RTC Annual Report 2015

The 59th Annual General Meeting of members of the Reabold Tennis Club will be held in the Club House on
Saturday, 29th August 2015 at 4.30 pm.
Saturday 29th August 2015
Commencing at 4.30pm
Confirmation of Minutes of 2014 Annual General Meeting
Business arising from Minutes
RTC Annual Report 2015
RTC Financial Report 2015
RTC Auditors Report 2015
Election of Board Members
7.1 The Board of RTC comprises seven Members. Four are elected (one being the President) & they
normally serve for two years before being required to retire. Those retiring may be nominated
for re-election. Three Board Members are appointed by the elected four Board Members &
they must retire after one year but may be re- appointed.
7.2 As part of the 2015 annual rotation the following Board Members are retiring but are eligible
for re-election:
President – Tony Glass
Elected Board Member – Tania Hayward
Accordingly, elections are required to fill the following positions:
President (two year tenure)
Elected Board Member (two year tenure)
Nominations for all positions should be forwarded to the Club Manager by no later than
Wednesday 26th August 2015.
The following should also be noted:
Tony Glass is retiring as President and is offering himself for re-election.
Tania Hayward is retiring as an elected Board Member and is offering herself for
Election of Life Member/s
General Business
Clive Wilderspin
Maree Clough, Simon Withers & Sean L’Estrange
Anthony Glass
Mike Hendriks
Geoff Stooke
Tania Hayward
Jane Glass
Stuart McCurdy (<January 2015)
Chris Smethurst (>January 2015)
Sue O’Keefe
Helen Ashenden
Gary Bretnall
Total-Tennis Reabold
Matt Holmes
Peter Holmes
Leslee Holmes
Ben Tullett
Simon Harper (December 2014)
1956 – 1961
1961 – 1963
1963 – 1965
1965 – 1967
1967 – 1970
1970 – 1974
1974 – 1977
1977 – 1980
1980 – 1982
1982 – 1983
1983 – 1985
1985 – 1988
1988 – 1990
1990 – 1992
1992 – 1994
1994 – 1996
1996 – 1998
1998 – 2000
2000 – 2001
2001 – 2003
2003 – 2006
2006 – 2008
2008 – 2011
*Denotes deceased
Presidents Report - 2014/15
Dear Members, Patrons and Sponsors
The 2014/15 season has been a busy and productive year both on and off the court. There is both
organised social and competition tennis now being played 5 days of the week at Reabold.
Combine this with Total Tennis Reabold coaching, cardio tennis, court hire, club house hire and
Zumba it makes Reabold a very active place all year round.
Off the court the club has had a successful year financially. Costs have been very well controlled
and with income from membership only representing 30% of our total income all other sources of
revenue have to be actively sought and maintained. Income was down for the year some $19,000
but expenses were also curtailed. You can see in greater detail the income breakdown in Mike
Hendrik’s (Finance Chairperson) report that follows.
As a result of contributions and efforts from the Board, Members, Town of Cambridge, Total
Tennis Reabold and Sponsors over the last 2 years, we have seen capital improvements around the
club that include;
New fences on all the grass courts
Club house air-conditioned
Leaf vacuum sweeper for the hard courts and surrounds
Shade sails at the rear of courts 12-13, 16 and 17
New commercial oven
New glass washer for the bar
Two new fridges for the bar
New storage shed
Re conditioned water pump that supplies the grass courts and surrounds.
Financial viability of all clubs and organizations is of ongoing concern and this coming year the
Department of Sport & Recreation has slashed funding available for grants to clubs and
organizations from $20m to $7m. I encourage all associated with Reabold to continue supporting
and assisting whenever and wherever possible as grants can no longer be relied on.
It has been pleasing to see an increase in members from 321 to 340 but this is only one
measurement of the viability and vibrancy of a tennis club.
Many thanks to the members and parents who responded to the “Enhance Your Experience”
survey and the Board is analysing the results and will report back soon.
The Board consisting of Tania Hayward, Mike Hendriks, Jane Glass, Sue O’Keefe, Geoff Stooke and
Stuart McCurdy (until January 2015) have had a very busy and productive year.
Stuart and his partner Kim transferred to Melbourne with work and his efforts both on the Board
and as pennants captain will be sorely missed. Fortunately Chris Smethurst was willing to step into
Stuart’s shoes and has been a great addition to the Board.
It is an honour to be President of Reabold and lead such a competent, capable and hardworking
Board. Many are into their second long stint on the Board which is a wonderful contribution. The
commitment, desire and willingness of the Board to see the club continue to grow and prosper has
been truly outstanding in this past year. I am extremely grateful for their support and the work
they do for the betterment of all members of the club and on behalf of all members, sponsors,
parents and users I thank them for their outstanding contribution to the club.
