelling Facilities ................................................................... 4
Site Preparation ........................................................................................................... 5
Excavation ................................................................................................................... 5
Earthwork Tolerances .................................................................................................. 6
Fill Construction ........................................................................................................... 6
Spoil & Waste Disposal ............................................................................................... 8
Topsoil and Revegetation ............................................................................................ 8
Standard Specification for Concrete.................................................................9
General Requirements ................................................................................................ 9
Quality Control ............................................................................................................. 9
Administration of Norfolk Islandhnical Requirements ................................................ 10
Concrete Placing ....................................................................................................... 11
Joints ......................................................................................................................... 12
Concrete Finishes & Curing....................................................................................... 12
Inspection .................................................................................................................. 12
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General Requirements for Provision of Road Construction & Maintenance Services for the Administration of Norfolk
Island- Register of Pre-qualified Suppliers
General Contract Requirements
1.1.1 General
Relevant requirements of this specification are to be applied to tasks undertaken by the
Contractor pursuant to a specific Order placed by the Administration of Norfolk Island
1.1.2 Documentation
The Contractor may be required to provide some or all of the following items; Programme of
Works; Site Management Plan; Quality Management Plan; Inspection and Test Plans (ITP’s)
and Work Method Statements (WMS’s); Health and Safety Plan; Environmental Management
Plan (EMP); any other documentation as specified in the Works Order. These shall be supplied
to the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative prior to commencement of any work on
1.2.1 Site Supervision
The Contractor shall appoint a Site Supervisor who shall be in continuous attendance at the site
during all times when work is performed on or about the site. The Site Supervisor shall have
qualifications and experience acceptable to the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative
in performing work of similar nature and scope. The Site Supervisor shall, on a daily basis,
compile inspection reports for all work completed on each day.
The Site Supervisor shall be responsible for the coordination of all activities on and off site and
shall liaise regularly with the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative regarding
performance and progress of the work.
Alignment & Survey
1.3.1 General
All levels relate to A.H.D. Chainages, distances and areas are all measured horizontally.
The Contractor is required to check any level information contained in provided drawings and
notify the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative of any apparent discrepancies prior to
the commencement of work.
1.3.2 Surveyor
If ordered, the Contractor shall employ either a competent Registered Surveyor or an approved
competent Engineering Surveyor to set out works in accordance with the drawings. The
Administration of Norfolk Island Representative shall be given adequate notice and time to
inspect and verify if necessary, the Contractor’s setting out before construction work is
commenced. This shall comprise a “Hold Point”.
1.3.3 As Constructed Drawings/Documents
The Contractor shall provide “As Constructed” information to the Administration of Norfolk Island
Representative for all existing and new underground structures, as well as new above ground
structures at the completion of the site works. The positions of all structures and key features
shall be referenced to the specified horizontal and vertical datum, and shall be to subcentimetre accuracy.
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General Requirements for Provision of Road Construction & Maintenance Services for the Administration of Norfolk
Island- Register of Pre-qualified Suppliers
Quality Control Testing
1.4.1 General
Any ordered tests will be carried out on the Contractor’s behalf by a NATA registered laboratory
in accordance with the referenced Test Methods. The number of test samples required will be
as nominated in individual parts of the Specification.
1.4.2 Reporting
Copies of all required test results and specified project reports are to be supplied as separate
identifiable files in an electronic format (Acrobat PDF). File naming formats shall be subject to
the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative’s approval.
1.4.3 Payment
The cost of all testing and reporting shall be incorporated into the relevant items in the contract.
Standards and Quality of Materials
All materials, fittings, accessories and equipment supplied by the Contractor shall be new and
the best obtainable of their kind and shall comply in all respects with the requirements of the
relevant Standards Australia specifications.
Codes and Regulations
All the works shall conform to the rules and regulations of the statutory authorities having
jurisdiction over the site. If the requirements of this Specification do not comply with the
minimum requirements of the statutory regulations and standards, the latter shall apply. If the
requirements of this Specification are more exacting than the minimum requirements of the
statutory regulations and standards, the former shall apply.
