October 6, 2015 – Minutes

92 Montvale Avenue, Suite 3500, Stoneham, MA 02180 ~ p. 781-279-1361 ~ f. 781-279-0292
SEEM Collaborative Board of Director’s Meeting
SEEM Administrative Office
9:00 am – 11:00 am
Mr. Mark Donovan, Woburn
Ms. Cyndy Taymore, Melrose
Dr. Les Olson, Stoneham
Dr. John Doherty, Reading
Ms. Mary DeLai, Wilmington
Ms. Jane Tremblay, Lynnfield
Ms. Judy Evans, Winchester
Dr. Kim Smith, Wakefield
Mr. Jon Bernard, North Reading
Special Education Director
Ms. Kimberly Lawrence, Woburn
Collaborative Staff
Ms. Cathy Lawson, Executive Director
Mr. Greg Zammuto, Director of Finance and Operations
Absent Superintendents
Mr. Michael Tempesta, Saugus
92 Montvale Avenue, Suite 3500, Stoneham, MA 02180 ~ p. 781-279-1361 ~ f. 781-279-0292
A. Meeting called to order by Chair of the Board, Mr. Mark Donovan, at 9:05 AM.
B. Public Comment – There were no public comments.
C. Agenda - Motion to accept as enclosed – approved by all.
D. Minutes of Previous Meetings
1. Approval of the General Session minutes from 6/1/15 – Motion to approve the minutes of
6/1/15 by Ms. Cyndy Taymore, seconded by Dr. John Doherty, all in favor.
2. Approval of Executive Session Minutes from 6/1/15 – Motion to approve Executive Session
Minutes of 6/1/15 by Dr. John Doherty, seconded by Ms. Cyndy Taymore, all in favor.
E. Administrative and Committee Reports
1. Executive Directors Report
a. Ms. Cathy Lawson gave an update on new services and introduced new staff: Rachel
Hoffman, ELL Coordinator and Susan Tremonte, Recreational Specialist hired to set up
supports for leisure and recreational opportunities in the districts, as well as SEEM
programs. Rich Plouffe, Transition Services Coordinator, is spearheading the school to
work program which SEEM has absorbed due to the closing of the EMARC program in
August. Rachel Hoffman is working with students in SEEM programs who have been
identified, and working on updating the intake process and the best service delivery
model. She is looking into a database for translation services. She is also a trained
RETELL facilitator and will be teaching courses in the near future, as well as, working on
SEI professional development to meet the 15 PDPs requirement.
Susan Tremonte has been working with the POST program. She is currently formulating
assessments for pre and post-activity to understand what student’s interests are and
what they are familiar with in order to offer activities and events that will broaden their
social experiences and improve their quality of life. Susan will also be working on
Adaptive Physical Education. She is also working with LABBB on their after school
recreational model to see if SEEM could provide a similar program. This is typically
funded by parents and SEEM has a lot of requests for it. Rich Plouffe discussed the
changes in the Transition Services Department. They have taken on the case load from
EMARC and he has hired someone who was an employment specialist with LABBB for
several years. Right now there is 10 students on the case load and they hope to expand.
They will be doing life skills training as well as job development and coaching. They also
continue to provide transition and vocational assessments and consultation.
b. SEEM Program Update
In addition to the work that the new staff are working on, Ms. Lawson gave additional
updates on SEEM programs:
 Beebe School is participating in a research study through Salem State University
and Worcester Polytechnical Institute titled “Evaluating the Capabilities and
Efficacy of Robot-Assisted Therapy for Children with Autism”.
 Campus Academy High School is piloting FuelEd online programing for elective
92 Montvale Avenue, Suite 3500, Stoneham, MA 02180 ~ p. 781-279-1361 ~ f. 781-279-0292
 SEEM’s Recreational Therapist is working with LABBB to develop an after school
recreational program at the Middle School, as discussed earlier.
 SEEM is applying for the Project Triangle Grant for preventing sex abuse for
children with disabilities. They will work with SEEM to help set up a strategic plan
for working with staff, students and families on awareness and advocacy.
c. District Based Services Update:
 School to Work, Tutoring, Recreational Services, and ELL services are now
available to districts.
 District-based specialists will are developing 2-3 hour workshops for designated
professional development days to meet the districts training needs. These can be
combined into full day workshops as well.
 Job Alikes:
1. Preschool Directors had their first meeting. Focusing on preschool
students who are identified as ELL. Rachel Hoffman will be meeting with
the group.
2. Curriculum Directors - SEEM will be running workshop for this group on
Social Studies open response with Bill Atwood. This will be held in
October. Also setting up SPED trainings for general education teachers to
meet the 15 PDP requirements.
 New Job Alikes:
1. Technology Directors Job Alike – the first meeting focused on review of
district initiatives, support around trouble shooting issues, E-Rate and IT
models. One goal of the group is to create a data base of each district’s
technology structure.
2. BCBA Job Alike – This will begin 10/29 and will be facilitated by Ryan
Snyder and Kris van Herp.
d. Professional Development Update: Ms. Cathy Lawson provided information on upcoming
professional development opportunities:
 10/8 Preventing Physical Restraint Legal Seminar
 10/14 start – ETL Forum
 10/16 Keys to Literacy: Key Content Writing Overview
 11/9 – Science Open Response Questions, by Bill Atwood
 12/11 Keys to Close Reading
 Start 11/5 – The Nuts & Bolts of WIDA and EECs Initiative for the New Early English
Language Development Standards
 First SEI Full Teacher course scheduled to start in January.
