1 Appendix A Online Supplementary Materials 2 Supplemental Table 1 Domains Identified in Focus Group Discussions, with Representative Items from each Domain Knowledge Cluster 1. Our daily life in the U.S. is affected by other cultures. I am interested in knowing where foods I consume or products I buy come from. My life is interconnected with the lives of people from other countries. 2. Recognizing White privilege. For two babies born with the same potential, in the U.S. today, in general it is still more difficult for a child of color to succeed than a White child. The U.S. has a long way to go before everyone is truly treated equally. 3. Knowing that you don’t know AND wanting to fix this deficit. Valuing cultural knowledge and seeking it out. Most Americans would be better off if they knew more about the cultures of other countries. A truly good education requires knowing how to communicate with someone from another culture. Skills Cluster 4. Skills for communicating and connecting. I am willing to listen to minority people tell about their experience without judging them. I really don’t know how to go about making friends with someone from a different culture. 5. Monitoring one’s own behavior so as not to be offensive. I openly discuss our differences and similarities with people from other cultural backgrounds. If someone I know well takes a different stand than mine on a question of culture or values, it would be important for me to understand why she/he thinks that way. 6. Empathic feelings. I can relate to the frustration that some people feel about having fewer opportunities due to their racial or ethnic backgrounds. It is difficult for me to relate to stories in which people talk about racial or ethnic discrimination they experience in their day to day lives. 7. Supportive action, prompted by empathy. When I hear people make racist jokes, I tell them I am offended even though they are not referring to my racial or ethnic group. 3 I don’t care if people make racist statements against other racial or ethnic groups. 8. Re-thinking our pre-assumptions. I recognize that the media often portrays people based on racial or ethnic stereotypes. I am aware of institutional barriers (e.g., restricted opportunities for job promotion) that discriminate against racial or ethnic groups other than my own. Attitudes Cluster 9. American culture is the best culture, the “normative” cultural, others are inferior. I think American culture is the best culture. When in America, minorities should make an effort to merge into American culture. 10. Openness to new experiences. I am interested in participating in various cultural activities on campus. I would like to have dinner at someone's house who is from a different culture. 11. Differences make me feel disgusted, I dislike differences. Seeing people from different cultures makes me feel somewhat disgusted. I find other religions somewhat repulsive. 12. American English is the best language, others accents are “incorrect” English. People who talk with an accent should work harder to speak proper English. I feel irritated when people of different racial or ethnic backgrounds speak their language around me. 13. We do not lose our own identity when we learn about others. I am afraid that new cultural experiences might risk losing my own identity. I welcome the possibility that getting to know another culture might have a deep positive influence on me. 14. Resentment of “special privileges” available to minorities. Minorities get in to school easier and some get away with minimal effort. I do not understand why minority people need their own TV channels. 15. Colorblind attitudes. Racism is mostly a thing of the past. When I look at someone I see the person, not her/his race. 4 Supplemental Table 2 Pattern Matrix of Item Loadings, Principle Axis Extraction, Oblique Rotation. Underline indicates item loading > .33 on this factor Bold indicates loading on all other factors at least .15 less than primary factor. *Indicates an item not included because of high cross-loadings. M = item generated for this project S = item from the original Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy (Wang, et al. 2003). 