Hidden Valley RV Park Seasonal Camping Rules

Seasonal Camping Lease Agreement
The following agreement is between the Lessor, Hidden Valley RV Park,
and the
Lessee ____________________________________________________for the
1. The season is defined as May 1 – October 15 of the given year.
Water will be turned on the Friday of May long weekend and turned
off Thanksgiving Day of the given year. (Weather permitting).
2. Seasonal camping rates are $1500-$1800. This includes water usage,
power, and use of 800-gallon septic tank to be emptied by site
3. Each seasonal site has its own 800-gallon septic tank. Each site
renter is responsible for the pump out of the tank during the
season. Bartlett’s Sewage Service, (204)-537-2401, empties this
size of tank for $55. Hidden Valley reserves the right to empty
any overflowing tanks with the cost to be paid by the lessee.
4. Seasonal camping fees due May long weekend, or when camper is
moved in, whichever comes first.
5. Lessee may leave unit year round. Lessee assumes all responsibility
and risk if they choose to do so.
6. Lessee may hold their site for the next year. A $200 deposit is
due October 1 to hold the site, and will be applied against the
following year’s lease.
7. Lot maintenance is the responsibility of each site lessee. Equipment
to do this (ex. Backpack sprayer, weed trimmer, branch trimmer) is
available upon request. Hidden Valley appreciates all efforts that
you make to keep your site neat and tidy!
8. All additional structures erected or placed on site must receive
approval from the campground manager. Any taxes or fees from
the RM of Strathcona resulting from additional structures are the
responsibility of the lessee. Some guidelines:
Decks are permitted.
Storage sheds are to be no larger than 100 square feet. (Sheds
larger than this must pay a $50 fee to the RM of Strathcona)
Sheds must be of wood frame construction and be presentable.
No canvas sheds or garages.
9. No outdoor appliances that are power by electricity. (Ex. Fridges,
10. No subletting of the site or assignment of lease allowed except with
permission of Hidden Valley RV Park.
11. All trailers must be registered.
12. Trailers may be blocked up, but must have all wheels on.
13. Lessee has read and agrees to follow the Hidden Valley RV Park
Seasonal Camping Rules.
Hidden Valley RV Park Seasonal Camping Rules
To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all campers please read and follow
the Hidden Valley RV Park Rules:
A. Speed limit is 10 km. Children are playing, so please drive slowly.
B. The road is one-way. Please follow the sign.
C. Quiet time is 11:00 pm – 8:00 am. Please respect other campers
and refrain from loud music and excessive noise between these
D. Pets with responsible humans are welcome at Hidden Valley RV
Park. Pets must be leashed or under physical control at all times.
Please do not leave pets unattended at campsite, and please pick up
your pet’s waste. Pets left to wander or excessive barking will not
be appreciated or tolerated.
E. Due to the fire hazard fireworks are prohibited in Hidden Valley RV
F. Please do not trespass on other sites.
G. No boat trailers or vehicles on the road. Please park them in your
site or in the designated area.
H. Responsible quadders are welcome at Hidden Valley RV Park. Quads
must obey 10 km speed limit, and stay on road and trails. (No
quadding in HV ditches, or trespassing on fields or private
property.) Please be respectful of other Hidden Valley campers and
inhabitants of Pleasant Valley. Any violations or complaints will
result in immediate loss of quadding privileges and possible expulsion
from Hidden Valley RV Park.
I. Any tents that are sharing a site with a camper are subject to a
$10/night/tent fee. Children (21 and under) of the site renter
may tent for free. Maximum 2 tents per site.
J. Only one camper per site.
K. Please help keep the campground clean. All trash must be bagged.
Recycling must be rinsed and bagged in clear bags provided by the
campground. Place bagged trash and recycling at site curb for pick
up on Sunday and Wednesday by 6pm. All other days trash may be
placed in yellow trailer.
L. You are welcome to use any deadfall surrounding your site, however,
please do not remove any living trees or branches for campfires or
cooking. Firewood is available for sale from the campground.
M. Insurance is each individual’s responsibility for the unit, watercraft,
and personal belongings. Hidden Valley RV Park is not responsible
for accidents, thefts, break-ins, losses, or personal injury.
N. Please turn off air conditioners when you leave Hidden Valley RV
Hidden Valley RV Park assumes no responsibility for loss through fire,
theft, collision, or otherwise to your unit, vehicle, boat, or contents,
whether due to negligence or otherwise. Use of Hidden Valley RV Park and
equipment for yourself, your family, and your guests is solely at your own
risk. The lessee represents and warrants that he/she is responsible for
and signing on behalf of his/her family, guests, and any other persons
accessing Hidden Valley RV Park with his/her permission or knowledge.
Failure to adhere to Hidden Valley RV Park rules and agreements may
result in forfeiture of lease without refund or right to renew lease.
Names of all site users:
Phone #:
Lessor_________________________________________________Hidden Valley RV