Transport of Plant, Materials and Equipment to Site
Any sand, soils or fill materials imported to the Site shall be free of noxious weeds and
funguses. The Contractor shall obtain written certification from the supplier that these materials
are free of any contamination prior to delivery to site.
To avoid the spread of noxious weeds and funguses all off road plant, equipment, trucks and
machinery shall be thoroughly washed down before entering the Site. An inspection of off road
plant, equipment, trucks and machinery will be undertaken before unloading. Any off road plant,
equipment, trucks and machinery that has not been washed down to the satisfaction of the
Administration of Norfolk Island Representative will not be permitted to be unloaded or enter the
The Contractor shall give at least 24 hours prior notice to the Administration of Norfolk Island
Representative that plant and equipment will be coming on Site to ensure it can be properly
inspected before unloading or entering the Site. The Contractor will be responsible for arranging
their own off site wash-down facilities.
The Contractor shall determine its own needs for materials storage areas and shall gain
approval from the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative for the establishment of any
such facilities.
Plant Maintenance Facilities
Maintenance of plant, equipment and vehicles may be carried out on site if approved. The
Contractor shall have the necessary anti-pollution and environmental methods and procedures
in place and the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative shall be satisfied that the work
can be safely performed in accordance with these procedures.
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General Requirements for Provision of Road Construction & Maintenance Services for the Administration of Norfolk
Island- Register of Pre-qualified Suppliers
Standard Specification for Earthworks
Site Preparation
2.1.1 Drainage, Erosion and Sediment Control
All works shall be constructed in accordance with the approved plan and in a manner so as to
avoid siltation or erosion of adjoining lands, streams or watercourses. Drainage, erosion and
sedimentation control shall be installed before the natural surface is disturbed. The area of
disturbance on the site shall be minimised.
2.1.2 Clearing and Grubbing
The site shall be cleared to the extent required by the works of all trees, stumps and other
materials unsuitable for incorporation in the works. Removal of trees is to be to the minimum
extent necessary for the construction and operation of the works. The roots of all vegetation
and debris, such as old foundations or buried pipelines, shall be removed to a sufficient depth to
avoid inconvenience during excavation or foundation works. Excavations shall be backfilled
and compacted to the same standard as that required for subsequent filling operations.
Unsuitable materials shall be as identified by the Administration of Norfolk Island
Representative, and may include:
Organic soils;
Organic clays or silts;
Material which is unstable when wet:
Contaminated soils;
Chemically or physically unstable soils;
Other unsuitable materials as specified or instructed by the Administration of Norfolk Island
The Contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of any cleared and stripped materials to a
location approved by the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative.
All topsoil material shall be stripped and stockpiled on site in a separate area to other materials
for later use in revegetation works.
2.2.1 General
Excavation shall proceed to the lines and levels required to construct the works as shown on
the drawings. The Contractor shall carry out excavations to make full use of all suitable
excavated material in the construction of the works. The method of excavation shall minimise
the contamination of suitable materials with unsuitable materials.
All suitable materials including soil, rocks and other materials excavated from the site remain
the property of the Administration of Norfolk Island unless otherwise determined by the
Unsuitable materials, oversize rocks, and roots and other organic material shall be removed
from the excavated material prior to its use for backfill or bank construction.
The Contractor shall dispose of excess excavated material or material not approved by the
Administration of Norfolk Island Representative as suitable for backfill or fill in an area on site in
a manner indicated by the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative.
The ground surface of all excavations, exposed after stripping shall be shaped to assist
drainage, and every effort shall be made to minimise traffic across the base of any completed
excavation to prevent degradation of the natural material.
Water ponded in any excavation shall be pumped from the excavation in a timely fashion to
prevent instability or possible degradation of the excavated surface material.
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General Requirements for Provision of Road Construction & Maintenance Services for the Administration of Norfolk
Island- Register of Pre-qualified Suppliers
Areas where it is impractical to achieve compaction of the existing or stripped surface shall be
referred to the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative immediately. The Contractor
shall also immediately advise the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative where
localised springs or seepage is found in any excavation.