Board Secretary
Helen Ashenden has continued in this role for the past 12 months to add to her 2013/14 efforts. A
Board Secretary is required as the Club Manager has an integral reporting role at the Board
meetings and cannot take the minutes. Helen has continued to maintain the very high standard of
minute taking and her timely efficiency and ongoing task sheets means nothing escapes our
attention. Thank you Helen.
Club Manager
Gary Bretnall completed his second full year with Reabold in May this year. He continues to be
very busy with all facets of his position which include but are not limited to, organizing Saturday
sets, balancing the budget, controlling expenditure, assisting with pennants, controlling the club
website and Facebook, running the bar, liaising with Total Tennis, Tennis West, Tennis Australia,
Department of Sport & Recreation, Town of Cambridge, sponsors, members and dealing with all
the day to day tasks that always arise in a busy club.
In particular this past year Gary has taken on more responsibility for pennants and a special
mention is made for his efforts with external functions. Gary attends and generally works the bar
at these functions and it’s comforting to know that the clubhouse is cleaned and secure at the
functions conclusion as a result of Gary’s attendance. Thank you Gary.
Club Sponsors
On behalf of all members I wish to thank all our sponsors – see list attached. The list of sponsors
continues to expand and I ask all club members wherever possible to support them. You will
notice in the financial statements that the sponsors represent a substantial (10%) income stream
for the club.
There are a few new sponsors signing up for the upcoming season and I urge all members
wherever possible to support those who support us.
Total Tennis Reabold
The club continues to benefit strongly from the fantastic efforts of “Total Tennis Reabold”. Total
Tennis Reabold has been the Club Professional for the past 6 years. The enthusiasm and
professionalism of the coaches and staff at Total Tennis and the variety of programmes they
deliver has seen substantial growth in participation at both adult and junior levels, particularly in
the number of pennant teams playing in the various Tennis West competitions.
Thanks to Matt Holmes, Ben Tullett and their team of assistant coaches for all their efforts
throughout the year.
Honourable Mentions
I hope I don’t miss anyone but I apologise in advance if I do. Thank you to the following for
assisting the club above and beyond being a club member.
Claude Hayward (Mr Fixit) – Chair & squeegee repairer, table tennis and pool table fixer, planting,
weeding and mowing the bank and many other repair jobs around the club.
Jane Glass – Women’s pennant coordinator, Junior pennant coordinator,
Jim Ashenden - Claude’s assistant and general handyman
Geoff Hodsdon - Claude’s assistant and general handyman
Barney Richards – Saturday afternoon tea (see special mention on Barney in this report)
Sandy Clarke – Mid Week pennant coordinator
Rhonda Bishop & Jenny Sheen – Tuesday Ladies Captains
Senior Pennant Captains – Mens and Women’s Pennants
Parent Managers – Junior pennants teams.
Town of Cambridge
We continue to have an excellent relationship with the Town of Cambridge with the Town Mayor
Simon Withers also being a Club Vice-Patron. We have a Capital Expenditure and Maintenance
Fund with the Town and funds are allocated into three areas, namely a Building Fund ($22,000
balance), Tennis Court Surface and Lighting Fund ($90,000 balance) and a Car Parks and Surrounds
Fund ($20,000 balance). When capital works or major maintenance is required in any of the above
areas funds are available which in reality guarantees the upkeep and maintenance of our facilities.
These balances accumulate from payments by Reabold (~$16,000/year) and are matched $2 for
every $1 by the Town of Cambridge.
This season the funds were used to pay for major works on the pump ($19,000) and to fix the
substantial issue we were having with the hard court lights along with general maintenance the
Town carries out on all clubs.
Reabold successfully ran the Aussie Floreat Reabold Junior Hard Court Tournament in October and
it will be held again this year in the first week in October. The matches were played at Reabold and
Hale School. Tournament Director Leslee Holmes from Total Tennis continues to do an outstanding
job and many thanks must go to all the volunteer club members who assisted throughout the
tournament. Club Manager Gary Bretnall was assistant director and the financial benefit to the
club and the showcasing of our facilities makes this a very worthwhile event. The event has been
held for the last 4 years and it was great to have new sponsor “Aussie Floreat” on board.
Barney Richards
Life Member Barney Richards passed away on the 4th February 2015. Barney was aged 96 and had
been a member of Reabold for over 55years.
Following is an excerpt from THE REABOLD TENNIS CLUB “A Chronicle of Its First Half Century
Since 1956” written by Harry Phillips.