1 2 3 Factor 4 5 6 Factor 1 (25 items) M62 M22 M27 M65 M50 M02 M31 M61 M07 M12 M06 M44 M73 M84 M77 M38 M08 M81 M40 M24 M59 S09 M43 M53 M91 M52 M57 S13 M78 M41 M96 M58 .810 .789 .787 .734 .705 .692 .651 .638 .631 .597 .591 .586 .582 .551 .549 .543 .530 .528 .506 .503 .499 .480* .473 .467* .462* .460 .448 .411* .408* -.403 -.380* .341 -.110 -.050 -.057 -.049 -.061 -.054 -.043 -.072 -.156 -.016 -.100 -.038 -.074 .005 -.154 -.134 .053 .091 -.094 .046 -.038 .084 -.115 .093 .031 .058 .043 .014 -.207 .084 .293 -.114 -.049 -.079 -.041 .073 .066 .071 .027 .230 -.278 .099 .056 -.128 .134 -.175 .182 .014 -.095 .209 .196 .018 .009 -.115 -.097 .126 .327 .280 .104 .096 -.322 .008 -.258 -.093 -.039 -.050 .055 .118 -.084 .099 -.198 -.010 -.145 -.189 .172 -.224 .034 -.245 -.005 -.187 -.015 .083 -.004 -.369 .086 -.336 -.037 -.353 .147 .088 .216 -.090 .244 -.198 -.084 -.186 -.107 -.093 -.094 -.011 -.035 -.049 .004 -.053 -.073 .033 .108 .106 .064 .029 .065 .078 .000 .160 .112 -.019 .159 -.015 .192 .051 .083 .077 .197 -.048 .114 .131 .101 .140 -.059 -.021 -.085 -.104 -.006 -.070 -.039 -.087 -.053 -.049 -.123 -.002 -.035 -.105 -.095 .018 -.089 -.033 .078 .003 .049 -.121 -.051 .014 -.017 -.130 -.075 -.322 -.143 .182 .096 -.201 5 M37 M68 M82 M56 .338* -.330* .274 .221 -.167 .254 .057 .063 -.018 -.096 .095 .145 .007 -.138 -.073 .013 .315 .033 .174 .085 -.140 .038 -.204 .048 -.066 .265 .112 -.032 -.134 -.114 -.231 -.085 -.048 .061 -.096 -.114 -.145 -.226 -.029 -.306 -.073 -.050 .114 -.032 .129 -.241 -.143 -.089 -.259 -.238 -.085 .217 -.041 .060 -.025 .047 -.105 .019 .040 -.068 .006 .101 .125 .079 .046 .076 -.022 -.108 .179 -.129 .061 .215 -.063 -.073 .126 .099 -.109 .027 -.092 .041 -.038 -.195 -.104 .021 -.032 .029 -.055 -.114 -.088 -.041 .054 -.022 -.211 .007 -.139 .059 .140 -.095 -.131 -.120 -.219 .022 .001 .013 .062 .033 .166 .090 .070 .093 .159 -.005 -.023 -.005 -.069 .223 .028 -.077 .067 .107 .212 -.024 .055 -.009 -.099 -.058 .110 -.335 .117 .094 -.048 .126 .126 -.057 .126 -.067 -.559 -.547 -.540 -.537 -.506 -.473 -.460 -.422* .383* .382* .269 -.202 .210 .310 .051 -.104 .094 -.118 .055 .084 .048 -.062 .029 .036 .004 -.031 .051 .017 .092 .129 .112 .129 -.063 .085 -.005 .090 .155 .129 -.059 -.108 Factor 2 (22 items) M64 M60 M71 M35 M13 M26 M16 M10 M85 M01 S01 M66 M54 S10 M49 M18 M79 M32 M99 M30 M51 S27 M23 S17 S08 M36 M21 M33 .017 .078 .048 -.131 -.127 -.092 -.041 .003 -.058 -.221 -.067 -.054 .032 -.110 -.100 -.131 -.137 -.295 .000 -.126 .087 -.189 -.086 -.125 -.187 -.160 -.075 .066 .604 .588 .587 .572 .571 .563 .562 .561 .553 .533 .533 .514 .508 .498 .488 .447 .447 .440* .435 .433* .429 .423 .405 .379 .346* .283 .283 .249 Factor 3 (9 items) M19 M17 M14 M04 M75 M95 M28 M88 M83 M98 .000 -.152 -.031 .078 .009 -.105 -.086 -.364 .363 .322 .252 .248 .260 .071 .043 .195 .186 .106 .093 -.101 6 S05 M67 M09 M70 M46 M97 -.120 .181 .145 -.259 -.101 .280 .303 -.120 -.057 .313 .132 -.052 -.364* -.362 .337 -.336* -.325 .288 .125 -.154 -.090 -.113 -.110 -.008 .041 .077 .117 -.018 .058 .084 .124 .004 -.004 .086 .192 -.208 -.030 .057 .046 .071 .022 .195 .052 .010 .154 -.001 .051 .184 .122 .176 .256 .025 .207 .199 -.036 .060 .001 -.152 -.193 .059 -.346 -.176 -.048 -.038 .241 -.118 -.655 .553 -.472 -.460 .439* -.415* .414 .369 -.260 .152 .104 .025 .099 .003 -.016 .084 .007 .079 -.022 .147 -.038 .065 -.050 .004 .012 -.337 .021 -.021 -.191 .141 -.047 -.231 -.077 -.031 -.140 -.056 .012 -.095 .179 .223 .116 .279 .260 -.022 -.133 -.023 .195 -.008 .002 .267 .185 .114 -.052 -.083 .143 -.174 .102 -.097 -.007 -.058 -.128 -.190 .040 .032 -.020 -.141 -.089 .220 -.211 .637 .615 .544 .482 .481 .430 .389* .364 -.342 -.337 .330 .288 -.284 .086 .050 -.001 -.226 -.198 -.135 -.078 -.106 .013 .096 .093 .099 .105 .351 -.021 -.153 .046 .274 .142 .001 .092 .037 -.046 -.032 -.061 -.201 .133 .142 .121 .136 .170 -.038 .017 -.084 .043 -.138 .005 .092 -.135 -.102 -.128 -.296 -.204 -.038 .121 .030 .247 .003 .099 .013 .187 .137 .172 .545 -.470 -.463 -.460 .446 -.426 -.398 -.398 -.398* -.356 Factor 4 (6 items) S19 S28 S06 S04 S29 S18 S31 S02 M72 M80 Factor 5 (10 items) M20 M34 M39 S25 S20 S07 S24 M47 M25 M15 M94 M76 M45 -.033 -.146 .110 .048 -.019 -.011 .100 .113 .051 -.111 .031 -.052 .058 Factor 6 (10 items) S21 S03 S30 S15 S16 S11 S26 S14 S12 S23 .009 .295 .089 .255 .024 .197 .245 .227 .157 .184 7 S22 M42 .233 .227 -.020 -.190 -.036 -.106 -.104 -.075 N = 585, 82 items selected Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring. Rotation Method: Oblimin with Kaiser Normalization. Rotation converged in 24 iterations. .055 .057 -.339 .238 8 Supplemental Table 2 Initial Item-Factor Loadings (s = item taken from the Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy) Factor 1 (25 items) Cultural Openness and Desire to Learn 62. 22. 27. 65. 