Box Social 2010/11/02 - The Good Life Community Bicycle Shop

{{ DocType: meeting
|status = future // { passed, future, cancelled }
|location = Good Life Community Space // ( Bike Root, ...
|start = 18h30 // start time
|end = 20h00 // end time
|facilitator =
|note taker =
|attendance = // comma seperated list of members attending
===1. Staffing===
(J- 5 minute)
-S & P gone
-Currently hiring 2-3 staff
- U employee of TWV
===2. Katimavik===
(J - 5 minutes)
- New program description
- Introduction of new participants:
===3. GL Wiki Recap===
(J - 5 minutes)
===4. Shop Access===
(J - 5 minutes)
- Lock Box
- Key Holder Agreement
===1. Amended Articles of Association===
(J - 5 minutes)
- Please review before arriving at BS:
===2. Sales to Core Members Policy===
(J - 5 minutes)
- Please review before arriving at BS:
===3. Create a 3 month review process for all new greasers===
(J - 10 minutes)
-based on 'our community bikes' model
===4. Key Holders===
(5 mins)
- Anyone requesting to become Key-Holder
===5. Volunteer/Staff Appreciation===
(5 mins)
- We have a chunk of unused ($$$) and rarely use it - which we ought to!
a) buy more presents, coffee, snacks for volunteers and plan an appreciation event
b) Buy little things like coffee for Katimavikers regularly
c) Work out monthly appreciation allowance and attempt to use it
d) Save $300 for appreciation party budget
===6. Staff paid for mandatory meetings===
(J - 5 mins)
a) Starting immediately and reassessed April 1st 2011 (end of internships)
b) Includes Staff meetings and Box Socials
===1. Good Life creates policy about supporting other individuals===
(J 20 minutes)
- policy to not give $$ but to give space, workshops, bikes, parts, volunteers, etc....
===2. Selling bikes instead of hoarding===
(J10 minutes)
- They're taking up space and we don't really need'em - someone else may love them forever
-selling the tandem
-selling the atkinsons: we only kept them because we didn't know what to do with them
-Selling the Penny-farling: someone's gonna get hurt and sue us...
===3. Hiring===
(15 minutes)
- 2 fully paid ($ interns till April
- 1 40% paid
- We've got a bunch of outside applications
- Who and how do we hire?
- S B, V G, B A
Here: JB, S, JM,
1. Staffing
(J - 5 minute) -S & P gone
-Currently hiring 2-3 staff
-we must decide how many staff we want, with the internship which pays 40%, we have
to hire by November 10th
-jobs could be to find further funding
- U employee of TWV
working half his hours at the GL, when working at the GL will be doing TWV work and GL work
2. Katimavik
(J - 5 minutes)
- New program description
- Introduction of new participants:
A and M
S will be point person for M
U will be point person for A
3. GL Wiki Recap
(J - 5 minutes)
there is a tutorial on the wiki for people want to know
-minutes and agendas shuold be sent out on the listserve as well as posted on the wiki
4. Shop Access
-As per box social decision months and months ago, key agreement and changing locks
because it is not clear who has a key. we don't know if there has been a problem with people
abusing the keys, but this prevents a future problem
-there is a real estate padlock on the door with a key
-all key holders have the code, and katimavik and others have code if necessary,code is
changed and emailed out/texted to to key holders after every event.
(J - 5 minutes)
- Lock Box
- Key Holder Agreement
-people must sign for a key, with it comes responsibilities (if you lose it, must pay for a new cut,
can't copy it, etc). key holders can still have only code if they dont want the key
-box socials decide if people can temporarily have a code, or 3 key holders in a last minute
-core members are eligible for a key (see core member agreemenmt)
-lock is workign much better
1. Amended Articles of Association
(J- 5 minutes)
- Please review before arriving at BS:
2. Sales to Core Members Policy
(J - 5 minutes)
-standard stuff ($5 bins) is free to core members
- if it is more expensive/fancy ask 3 other people how much it is worth and pay half
-for personal use only - can't use this shop discount for friends
-don't be a hog
-put it through the sales, even if it's free
-buying new stuff, core members pay cost + 10% and must enter it in the computer and pay the
Shop back
-if ordering for someone else, you are responsible for it
-one new person will be responsible for the Norco orders
cONSENT: Sales to core members policy is put in place
- Please review before arriving at BS:
3. Create a 3 month review process for all new greasers
(J - 10 minutes)
-based on 'our community bikes' model (numbers, no one sees eachother's feedback, outside
person compiles everything, etc)
add-on one of the new positions does the research to make sure it happens
4. Key Holders
(5 mins)
- Anyone requesting to become Key-Holder
5. Volunteer/Staff Appreciation
will work on it, and
(5 mins)
c) Work out monthly appreciation allowance and attempt to use it
a) buy more presents, coffee, snacks for volunteers and plan an appreciation event
b) Buy little things like coffee for Katimavikers regularly
d) Save $300 for appreciation party budget
e) put these expenses in the drop-down menu to be entered
-ACTION ITEM: Develop this budget proposal details and bring it to the next BS (J will do it)
6. Staff paid for mandatory meetings
(J - 5 mins)
a) Starting immediately and reassessed April 1st 2011 (end of internships)
b) Includes Staff meetings and Box Socials
c) makes up part of internship hours
1. Good Life creates policy about supporting other individuals
(J 20 minutes)
- policy to not give $$ but to give space, workshops, bikes, parts, gift certifcates, volunteers,
-we're not trying to make money, every other "business" is in the business of making money and
they can give money. we'll support in other ways
CONSENT: - policy to not give $$ but to give space, workshops, bikes, parts, gift certifcates,
volunteers, etc… to community groups
2. Selling bikes instead of hoarding
(J 10 minutes)
- They're taking up space and we don't really need'em - someone else may love them forever,
they may hurt themselves
-selling the tandem
-selling the atkinsons: we only kept them because we didn't know what to do with them
-Selling the Penny-farling: someone's gonna get hurt and sue us…
ACTION ITEMS: S will price in-store bikes - not for work trade, non negotiable (we don't wanna
sell them)
ACTION ITEM: J will put atkinsons on kijiji to be sold as a pair for no less than $500
3. Hiring
(15 minutes)
- 2 fully paid ($ interns till March (37 huors/week)
-manditory # of weekend shifts unless worked out between interns, and U
-every shift
-create full job description/expectations
-include work time from home
-1 40% paid must be hired by November 10
the fact it ends in april sucks, would cost the GL
ACTION ITEM: JB will find out if not using it now makes us less likely to get it for next year.
what is the situation for next year
53 hours need covering (because U has lots of hours covered until end of January)
Looks like 74 hours between 2 interns, Katimavik is lots:
- We've got a bunch of outside applications
- Who and how do we hire?
consent: S B is hired
consent: B A is hired if wants it
consent: give B 3 days after B comes back to decide whether they'll take the postion. if B’s still
thinking about it, B should get he eco-internship thing rolling just in case
if no, start a hiring committee stat.
-ACTION ITEM: Develop this budget proposal details and bring it to the next BS (J will do it)
ACTION ITEM: Determine what relief job description is, decide whether meetings are
ACTION ITEMS: S will price in-store bikes - not for work trade, non negotiable (we don't wanna
sell them)
ACTION ITEM: J will put atkinsons on kijiji to be sold as a pair for no less than $500
ACTION ITEM: JB will find out if not using it now makes us less likely to get it for next year.
what is the situation for next year
=====Action Items=====
=====Parking Lot=====