Afternoon tea for the decade and beyond was organised by Barney Richards who had become part
of the club furniture serving behind the 'white counter'. In recognition of Barney's role for such a
lengthy period of time, he was awarded life membership on the 5th February 2007. He was first
admitted to Club membership on 20th August 1959 as Barnard Mackenzie Richards before the
courts had been opened. Barney has always attempted to maintain his solid and reliable game of
tennis. An early start to playing sets was his pattern, before 'retiring' to prepare the afternoon tea
followed by the dishwashing phase. Barney also had a season as the Club Men's Captain and
played a major role as an organiser for over 25years, of the Thursday morning tennis, for the
dedicated senior men's group.
Many thanks to Wendy Dallas-Smith who spoke on behalf of Reabold Tennis Club at Barney’s
To the club members, patrons, parents, supporters and friends I wish to thank you on behalf of
your Board for your participation and support of the tennis, social and fundraising activities and
support of the Total Tennis programmes throughout the past year and may you continue to
embrace all things that the tennis club offers.
Tony Glass
Finance Report – 2014/15.
The club recorded a small operating loss of $1,718 (2014 profit: $7,068) and Earnings before
Depreciation of $32,727 (2014: $39,501). Factors contributing to this year’s result:
Bar sales decreased 21% to $34,496 with a 14% decrease in bar profits to $17,132. This was
primarily due to a decrease in clubhouse functions this financial year. 
Fundraising revenue decreased $5,275 or 29% to $13,058. We did not have a quiz night this year
which last year raised $4,427. Instead of a quiz night we had a major raffle which raised $3,470.
Last year’s fundraising dinner and auction raised $11,162 compared to approx. $7,000 this year.
Membership increased $3,897 or 5.8% reflecting an increase in membership from 321 to 340
members this year.
IT and Website
The $2,287 relates to accumulated charges for website work from previous years however only
invoiced this year.
Club Manager’s Salary
Increased 11.4% or $5,124 to $49,958 (2014: $44,834). This increase was due to a salary increase
and bonus payments.
Grant Income
The club received a total $14,500 in grants from the following parties:
Tennis West $1,500, TOC Red Bull tournament grant of $4,500 which the club spent $4,400
hosting and Department of Sport and Recreation along with Town of Cambridge of $8,500.
The clubs financial position is reasonably healthy having ended the year with $25,830 cash in the
bank. We have a reserve with the Town of Cambridge of $132,944 of which we have contributed
$59,924 as a building, court replacement and maintenance fund. Plus the club remains debt free.
After adding back depreciation this year the club generated a cash surplus of around $42,400.
These funds were used to make a $20,000 contribution to the Town of Cambridge Maintenance
Fund and purchase of assets of $22,000 including a new commercial glass washer for the bar
$2,800, commercial oven $5,000, two new fridges $2,400, defibrillator $1,700, storage shed
$2,600, shade sales $8,000.
The following table highlights the contribution made from each of the clubs diversified revenue
streams. This diversified income reduces risk provides necessary funds to maintain club assets and
membership fees kept at reasonable levels.
Pennant Fee
Tournament Revenue
Contribution Club Professional
Club House Hire
I take this opportunity to thank our club manager Gary Bretnall for his assistance in preparing the
annual report and annual budgets and also preparing monthly management accounts on a timely
basis. Finally I thank our honorary auditor Michael Langoulant for again providing his services.
Mike Hendriks
Finance Chairperson
Sponsorship – 2014/15
Reabold Tennis Club is fortunate to have a number of club members and external sponsors who
continue to offer their support for the club; see list attached. I urge all club members to seek out
these sponsors and use their services wherever possible. For special offers check out the members
reward page on our website.
These sponsors make a very valuable contribution to our club and on behalf of the board and all
club members I thank all our sponsors for their generous support of Reabold.
Mike Hendriks
Sponsorship Chairperson
Membership Report - 2014/15
Organisation Membership Type
Life Member/Non Playing
Life Member/Playing
Modified Tennis-Junior
Social Tennis Report - 2014/15
The social tennis at the club continues to be well supported throughout the year and we have the
regular players who attend almost every Saturday. In the extreme heat or the most dreadful
wintery day, they are there to play when there’s a gap in the showers. The Tuesday morning ladies
have a fantastic group, and are consistently well attended. The Wednesday afternoon men’s
group have their regular players and those who make the effort when they are available.
Unfortunately, our Thursday morning men’s group numbers are dwindling due to injury and age,
so I urge any male members who are retired and sitting home on a Thursday morning to come
down and boost the numbers.
House and Social – 2014/15
It would be remiss of me to start reporting on the past year without firstly mentioning my superb
sub-committee who, without them, I would not be able to report to the RTC Board at a
consistently high level. With this being said they need to be mentioned individually. They are:
Andrea Hennessy, Angela Kempkes, Dale Croker, Jane Glass, Meg Durston, Sally Hendriks, Wendy
Dallas-Smith, Helen Ashenden & our newest recruit, Sue O’Keefe. Thanks girls. You all mean the
world to me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for another vibrant social year at RTC.