50. I want to know more about diversity and other cultures. I find it thrilling to learn about other cultures and people. I think it’s cool to learn about the holidays, religion, and customs of another culture. I think it is important to be educated about cultures and countries other than my own. I welcome the possibility that getting to know another culture might have a deep positive influence on me. 2. It is important for my development to learn about other countries and cultures. 31. I would like to work in an organization where I get to work with individuals from diverse backgrounds. 61. I admire the beauty in other cultures. 7. I am interested in participating in various cultural activities on campus. 12. I would like to have dinner at someone's house who is from a different culture 6. Most Americans would be better off if they knew more about the cultures of other countries. 44. The more I know about other cultures and ethnic groups the better I understand myself. 73. A truly good education requires knowing how to communicate with someone from another culture. 84. An important goal I have set for myself before graduating from college is to try to form several significant friendships with people from other cultures or ethnicities. 77 When it comes to ethnicity, race, and culture, “variety is the spice of life.” 38. I welcome being strongly influenced by my contact with people from other cultures 8. I am interested in knowing where foods I consume or products I buy come from. 81. If someone I know well takes a different stand than mine on a question of culture or values, it would be important for me to understand why she/he thinks that way. 40. I believe the United States is enhanced by other cultures 59. Most people in the U.S. do not pay enough attention to news from other countries. 43. I often wonder what it is like for people in minority groups or from another culture to live in the U.S. 52. When I meet someone from another culture, I should try to keep in mind that “different is not deficient.” 57. The more I learn, the more I understand just how little I know about other cultures and people. *41.If I won $3000, but I was required to spend it all on either international travel or home electronics, I would go with the electronics. 58. I feel irritated when people do not involve minority members in their conversations. Loading .81 .79 .79 .73 .70 .69 .65 .64 .63 .60 .59 .59 .58 .55 .55 .54 .53 .53 .51 .50 .47 .46 .45 -.40 .34 Factor 2 (22 items) Resentment and Cultural Dominance 64. 60. 71. 35. Members from minority groups use many excuses to explain their laziness I think members of the minority blame White people too much for their misfortunes. Minorities get in to school easier and some get away with minimal effort. When in America, minorities should make an effort to merge into American culture. .60 .59 .59 .57 9 13. Individuals from other countries should be allowed to come to U.S. only if they can speak English. 26. In general, the more that the people of other countries try to completely adopt the beliefs and practices of the U.S., the better off they will be. 16. Because the founding fathers built this country, their culture should be the model for all others. 10. Members of minorities tend to overreact all the time. 85. I am really worried about White people in the U.S. soon becoming a minority due to so many immigrants. 1. I think American culture is the best culture. s01. I feel annoyed when people do not speak standard English. 66. I do not understand why minority people need their own TV channels. 54. I fail to understand why members from minority groups complain about being alienated. s10. I feel irritated when people of different racial or ethnic background speak their language around me. 49. I don’t think the expense of printing public signs and voting ballots in multiple languages is justified. 18. People who talk with an accent should work harder to speak proper English. 79. Many of the religious beliefs I hear about in other countries seem to me more like superstitions than a true religion. 99. It is unfair to make special accommodations for members of minorities groups. 51. There is too much focus on discrimination and oppression in the mainstream media. s27. I do not understand why people want to keep their indigenous racial or ethnic cultural traditions instead of trying to fit into the mainstream. 23. I avoid taking classes with teachers from foreign countries. s17. I am not likely to participate in events that promote equal rights for people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. .57 .56 .56 .56 .55 .53 .53 .51 .51 .50 .49 .45 .45 .44 .43 .42 .40 .38 Factor 3 (8 items) Anxiety and Lack of Multicultural Self-efficacy 19. I feel uncomfortable when interacting with people from different cultures. 