**Teacher Version** Middle School Flight Academy Program 8th Grade Curriculum Standards Covered Math Standard 8-4 Students will be using Pythagorean Theorem to triangulate the location of targets as well as the trajectory of ordinance used. Students will be charting the location of elements within the Flight Academy mission as well as calculating the distance and heading these elements are from a relative location. Science Standard 8.P.2 Students will learn about and use the four forces of flight. These forces are thrust, drag, lift, and gravity. Students will use the distance, rate, time triangle to calculate these elements as pertaining to the mission. History Standard 8-6 Students will execute this program on the USS Yorktown. The USS Yorktown was engaged in the WWII, Korean, and Vietnam conflicts. Students will learn elements of the Doolittle raid during calculation of factors to execute the mission. Other Topics Covered Students will be provided responsibilities that must be accurately executed in order for the entire team to be successful. Students will engage in precise communication that determines the success of the mission. Students will be put in hierarchal order and have their leadership skills tested. Practice Questions 1. If the TARGET that you are engaging is 9 nautical miles away from the AIRPORT in Subic Bay, and it is 12 nautical miles from the AIRPORT to the USS YORKTOWN, how far away is the TARGET from the USS YORKTOWN? c 9 nm 12 nm Answer: Use the Pythagorean Theorem a2+b2=c2 122+92=c2 144+81=c2 225 = c 225=c2 15=c The target is located 15 nm away from the USS Yorktown 2. You just found out that there are 5 targets that need to be engaged. 3 targets are to the northeast of the USS Yorktown and 2 targets are to the southwest. You have 4 aircraft in your squadron, how would you approach this situation? Answer: There is not one particular answer to this scenario. This question is to test critical thinking, team work, and leadership skills. One potential solution is to send 2 aircraft to each location. After the smaller cluster of targets are handled, and then send those 2 aircraft to assist the others with the larger cluster of targets. Another option would be to send all of the aircraft to one of the cluster of targets, take them out, and then engage the second cluster of targets as a team. **Use the description below to answer questions 3 and 4** The Doolittle raid, also known as the Tokyo raid, was carried out on April 18, 1942. It was in response to the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. This was the first air raid to strike the Japanese homeland. The plan was for 16 B-25 Mitchell medium bombers to take-off from the USS Hornet, bomb targets in Tokyo, then land at an allied airfield in China. To make the aircraft capable of flying off of the aircraft carrier, many of the components of the bomber were stripped. The bomber was also filled with just enough fuel to execute the mission and land at the final destination. All but three of the crew survived, but all the aircraft were lost. This attack greatly raised morale amongst the military forces and in America. 3. What was the most significant aspect of the Doolittle Raid? Answer: This was the first attack on the Japanese homeland, on 18 April 1942, in retaliation for the attack on Pearl Harbor on the 7 December 1941. 4. What was the most important force that acted on the aircraft and had to be adjusted? Why? Answer: 16 B-25B Mitchell medium bombers took off from the USS Hornet to bomb Tokyo carrying only enough fuel to get them to their landing target in China. The fuel level directly affected the weight of the aircraft. The weight of the aircraft had to be low enough so that lift could overcome that downward force. That is why the aircraft only had enough fuel to reach their final destination. **Using the picture below answer questions 4, 5, and6. 5. What are the coordinates of the target? Answer: Latitude lines and longitude lines are measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Each minute here is equal to a nautical mile. The difference between each latitudinal and longitudinal line is 3 minutes, which equals 3 nautical miles. The location of the target is 120 12’ longitude, 14 33’ latitude. 6. What heading would you advise a pilot to take to reach the TARGET from the USS YORKTOWN (heading is the degree bearing to be traveled)? Answer: There are 360 in a circle and on a compass. 360/0 is north, 90 is east, 180 is south, and 270 is west. When giving a heading to a pilot, these are the directional indicators you will use. This map is oriented so north is directly at the top. The best tool to use here, and at the Flight Academy, is a protractor. The heading from the USS YORKTOWN to the TARGET is approximately 150. 7. What is the return heading from the TARGET to the USS YORKTOWN? Answer: If a person were to walk to a destination and want to turn directly around and return to that origination point, then they would turn 180. The same principle is applied to directing aircraft. If the aircraft was heading 150 to the TARGET, they have to turn 180 to return back to the USS YORKTOWN. Since 150 is below 180, add 180 to find the return heading. If the initial heading was above 180, subtract 180. There are only 360 to a circle, so the heading has to be confined within those degree restrictions. The return heading would be 30. 8. What distance is the target away from the USS Yorktown? Answer: Calculate a scale using a ruler. With the picture above, the scale is approximately ½ “ to 3 nm. That would make the USS YORKTOWN approximately 15 nm away. 9. If an aircraft is traveling 300 nautical miles per hour, or 300 knots, how many nautical miles per minute are they traveling? Answer: 300 kn 1hr 5nm 1 hr 60 min 1 min 10. How many minutes would it take the aircraft to reach the target? Answer: A helpful formula will be Distance=Speed x Time. We have the distance which is 15nm, and the speed which is 5nm/min. 15 nm 3 min 5nm/min 11. If the distance from the Lockheed Martin F-35B to the front of the ship is 500 ft, and the ship is 300 ft long then how far will ordinance have to drop to hit the ship on target? ?? 500 ft 300ft Answer: This emulates the 3,4,5 triangle. The pothagorean theorem can be used to figure out the third side, or if the student notices the 3,4,5 triangle they will know the answer is 400ft.