Our social calendar started once again with Opening Day 2014. A highly anticipated day in the
calendar of a tennis club and what do you know!!!! It rained “cats & dogs” again. The third year in
a row!!! Perhaps the weather gods were sending a message that we need to push the date out a
week or two. Fingers crossed for 2015 is all I can say. The weather however did not deter our
loyal members. 70 members were treated to a spectacular feast and a fun night was had by all.
Once again the club hosted the Reabold Junior Hard-Court tournament in October. 135 juniors
plus parents and spectators converged on our club during the school holidays. The Canteen was
well patronised as usual with many compliments coming my way, especially for the home-bake
provided by members. The BBQ was diligently manned by my wonderful husband Phil throughout
the week and the only payment he wanted was a sausage sizzle. Too easy. I think he will be
invited back this year.
November & December are always very busy with the annual President’s Cocktail Party and Xmas
Party. These two functions are always well supported by both members and the wider community
and will continue to be included on our social calendar.
The New Year always seems to come around very quickly and 2015 was no exception. We were
thrilled to have Aussie Home Loans Floreat Forum sponsor our first social function of the year.
Twilight tennis was followed by an “Aussie BBQ” which was supported by 60+ on a balmy night in
January. We all enjoyed their hospitality and a great night was capped off with a win by the Perth
Scorchers in the Big Bash tournament. The clubhouse was teaming with supporters. The
atmosphere was scorching!!
Many thanks to Claude Hayward and Leonie Broom for their excellent cooking skills on the BBQ for
our Gourmet Burger Night which was held in early March and was then followed on by our
Fundraising Dinner – Elite Coaching Peacock or Feather Duster. This event was a mirror image of
our 2014 function ‘When the Crowd Stops Cheering” 70 guests enjoyed a sit down meal catered
by Forty Seven Kirwan Street Café, Floreat and were treated to an extremely informative night by
our panel of 3 elite coaches in the fields of Cricket, AFL Football & Basketball.
Mickey Arthur, Alan Black & Ron Alexander were delightful and very informative as they recounted
their playing & coaching careers and their ultimate demise as coaches.
After this we took a little time out with school holidays and the absence of some committee
members but before we knew it we were organising the next function. Our very popular Italian
Night was conducted in May and as usual the food from La Casetta was divine. To round out
another busy social year at RTC we will held a “Kurry-oke Night” in June. The night showed off the
cooking talents of some of our members with a delicious array of curries on offer for the wintery
Saturday night. The night was enjoyed by all with conversation flowing that no one took the
plunge to give karaoke a go.
So in closing I would like to thank the RTC Board for their continued support with all things social
at the Club, our Manager Gary Bretnall for his assistance & management of our Club & surrounds,
those who have supported our functions, hired our clubhouse and contributed in some way to
ensure the vibrancy of our Club.
Happy Tennis!!!
Tania Hayward
House & Social Chairperson
Senior Club Championships - 2014/15
Men’s Championship Singles
Ladies Championship Singles
Dean Williams
Crista Santiago
Runner Up
Martin Zimmerman
Angie Nathan
Men’s Championship Doubles
Sam Ashenden & Alan
Jane Glass & Judy Kozak
Michael Hendriks & Matthew Holmes
Alan Armstrong & Judy
Anthony Glass & Susan
Craig Tweedie & Natalie Fuller
Scott Delamotte & Ryan
Denise Davies & Libby
Anthony Glass & Jim Ashenden
Ladies Championship Doubles
Mixed Doubles Championship
Mixed B Division Doubles
Men’s B Division Doubles
Ladies B Division Doubles
Sarah Campion & Kim Summerill
Ryan Hayward & Angela Kempkes
Fiona Melville & Anne-Laure Gide
A new format for the Club Championship this year was trialled with great success. The event was
broken down with the Singles being played prior and on Open Day and the Doubles played at the
end of April to cap off an enjoyable Season. In addition what made the event more attractive was
the shorter format during qualifying round to progress the rounds in one afternoon with the final
played on Open Day.
There was plenty of representation from the pennant players. The final was played on Opening
Day with club regular Dean Williams taking on new comer Martin Zimmerman in the final. Deep in
the second set, with Dean in a bit of trouble, the heavens opened up and match was to be
rescheduled. Unfortunately the match couldn’t be rescheduled prior to Martin returning to
Switzerland and Dean ‘Bradbury’ Williams took out the title.
The ladies final was also highly contested with Crista Santiago taking on Angie Nathan.
Unfortunately due to inclement weather their match was rescheduled to Tuesday afternoon with
Crista prevailing in a competitive match.