2.2.2 Sub-surface Profile
The sub-surface profile at the site generally comprises silty clay topsoil underlain by sandy clay
residual soil which is underlain by weathered sandstone and conglomerate. The Contractor
shall satisfy himself regarding the ground conditions at the site.
Earthwork Tolerances
Tolerances shall be in agreed with the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative.
Fill Construction
2.4.1 General Requirements
All materials used in the construction of earthworks and pond embankments shall be free from
deleterious matter and shall be approved by the Administration of Norfolk Island
No material containing the following may be used:
Vegetable matter;
Organic clays or silts;
Materials which, in the opinion of the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative, will
suffer undue scour or dispersion;
Other unsuitable materials as specified or instructed by the Administration of Norfolk
Island Representative.
The Contractor shall perform all operations necessary to provide material with a moisture
content within the specified range prior to placement in the works.
Before material is loaded out from the source, it shall be conditioned over a period of several
days, including watering/drying and thorough mixing, to obtain the correct moisture content
evenly throughout the material. The procedures used to condition the material shall be
approved by the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative and shall be changed
whenever new materials are encountered. Moisture testing of the material shall be completed
prior to loading.
If after placing the material in a layer on the embankment, the material is found to be too dry,
additional water may be added by sprinkling on the embankment. If the material is found to be
too wet, harrowing or other working of the material in the layer may be carried out as
appropriate to produce the required moisture content.
However, the Contractor shall not raise or lower the moisture content of any layer of material on
the embankment such that its moisture content is changed by more than 1%. If the moisture
content of any material does not fall within the specified range, the material shall be removed
from the embankment or if permitted the contractor may correct the moisture content on the
Regardless of the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative’s approval of the source of
supply, the Contractor is responsible for ensuring that the material incorporated in the works
fully meets the requirements of this Specification.
2.4.2 Material Requirements
All imported and locally won fill material shall be suitable for the purpose intended and shall
be subject to the approval of the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative.
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General Requirements for Provision of Road Construction & Maintenance Services for the Administration of Norfolk
Island- Register of Pre-qualified Suppliers
General Fill
General fill shall be residual soil or weathered sandstone or conglomerate which is free
from deleterious material defined in this specification.
Select Fill
Select fill shall be residual soil or weathered sandstone or conglomerate which is free from
deleterious material defined in this specification.
Bedding Material
Bedding material shall conform to the requirements as specified on drawings and as
approved by the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative.
Cover Material
Cover material shall conform to the requirements as specified on drawings and as
approved by the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative.
Armour Rock
Armour rock shall be imported material consisting of reasonably well-graded sound durable
fresh to slightly weathered rock and as approved by the Administration of Norfolk Island
Road Base
Road base shall be in accordance and as approved by the Administration of Norfolk Island
2.4.3 Fill Placement
Fill material shall be placed in near-horizontal layers of uniform thickness, deposited
systematically across the fill area. The thickness of each layer shall be no more than
150 mm after compaction and the thickness of each layer shall be appropriate having
regard to the equipment used for compaction and testing procedures adopted. Feathered
edges with existing materials are to be avoided.
Before any loose layer is compacted, the material and its moisture content shall be as
uniform as practicable throughout its depth. The maximum particle size of any rocks or
lumps in the layer shall not exceed two-thirds of compacted layer thickness.
Placing Armour Rock
Armour rock shall be machine placed to form an even, stable surface. The method of
placement shall prevent damage to the underlying bedding layer.
Material Compatibility
The Contractor shall ensure that the various material interfaces are well interlocked and
that material loss at interfaces due to hydraulic gradients and variations in material
gradings is minimised.
2.4.4 Construction
The following shall apply:
At all stages during construction, material shall not be placed in any area until the
foundation for that area has been suitably prepared. This shall comprise a “Hold
Fill shall be placed within 24 hours of approval of the foundation.