17. Seeing people from different cultures makes me feel somewhat disgusted. 14. I often find myself fearful of people of other races. 4. I really don’t know how to go about making friends with someone from a different culture. 75. I do not know how to find out what is going on in other countries. 95. I am afraid that new cultural experiences might risk losing my own identity. 28. I doubt that I can have a deep or strong friendship with people who are culturally different. .56 .55 .54 .54 .51 .47 .46 67. (dropped off in 80 item factor analysis, because this item switched allegiance to Factor 1). It makes me distressed to think that cultures all over the world are so strongly influenced by U.S. culture. Factor 4 (6 items) Empathic Perspective-Taking s19. It is easy for me to understand what it would feel like to be a person of another racial or ethnic background other than my own. *s28. It is difficult for me to put myself in the shoes of someone who is racially and/or ethnically different from me. s06. I can relate to the frustration that some people feel about having fewer opportunities due to their racial or ethnic backgrounds. .66 -.55 .47 10 s04. I know what it feels like to be the only person of a certain race or ethnicity in a group of people. *s31. It is difficult for me to relate to stories in which people talk about racial or ethnic discrimination they experience in their day to day lives. *s02. I don’t know a lot of information about important social and political events of racial and ethnic groups other than my own. .46 .41 .37 Factor 5 (10 items) Awareness of Contemporary Racism and Privilege 20. Today in the U.S, White people still have many important advantages compared to other ethnic groups. 34. For two babies born with the same potential, in the U.S. today, in general it is still more difficult for a child of color to succeed than a White child. 39. The U.S. has a long way to go before everyone is truly treated equally. s25. I am aware of how society differentially treats racial or ethnic groups other than my own. s20. I can see how other racial or ethnic groups are systematically oppressed in our society. s7. I am aware of institutional barriers (e.g., restricted opportunities for job promotion) that discriminate against racial or ethnic groups other than my own. 47. If a Black man is repeatedly stopped by police when he drives through a White neighborhood at night, even though there is no evidence he has done anything wrong, the Black man would definitely be justified in suspecting that the police are racist. *25. In America everyone has an equal opportunity for success. *15. Racism is mostly a thing of the past. 94. White people can succeed without knowing much about the Black world, but most Blacks can’t succeed without knowing about the White world. .64 .62 .54 .48 .48 .43 .36 -.34 -.34 .33 Factor 6 (10 items) Empathic Feeling and Acting as an Ally *s21. I don’t care if people make racist statements against other racial or ethnic groups. s03. I am touched by movies or books about discrimination issues faced by racial or ethnic groups other than my own. s30. When I hear people make racist jokes, I tell them I am offended even though they are not referring to my racial or ethnic group. s15. I get disturbed when other people experience misfortunes due to their racial or ethnic background. *s16. I rarely think about the impact of a racist or ethnic joke on the feelings of people who are targeted. s11. When I know my friends are treated unfairly because of their racial or ethnic backgrounds, I speak up for them. s26. I share the anger of people who are victims of hate crimes (e.g., intentional violence because of race or ethnicity). s14. I feel supportive of people of other racial and ethnic groups, if I think they are being taken advantage of. s23. When other people struggle with racial or ethnic oppression, I share their frustration. s22. When I see people who come from a different racial or ethnic background succeed in the public arena, I share their pride. -.54 .47 .46 .46 -.45 .43 .40 .40 .36 .34 11 Items not selected for any factor 21. If I could convince others to think exactly like me, I would. 24. I openly discuss our differences and similarities with people from other cultural backgrounds. 30. The world would be a better place if every country was a Christian nation. 32. English is the only language an American needs to know. 33. I am OK with people different from me, as long as they don’t try to change me. 36. I find other religions somewhat repulsive. 