The Doubles Club Championship was hosted over the weekend of 18th and 19th of March,
culminating in a sundowner and live music. Combinations of pairs in both Open and Division 2
doubles events included but not limited to father and sons, mother and son, Board Members and
Coaches and husband and wife. We even had Stuart McCurdy and Kim Summerill flying over from
the East to enjoy the event.
Thanks to Mike Hendriks and Jane Glass for assisting with the Club Championships.
Senior Pennant Report - 2014/15
Winter 2014:
Reabold entered 5 teams in the Saturday competition and 3 of these teams made the grand final
of their division. The men’s division 4 team (captain Stuart McCurdy) lost by 2 sets to Ocean Ridge;
the men’s division 8 team (captain Ryan Grove) lost by 3 sets to Alexander Park; and the women’s
division 3 team (captain Danica Delaney) lost by a rubber to Bayswater. All these teams lost to
teams with higher ranked CTR’s so it was no disgrace. Our younger players have worked out
winter is a good time to play and get valuable CTR improvements. It is also great preparation for
the upcoming summer season.
Summer 2014/15:
Reabold entered 36 teams in the Tennis West summer competitions which placed it 3 rd on the club
comparison for the number of teams entered. This was a fantastic achievement and means that
almost half of our members are taking part in some form of pennant competition. Reabold fielded
three Saturday Women’s teams and many of these players came through our junior ranks to
progress to this level. There were also five Saturday Men’s teams and a long list of willing reserves
who have helped the club field full teams each week when players are injured, on leave or had
school and uni exams. A squad of 48 men and 28 women were needed to fill these teams
throughout the season. Thanks to all those players.
Three of these Saturday teams made the grand final. The women’s division 1 team went to
Cottesloe where they were playing for a place in Women’s State League. They were ably captained
by Marinela Antonic but were narrowly beaten on the day by a team lead by Alicia Molik.
Hopefully these girls can go one step further next season. The women’s division 4 team captained
by Danica Delaney finished on top of the ladder and played North Perth at home. North Perth
came with their full strength team and took out a narrow victory. The big winners on the day
though were the men’s division 4 team who finished 4th on the ladder but proved to be giant
killers in the finals. They went to Thornlie and beat the top team in convincing fashion.
The winning Saturday Men’s Division 4 team:
Craig Tweedie (Captain), Dylan Wood, Alan Armstrong, Josh Santiago, Stuart McCurdy and Toby
The midweek night competitions for men, women and mixed teams continue to grow. Reabold
entered 2 teams in the men’s Wednesday competition (division 1 and 3) and both performed
impressively. The division 1 team, captained by Mike Hendriks, finished on top of the ladder and
went on to successfully win the shield.
The winning Wednesday Men’s Night Division 1 team:
Michael Hendriks (Captain), Dean Williams, Charles Williams, Haydn Glass, Alan Armstrong and
Laurent Pouret.
This report would not be complete without special mention of a lovely couple Kim Summerill and
Stuart McCurdy. Kim and Stuart arrived at Reabold from Canada in June 2012 and immediately
joined the club and were playing pennants. Kim and Stuart took on the role of team captains every
season (summer and winter), always attended training, made friends very easily and were just a
wonderful asset to have around the club. They relocated to Melbourne for work reasons in
January 2015 and have been sadly missed by us all.
Thanks also to Matthew Holmes (Total Tennis Reabold) who took the players for training each
week. This created a great club and team culture. Gary Bretnall our club manager assisted in the
role of Match Supervisor as well as performing a lot of administration tasks behind the scene.
Fielding a lot of teams is rewarding but also very time consuming so his efforts must be
Pennants is certainly the growth area for membership within our club and we look forward to
seeing more new faces competing for Reabold in the coming season.
Jane Glass/Tony Glass
Pennant Coordinators
Junior Club Championship - 2014/15
Orange Ball
Green Ball
Boy’s 12 Singles
Girl’s 12 Singles
Boy’s 14 Singles
Boy’s 16/18 Singles
Anthony Frusher
Jacque Baum
Shunsuke Kogo
Jessica Matera
Indie Smethurst
Kaey-Den Tan
Runner Up
Mia Dodd
Zachary Harper
Sean Logan
Piper Collins
Geoffrey Zhou
Narayan Judge
Green Ball Doubles
Boy’s Doubles
Girl’s Doubles
Alex Melville & Mederic Gide
Indie Smethurst & Stefan Biga
Eloise Young & Georgina Ferriera
Aleisha & Andrew Horridge
Oliver & James Newton
Jessica Matera & Chelsea Morphett
Replicating the format of the Senior Club Championship with singles played in October and
Doubles in March, the Junior Singles Tournament was conducted early in October. The singles
event was an opt out tournament with a majority of events played being round robins to
guarantee at least 2 matches for each of the players. With limited numbers in the 18’s category is
was decided to make the event a 16/18 age group. The final was between Kaey-Den Tan and
Narayan Judge and was played in Great Spirit with some fantastic tennis to be witness; Kaey-Den
eventually prevailed in two tightly contested sets.