Where the foundation material or rolled surface of the fill is too dry to allow a further
layer of fill material to be placed, it shall be moistened and/or tyned to provide bonding
with the next layer as instructed by the Administration of Norfolk Island
During the compaction operation, the material in each layer shall have a moisture
content within the range specified. The moisture content shall be uniform throughout
the layer.
During the construction, the Contractor shall maintain and grade the surface of the
works so that rainwater will be shed from the surface so that no pools of water shall
form on or in contact with compacted material.
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Island- Register of Pre-qualified Suppliers
No compaction shall be carried out on waterlogged ground but work may continue
during rain, with the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative’s approval.
The Contractor shall carry out moisture control testing, density and other tests in
accordance with of this Specification.
The Administration of Norfolk Island Representative may direct that material failing to
comply with the Specification, for whatever reason, be removed and replaced. This
shall apply to all overlying materials in the case where additional layers of material
have been placed over a layer, which is subsequently found to be unacceptable.
The Contractor shall take specific measures such as overplacing in order to ensure
that the required moisture and densities are obtained in the outer batters of
embankments. On completion of the works, the batters shall be trimmed to the lines
and levels shown on the drawings. The compaction of loosened material on batter
slopes using batter rolling shall only be undertaken to provide a final tight hard surface
after the batters have been over placed and trimmed back.
Over excavation shall be backfilled using suitable excavated material as directed by
the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative and compacted as specified
All fill shall be trimmed in a neat and uniform fashion to be free draining and to allow
unobstructed foot traffic across the surface.
Where fill is placed against structures, including pipes, culverts, abutments, retaining
walls or other structural components, care shall be taken to ensure that the filling and
compaction methods do not cause damage to the structures and that adequate
compaction is achieved against the structure.
2.4.5 Testing
The Contractor shall undertake tests at the minimum frequencies and as approved by the
Administration of Norfolk Island Representative.
Spoil & Waste Disposal
2.5.1 General
Unless arranged otherwise, all spoil and waste shall be disposed of off-site at an approved
waste disposal point. It may be possible to arrange with the Administration of Norfolk Island
Representative for permission to dispose of clean spoil at a designated location on site.
Topsoil and Revegetation
2.6.1 Scope
This part of the Specification sets out the requirements for revegetation of areas as defined in
the Drawings, as well as any additional disturbed areas. Areas to be revegetated include fill
surfaces, including batters, and any other areas within the site where topsoil is to be placed.
Revegetation includes initial surface preparation, topsoiling, fertilising, and sowing of seed.
2.6.2 Topsoil
The Contractor shall use topsoil stockpiled on site from material previously identified by the
Administration of Norfolk Island Representative for stripping and re-use as topsoil. The
Contractor shall apply a minimum cover of 100 mm of topsoil to all disturbed areas in the work
where the gradient of the area is 1V:4H or flatter, unless detailed otherwise, or approved by the
Administration of Norfolk Island Representative.
Before use for vegetation work topsoil shall be sorted if necessary to remove stumps, roots, clay
lumps or stones greater than 100mm in size. The moisture content of topsoil at delivery and
when spread in the locations detailed in this Clause shall be maintained in excess of the
optimum moisture content of the material.
All proper precautions shall be taken by the Contractor to prevent the erosion of soil from any
lands used or occupied by the Contractor for this Contract. All areas defined in this Clause shall
be topsoiled as soon as practicable after completion of the works.
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General Requirements for Provision of Road Construction & Maintenance Services for the Administration of Norfolk
Island- Register of Pre-qualified Suppliers
If, in the opinion of the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative, the Contractor's
operations in the execution of this Contract cause erosion hazards in areas other than those
specified in this Clause, the Contractor shall at his own expense undertake simple soil
conservation measures in these areas to the satisfaction of the Administration of Norfolk Island
Topsoiling shall include the moisture conditioning, loading, transporting, dumping, spreading,
grading to an even surface. Grassing shall be undertaken in accordance with Section 2.6.3.
