
2013 Save the Date – Hands-on Laboratory Workshops HOLW
To receive more information once it’s available about these and other hands-on laboratory workshops please enter your information at
Title: Laboratory Identification of Emerging Pathogenic Molds - An Advanced Course (588-122-13)
Date: November 5-7, 2013
Location: CDC, Atlanta, GA
Registration Fee (due upon acceptance into the workshop): $425.00
Information: For more information please download the flyer. There is an online application and acceptance is required to attend this workshop. Please
complete the application prior to August 13, 2013. For questions regarding course content please contact Karen Angel at and questions
regarding registration or logistics please contact Monet King at
This advanced-level, hands-on workshop in the identification of medically important molds will cover a range of organisms commonly isolated from
superficial, subcutaneous, and systemic infections of humans as well as a number of common laboratory contaminants. This workshop will include both
lecture and laboratory components and is intended to build upon previously offered workshops. A larger variety of organisms will be presented which may
be more challenging to identify. These organisms will include aleuriosporic molds, molds with enteroblastic conidia, molds with holoblastic conidia, and
mucormycetes and miscellaneous molds. Methods for DNA-based identification and susceptibility testing will also be discussed.
We are proud to acknowledge that during the recent fungal meningitis outbreak, the first Exserohilum isolate was quickly recognized by a scientist at the
Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services trained in a past CDC mycology workshop.
This advanced-level workshop is intended for persons who have some mycology experience and who identify a wider range of unusual and emerging molds
of medical importance. These persons include public health laboratorians, clinical laboratory microbiologists, medical technologists, infectious disease
physicians, and dermatologists.
Title: Train the Trainer: Designing and Conducting Training for the Sentinel Laboratory (588-119-13)
Date: December 5-6, 2013
Location: Los Angeles County Public Health Laboratory, Downey, CA
Registration Fee: No Charge!
Information: For more information please download the flyer. There is an online application and acceptance is required to attend this workshop. For
questions regarding course content please contact Shoolah Escott at and questions regarding registration or logistics please contact Monet
King at
This FREE one and half--day, intermediate-level hands-on workshop will provide attendees with the materials and information required to design and
implement a sentinel laboratory training program focused on bioterrorism preparedness. The workshop will include didactic presentations on potential
bioterrorism organism characteristics and laboratory protocols, the Laboratory Response Network (LRN) structure, and laboratory safety. In addition, there
will be hands-on exercises based on case studies using “mimic” organisms that can be safely used to instruct sentinel laboratory staff. Discussion about
organizing training and tailoring materials for local considerations will be included. A brief introduction to instructional design theory and teaching adult
audiences will be presented.
This intermediate-level hands-on workshop is designed for experienced microbiologists who are trainers responsible for conducting bioterrorism
preparedness training for sentinel laboratorians.
2014 Save the Date – Hands-on Laboratory Workshops HOLW
To receive more information once it’s available about these and other hands-on laboratory workshops please enter your information at
Title: Laboratory Methods for Detecting Rabies Virus (588-102-14)
Date: January 27-31, 2014
Location: CDC, Atlanta, GA
Registration Fee: No Charge!
Information: This workshop will have an application process and acceptance into the workshop is required to attend. Marketing and application information
will be sent out in late fall 2013. For questions regarding course content please contact Karen Angel at and questions regarding registration
or logistics please contact Monet King at
Designed for individuals performing rabies testing in public health laboratories, this four and one-half day workshop addresses traditional rabies testing
techniques, safety in the rabies laboratory, specimen acquisition and preparation, rabies quality control and proficiency testing, standardized testing
procedures, emerging technologies, and epidemiologic issues.
This advanced-level workshop is designed for the public health microbiologists with responsibilities for bench testing or supervising the rabies laboratory.
Participants must be familiar with the general methods for safe handling of infectious viruses.
Title: Diagnostic Mycobacteriology (588-103-14)
Date: March 18-21, 2014
Location: CDC, Atlanta, GA
Registration Fee: No Charge!