Over the weekend of the 27th to 29th of March, the Junior Doubles tournament occurred. With
over 20 entries in the weekend competition, saw the competitors battle it out in Boys, Girls and
Green Ball doubles. The format was a round robin format to guarantee the participants to have a
few matches. The standard of tennis was great to watch with matches played in good spirit.
Special mention to our youngest participant Aleisha Horridge competing with her brother Andrew
in the green ball doubles competing with “the boys” up to 5yrs older than her. The brother sister
combination were runners up in the event. The Boys double’s event was a hotly contested event
with the calibre of tennis extremely high, with Indie Smethurst & Stefan Biga taking out the event
narrowly over new members, brotherly combination, of James and Oliver Newton.
Junior Pennant Report - 2014/15
It is that time of year whereas Junior Pennant Coordinator I get to reflect on the past 12 months
and recall some of the season’s major achievements. Reabold always fields a wide spread of teams
across the age groups and divisions which is one of our goals and this season was no exception.
Watching our juniors improve from week to week is just amazing and thanks must go to the
coaches from Total Tennis Reabold, the parents and the players themselves who are working hard
on improving their skills and understanding of the game.
One of the changes that were introduced by Tennis West for the summer 2014/15 season was the
Fast 4 format for the lower 12 and under divisions and for all Green Ball players for both singles
and doubles, and for the 12 to 16 age groups for the doubles only. This was quite a major change
for such young players with the introduction of 5 point tiebreaks, no lets on serve and no ad
scoring but to everyone’s credit all players and parents took up the challenge and learnt this new
system quickly. Thanks to Gary Bretnall and Tony Glass who ran a special session to train players
and parents of all age groups in how to play the Fast 4 the week before pennants started. It made
our players well prepared for round one.
Another change made by the club was to replace the Saturday morning Junior Club (where
numbers were really down) and Friday Night Fun Night with the Friday Night training night which
ran from 5 to 6.30pm in terms 4 and term 1. Matt Holmes ran these sessions, with the help of
several assistant coaches, to assist all of the junior teams with their match play and strategy. The
senior training night works very well on a Tuesday so we tried to duplicate this. The attendance
was very variable at these sessions due to the many other extra- curricular activities that our
junior members are involved in. A review of this part of our junior programme will take place by
the Board and the coaches in July. Those that attended regularly had a great time and benefited a
lot from these sessions.
Gary Bretnall our Club Manager was a major part of Sunday mornings and he always has the club
house and canteen set up and ready to go before most people arrive. Gary has also taken on more
of the Match Supervisor’s role which he always fulfils in a calm and professional manner. As all of
the courts are full his support in the role has been much appreciated by everyone.
The annual social event, the Music Quiz Night, held on March 6 th was again a huge success with
nearly 100 juniors attending. Thanks to Jon Lennon the quiz master, Gary Bretnall and Chris
Smethurst for “crowd and noise control” and to the many parents who stepped in and helped on
the night with serving the food, drinks and tidying up. It was a fun way to celebrate the season.
Winter 2014:
Reabold fielded 8 junior teams which works well with 8 hard courts. Our super keen players keep
their tennis up over winter and often benefit from some beautiful, mild winter days which are
perfect for playing tennis. Most of these 8 teams made the semi-finals and three teams made the
grand final.
They were: Green Ball Division 1, Green Ball Division 3 and Boys 12 Division 1. Unfortunately none
were able to win their shields but all put up a good fight.
Summer 2014/15:
Reabold fielded 16 junior teams in the 2014/15 summer season and 6 of these played in a Grand
Final on Sunday March the 22nd. The teams that were runners- up at the end of the season were:
Orange Ball 7-10 years Division 1
Orange Ball 7-10 years Zone 3
Green Ball Division 1 (Davison-Petch- manager)
Boys 14 Division 3
Boys 16 Division 1.
The winning team was:
Girls 12 Division 2:
Emily Bantock, Jennifer Hao, Paris Henson, Mathilde Helliar and Anne Jagtenberg.
Manager: Tina Jagtenberg.
As Pennant Coordinator I have really enjoyed the wonderful energy around the club on a Sunday
morning. All the courts are full, the canteen is always busy and well stocked with our member’s
home bake and the table tennis table always gets a very good work out. Best of all there is some
great tennis to watch.
Finally, special mention must be made of the coaching staff from “Total Tennis” who have taken a
great interest in all teams and worked hard to ensure all players are well trained and prepared for
their matches.