37. It is very important for White people in the U.S. to try to understand what it is like to be a person of color or an immigrant to the U.S. 42. Being gay or lesbian is determined by genetics and other biological factors completely outside a person’s control. 45. Today it is more difficult for a White person to get ahead in the U.S. than a person of color. 46. All people living in America should eat American food. 53. My life is interconnected with the lives of people from other countries. 56. All cultures have important strengths and values. 68. For what I want to do in life, I have learned about all I need to know about other cultures. 70. I think the amount of news time spent on foreign events that don’t involve the U.S. is largely a waste. 72. When I look at someone I see the person, not her/his race. 76. When I think about American, the image of a White person comes to my mind. 78. I am somewhat embarrassed that I don’t know more about other cultures. 80. I have never thought much about who I am in terms of my “culture,” race and ethnicity. 82. Before I make a negative judgment about others, I evaluate whether it is based on stereotypes. 83. There are a great many differences among people of the same culture. 88. I do not view getting to know a person from another culture as worthwhile. 91. When (or if) I travel abroad, I enjoy (or would enjoy) learning how to speak at least some of the language of the people I visit. 96. I don’t want to invest my time and energy to gain skills for communicating with minorities. 97. I am willing to listen to minority people tell about their experience without judging them. 98. It is important to value individuals from other countries regardless of their command of English. s5. I get impatient when communicating with people from other racial or ethnic backgrounds, regardless of how well they speak English. s8. I don’t understand why people of different racial or ethnic backgrounds enjoy wearing traditional clothing. s9. I seek opportunities to speak with individuals of other racial or ethnic backgrounds about their experiences. s12. I share the anger of those who face injustice because of their racial and ethnic backgrounds. s13. When I interact with people from other racial or ethnic backgrounds, I show my appreciation of their cultural norms. 18. I express my concern about discrimination to people from other racial or ethnic groups. s24. I recognize that the media often portrays people based on racial or ethnic stereotypes. s29. I feel uncomfortable when I am around a significant number of people who are racially/ethnically different than me. 12 Supplemental Table 4: Factor Labeling Procedure Preliminary Labels Factor 1: Motivation to Broaden Understanding Factor 2: Resentment and Cultural Dominance Factor 3: Fear and Lack of Multicultural Self-Efficacy Factor 4: Empathic Perspective-Taking Factor 5: Awareness of Contemporary Racism and Privilege Factor 6: Empathic Feeling and Action Factor Labeling Task A (five consultants assigned) Consultants were presented with the 48 items in clusters, labeled only with a factor number, then asked to select the best label from among these twelve choices: Factor label choices Awareness of Contemporary Racism and Privilege Desire to Learn about Others Acting as an Ally Empathy Empathic Perspective-Taking Empathic Feeling and Action Awareness of Institutional Oppression Minimization or Denial of Cultural Difference Motivation to Broaden Understanding Resentment and Cultural Dominance Fear and Lack of Multicultural Self-Efficacy Skills for Communication and Connection (table continued on next page) Times chosen/ Factor assignment 5, 5, 5, 5 1, 1, 1 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 5 2 1, 1 2, 2, 2, 2 3, 3, 3, 3 3 13 Factor Labeling Task B (four consultants assigned) Consultants were presented with the 48 items in sets, labeled only with a factor number. They were then asked to generate their own label for the factor. Here is a summary of their responses: Factor 1 Openness to Learning About Cultural Diversity or Valuing Cultural Diversity Openness to (or admiration of) cultural diversity Openness to Cultural Experience Cultural Openness and Appreciation Factor 2 White Supremacist Attitudes (Forced assimilation) Aversive racism, modern racism, color-blind racial attitudes, monocultural ethnocentricism; Assimilation into American Culture Cultural Blindness and Bias Factor 3 Fear and Reluctance about Cross-Cultural (or Cross-Racial) interactions Discomfort with cultural diversity Discomfort with Cultural Differences Cultural Anxiety and Competence Factor 4 Racial and Ethnic Empathic Perspective Taking Racial/ethnic diversity empathy Empathy Cultural empathy Factor 5 Awareness of Institutional Racism Awareness of race/ethnicity based privilege/oppression Societal Awareness Cultural Equality and Fairness Factor 6 Empathic Understanding of Racial Oppression Racial/ethnic diversity advocacy (or ally) Reactions to Racism and Discrimination Cultural Empathy and Activism 14 Supplemental Table 5 Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Standardized Paths between Latent Factors. Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Factor 6 Factor 1 -0.657 -0.596 0.422 0.448 0.737 Factor 2 -- 0.672 -0.307 -0.562 -0.635 -- -0.206 -0.153 -0.636 0.096 0.299 -- 0.475 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 -- Note. N = 367. Factor 1 = Cultural Openness and Desire to Learn; Factor 2 = Resentment and Cultural Dominance; Factor 3 = Anxiety and Lack of Multicultural Self-Efficacy; Factor 4 = Empathic Perspective-Taking; Factor 5 = Awareness of Contemporary Racism and Privilege; Factor 6 = Empathic Feeling and Acting as an Ally. 15 Cultural Perceptions Instructions: The statements below are opinions you may have heard expressed at one time or another. Please indicate your current level of agreement with each statement using the following scale. 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Moderately Disagree 3 Slightly Disagree 4 Slightly Agree 5 Moderately Agree 6 Strongly Agree 1. I think it is important to be educated about cultures and countries other than my own. 2. Members of minorities tend to overreact all the time. 3. I feel uncomfortable when interacting with people from different cultures. 4. It is easy for me to understand what it would feel like to be a person of another racial or ethnic background other than my own. 5. The U.S. has a long way to go before everyone is truly treated equally. 6. I don’t care if people make racist statements against other racial or ethnic groups. 7. I welcome the possibility that getting to know another culture might have a deep positive influence on me. 8. When in America, minorities should make an effort to merge into American culture. 9. I often find myself fearful of people of other races. 10. It is difficult for me to put myself in the shoes of someone who is racially and/or ethnically different from me. 11. For two babies born with the same potential in the U.S. today, in general it is still more difficult for a child of color to succeed than a White child. 12. I get disturbed when other people experience misfortunes due to their racial or ethnic background. 13. I admire the beauty in other cultures. 14. I do not understand why minority people need their own TV channels. 15. I doubt that I can have a deep or strong friendship with people who are culturally different. 16. It is difficult for me to relate to stories in which people talk about racial or ethnic discrimination they experience in their day to day lives. 17. I can see how other racial or ethnic groups are systematically oppressed in our society. 18. I am touched by movies or books about discrimination issues faced by racial or ethnic groups other than my own. 19. I would like to work in an organization where I get to work with individuals from diverse backgrounds. 20. I fail to understand why members from minority groups complain about being alienated. 21. I really don’t know how to go about making friends with someone from a different culture. 22. I can relate to the frustration that some people feel about having fewer opportunities due to their racial or ethnic backgrounds. 23. Today in the U.S, White people still have many important advantages compared to other ethnic groups. 16 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Moderately Disagree 3 Slightly Disagree 4 Slightly Agree 5 Moderately Agree 6 Strongly Agree 24. I share the anger of people who are victims of hate crimes (e.g., intentional violence because of race or ethnicity). 25. I would like to have dinner at someone's house who is from a different culture. 26. I feel irritated when people of different racial or ethnic backgrounds speak their language around me. 27. I am afraid that new cultural experiences might risk losing my own identity. 28. I don’t know a lot of information about important social and political events of racial and ethnic groups other than my own. 29. I am aware of how society differentially treats racial or ethnic groups other than my own. 30. I rarely think about the impact of a racist or ethnic joke on the feelings of people who are targeted. 