Information: This workshop will have an application process and acceptance into the workshop is required to attend. Marketing and application information
will be sent out in late fall 2013. For questions regarding course content please contact Karen Ching at and questions regarding registration
or logistics please contact Monet King at
This intermediate-level course will educate participants in diagnostic mycobacteriology principles and procedures with an emphasis on tuberculosis
diagnosis. Lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises will be taught by experts in the relevant area of mycobacteriology. Emphasis will be placed on
state-of-the-art molecular diagnostic methods in comparison to conventional methods for detection, isolation, identification, and drug susceptibility testing of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Attendees will be provided the tools necessary to determine the best algorithms and methods to use within their laboratories.
This course is intended for laboratorians with a minimum of one year experience in a laboratory that identifies most Mycobacterium spp. and performs drug
susceptibility tests.
Title: Influenza Detection and Subtyping: CDC Human Influenza Virus Real‐Time RT‐PCR Diagnostic Panel (588-100-101-14)
Dates: April 22-23, 2014 and April 24-25, 2014
Location: CDC, Atlanta, GA
Registration Fee: No Charge!
Information: This workshop is by invitation only for CDC influenza qualified laboratories. Please contact Tricia Aden at for more
This in-depth workshop is required for use of the CDC Flu rRT-PCR Dx Panel for influenza detection and subtyping. The workshop is comprised of didactic
lectures and hands-on laboratory exercises covering all components of the assays. Information regarding influenza viruses, surveillance programs, how the
assays fit into influenza testing and reporting algorithms, and regulatory requirements will also be provided.
This intermediate-level program is intended for public health laboratorians working at the bench in the molecular or virology laboratory who will perform
influenza detection and subtyping using the CDC Flu rRT-PCR Dx Panel.
Title: Laboratory Identification of Emerging Pathogenic Molds - A Basic Course (588-104-14)
Date: June 3-5, 2014
Location: CDC, Atlanta, GA
Registration Fee: No Charge!
Information: This workshop will have an application process and acceptance into the workshop is required to attend. Marketing and application information
will be sent out in early 2014. For questions regarding course content please contact Karen Angel at and questions regarding registration
or logistics please contact Monet King at
This basic-level, hands-on workshop in the identification of medically important molds includes both lecture and laboratory components. This course will
cover a range of organisms commonly isolated from superficial, subcutaneous, and systemic infections of humans as well as a number of common
laboratory contaminants. These organisms will include arthrospore-forming molds, aleuriosporic molds, common dermatophytes, a range of common molds
that form enteroblastic and holoblastic conidia, and a range of mucoraceous molds. Methods for DNA-based identification and susceptibility testing will also
be discussed.
This basic-level workshop is intended for persons who are not experienced in the identification of medically important molds. These persons include public
health laboratorians, clinical laboratory microbiologists, medical technologists, infectious disease physicians, and dermatologists.
2013 Save the Date – Public Health Series Webinar PHS TC NLTN (the PHS TC link is on the NLTN page….can this also be included in the drop down list under “Education” at
To receive more information once it’s available about these and other webinars and workshops please enter your information at
Title: Public Health Series Webinar – Fall Series 2013
Date: To Be Determined
Location: Webinar (588-204-206-13)
Registration Fee: No Charge!
Information: Speakers and Topics to be determined. Registration information will be sent out in the fall. For more information please contact
Hayley Radin at
2014 Save the Date – Public Health Series Webinar PHS TC
Title: Public Health Series Webinar – Winter Series 2014
Dates: To Be Determined – January, February, March 2014
Location: Webinar
Registration Fee: No Charge!
Information: Speakers and Topics to be determined. Registration information will be sent out in late 2013. For more information please
contact Hayley Radin at
Title: Public Health Series Webinar – Fall Series 2014
Dates: To Be Determined - September, October, November 2014
Location: Webinar
Registration Fee: No Charge!
Information: Speaker and Topic to be determined. Registration information will be sent out in late summer 2014. For more information please
contact Hayley Radin at