2.6.3 Grassing
The Contractor shall undertake rehabilitation afterwards as approved by the Administration
of Norfolk Island Representative.
Standard Specification for Concrete
General Requirements
3.1.1 Scope of the Work
The scope of work includes the supply, testing and placing of ready-mixed concrete; the design,
fabrication, erection and stripping of formwork; and the fabrication, placing and supporting of
reinforcement for all in situ concrete members relating to the project.
3.1.2 Standards, Codes and Standard Specifications
Wherever applicable, all work carried out under this specification shall comply in all aspects
(i.e., in design, construction, testing and performance) with the latest relevant Australian (AS)
Standards and the following standards in particular:
AS 1012
AS 1379-2007
AS 1478.1-2000
AS 1478.2-2005
AS 3600-2001
AS 3610-1995
AS 3799-1998
Methods of testing concrete
The specification and supply of concrete
Chemical admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Admixtures for
Chemical admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout - Methods of sampling
and testing admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout
Concrete structures
Formwork for concrete
Liquid membrane forming curing compounds for concrete
Guide to concrete construction
Reinforced concrete design in accordance with AS 3600-2001
Reference in this Specification to specific clauses of the various codes is intended to highlight
those points and shall not be taken to imply a lesser importance for all other applicable clauses.
Quality Control
3.2.1 General
As a minimum, the quality records below are to be kept by the Contractor and be available for
inspection by the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative on request, throughout the
course of the Contract:
material test certificates
slump test results
crushing strength tests
“As Constructed” drawings.
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Island- Register of Pre-qualified Suppliers
Technical Requirements
3.3.1 Hold Points
The contractor will give the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative 48 hours notice prior
to any hold points.
3.3.2 Reinforcement Supply and Fixing
Reinforcement shall not be bent or strained in a manner which will damage it. Where
bending of reinforcement is required by the contract drawings, the diameter of such bends
shall be restricted to the requirements of AS 3600.
Where splices in reinforcement are not shown on the contract drawings and are required
by the Contractor he shall submit details of the proposed splices to the Administration of
Norfolk Island Representative. Mechanically join laps by lacing together with 1.6mm
annealed wire.
Reinforcement shall not be welded except where shown on the contract drawings or as
requested by the Contractor and specifically approved by the Administration of Norfolk
Island Representative.
Surface Condition of Reinforcement
Reinforcement shall be supplied and maintained free from loose mill scale, loose rust, mud,
oil, grease and other coatings, which would reduce the bond between the concrete and the
reinforcement. Where reinforcement is to be left exposed, it shall be protected by coating
with a cement wash to the approval of the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative.
Supports for Reinforcement
Spacers, stools, hangers and ties may be used as supports for reinforcement and shall be
made of metal or plastic. Other materials shall not be used. Metal shall not be used in
such supports where they extend to the surface of the concrete.
The supports shall be adequate to withstand construction traffic, shall be sufficient in
number and spacing to maintain the reinforcement in its correct position, shall be suitable
for their application (i.e. wall chairs in walls), and shall remain in position after placing of
the concrete.
Placing Tolerances
Unless shown otherwise on the contract drawings the reinforcement shall be fixed and
maintained in its correct position within the tolerances specified in AS 3600. Cover as per
drawings or specifications shall be maintained.
3.3.3 Concrete Supply
All concrete and its constituent materials shall comply with the current requirements of the
codes and standards as noted at Clause 3.1.2 except where modified by this Specification.
3.3.4 Materials
All concrete used in the contract shall be ready-mixed concrete prepared and delivered in
accordance with the requirements of AS 1379 except where modified by this Specification
or AS 3600. Under no circumstances will hand mixed concrete be permitted.
Chemical Admixtures
Admixtures shall be applied in strict accordance with the relevant code, subject to the prior
approval of the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative. The Supplier shall show
on the docket the type of admixtures used in the concrete.
