Click here to the tutor application form

Tutor Application
The Revelle Humanities Peer Tutors are a volunteer group
trained to tutor students in writing for Humanities 1, 2, 3, 4,
and 5. Generally, there are about 10 tutoring sessions per
quarter. In addition, new tutors are required to attend an
orientation at the beginning of Winter Quarter. At the end of
the year, tutors are eligible for our Outstanding Tutor Award,
and are all invited to attend the Revelle College Leadership
Recognition Ceremony.
Application turn-in information on the last page.
To apply to become a Humanities Tutor, please fill out the
information below.
Name _________________________________
PID# _________________________________
Year _________________________________
Email ________________________________
Phone# _______________________________
(Alternative email ________________________________)
Best way to contact you? Call, text, or email
Highest level of Humanities completed (3-5)
Please indicate your grade and professor in each of the
following classes:
Humanities 1 ___________________________________
Humanities 2 ___________________________________
Humanities 3 ___________________________________
Humanities 4 ________________________ (if completed)
Humanities 5 ________________________ (if completed)
Please indicate your overall GPA _____________________
Any preference for tutoring HUM 1-2 or HUM 4-5? (Note: You
must have completed 4 or 5 to tutor 4-5)
Please answer the following questions:
1. Why would you like to become a Humanities Tutor? Why
would you be a useful addition to the Humanities Tutoring
2. Do you have tutoring experience? If so, what? (This can
be tutoring in any subject and in any capacity).
3. Do you have any other experience or skills related to
tutoring, interpersonal communication, leadership, or
Humanities in general? If so, what?
4. What have you learned from the Humanities sequence? Have
a favorite quote? What’s a good tip or advice to give to
5. Is there anything else you want us to know?
6. Please correct, edit, and/or comment on this
introductory paragraph to a Humanities 1 essay. This is
more of stylistic assessment than an actual test.
The Old Testament presents a wide variety of kings who are
good or evil, strong or cunning, tyrannical or just.
king makes unique decisions which result in actions that
reveal his attitudes and values through which he can be
In the second book of Samuel, David, a humble and
intelligent Ephrathite of Bethlehem, becomes king over
Judah and Israel.
It is necessary to judge David through
the same aforementioned lens as the other kings of the
David is a righteous man whose strategic military
intellect is matched only by his understanding of common
human life.
Aside from his overt military and tactical
supremacy, David proves himself to be an excellent king
through his numerous victories against uprising and
rebellion, his capacity for compassion and mercy, as well
as his calculated distribution of punishment.
7. Lastly, please attach a copy of what you consider your
*best* HUM paper, preferably with TA grading and comments.
Questions about applying? Contact Janine Sobers, the HUM
Tutoring Program Coordinator, at
Please return your completed application to Jessica
Guttenberg, the Humanities Department Coordinator, in the
Humanities Office (located on the first floor of Galbraith
Hall in Revelle)
OR submit an electronic copy to by
Friday of Week 10, December 4, 2015.
Thank you for your interest in the HUM Tutoring Program.