Jane Glass
Junior Pennant Coordinator
Sunday Junior Boys 14 & Under Division 4 – Beau Helton
Sunday Junior Girls 12 & Under Division 2 – Paris Henson
Sunday Orange Ball 7 -10 yrs. Division 1 – Mia Dodd
Wednesday Midweek Open Division 5 – Anne – Laure Gide
Wednesday Midweek 45 Grass Division 4 – Janice Stewart
Wednesday Men Night Doubles Division 1 – Charles Williams
Grounds Report – 2014/15
Our groundsman Sean Kehane continues to be very proactive in managing our grass courts and
surrounds. The grass courts this season were as good as they have been for many years and this is
due to Sean’s knowledge, attention and detail. Sean has been with us for 6 years now and the
courts have improved every year. Sean takes pride in his work at Reabold and is quite often
working on a Saturday morning to sweep the hardcourts if it has been windy overnight as he
knows the leaves will be all over the courts.
Reabold still has the best lines in the metropolitan area and Sean’s special mixture continues to
amaze other clubs players. They all say they must contain paint to stay so white, but we know that
is not the case.
Special thanks needs to go to the Town of Cambridge who continue to help with the pruning of
trees, supplying wood chips, removal of rubbish and general willingness to help whenever
possible. The reticulation pump underwent a complete overhaul prior to the season so hopefully
we see another 10+ years before the next major works are required.
The maintenance program has commenced for the upcoming season with all grass courts being
vertimowed in early July. Light top dressing of the courts will occur when the weather warms up a
bit and with the right conditions the traditional mid-October opening day remains on track.
Grounds Chairman
Tony Glass
Tuesday Ladies Midweek Tennis Report – 2014/15
Meg Durston and Jane Golden did a great job as the Ladies mid-week tennis captains. They
handed over captaincy to Rhonda Bishop & Jenny Sheen in September 2014.
The mid-week ladies have enjoyed a lovely Christmas Lunch, Easter Tournament and special
morning teas held on the 1st Tuesday of each month. They are always willing to provide
something scrumptious to eat and enjoy chatting, laughing and having a good time at these
There has been good attendance on a Tuesday with us making full use of the 6 courts allocated to
us. A few members have returned to playing on a Tuesday and were warmly welcomed back.
Jenny Sheen and Rhonda Bishop
Tuesday Midweek Captains
Women’s Midweek Pennant Tennis – 2014/15
Over the past 12 months there have been lots of player changes amongst Reabold’s women’s
midweek pennant teams. We have had many new ladies arrive at the club to play and
unfortunately we have said goodbye to other ladies as they have returned overseas for their
husband’s work placement. Whilst the ladies have played at our club they have enjoyed the
friendships and camaraderie of our wonderful Reabold pennant players. One lady I must mention
in particular was Iveta Kuhnel who played in the Division 1 team. Iveta had a great team spirit and
a great sense of humour. We will sadly miss both.
Winter 2014:
Again we had strong participation fielding one team on Monday nights, six teams on Wednesdays
and one team Thursday nIghts.
Reabold had two teams from Division 5 losing in the Semi Finals in the Wednesday competition.
Fiona Melville’s team had to play a match tie-break to determine the winner. Unfortunately the
opposition got the win and advanced into the final, only to be beaten by Floreat, who were way
too strong for the competition.
Reabold’s Division 1 Midweek team defeated Sorrento 2-7-59 to 1-3-43 in the grand final winning
the pennant shield. This team consisted of Judy Kozak, Iveta Kuhnel, Jane Glass, Sandy Clarke
(capt.), Kerry Edwards and Pippen Parissis. It was a great day and a well-deserved outcome.
Reabold also entered a women’s team in the newly established Monday night singles/doubles
competition for the first time. The team consisting of Barb Tate, Lisa Ettridge, Neesha Flint and
Katrina Green did extremely well and reached the final of division 2 after a very enjoyable season.
They fell short of victory but played extremely well and have continued as a team in this
competition for several seasons since then.
Summer 2014/15:
During this season we have had strong participation with the women fielding two teams Monday
nights, seven teams on Wednesdays and one team Thursday nights.
The competition was very strong across all divisions and we fortunately had one winning team last
summer. This was the Over 45’s Division 4 team consisting of Marise Dawson (capt.), Janice
Stewart, Barb Tate, Mariana Kaker, Wendy Dallas-Smith, Sadhna Maroo and Jackie Harding. The
Reabold team proved too strong for the competition winning 4-8-49 defeating Cottesloe 0-0-29.
Now if anyone wants to know more about Midweek Pennants please feel free to contact me.