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General Requirements for Provision of Road Construction & Maintenance Services for the Administration of Norfolk
Island- Register of Pre-qualified Suppliers
3.3.5 Performance Requirements
The concrete for the various parts of the work shall be so designed and produced to the
requirements of AS 3600 and to meet the performance requirements of this Specification.
The selection, proportioning and mixing of concrete materials shall be such as to produce a
mix which works readily into corners and angles of the forms and around reinforcement
with the method of placement employed on the work, but without permitting the material to
segregate or excess free water to collect on the surface. The resultant concrete shall be
sound and have the other qualities in this section.
Strength Grades, Slump and Maximum Aggregate Size
The strength grades of the concrete as defined in AS 3600, that are required for the
various parts of the work shall be as shown on the contract drawings. The slump,
maximum aggregate size and the cover is also shown on the Contract drawings.
Concrete Placing
3.4.1 Extreme Weather Conditions
No concrete is to be placed when site temperature is outside of a range of 5C and 35C, or
during wet weather, unless specifically authorised by the Administration of Norfolk Island
3.4.2 Transporting
The concrete shall be transported from the ready-mixed truck or site mixing plant to its final
position as rapidly as possible by means which will prevent segregation or loss of materials and
contamination and in such a way that the proper placing and compaction of the concrete will not
be adversely affected.
3.4.3 Placing
The concrete shall not be placed if the slump as measured in accordance with this Specification
is not within the required limits.
The concrete shall not be placed at a time or under such conditions which will not permit the
standard or concrete required by this Specification to be attained.
The concrete placing shall be carried out continuously between construction joints and in such a
manner that a plastic edge is maintained.
Before concrete is deposited against hardened concrete at construction joints the joint surfaces
of the hardened concrete shall be thoroughly scabbled and cleaned so that all soft material, all
foreign matter and all laitance are removed.
The concrete shall be placed in horizontal layers not more than 300mm thick and each layer
shall be compacted before the preceding layer has taken its initial set.
Concrete shall not be placed in wet trenches, or in running water.
3.4.4 Compaction
The concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by means of mechanical vibration and shall be
carefully worked around the reinforcement and embedded fixtures and into the corners of the
formwork. Compaction by hand methods shall not be used without written permission of the
Administration of Norfolk Island Representative.
The compaction shall be such that all air or stone pockets which may cause honeycombing,
pitting or places of weakness are eliminated. Where specific off-form surfaces are specified it
will be necessary for the Contractor to ensure uniform compaction procedures and times and to
implement high quality concreting techniques.
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Island- Register of Pre-qualified Suppliers
Vibrators shall not be used to transport concrete within the forms and shall not be placed in
contact with freshly hardened non-plastic concrete or reinforcement which is embedded in it.
The Contractor shall provide at least one spare vibrator on site during pours. All vibrators
shall be of sufficient length and size to adequately complete the required tasks.
3.5.1 General
Construct expansion, contraction and construction joints straight and plumb. Make transverse
joints normal to longitudinal joints.
3.5.2 Construction Joints
Construction joints will be permitted only where approved by the Administration of Norfolk Island
Construction joints shall, unless otherwise detailed or directed, be truly horizontal or vertical and
made with a small formed rebate or other approved means of ensuring that a straight, clean line
appears at the joint on completion.
At construction joints, before any new concrete is placed, the surfaces of the set concrete shall
be scabbled so as to remove any laitance, loose of porous material and have a clean, rough
hard concrete surface which shall be damp at the time of placing new concrete.
3.5.3 Expansion, Contraction and Sawn Joints
Provide joints as located and detailed on the drawings.
Concrete Finishes & Curing
3.6.1 General
All concrete work shall be steel float finish and/or broom finish. Curing of concrete shall be with
an approved acrylic curing compound.
3.7.1 Inspection by Administration of Norfolk Island Representative
Give notice to the Administration of Norfolk Island Representative not less than 24 hours to
enable each/any of the excavation, formwork and reinforcement to be inspected by the
Administration of Norfolk Island Representative before the next stage is commenced. This shall
comprise a “Hold Point”.
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