2. Planning and Assessment Committee Report – Ms. Kimberly Lawrence reviewed the minutes
from the 9/10/2015 meeting. New SEEM staff were introduced and reviewed the services they
will be providing. Upcoming professional development workshops were reviewed as well as
suggested topics for the Legal Issues update with Atty. Matt McAvoy in December. Future
professional developments needs were discussed as well. The Special Education Directors had a
transportation meeting with NRT to review some transportation issues that the districts and NRT
are having.
92 Montvale Avenue, Suite 3500, Stoneham, MA 02180 ~ p. 781-279-1361 ~ f. 781-279-0292
3. Personnel Report – Ms. Cathy Lawson reviewed the personnel report for 6/12/2015 through
9/17/2015. This mainly reflects turnover for the start of the school year. A new per diem
interpreter was hired. The Middle School has restructured to add a PE teacher. This is cost
neutral. There is a new SLP that SEEM is splitting with Woburn; this position replaces an Easter
Seal position and results with a cost savings. The Data Specialist Grant ended. Lower Pioneer
Valley has taken over the contract. Motion to accept the personnel report for 6/12/15 –
9/17/2015 by Ms. Cyndy Taymore, seconded by Dr. John Doherty, all in favor.
4. Financial Report: Mr. Greg Zammuto presented the Financial Report
a. Enrollment and Tuition Report as of 6/30/2015 – The numbers to date are unaudited.
The audit should be ready for the next Board meeting. As of 6/30/15 the total FTE was
350.74, tuition revenue was just under $16 million. The year ended with 330 students.
b. Revenue and Expense report through 6/30/2015 – The year-end balance is
$546,000. This does not include the OPEB obligation which is $921,000. SEEM has
continued to put money into the OPEB account at the end of each year.
c. Enrollment as of 9/25/2015 – 289.82 students. This enrollment is down compared to last
year at this time. Some of the expected enrollments did not happen due to various
reasons. Since this report, there have been 4 new students and that number should
continue to increase.
d. Revenue and Expense report through 8/31/2015 – The major changes to the revenue are
tuition based on where we are today compared to last year. Increased amount for EYP
because there are 4 days in this year’s calendar compared to 2 days last year. This could
change if we have snow days. Transportation income is up $313,000 due to projected
ridership. Transitional assessments and services have expanded so we are anticipating
additional revenue of $60,000. PD is projected to increase $25,000 due to SEI courses
and some PD that was offered over the summer. Other expected income is up $50,000
based on tutoring service implemented. Changes in expenses are related to health
insurance and change in salaries of new hires vs. persons who left. Motion to accept the
Financial Report as presented, by Dr. Les Olson, seconded by Ms. Cyndy Taymore, all in
5. Facilities Update: Mr. Greg Zammuto provided an update on facilities. KBA Architects are
still working on the assessment of the Old Central School in Stoneham. They are prepared to
present the study’s findings at the next Board meeting.
F. Old Business – There was no old business.
G. New Business
1. Malden Public Schools has requested membership in SEEM Collaborative and submitted a
letter of intent to the Board. The committee reviewed the Procedure for Admitting New
Member Districts and discussed previous decisions that were made. The Board decided to
gather more information and discussed the need for criteria when districts seek membership
admitting new member districts and discuss this request at a later meeting.
92 Montvale Avenue, Suite 3500, Stoneham, MA 02180 ~ p. 781-279-1361 ~ f. 781-279-0292
2. NRT Bus Contract: The final extension of the special education transportation contract with
NRT Bus will expire in August 2016. Ms. Cathy Lawson will be forming a subcommittee consisting
of Business Managers, Special Education Directors and Superintendents from member districts to
prepare for the next contract and review the terms of a new lease. Superintendent John Doherty
volunteered to be on the subcommittee along with the Reading Special Education Director,
Carolyn Wilson. Mike Connolly, Business Manager from North Reading, will also be on the
3. Executive Director’s Draft Goals: Ms. Cathy Lawson reviewed her goals that she has been
working on. She will continue working on DDMs from last year. Reading and math DDMs have
been fully developed and are in place. She will now focus on the rest of the core academics and
SISPs. For the intensive special needs programs, she will continue to work on appropriate DDMs
for that population. For student learning goal she is looking to increase reading performance in
particular. The goal they are working toward is 100% half a year’s growth for all students,
however, the intensive special needs reading goal still needs to be determined. For management
and operations she is working on improving efficiencies and economies by using electronic
storage and moving away from the use of paper and filing. Also, moving toward full
implementation of the staff and student information system and centralizing forms and
H. Other Business – there was no other business brought before the Board.
I. Future Meetings Dates and Agenda Items – Physical Restraint policy will be presented at the next
meeting. The auditors from Fritz Deguglielmo LLC and KBA Architects will be present at the next
J. Adjournment – Motion to adjourn at 10:45 am, all in favor.
Respectfully submitted by,
Catherine Lawson, Executive Director