Sandy Clarke
Midweek Pennant Co-Ordinator
Total Tennis Annual Report – 2014/15
Another year, more work, more success and plenty of fresh ideas for the future.
That has been our mantra as we say goodbye to old staff and welcome new ones. Simon and KayLeigh have moved on to their own businesses and we wish them well in the future. Kerryn has
stepped up to help with the administration and Jude has increased his presence to assist with the
new squads and Hotshots.
Pennant training for adults has been great this term and we thank the club for offering this to the
members. Ben and I really enjoyed the Men’s Double Champs and thanks to Hendo and Stookie
for being our partners.
The new Cross Court Fitness has been popular with many and all the new equipment seems to be
testing everyone. When term 4 hits and the warmer weather arrive we will be having some free
days for you bring friends. For those of you in larger businesses have a thought about getting the
staff to do a class. Lots of bonding and fun.
We had a great time at the Aussie Reabold Junior Tournament which just gets bigger and bigger
every time. Leslee and Gary have this one running like a well-oiled clock and we acknowledge the
generosity of Hale School for the use of their courts to help get through the first days.
The next event was the Town of Cambridge Red Ball Schools Competition held in November at the
club. This was very well attended and hopefully all the work will pay off and we will gain some
players to Reabold. We are keen to keep this competition going but it will all depend on being able
to attract the type of sponsorship that an event of its kind needs.
Our junior players continue to excel and make the club and T/T very proud. We had the pleasure
of travelling with our group to Kalgoorlie in the June long weekend where players acquitted
themselves well and certainly let the tennis world know the Reabold Rebels are coming. Andrew
Horridge was the winner of the 10’s with some hard fought battles and really deserved the win.
We have both Andrew Horridge and James Newton in State Squads due to a visit from Pablo at
Tennis West upon our recommendation. We have a big presence in Super 10’s with James
Newton, Andrew Horridge, Mia Dodd and Nadia Monzu in the A Team and Mateo Saettone, Oscar
Hogan, Emily Fricke and Aleksander Ruzic in the B's. We will continue to work closely with Pablo
and Tennis West to make sure our players have the best opportunities.
Tennis Australia have appointed Pat Rafter to the important coaching role which means he will be
overseeing everything that happens at grass-roots level with junior and senior players. His latest
press release emphasised that he will be supporting players when they are 16 and older and that
you cannot tell at 10 - 13 whether a player will make it in our game. This is a new focus for
coaches and clubs and the State organisation. It means players have to continue to work as hard
as they can to develop a complete game. There are no short cuts just hard work and commitment.
We have once again survived a year with even more competition on our doorstep and hopefully
this makes us stronger as a business and more determined to produce great outcomes for our
The new Squads that are going very well have introduced players to the importance of early
morning training and the fitness training hour spent with their own trainer. it is essential for
players of similar standard to train together to lift the profile and work rate of the whole group.
We are proud of the achievements of this group of athletes and hope they continue to put in the
The younger Elevation Squad which we have been lucky enough to have Peter run is proving to be
very successful and players are working well and having some decent results. We have some work
to do and it will be tough with the cold and wet weather but this is when the tough get going.
Peter is available to have meetings with players and parents to set goals for their future in the
game. Just call the office and make an appointment.
We are trying to teach players to enter tournaments themselves and you are encouraged to look
at the Tennis West tournament page to see all the tournament news. www.tennis.com.au and
follow the page to Tournaments. Let the staff know when you are playing.
We thank Club Manager Gary Bretnall for all his help and support this year and Jane Glass for the
100% commitment both to Total Tennis and to the Club. None of this would be possible without
our partner Reabold Tennis Club and we hope this will go on into the future getting stronger and
Matthew Holmes
Head Coach
Barney Richards
Kent Burwash
Choice Home Loans Leederville
Dennis Timms
Macro Funds Ltd
Peter Morrison
SIENA’S PIZZERIA & Café - Leederville
Pippin Parissis
Third Pillar Olive Oil
Ian Wildy
Celebrant “a loving heart is always
Margaret Nevard
Warrick Mark - Thomas Surgical
Robert & Sue Thomas
Casey's Linen Services
Mark Casey
Regents WA
Steve Rowe
Lumitech Pty Ltd
Dean & Pam Williams
Medical Practitioner
Dr Kon Kozak
Orbit Partners
Tony Glass
Champagne PC Services - Leederville
Rob Slater
HLB Mann Judd (Insolvency WA)
Kim Wallman
Kennedy's Tree Services
Patrick Kennedy
Megan Storm Speech Pathology
Megan Storm
Property Services
Jim Ashenden
Simply Stainless
Tait & Co Business Lawyers
Haydn Chrystal
Ian Tait
Wildbrook Cottage
Chi Walking and Chi Running
Sadhna Maroo
Mike and Sally Hendriks