31. I am interested in participating in various cultural activities on campus. 32. Minorities get in to school easier and some get away with minimal effort. 33. I do not know how to find out what is going on in other countries. 34. I am aware of institutional barriers (e.g., restricted opportunities for job promotion) that discriminate against racial or ethnic groups other than my own. 35. When I hear people make racist jokes, I tell them I am offended even though they are not referring to my racial or ethnic group. 36. Most Americans would be better off if they knew more about the cultures of other countries. 37. I am really worried about White people in the U.S. soon becoming a minority due to so many immigrants. 38. I am not reluctant to work with others from different cultures in class activities or team projects. 39. Racism is mostly a thing of the past. 40. When I see people who come from a different racial or ethnic background succeed in the public arena, I share their pride. 41. A truly good education requires knowing how to communicate with someone from another culture. 42. I think American culture is the best culture. 43. In America everyone has an equal opportunity for success. 44. When I know my friends are treated unfairly because of their racial or ethnic backgrounds, I speak up for them. 45. I welcome being strongly influenced by my contact with people from other cultures. 46. I think members of the minority blame White people too much for their misfortunes. 47. I believe the United States is enhanced by other cultures. 48. People who talk with an accent should work harder to speak proper English. 17 Everyday Multicultural Competencies / Revised Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy (EMC/RSEE) Scoring instructions: Reverse code: 6, 10, 16, 28, 30, 38, 39, 43 (6=1) (5=2) (4=3) (3=4) (2=5) (1=6) *Recode to collapse response category for Factor 1: 1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, 36, 41, 45, 47 (1=2) *Recode to collapse response category for Factor 2: 2, 8, 14, 20, 26, 32, 37, 42, 46, 48 (6=5) *Recode to collapse response category for Factor 3: 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 38 (6=5) F1: Cultural openness and desire to learn (10 items) mean(1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, 36, 41, 45, 47) F2: Resentment and cultural dominance mean(2, 8, 14, 20, 26, 32, 37, 42, 46, 48). F3: Anxiety and lack of multicultural self-efficacy (7 items) mean(3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 38) F4: Empathic perspective-taking (5 items) mean(4, 10, 16, 22, 28) F5: Awareness of contemporary racism and privilege (8 items) mean(5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 34, 39, 43) F6: Empathic feeling and acting as an ally (8 items) mean(6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 35, 40, 44) Note, we urge users of this scale to carefully consider the negative impact that Factor 2 items may have on respondents. These items should not be included if significant negative impact is anticipated. Readers may use the Everyday Multicultural Competencies / Revised Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy without prior permission, provided that proper citation credit is given. Please cite both: Mallinckrodt, B., Miles, J. R., Bhaskar, T., Chery, N., Choi, G., & Sung, M.-R. (2014). Development and psychometric evaluation of a comprehensive scale to assess college diversity programming. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 61, 133-145. doi: 10.1037/a0035214 Wang, Y.-W., Davidson, M. M., Yakushko, O. F., Savoy Bielstein, Tan, J. A., & Bleier, J. K. (2003). The Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy: Development, validation, and reliability. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50, 221–234. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.50.2.221 We presented the items without a title to participants in this study, but in our subsequent research we have used “Cultural Perceptions” centered at the top of page 1. *Item response theory analysis suggests that collapsing the response scale endpoints with this scoring scheme improves performance of Factor 1, 2, and 3. We suggest presenting the full response scale to all respondents, and recoding after data are collected. See: Mallinckrodt, B., Miles, J. R., & Recabarren, D. A. (2014). Advantages of using Rasch model item response theory in instrument development: Empirical demonstration in a measure of multicultural competencies. (Manuscript submitted for publication).